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Rates Campus: 15' per word for the first in- MOBILIZATION sertion; 12'per word each consecutive ncr<r<v. . issue without copy change. $1.60 \U?C^ minimum. ? 7:30 P K Non-Campus: 204 per word for the first House. insertion; 16' per word cach consecutive issue without copy change. $2.00 American Markt minimum. meeting Tuesday ] Deadlines Bdk Auditorium 3 p.m. Monday for Wednesday's paper Rveryone Welcome 3 p.m. Wednesday for Friday's paper 3 p.m. Thursday for Monday'a paper Get Involved! i Chapter of The Am Association. All in< CAMPUS NOTICES welcomc WIB meeting We Kquestrian Club meets Wednes- p.m. Room 001 days, 7:30 p.m., Room 301 RH. New Bankhead of Blue C members welcome! Call Kim 777-9294. FOR SAT.F. (Jircle K i;iub meeting every Wednesday night 7:30. Room 211 Pentax ME, case, Humanities Bldg. New members wel- $200. Asking $160 c come. 796-0618. condition. Call Han forward aver B Tyrone Corbin DePaul University's co-captain and starting forward scored 12 points, and pulled down seven re bounds in 65-56 victory over USC. * - .,.*? a S\r* ^ I ( ) \R | I \ I 629 12th St. ^ W. Columbia, S.C. 791-8825 I W.Cata. uet J naiitni^ f Classified 1 jineers: Be Pre- Smith-Corona Typewriter for sale nerican Society of good condition $35.00. Ph. leers. Apply in 796-3129. Club: Notice new n nr a \TnnnTA Room 123 Calcott HELP WANTED day. Committee now California Dreaming Restaurant & Fall - JOIN NOW 13 applications at 400 f Y130 Assembly St. Episcopal/Luther ir for worship and xinfTOIlVTr' y, 11:00 a.m. 728 HUUMJNl* FOR ANIMALS Female housemate wanted, ts every Thursday $150/month plus 1/3 utilities. Call oom 307 Russell Sharon or Gary 782-9919, after 6:30 p.m. itinjf Association Sand Pebble Motel N. Myrtle March 6 at 7:00, Beach offers special rates for in the B.A., studenta efficiencies with seaview. ! P.O. Box 3375 North Ocean Blvd. S.C. 29582 Tel: (803) 249-4212. loin the U.S.C. erican Marketing Female student wants to RENT crested students APT-for the SUMMER. Call Wendy 11 i-voza. d., March 7, 5:30 Great I)ea) for Spring Break in 3BA. Carolyn Fort Lauderdale!!! $108 covers 8 '/ross/Blue Shield. days, 7 nights. Have room for 2 persons. If interested contact Steve at 7-0820 or Bert at 7-8611. Female roommate needed, pref. filters. Originally grad. student for apt. IV* miles from >r best offer. Mint campus. $145 includes utilities, ry 777-4189. 252-8097 after 5:30. iges Carolina i By Andrew Miller (<I CHICAGO ? In an articlc in Thursday's froIT1 Chicago Tribune, Blue Demon starter and t,ask Columbia native Tyrone Corbin said he had noto a score to settle with USC's basketball team. ge "It's a question of showing them I can "paj play the game," the A.C. Flora High School graduate said. 41 If you want to call it AI revenge, that's what is is, but I don't have first any hatred for South Carolina." rebo DePaul head basketball coach Ray Meyer and :J I i .1 - ? a i 1: i - ?. i* saiu nc cuuiuii i ucuevc ^oroin wasn i 11 recruited by USC. the i Blue "CAN YOU imagine, they didn't even C< recruit him in the same town," Meyer said. 20-fc "Corbin is the most underrated player in bin ( America. At 6-6, he does things players 6-8 T1 and 6-9 would like to do." resul Corbin, the leading scorer, rebounder ? ,id poin co-captain for the Blue Demons, said he vvas hurt when Carolina stopped recruiting him. W "They looked at me early," Corbin said. dribl "But then the recruiter who was looking at ball irie left for another job and after that there dunl was no interest." "I The Tribune pointed out one of the beca reasons for USC's lack of interest in Corbin junic was the other talent on the A.C. Flora team. beca Xavier McDaniel, who attends Wichita State C( University, played with Corbin in high 13, school and led the National Collegiate bask Athletic Association in rebounding over the out. past season. Cc "the "I THINK they missed two pretty good players," Corbin said of himself and IT McDaniel. defei Mich The article also said Corbin might not have Blue gone to DePaul if not for Clemson recruiter the p Clint Bryant and DePaul's loss of a forward the < it was recruiting. brea "Bryant called me and said 'If you've got "> a scholarship to give, he's a good kid and he it in won't hurt you,'" Meyer said. they' "He was a role player, a rebounder and a ^ask very rugged player, but very much unfinish- ?n ed," Meyer said. "He had the touch of a . . blacksmith. Ci "BUT HE'S a competitor. That's what but i made him a good basketball player. He's ago, developed farther than I thought he would and he's still growing. He'll be better next "J year." on n Corbin said he's happy he signed with "1 DePaul. the i WEDDING BANI) NAME BRANDS """ ARTCARVED & ORANGE BLOSSOM Advertising r ACT / PATTMn CRUISESHIPS H! LOST / FOUND $16-30,000! Caribbean, World. Call for Guide, I FOUND: Religious gold chain with Newsletter. 1(916)944-44praying hands and inscription. Con- USouthCarolinaCruise. tact Pat at 7-0036. WORKSHOPS The Coui FOUND: Key chain and bike lock Human Development Ce by sidewalk cafe. Call 2&4-6522. nounces the following wor take place in March. PI uij^DC!/WT A T c* 7*5223 or stop in at Roon x Hilv&vliN ALjO William Close Building (B. AIRLINES HIRING! Stewardess- ^nri'^hmLt \ n ? 4 i <n j on nnn couples fc.nricnment \ es, Reservation^! $14-39 000. Workshop; Self-Impr< Worldwide! Call for D.rectory Through Self-Hypnosis; Guide Newsletter. 1(916)944-4444. Barries-Self-Hypnosis i Ext. USouthCarolinaAir. Control; Memory Improven ADOPTION: Happily married, well-educated couple with strong USC Whitewater Club sense of family, wishes to give love sions every Monday P.E. Ce and security to white newborn. Ex- 7:30 p.m. New Members W penses paid. Confidential and legal. Call collect (212) 788-6314. USC Whitewater Club every Monday night 6:45 OVERSEAS JOBS. Summer, yr. P.E. Center. New M round. Europe S. America, Encouraged! Australia, Asia. All fields $900-2000 mo. Sightseeing. Free info. Write IJC, P.O. Bx 52-562 Corona Del Mar, gjg R VICE S CA 92625. DESPERATE! Need ride to RVICE? U Washington, D.C. Thursday. March 8 rLJ^wS* or Friday, March 9. Share expenses. r , (> . Max, 771-4380. Correspondence, eU Elite. 16 years typing ex Kelly, Have the Happiest Birthday Editing: services provided, ever! Thank you for the special guaranteed. 798-932,r>. memories you've given me. Love, Glen. Expert help with prog. analyzing, interpreting < HOCK BAND looking for singer, thesis, dissertaion. Satisfie keyboardist, and/or guitarist For in- Phone 772-0679. Ask for I] fo call Tom after 5 p.m. at 787-8591. number. iversight 've learned a lot more by being away i home," he said. "The quality of etball is greater here, and I get more riety." ifore the game, Meyer said it was /back time again" for Corbin. ND PAYBACK time it looked like in the | half, when Corbin had ten Doints. seven unds, four assists, a steal, a blocked shot no turnovers. took him 1:05 to score his first basket of night, a 15-foot jump shot to give the Demons a 6-0 lead over USC. )rbin scored his next field goal on a >ot jump shot, one Meyer once said Cor:ouldn't make with consistency. le first of Corbin's two first-half dunks Ited from a steal and a lead pass from t guard Kenny Patterson. HEN CORBIN received the pass he Died once, took two steps, cupped the * and whirled his arm 360 degrees for a called that dunk my whirlybird slam use I swing my arms like a bird," the )r forward said. <4I dunk it like that use i warned to stick it to them (USC)." )rbin's dunk sent the Horizon crowd of \6 into a frenzy and forced USC head etball coach Bill Foster to call a time >rbin's next dunk was what he called, icing on the cake" STARTED from a DePaul trapping nse that forced USC point guard lael Foster to make a bad pass. Reserve Demon guard Tony Jackson picked off >ass and streaked down the right side of zourt. Jackson then passed to Corbin king on the left. iVhen I got the ball I was just going to lay ," Corbin said. "But I didn't think 'd expect me to turn and dunk the ball." > cor Din caught the ball 10 feet from the et and used his 37-inch vertical leap to 180 degrees and slam dunk it behind his 1 with two hands. 3rbin said he was pleased with the win not with his play. As in Columbia a year Corbin fouled out. SOME OF the fouls they (officials) called le were jokes," Corbin said. 'm not pleased with my performance or )lay of the team. But a win's a win." j Is of fun adian brass ch 28 y $5.00 7-7130 nsored by student activity fees I w I N fi i Typing Services - reasonable fee Hawaii! Ph 796-3129. )irectory, Professional Typist and English 14. Ext. Teacher: Term papers, dissertations, resumes. Editing optional feature. Call 772-0604 after 5:00 p.m. nsehng & nter an- tvt>txi/"? ifnnn i ii invj ini/w^nCi?V win iypo kshops to anything. On campus Tuesdays and cf|' Thursdays. Home phone 359-3057. i 201, H. \) for in- NEED TYPIST? Expert typist (18 yrs/exp) uses electronic/memory Weekend typewriter. Unlimited typing and >veroent editing services - term papers, Breaking, theses, correspondence. Resume or Self- Specialist. 772-1207 (8 a.m.-lO p.m./7 lcnt- days). pool sea- WANT AN A? Accurate typing nter Pool gives you that edge. 24 hr. service, elcome! editing available. Work guaranteed. 796-7420. meeting Km: 217 I.B.M. PROMPT, PROFESembers qiawai rrv^.^.r. ? * ~ oiunnij 1 irinu. fltlMJI1 KtiAIDING INCLUDED. REASONABLE. NEAR CAMPUS. 7W-7567 r Park Place Apt?. X NLIMIT- | 1, 2 & 3 BR Apts. | 'tvSSS' ! Starting at $250.00 B Pica or I 1035 Comanchee Trail I .periencc. | just off Hwv 378 mnvpnionHwl aii work | jocate(j t0 Interstates, Down-| | town, USC & the Lexington Co.| ramming, | Hosp. Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.l [lata for 9:00-5:30; Sat. 10:00-4:00; Sun. J, <! clients. ! l;00-5:00. k'?jL~? [