oouon udi'uiiniana Library Horseshoe SG inaugarations today p. 3 ^ i _ friday Fitzgerald speaks p. 8 if g?|| JPIPm Ik March 30- 1984 USC to name coach p. 10 Bl ffll bTj|| University of South Carolina Women's b mT rnarh (\/v/n fftywiw vix/mvii \ ww w "n " . >fl - i r" ix nL. ' By Tracy Mixson A lack of leadership prompted USC's women's basketball players to ask head coach Terry Kelly to resign, several members of the Lady Gamecock squad said. "He (has) denied it, but we did ask him to resign," sophomore forward Colleen Frost '< a ,1? i, 1 dam. /m IUI \J1 Hie piuuicill W d5 Ui, uui wc needed a leader." The team voted 9-2, with one abstention, to ask Kelly to step down, she said. KELLY SUBMITTED his resignation to the athletic department March 8 4,to pursue other outside interests." He resigned after the Metropolitan Collegiate Athletic Conference tournament in Cincinnati, Ohio. USC athletic director Bob Marcum said he was surprised with Kelly's decision and was unaware of any friction between the coach and his squad. Kelly declined comment. k.eny iook over tne Laay uamecocK squaa during the 1981-82 season after coach Pam Parsons resigned under pressure. He compiled a 50-32 record during his 2 1/2-year tenure. Funding bill pa in Student Set By Kathleen Earles A $666,000 Student Government alloc; unanimously passed Wednesday at the final 1983-84 Student Senate, following a reductioi organization's revenue allocation. The Association of Afro American Student the group's expected revenue be reduced f $3,775 since their total allocation was reduced $6,802. AFRO's net allocation remains at $3 AFRO President Kelvin Stroble spoke to th< ning the revenue change. He said he and A Melvin Stroble met with SG Vice President J Finance Committee Chairman Connor Ba Backman, coordinator of Student Orientat assistant dean of Student Affairs, to request "I'M PLEASED with the result of the com tinued to show that students of the unive together," Kelvin Stroble said. Baker, who presented the bill to the Senat the procedures of his committee, said he wa< regarding AFRO's request was not made on t "1 expected a little debate (on the financ< prepared to answer any questions. The proa highly reliable, which is why there were few qi said. ISen. Lon Shull congratulated Baker and tr mittee, saying, "It has been an extremely tho rather than running through with a machete THE ALLOCATION bill must now be i President Barry Gray, Dennis Pruitt, campus Student Affairs and dean of students and James Holderman before it is put into effect Because it was the final meeting of the 198 tificates were presented to all student senato "I'm excited it (the Senate) is over, but l'r is over because I'm going to miss everything and all the people I've been working with," f "I think a lot of good legislation was pa: jj Set lasketball te 1 Some plav e so nam 10 a rareity to Inpl/ nf |n< ch...who can IQ IV US ICl men)." J" " I" TJszi discipline | ) led to teai PLAYERS SAID Kelly told them he would resign if they lost respect for him during the season. Junior forward Marsi McAlister said the team met with him prior to the Francis Marion College game Feb. 20, in which the Lady Patriots upset USC 73-72. "Before Francis Marion, he asked if (the team) wanted him back or not, and a majority of the players did not want him back," she said. Frost said, "He left the door wide open when he told us he'd resign if we lost respect for him. "No one was there to lead us or motivate us toward the end of the season. He lacked team motivation." l AFTER OPENING the season ranTed 20th by The Associated Press' preseason poll, USC finished 18-12 for fourth place in the Metro. Frost said the winning record was because of the team's talent, not Kelly's coaching aoimy. "It was so frustrating this season because we had so much talent," she said. "But isses Business I l*)f A By Marisa Porto B KtM Two international business praised tor us Masters m ation bill was lional Business Studies r meeting of the yesterday, saying South Caro i in one student the wor,d have benefited for i Sir Roy Denman, head S rennestPfl that delegation of the Europeai 'rom $5,225 lo munities, and U.S. Trade R from $8,252 to ,a,lve Wllllam Brock were Su Q27 celebration marking the 10th sary of the program. ~ o Thf? rnnfprpnrp hrnnohf Ino z otnaic cuncci - - ? ? ?? ^ ?0 - * ~c> FRO Treasurer ecutives from selected indu; ill Mainwaring, share ideas and strategies, accc ker, and Char conference chairman Dr. ion and acting Dickerman. the change. More than 300 business South Carolina are involved promise. It con- national Business, Dickerman rsity can work "1 think the emphasis tlu Carolina and the university is e and explained on International Business is h i glad a decision to become the fastest grow he Seriate floor. most progressive program ; bill). I came United States," Brock said. ;ss we used was The university and its lestions," Baker school have done a remarkab the area, Denman said at a m ference yesterday. le Finance Com- Textile importation limitatic ught-out process national trade and South ( world-wide recession, edi Chinese and Japanese trade p Approved by SG and global competitive positi< vice president of some of the topics Brock and USC President discussed. "South Carolina has done 3-84 Senate, cer- job attracting international tr; rs. things which attract business 11 also very sad it access to a good strong lab ; I've been doing good community facilities an viainwanng saici. guuu imcuiiu suucuirc ssed, but 1 think Carolina has done a remarkat those facilities. ! "Senate," page 4 am voted c 'ers say ..He door wide ope adershiD, ^towushe if we lost res problems - Sophomore . Colle m s vote L coach Kelly didn't develop it; we couldn't br- H ing out our potential. gc "There were a lot of games we should have won, but lost by two or three points in the bi last seconds because he had no game re strategy." 4 < ' PLAYERS POINT to discipline ? or lack re of it ? as Kelly's greatest problem and what yc ultimately led to his resignation. Sophomore center Sharon Gilmore said, "I think the problems started at the beginn- bi ing of the year, and it had a lot to do with b< discipline. Discipline is a very important factor on every team. We got away with a lot ti of things antl it began to grow." A Some team members said Kelly originally ir established rules for the squad, but failed to enforce them or punish violaters. ti "The saying 4 you give an inch and they'll t^ke a mile' comes to mind everytime I think i about it," McAlister said. k "AT THE beginning of the year, we were w all together, and I thought this could be the year. Then, about a fourth of the way through the season, coach Kelly lost control. eaders praise M "This is known as a very attractive officials Part ?' l^c wor'd. The productivity o Interna- North Carolina and South Carolina i >rogram legendary," Brock said. lina and Political and economic problem t were discussed and conference session of the were held on Latin America, Middl i rnm. East. Europe and the the Far East. epresen- "Increasing Japanese investment i ests at a anniverether exitries to >rding to Allan " 1%, 1111113 111 }3 in Intersaid. > a good ^ _,^aais888flL2iaS ade. The ?f are the or pool, d access gir p0y penman >lc job in The head of the Commission of the Eur day's MIBS conference. oach out e let a lot of things slide, and it gradually )t worse. "I really like coach Kelly and his family, it after not putting his foot down, I lost spect for him as a coach." Freshman forward Tammy Harvey said, By the middle of the season, we had no spect for him. You really can't play well if a: :~c: u ju ic uisiiHiMitu wiiii 111c lualii. GILMORE SAID, "He's a very nice man, ut he had no authority over the team. We jcame sick of the whole season. "We came in here with the biggest ambions, and we worked all during preseason, md then we saw what we had put our time ito go downhill." She said she was disappointed with the cam's record because of the squad's talent. "We have so much talent on this team, it's incodly," she said. "It's sad. because 1 ;now we could have made it into the top 10 he last two years, and it's disappointing that r'e didn't. "I WAS reading the paper and seeing See "Resignation," page 10 IBS program 2 something that we would regard as imf portant. It is an essential investment s that we nave had and must have m the international world," Denman said. s "If there is any area of tension with s the Japanese, it is in the textile ine dustry. There is a sense that we have been agressive, but we are going to ens force the law." I i <*. A* k. "Sl JiF v . J X Photo by Joseph Garrett opean Communities delegation spoke at yester