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_wi re Reagan talks about Lebanon WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan said yesterday he will give "serious consideration" to a suggestion from the president of Lebanon that a multinational peacekeeping force be enlarged and given an expanded role in Lebanon. While no mention was mnrtp nf inproooinn w * .. aiav* VUO1II0 w8C HUlllliCr UI U.S. Marines, now totalling about 800 in the three-nation force, U.S. officials have not ruled this out. Reagan met for two hours with Lebanon's new president, Amin Gemayel, and told reporters afterward they had made progress in trying to arrange the prompt withdrawal of all foreign troops from Lebanon. However, Reagan said a date for a withdrawal had not been set, and a senior administration official said that while ii _ ? - uie goal is for a withdrawal by the end of the year, protracted negotiations with all parties appeared likely. He said it is likely Secretary of State George P. Shultz will meet with Israeli Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir later in the week to discuss the withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian troops. The meeting might be held in New York. Woman objects to picture ID LINCOLN. N??h <ap*.t?i0 * j? , .... , *.iv, ovaic may nui ueny a driver's license to a woman who refuses for religious reasons to have an identity picture taken of her, a federal judge has ruled. Nebraska had argued that such photographs are essential to the public safety to prevent counterfeiting, particularly in the case of teen-age motorists who may try to buy alcohol, but U.S. District Judge Warren Urbom said Monday this was unlikely in the case of Frances Quaring. Mrs. Quaring, a Pentecostalist whose beliefs bar photographs, is no threat to the public safety, Urbom said. He said his ruling would not apply to just any driver who objects to a picture on his license. i i n * rusitjr snows oare deiiecK LOS ANGELES (AP) - A poster showing "Magnum, P.I." star Tom Selleck taking off his shirt with his pants unzipped and no underwear has drawn an $8 million lawsuit from the actor. Superior Court Judge Leon Thompson issued a restraining order against distribution of the poster Friday after Selleck's lawyers went to court claiming it was unauthorized and violated privacy rights. Selleck "has never posed for that type of picture. He has never appeared nude, so that is why he finds it so outrageous that they would depict him in such an outrageous pose," said his attorney, Martin Singer, who said the poster is an artist's rendering. i USC today RH film: American Classics Double Feature"Safety Last" starring Harbld Lloyd and "City ] Lights"starring Charlie Chaplin, both films at 2:30, 6 and 9 p.m., FREE. 1 * Soccer: USC vs. Georgia Southern at the < Graveyard, 4 p.m. < i The GAMECOCK is tS<- student newspa ^ pef oftfw? U?ivrfMty o( South Carotin* aix* (< to publdicd three times a week on Moneys, Wednesdays and Fridays during J j the fall and spring semesters and weeUy )rS&>i&F))r?> j^//' f/xw, 1? on Wednesdays during both summer (^X/O /&V/1& sessions, with the exception of university Vjr hoSdays and examination period*. fVyt iSX^Mi/ Sm Opinions expressed in the GAMECOCK WQ ! |X^- ^ are those of the editors and not those of I KM'. the University of South Carolina. i V^Jk) s~yi v? a .,>' The University of South Carolina is an />V~V W O/I.i i equal opportunity institution. MSS] OAMl The Board of Student Publications and | 1^*1 _ _ _ _ Communications is the pubfisher of the j Rv/4 ?1? W JMII GAMECOCK. The Student Media Depart S?rve4 OvtT A Bfl men! is the parent organization of the U,j GAMECOCK. |S A OA (incla Change of address forms, subscription If J ^ _ J* M hr?*d requests and other correspondence should i vX<r, ^ m Km 10 me OAMICOCK, Drawer A, I IpN University o< South Carofcu, Columbia, * ??rv?4 oMUy^atarJay S.C. 29206. We abo offer Subscription rates are $15.00 lor (1) year, Ik/4 SPECIAL GAMECOCK RC $8.00 per UN or spring semester and $3.00 K<Q FOR EVERY CAROUNA A X^P^^^TcThW ^ OOVJMTAUJAH The Gimtcodi" it a Scented student or- C^V<^nNv ***' ganizatiQM ?< the University of South Caro > I Stereo i harris sports I Reg. COATS Now 5,95 1,25 duck hi khaki Free Monograi Dress Shu \ '. '?% -. \ -H "~ \ '? v ? '?W\'m\ \ *. * 'to X% \. Vl? "W *??% * v.% V v* V . Pride increasing mi WASHINGTON CAP) - The Reagan administration insists that patriotism and pride ? not unemployment or the recession ? are the biggest factors in swelling the ranks of the armed forces and ending the military's manpower problems. aii a report monaay, ine administration concluded there was no need to revive the draft because the all-volunteer force is meeting its recruiting goals and has waiting lists at some recruiting offices. At the same time, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger said the draft registration program will be kept in operation. President Reagan opposed registration during the campaign but kept it in place once he took office. Weinberger said advance registration would save 48 days in getting recruits to boot camp in the event of a mobilization. Soviets hinder Ameri .Ian i unn. viri- aoviei autnorities won't let 19 Americans who moved to the Soviet Union in the 1930s return to the United States, Newsweek magazine reports. The Americans have been issued passports by the U.S. Embassy in Moscow, but the Soviets will not recognize the dual citizenship and grant them permission to leave, the magazine said in its Oct. 25 issue. Embassy officials said they had received secret messages from expatriates hoping to regain their American citizenship and spend their final years in the United States. Abe Stolar, who left Chicago for the Soviet Union in 1931 X-rated video game ci SUNNYVALE, Calif. (AP) - Atari The games, whi Inc.. "outratfprt" hu coi?. v ?' 0? ??? ui A-raiea a DOut $10 to $15 mo video game cartridges that have video games, we angered Indian and women's groups, nesday by the says it will go to court in an effort to company. keep them off the market. "Our object is i The company, a leading object is to enter! manufacturer of the popular games, Kesten, presiden "does not condone or approve of this Multiple Industries use of its home video game earier this month.4 technology" and plans to file suit to our games, we wan block the games' distribution and want them laughing sale, said Michael Moone, president of Kesten, who was Atari'c ?* 1 . ? o V.U1UUU1C1 euecironics division. Friday, said the g "Atari, like the general public, is pulled off the mark* outraged by this conduct..." Moone not consider them p< said Friday, adding that the company The cartridges 1 intended its products for "wholesome nationally within family entertainment." Kesten said he exp? He gave no specifics about the million by Christma planned suit, but said that after "We just couldn't "further review ... Atari has decided with space ships an> to seek legal action against tlie One of the g; manufacturer of the offensive game Revenge," gives p cartridges, American Multiple In- "joining" a f ius tries, and the distributor. rpm?ar? T-J r VUVkAUll^ 011 IUU viystique." male figure w *VsPi|ji {SOLVE YOl ?* | SMALL I m i ronrld i t??4 Shrine , V id affile* C) ,'L*^;Te4",b'*- O $ Mary Green, local ;lh X answers. Meet her in i 3omrates ft 25th from roo p.m. iTHUETtC SEASON .BN; I 7 _ f AT THBCAWTALIMM /Yy^X V UdJTieCOCk. IT/U>-]1M //xy'/Nl , A I Wood* EAD WW %>uiin |g I "the closest mi t* I Play i I Klaus Pohl, Nal Champion will at Woodhill M< 3 1 2:30-7:30 p.m MMlUKl I ancj meet some irden Hnnrc _ V"'? i Don t forget U )ints 10-6 Mon.-Sat. H j, 934 I sponsored by .. iiiqunyjiiiiiiiwnw ? ilitary volunteers Weinberger presented a copy of the manpower report to Reagan and told reporters afterward, "We're getting all the volunteers for all the positions that we can enlist under the amounts appropriated by Congress. "While unquestionably the recession has something to do with the numbers that are coming in, I don't think it's the sole factor by any means," Weinberger said. He also mentioned improved nav "The thing that I think is the biggest factor is the fact, as the president has very well said, that it's an honor to wear the uniform again and that there's been quite a change in the country wiht respect to the way in which the military profession is viewed," Weinberger said. Pentagon manpower chief Lawrence Korb said later that he had no documentary evidence to back up Weinberger's claim about resurgent patriotism. icans' return to USA because he thought it would be a workers' paradise, was identified as one person who was issued a passport. ? ' 11 ' * oiuicu ? irtuuci anu urotner-in-iaw disappeared during the Stalin era, and his family was reduced to selling bric-a-brac, the magazine said. When he and his wife tried to immigrate to Israel in 1974, the Soviet government revoked their visas and citizenship. "After 50 years w. have no money, we have no home," Stolar said. "It's a wasted life. I don't consider myself a 'refusenik.' I consider myself a hostage." irtridges anger many ich sell for $49.95, representing Custer. >re than most other In another game, "Bachelor re unveiled Wed- Party," players try to help a figure Northrirtoo-HacoH rpnrMontinn o 1 '?? ' rrmj-> ?in VUV'Iimifi CI k/ilVlIWUl CbCilpC irom rows of figures representing women, lot to arouse, our American Indians have protested tain," said Stuart the cartridges, particularly "Custer's it of American Revenge," and women's groups say ;, in an interview the games condone sexual violence 'When people play and rape. t them smiling, we About 100 people from a women's organization and American ' Indian i in New York on groups protested Friday in New York, ames will not be where one of the games was on 2t because he does display at an audio-visual show, ornographic. "It's absolutely disgusting," said will be available one of the protestors, Lois Red Elk of two weeks, and the American Indian Movement. ;cted to sell half a Kristen Reilly of Women Against s. Pornography said "Custpr's see adults playing Revenge" is a game of "attack and ' more," he said. rape." ames, "Custer's The game's creator, Joel Miller, layers points for denied in an interview in New York emale figure that Custer rapes the woman. "He's ian maiden and a seducing her, but she's a willing ithout pants, participant," he said. IR PROBLEMS WITHfll DONATION TO THE | McOONRLO HOUSE! psychic, TV and Radio personality has the x I Inn/opciK# ** 1 ^ w. .tvoiDuy DuuKbiure Monday, Uctober ft - 5:00 p.m. Full details in Monday's 6 BBHMMniBIMHMHBHnSHHHMHHMBMBBnHMHi lilt Mall oil fn r/imm ?< " vwilipu? | i Chess Master! tional Master and former S.C. play 20 games SIMULTANEOUSLY ill on Friday, October 22 nd from . Come by and challenge the master ?l? I - ui 11 ic urn piayers in the state! d stop by our Haunted House 1 the W. Cola. Jaycees! [