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% Feedback On June 21, after serving the university for 30 years, ARA Services lost the ex elusive use food contract to saua rood Services Inc., the nation's second largest food service company. "The meat is of better quality. Overall the nlace is cleaner. Thev make good burritos. The salad dressing is bad, and they don't have big enough salad bowls. They used to have the big bowls so that you could have just a salad for dinner, but now you can't. The prices are more expensive. The service variessometimes it's good and sometimes it isn't. They don't have the large milks anymore, but they have larger orange juice glasses than before." Scott Baker English freshman mr "The food is okay--at least it is better. The prices are about average. For the walk, it is worth it. At times it's too crowded, but there isn't anything the SAGA people can do about that. The service is friendlier." Dean Bedenbaugh Marketing sophomore '. :>?j?M- ^MSHH ?$: i':":'/.- : - - ; j Sif^ ?ill^ "The food is about the same. Some of il is better and some of it is worse. The prices are higher, but for some of the food it's worth it. Their service is bettei because the lines move faster when it i? real busy. The new layout is mon modern. I like it much better." Sally McGill Journalism junior Read the C Monday, Wedne Students were asked to compare SAGA with ARA in the areas of quality and service. Interviews by Mary Anne Banich. Photos by Win McNamee. "There is definitely an improvement. The tood is good ana ine prices are reasonable. The people are friendly. You can get in and out faster. The layout is a big improvement." Curtis Byrd Marketing sophomore -Hk m.w m "The food is better, but you get less for your money. The service is better, but the prices are too high. Last year I had a meal plan and I didn't have to pay over, but this year I get the same amount and I have to pay extra money. The snack bar closes too early, ine layout iooks a iui better." Mark Thomason Mechanical engineering sophomore "The food is better. The prices are high, but I feel that it is worth it. The layout is nice. The best thing is that there is more variety." Konna Mulcahey Nursing junior hBK r^^>:':*:,S ;;c^>t*>. ; ? t.:,,... 1!'.:Iv^^.v : ;..y^: iamecock every sday and Friday. ARMY NURSE CORPS r?? I You'll be amazed ; I: M ? - -a I opportunities and acu Army offers men ai with BSN degi Excellent starting salaries and including a liberal vacation p< I. Real opportunity for advance professional growth?every A I a commissioned otticer. No basic training for nurses; orientation course to familial the Army Medical Departmei The chance to travel; time to you enjoy. ? Opportunity to qualify for s ! teaching or additional educa VAR PROFVfiSI II I * WHOAREC I PLACE! For More Information, Cal SFC Scott at (404) 793-64 ??i?c? m&w wi?iinnfflaiiMidnBaiBBg if III 9 I STUDENT GOVI Applications Who's Who In Ar Colleges and Unh are now available following locat Student Affairs1 Russell House I Student Governme Russell House Inform Application Deadline 9 m ? (Polling Places for Homec will be: Russell House Pickens St. Bridge. ? m The Student Organi Commission Meetings hav< ??' - ^ A LI hursday at b:UU pm Government Conference R< vantages the id women rees: I benefits, jlicy. ;ment and ! rmy Nurse is just a basic rize you with nt. I pecialized roles, ii tion. [! j IONALS I rOING 1 3 % ERNMENT V ( , , nerican /ersities ; at the ions: Office 109 ' nt Office lation Desk - October I 5 roming Elections Patio, Coliseum, zation Licensing e been changed to I in the Student I Dom. I