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J j. Officials warn of WASHINGTON (AP) - Reagan admi are warning House and Senate neeofiatt to the cost of legislation rewriting maj they will risk a presidential veto. "We are strongly opposed to any cl reduce the budget savings offered by the Senate" this past week, wrote Agriculti Block and administration budget directc in a letter sent to conferees on Wednes< Members of the House and Senate a, tees met yesterday to work out different of the bill passed by the two chambers. Several House members said they wen amendments changing the bill's cottc provisions. The Senate bill, which the admini would save $3.2 billion over the next fou 1985 target price supports at 1984 lev< corn, cotton and rice subsidies. The H< only the wheat program. In return for freezing target prices ? are guaranteed they will get for their cr< tn hp nairl nnt tr\ n'nnt nart nf flinir IV/ 1/ V puiu *?v/*. iv/ II pu? l V/1 IIJVII IIV/1 The amount of land to be idled and the f with the commodity. Senate approval came this past week after days of wrangling in closed-door se debate. The final product was sweetei checks for half of the 1985 land-idling received by farmers in the weeks just I elections. I USC today RH MOVIE - "Dirty Harry," directed by Do ing Clint Eastwood, shows at 2:30 p.m. to 9:30 for $1.75. THE SPUR - Up the Creek Party starts ? BASEBALL - USC plays Jacksonville at 6 Field. CONFERENCE - MiBS celebration continue: sessions on political and economic prob businesses face throughout the world. 602 Bush River Rd. 798-2290 1 WnnHhill Mall F.7J ? f WMI llll IYIOII ^ 776-5275 N P T|? IIIMI?BMB?y [V IQUINCY'S MEANS QUAL IF YOU ? Have integrity? ? Give 100% on thi ? Have punctual att ? Work well with o ? Display interest a ? Take pride in mal ? Have high physics POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN ? Servers I? Frontline ? Salad Bar ? Cooks ? Meatcutters ? Utility If you havo these traits, and you can star I..-4 .> 1 i -l ni. Pat M?\ Meese 1 nistration officials WASHINGTON (AP) >rs that if they add General-designate Edwin N or farm subsidies, ?nd "'n'?'*c?r. ^hite Hous< kept $375 cufflinks given to t Hanges that would Lng Pr?ident Reagan's ,riP. bill as it passed the Korca lh.'s. Past ^ar' a senl are Secretary John MO"se 0'nc,a' sa,a-. >r David Stockman e? ',ns,s""8 on f j said Meese, the presidential < griculture commit- whos! nomination as attorne :sbetween versions '? und" f,rbe ?P".P' the cufflinks Wednesday. e prepared to offer . The ?,her ni"e- j* added, ,n, rice and corn "ng ?? ret"rn 'h? )ade and 1 from the South Korean gov istration estimates Thf, ^uflin.ks are "slarti?8 els^affe^wheat8 . Under federal law' offi<;ia ouse bill addresses ',g forfign g?v"nment gifts more than $140 must turn t the price farmers ?ver fhe U, s- government 3ps - farmers are J,hc g,fts t0 the government mal crop acreage. y jayment rates vary ^ Democrats ssions and in floor WASHINGTON O ic wit i a vance Democrats have powered th< payments to be as_you_go" plan to cut thc ( )e oie t e ov. 6 $182 billion over three years House floor, setting the staj election-year budget debi Republicans next week. The Democratic plan was through the House Budget C n Siegal and Starr- on a l9"9' Pa"y-line vote as .1 V .7 J $918 b on spend ng b uei r $1 and at 7 and f. , inoc H 6 1 fiscal 1985. Outvoted Republicans off< at 7:30 p.m. token objection, holding fire i n.m at Samp Frup n,? j - ^ 1 iuui ucuait. That battle could coincid s. Activities include Senate debate over a plan supj lems international President Ronald Reagan to deficit by $150 billion over thi The Republican version wo -J deeper into domestic progra the Democrats stress military $1 5.00 Off an Ray Ban, Carrera, PI Sunglasses with this ad or USC I QUINCY'S A Hourly Employees | j Ipartan Food Systems, Inc., owner- i\ perator of Quincy's Family Steak j louses is looking for a few hourly peo- I le to join our growing team in the ; /lyrtle Beach units for the summer. r ITY IN PRODUCTS AND PEOPLE I 5 job? s endance? thers? nd loyalty? cing customers satisfied? il energy? ICLUDE: t May 30, 1984, thru Sept. 9, you may just be the person cement Office or Contact: Mickey Gist or Phil Bahakel, at ; unity employer Jj? i # in? ennB n cufflink con Attorney Immediately after the Novemb* 1eese III trip, however, three other top Whi ; officials House staff members ? chief of sta hem dur- James Baker III, deputy staff chi< to South Michael Deaver and national secruit or White adviser Robert McFarlane ? did han t Vi air nlTfr r>t?or /> (Via r?/\tmrnmnnf lllt.ll 5nLd VJVV^l IU 111^ 5UVV1 UlIl^lU. lonymity, The sources declined to name the o counselor ficials who are now turning in the y general gifts. White House spokesman Lari returned Speakes said he turned his over to th government yesterday. are star- The cufflinks were described as pah ;?old gifts almost white, jade blocks featurning eminent. gold crest on the stone's surface, to come Speakes said he gave up his aft< hearing reports about Meese's jeweli Is receiv- and the $375 appraisal. valued at he goods Secretary of State George Shultz an or report his wife were given the cufflinks and within 60 white jade and gold 38-inch neckac< and handed them over, saying th > offer budget red \ P ) ? The GOP plan would still leave a eir "pay- estimated deficit of $181 bilion ne> deficit by year, while the Democratic versior onto the styled "pay-as-you-go" because tax ir It for an creases would finance higher defens ite with spending and aid to the poor, woul mean an estimated deficit of $17 muscled billion. ommittee "It's kind of silly to talk about pa> part of a as-you-go when you have a deficit c print for $175 billion," Rep. Phil Gramm, R Tex., said. ?red only In other action, Sen. Bennel until next Johnston, D-La., abandoned his driv for an 11-month moratorium o e with a mergers among the nation's 50 large* sorted by oil companies after the Senate vote chop the 57-39 against tabling a rival plan t ree years. send the issue back to committee fc >uld slice more study. ms while The vote indicated weak support fc cuts. Johnston's proposal. 2750 Laur M 799-21 i\/ I y |^u 11 layboy V SON CENTI ? I Glacier & All Wpathp ? " w " VAKV. BC^V h>JM g limited time offcrj sflj?/?tiQ Kh&kI ''-?ssstis These glasses are the newest and hoi much more expensive designer glasses glacier glasses feature removable leatl comfort temples. The mirrored all-wc skiing or sunning. The all weather ski rored and come with a compliment H _ 1! _ r i a 1 mar j oausiacuon uuraranieeci or money i Style Optics J P.O. Box 7376 Hollywood, FL 33081 ' j Name I Address J check money order code G.C.I | Allow 3 weeks for delivery; FL residents add f>% sales tax J l'lease include $1.00 for shipping & handling itroversy er combined value was $400, the official te said. ff The source said other participants in sf the trip, from the Treasury Departty ment, the State Department and the id National Security Council staff, had received Korean gifts. He would not f- identify them or disclose the disposiir tion of the items. y The official said before Reagan Ie visited Seoul in November, the deputy chief of mission at the South Korean embassy here had been told that U.S. a government employees could not keep gifts valued at more than $140. :r y Meese, who has denied any wrongdoing, said he had enlisted three attorneys to help him provide the special d prosecutor "all relevant materials and a information so that the inquiry can be conducted in a prompt and thorough ie fashion." luction plan n Three oil company mergers with a ;t total price tag of $29 billion have been i, announced in recent weeks, with Wall i- Street predictions or more on the way. e d Johnston had argued for a ban on 5 such mergers pending more information about their impact on the economy. Those opposed to the 'f moratorium said it was congressional unci ici ciilc in me mai Keipiace. tt e Mesa Petroleum Co. chief Boone n Pickens, who launced the merger wave ;t with an unsuccessful bid for Gulf Oil d Co. that senators said will still net him 0 $700 million, watched the vote from )r the Senate gallery. Afterward he told reporters: "We're still protecting the (r free enterprise system here, which I'm delighted to see." The GAMECOCK is the student ^ newspaper of the University of South el St I Carolina and is published three times ? i. n I \l: ~ .J 1...... ?I IQ Fridays during the fall and spring " " semesters and weekly on Wednesdays during both summer sessions, with the exception of university holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the GAMECOCK are those of the editors JKjttHB and not those of the University of South ^ Carolina. WM The Fioard of Student Publications ,y a,,d Communications is the publisher of /, ; : the GAMECOCK, The Student Media Department is the parent organization of the GAMECOCK. Change of address forms, subscription requests and other correspondence d should be sent to the GAMhKK.K, Drawer A, University of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. 29208. Subscription rates are $15.00 for (1) year, $8.00 per fall or spring semester and $3.00 for both summer sessions. Third class postage paid at Columbia, The GAMECOCK is a licensed student organization of the University of South Carolina and receives funding for student activity fees. r Ski or Surf Glasses I Now available by mail S g with outstanding savings f?j j ' : g?& , A WSKtBmHUKUKKEmBWB&Qmmrw* * .test shades today styled after the ; at only a fraction of the price. The tierlike sides and specially designed tj :ather glasses make them ideal for '] or surf glasses styles are also mir- j! ;ary (2.50 value) leash to match. ji r Back! || Please check style and quantity | $6.99 or 2 for $12.99 i all weather ski or surf glasses ; [ 1 whit.p n hlnp n rkinlf 3 ?' ' ' r; n lavender purple [Hired | black | glacier style white blue black red ! . ? ? ? i.r.rd