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__?__? F;n tel*fa in wi enT McKissick Mus By Kathleen Earles Following renovations totaling about $ Movietone News exhibit has settled into its McKissick Museums. The currect exhibit, "Famous Faces of the tury," opened in late November 1983 but v open this month when construction details t< completed. According to Catherine Home, curator of assistant archivist at McKissick, the decision display of the newsreel collection was made bv James Holderman in the fall of 1982. Home s was made because McKissick has a profession to handle the exhibit and because the museui day. THE EXHIBIT was previously housed in tl national Center where it was manned by secu was open only on weekdays. "We can provide more of a support base f Home said. ^nnctrn/>tinn Koivon in ConfatriKor I Qfil * V/UUJII UVIIV/I1 UV^UU 111 UVpiVlUl/VI I/UJ IV north wing and lobby area of the museum comodate the exhibit. An exhibit designer, Atlanta, Ga., was hired by university officials 1 tual designs for the exhibit's display. These c drawn into "working" plans by USC's archi sman, Charlie Jeffcoat, Home said. The current Movietone News exhibit di groups of small and large pictures covering the '% %***p>?T v*i Hi./;. 'Touch' The Eurythmics, Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart. new wave in their latest release. Wasted talents, By Margarita Pate "Against All Odds," starring Rachel Ward and Jeff Bridges, is billed as a "different kind of film." From the director of "An Officer and a Gentleman," comes an unlikely lovestory between a rich and troubled young woman (Ward) and a veteran pro-football player (Bridges) cut from the team for reasons that llw Ward, the beautiful, auburn-haired actress from "The Thorn Birds" has a relatively uninspired role. The producers of this film appear more interested in adding to the already spectacular scenery than in availing themselves of their fine acting ability. Bridges is also neither an exciting nor engaging character. But again the blame lies in ;t n nnmnuina cr>rint Di-iHnat. ... . - ovi iJ/L. 1/1 iias demonstrated his refined ability to act several times over. His talents are wasted in this film. OUT OF a job and broke, Bridges' character is furious when the team's owner refuses to pay off his contract. His-lawyer turns out to be the new lawyer for the team's owner. inch Knowing wnere ne s going to get tne money for his next car payment ? he drives a red Porshe ? an old friend (James Woods) :fiiims nrnvirip nf of the exhibit room and hallwa 40,000, USC's with a track-lighting system. A ? new home in cess Theatre is available for priv newsreels using a remote-contr< Twentieth Cenn\\ officially" VIEWERS MAY select a 3 the lobby are available guide pamphlet and sii that newsreel. Newsreels range exhibitions and Crach of 1929 and the marriaj to relocate the queline Bouvier to USC's 1954 r USC President son University. aid the decision Concealed behind three larg il staff available 25-minute newsreel can also be i\ is open every seats about 20 people. The cui clips ot Adolf Hitler, Marilyn Rudolf Valentino, Knute Ro< tie Byrnes Inter- Hindenberg and many U.S. pre irity guards and Not only have renovations be hibit, but the lobby of McKissicl or the exhibit," to promote the museum's new< of the lobby will be devoted to a the first floor, tion display. The remaining ha in 5rder to ac- moting Movietone News, includ Clint Miller of ing several newsreels. Home sa :o draw concep- display one of the original c lesigns were re- newsreels. She said she hopes t itect and draft- nrioinal fam#?raman ir? PlnriHo In addition to the $40,000 of i isplay includes to renovate the museum, Hor ; carpeted walls spent approximately $ 1,20( ellRYHICs . continue to investigate the outer realms of British . - ? * ! x' unimaginative s A dangerous game Rachel Ward and Jeff Bridges star in "Against A ^offers him $30,000 plus expenses to find the woman ne can t live witnout (Ward). Ward is believed to be in Cozumel, Mexico, and Bridges figures he could use a vacation in a beautiful island bordering the Gulf >w home for Mo y. These areas are highlighted photographic still small alcove or Random Ac- $4,000 on video ec ate viewing of a selection of 34 DESPITE SOIS dI random access system. equipment, Horn positive things as f newsreeel number from the that runs continue ?1.. ? I- II iitir.i i i _ 1 - Liijjjy puMi a uuiiiuci iu can up wcvc nau a 11 from the Great Stock Market see Movietone anc ic of John Kennedy and Jac- calls have increase Big Thursday win over Clem- Home said attei by approximately e photo panels, a continuous Movietone News, viewed in a larger gallery that weekend hours of rrent film show includes eary The Movietone Monroe, Charles Lindbergh, charge. According :kney, the explosion of the location was nevei :sidents. "WHEN THE :en made to the Movietone ex- deal of it is cats k is receiving a face lift as well, research, there ma ;st attraction. About one-half she said. McKissick Museums informa- "It's just like cc If will consist of plaques pro- ing through a con ing a small video screen show- you'd want to see, tid the museum hopes to also "D Day: The W :ameras used in filming the 40th anniversary o receive the camera from an December 3. Horn exhibit. iniversity funds that were used "A lot of that (t ne estimates that McKissick we have available 1 ) on the production of said Home. Eurythmics enti with melodic si By Robert O'Connor th Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart personify L innovation and musical zealousness, the d< a I 1. - r ? i- - ^ uauciuarK 01 me urammy-nominatea gi Eurythmics. The London-based duo's third it album "Touch" is an incorporation of romance and melodic superiority. c< "Touch" is an investigation into the outer " relams of sophisticated British New Wave. b Lennox dominates the album's nine tracks li with her sensual hints and forboding vocals, L while Stewart uses his synthesizer as a haun- h ting backdrop. vi "Here Comes the Rain Again" is a pas- sj sionate storm with its seductive message and subtle insinuations. The song is the album's e< perfect first single and is clearly reminiscent el of n3?f hitc ' ' Qu/APf nrOQmc" on/J "I I- A ?. ?iv? u n vki vauu anu LUVC IS rt (J: Stranger." $ p< Once can see the rain, symbolic of m unavoidable romance, falling on Lennox's a head "like a new emotion." Lennox entices th the listener with her request "talk to me/like lovers do." 44 The album's finest song, "Who's That oj Girl," is a visionary masterpiece. Lennox is B intent on learning the identity of her lover's jt new paramour through misery, which B Stewart deepens with sharp melody and ef- ti fective texture. "The language of love slips from my lover's tongue/Cooler than ice E cream and warmer than the sun." in "No Fear, No Hate, No Pain" confirms ol cript mar 'Agains I h 7.; 'Hfe;:v^;/lU.vy^ j bl ly w lc ' ' dlflfri a t. iSly ^rji , ^ftSssli m IIP^ii^^!?^- ^1 th T1 II OdHs " n $tnru nf nhcaeoinn u?? ?J ? j ? uwouaaiUII, IU*U dllU ITlUTCWtr. A si] of Mexico and the Caribbean. All he has to ar do is find her; he doesn't even have to bring th her back to Los Angeles. The action in Mexico is the highlight of the cc entire film. Cozumel is a little island off the ar vietone News s and photo murals and approximately luipment for the showing of the newsreels. iE earlier oroblems with the new vidpn e said the museum has "heard a lot of ar as the format and the quality and the film >usly." >t of calls from people asking when can they 1 what the hours are," Home said. "Those ;d dramatically lately." idance to McKissick Museums has increased 15 to 20 percent because of the addition of She attributes this increase to the current Movietone and McKissick. exhibit remains available to the public at no I to Home, a charge to visitors at the new considered as a possible source of revenue, collection reaches the point where a great ilogued and it's easier for people to do y be some charges as far as viewing time," >mputer time because you would be accesslputer terminal to select the segments that " she said. ar and the World in 1944," will open on the of D Day, June 6, and will run until e said there are no current plans for a thrid hird exhibit) depends on what kind of film :hat's been catalogued that we can utilize," ce listener iperiority le Eurythmics' diversity in a bland world, ennox exhibits intense vocal abilities that r> nn HiminicVi mitVinnt tVin ?110 1 ?iv/ v*iiiiiiitju Tiuuvyui niv 51 uup a uouai a^" ressiveness. Detached chords and pain make the album's most intelligent tune. The "Sweet Dreams" album of last year is ^ntinued in a more enjoyable sense. Where Sweet Dreams" was the Eurythmics' reakthrough release, "Touch" stretches the mitless experimentation with intelligence, ennox outscores fellow female rockers with er command of beautiful images and ocals. Stewart adds his hardly conventional fnthesizer. "The First Out" is an invoking of fast paci soul and harsh words, while "Aqua" egantly decreases the mood with its account f the emotions of a drug addict. Lennox jrsuades the listener to believe all her loods and intentions. "Aqua" is a tune with musical interpretation of the "high" hinted iroughout the song. "Touch" continues the inventive ride. Regrets" glues together many moods and pinions into a strangely harsh tune. "Right y Your Side" is a throwback to calypso and imps into an optimistic dance song. "Cool lue" and "Paint a Rumor" are also infecous, though slightly monotonous. With creativity and innovation, the urythmics are full of serious and successful itentions. "Touch" is a dive into the ocean f love. t All Odds' | ucatan peninsula surrounded by crystal lear waters. Breathtakingly beautiful, it is ere in Cozumel that Bridges finds Ward. TAKEN ABACK by Ward's obvious proems with her jilted lover (Woods) and her >mineering mother, Bridges decides he realdoesn't need the aggravation of dealing ith her or Woods. So he makes plans to ave the island. By the way, Ward's mother is the owner of e Los Angeles based football team Bridges having so much trouble with. The real plot of the movie really isn't so id. Certain players are being asked rather renuously to shave points in order to beat e point spread for games. Meanwhile, cerin choice individuals are making lots of oney. The front-man of the scam is oods; and Ward's mother, oblivious to hat's going on with the football team, is ore interested in real estate developments. The movie is entertaining and appealing to ie eve hut cr>rir?i ir 1 : - -j -1 ~ ? >?v ? ipi ij wean. auu juniL'lCU. he characters are poorly developed as well, lex Karras has a very small and almost ingnificant role. He is a wonderfully pleasing id fine actor whose talents are wasted in is film. "Against All Odds" is not intrigue and eruption at its best, but it's beautifully set id worth seeing ? without the kids.