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T)g fpHrs F ~?* . . ... , _____ d U rtnoA r* r? nuuae uuiia (AP) ? Slate Rep. Jo the dance that has "last hearts and toes of South Wednesday, the Wil legislation to make tl developments of terpsic official dance of South "It is appropriate the makes to the cultural li States and the world she birthplace of the shag," Snow traces the histor "The Big Apple" that w state. 4'If in II .lull IV.U 1 I v I v III V. kids went to a black disc They heard the name '' it." The dance "created moving to its more wellthe Grand Strand, he s; York, which adopted Carolina held on to the Over the years, The Apple, then to the Jitte "It has withstood a 5( have a dance that black up on. We call it differ* same thing." Toxic rain | LANSING, Mich. (AI ed to hearing about aci< * are beginning to grapple 11tii i v uiuii: uaii^t'i UUN ill Toxic rain ? or toxic taminants" ? refers to lip into the atmospher precipitation, sometime* thousands of miles by gi When the toxic rain ft borne chemicals can dis< Largely a result of pes blamed by some enviroi buildup of toxic chemic; cumulated contaminatio other sources of pollutic contaminants range t Great Lakes to traces in Man buried i CHICAGO (AP) ? / built to look like his t 5,000 people to the funer and had request.A the death, a funeral directoi Tlic iviffin Kparinn Wednesday, had flashin wheel, a chrome grille an also carried the word on his vanity license pla "We took the casket t dianapolis to get the ai design," said Spencer 1 Leak Funeral Home. "T Seville as possible." Up to 5,000 friends ar unique coffin Tuesday ; funeral home. Stokes, 26, was shot t parking lot of the South said. As Stokes lay in state red-velvet suit and a nuri a handful of money. Leak said the diamom burial. Leak said Stokes, wh conscious." [USC toda CONFERENCE - Annual ference begins with a v\ Cross-Cultural Perspectiv brell Hall room 302. CONFERENCE - "Folk v dress on folklore and oral I ton Conference Center. BASEBALL - USC play at 3 p.m. RH FILM - "Superman II ring Christopher Reeve a for $1 and at li&est iders shag bill hn Snow thinks it's time to he :ed longer than any other" in i v cii unmans. Iliamsburg Democrat introdi ie shag ? "one of the g horean (dancing) culture" ? Carolina. it the contributions that the : fe of South Carolina, the Ur >uld be recognized above all ir the measure said. v of the shae back to a dance c; as created some 50 years ago ii Columbia," he said. "The (w o and they asked them what it The Big Apple' and picked U| a sensation" in Columbia bt known home of Ocean Drive a aid. Later it was exported to the dance's name while S dance. Big Apple changed into the L rbug and finally to the shag. 3-year acid test," Snow said. " s originated and the whites pi mt things, but we are all doinj poses problem *) ? Just as people are getting d rain, environmental researc with a more complex and po reat: toxic rain. fallout, or "airborne organic ( dangerous chemicals being sv e and falling back to eartl ? after being carried hundred reat air masses. ills over lakes and oceans, the iolve in the water. ticide spraying, toxic rain is b imental scientists for a contir als in bodies of water, and foi n in fish, despite the reductio >n. rnm hlinrlr#?rlc r>f ch(>iniralc in Antarctic penguins. in Cadillac coff >k. man who was buried in a co >eloved Cadillac Seville, drav al home,was "very car-conscio special arrangements before said. Willie Stokes, who was bu . _ I i - 1 * i i i. ig neau auu lan ugnts, a sice id the Cadillac insignia. The co /IMP," the name Stokes displz tes. o a body and fender factory in jthentic Cadillac grille and tr Leak, vice president of the / he idea was to make it as close id curiosity-seekers filed by Sto and Wednesday at the South 0 death Friday by three men ir 1 Side motel where he lived, p< Tuesday evening, he wore a fed nber of diamond rings and clut ds and money were removed be 10 drove a Seville, was "very LV ?/ Southeastern Women's Studies C workshop entitled "Feminist Issue: e," from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. in G n Education," opens with keynote fnstory at 6:30 p.m. ki the Wade Ha s UNC-Charlotte at Serge Frye F I," directed by Richard Lester and s nd Richard Pryor, plays at 2:30 ( 1 and 9:30 p.m. for $1.75. DHEC si By Ca! Harris >nor A contractor to clean up the Road toxic waste dump will in the next two or three w< iCed S C Denartmpnt r?f Hpnlt ircat vironmental Control, the "We have proposals sul 20 engineering firms, and shag rowed it down to five," lited Knox, a geologist at \ the hydrology division, said. Knox said once implem *lled proposal may take six montl i the before completion. In 1980 the Environmen bite) tion Agency found the Bluf was. :: One less long New WASHINGTON (AP) outh Ernest "Fritz" Hollings abandoned his two-year qu Jttle Democratic presidential m saying "it's plain that my You didn't get through to enoug eked "Well, nothing happenec I the the way to the White House, told a news conference in committee hearing room p; ^ his campaign supporters. O Hollings thus became t Democrat to drop out of ; us IICI ^ ten:on vcpt i in s or /" aireing lued acn of the in Swingin' Johnathan Edwards gives his vine '3US^1, w^''e ^ar' ^eterson swing us?? yesterday afternoon at U his Apartments. ried ring f f in tyed i Inunk i.R. to a kes' Side i the "llire lora, ched :fore car_ Soviets de WASHINGTON (AF) ? 1 are developing two new crui Ion- one almost combat ready ar 5 in being tested for possible sut am- off U.S. coasts, the chief c telligence said. An American laser however, eanahle nf riectmi aa- . - . ' ? j ing missiles with a powerf light, could be ready for te; late 1980s, presidential scie George Keyworth said Wee told The Soviet SS-NX-71 rn nuclear tipped and launche< marine torpedo tubes 1,900 ;tar- their target, could be deploy l.m. y as lh?s year," Rear / Butts, the Navy's intellig ?J told the House Armec Committee. sleeting cle< to be far below standard ) the Bluff ter to a garage owner v\ I be chosen to the site said, "an z :eKS oy me source snouia ue ODiain h and En- In August 1980 DHE the ground water arour smitted by determined it was conta we've nar- The eround-water ev; Raymond pleted in January IS DHEC's pressure of lead exceeds water standard. ented, the "Ground-water conta lis to a year volatile organics ap widespread. All wells s? tal Protec- one or more vola f Road site substances," according Fritz in Demo ? Sen. California Sen. A1 yesterday withdrew Wednesday est for the seventh-place fini omination, Hampshire. candidacv Hollincs said the me h people." sixth-place finish in th 1 to me on shire primary Tuesch " Hollings there was no point i a Senate further. acked with "1 announce today stepping aside as an acti he second this presidential cont the race. said. youngeHimtheM^^^^^^^^HBj^El s by his own power diversity Terrace t ||| 7TA ^ veloping new it rhe Soviets A second land-attack, ise missiles, larger and with grea id the other reached the testing st? >marine use pected to be deployed >f naval in- and bigger class of subi decade, Butts said. He ( weapon, name of the weapon or c /ing incom- Butts said basing the i ul beam of submarines near the U iting by the be the Soviets' answer t nee auviser 01 u.s. rershing II miss inesday. Europe in 1983. lise missile, The immediate Sovi J from sub- that basing, he said, lu miles from pearance closer to U.S. /ed "as ear- of Delta-das*; snhmarir <dm. John SS-N18 ballistic missile! ence chief, On another subject, ti 1 Services has obtained a fleet of s controlled boats that cc an-up con Is. An EPA let- The water ; 'ith a well next caneer-causin ilfernatp wafpr c led." benzene, are IC investigated The hydr id the site and said thedumj iminated. the Bluff Rc aluation, com- ground water >81, said the A prelimin; :d the drinking completed, t been released mination from "Even if it pears to be up the site, t impled contain moving and tile organic surrounding < to the report. Knox said. cratic camj an Cranston "It was on /, citing his I've ever had ish in New "I leave w message has :ssage from his other candidc e New Hamp- Hollings s< \y was clear: grueling two ; in going any two Christiru sacrifice to th that I will be Hollings' \ ive candidate in side as he ma< est," Hollings "We tried break through nKhu cw Ij^Hv ^H^^^Hh'.IH' ' rjw ; * ;'y/,;"" ' :j. ;. tV * ' * lissiles, admi . cruise miscilp with pvnlrktiu, ter range, has such as U.S ige and is ex- short-range, aboard a new have "poteni marine in mid- like we face i iid not give the ietails about it. Meanwhile missiles aboard scientists are S. coast could they were ab< o development system to def< .M !- 11/ .lies in western when Preside posed it last et response to to be known < is been the apshores recently Those scie les armed with name, now b 5. not an un lutts said Libya presidential s imall, remotely seminar at th< hi Id be packed private, non ipany also contained benzene, a g agent. Also, several tored there, including highly flammable. ology division's report 3 should not have been at >ad location because the is only 4- or 5-feet deep, ary investigation has been iut the results have not takes two years to clean he ground water is slowwill not contaminate the jnvironment very much," iaign ie of the best educations ," he said. 'ith satisfaction that my gotten through to the ites," he said. lid for him, it's been a /ears. "We sort of missed ises ... it's been quite a ie family." vife, Peatsy, was at his de his withdrawal formal, in a responsible way to h," Hollings said. I M ? _ _ .mrflWgliWagM* KL > ^HnBR ^hm?'. - v?i ?'V LJ* % V Yk I . . . * - ? Photo by Drew Pearson ral says es and sent against targets . warships. He said the high-speed craft would tial for use in situations n Lebanon." , Keyworth said some no longer as skeptical as 3ut a ground-based laser end against missile attack :nt Ronald Reagan proMarch in what has come is his "star wars" speech. ntictc Ka AI A r>/>* initio, w I Iv/111 1IL UIU IIV/l clievc a laser defense "is reasonable goal," the science adviser told a e Brookings Institution, a profit group.