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Non-student arreste From Staff Reports A Columbia man faces five charges after c tempt to sell drugs in Preston dorm Monday nig University Police arrested Julius Allen, 22, St., Columbia, and charged him with Dosse failure to stop on command, disturbing p resisting arrest and trespassing. The boi scheduled for today at Municipal Court. Brian Pomeroy, a third floor Preston resic Gamecock a man entered his room while the d< "He asked us if we (Pomeroy and his roomma buy anything from him." Pomeroy said the mar them any drugs. Another Preston resident said he called the p saw a man "wandering down the hall sever could smell the liquor on him," said the reside not to be identified. 1 Q-vear-nlffl man a w Iw? ??- From Staff Reports by a A l&-year-old man was apprehended on Wheat Street after a run-in with University Police in the late evening . Sept. 17, the night of the Carolina ^ Program Union's All-Niter. John D. Stokes, of 807 Heyward Ai Apartments in Columbia, was stopped Mel Freshman ContinaMl from p?f subjects included in the SAT. He said onethird of all high school graduates take the SAT. One-half of all S.C. students take the SAT. IN ADDITION TO higher SAT scores among 1982 USC freshmen, Bolin said the average freshman graduate was in the top 25 percent of his class. John Bannister, of the Financial Aid Office, said 209 freshmen are on scholarship this year, compared with 177 last year. Bolin said the honors college, which began four years ago, keeps "the brighter state students in-state at USC." The bad economy also makes USC more attractive for in-state students, he said. I f-: I PRIN1 SEPTEME FRONT OF Rl ON GREEI IO:oc AM I PRINTS BY PICASSC DEGAS, ROCKWELI TRAVEL POSTERS/ LSPONSORED BY VISUAL ARTS COMMITTEE Made Potrible By Student Activity Few . .. d on campus, faces Carl Coe, a Preston dorm hall subdued the suspect when he fon in alleged at- behind the President's House. H< Jit. the man buy a security guard wl Horseshoe and asked for his stud ssion^^lSn Inst ad of Producing the can ' guard and ran behind the Presid id he?ring> fs Several usc policemen respor lent, told the Police found five packages c x>r was open, suspected Tuesday of containii te) wanted to Baker, USC assistant director of i did not show The packages have been sent tc Division for analysis. olice when he al times." "I One Preston resident said of nt, who asked lot." He said strangers wand "almost commonplace." irrestett during All in officer who asked to see Stokes' physical I lent identification card. Stokes, apprehend i is not a USC student, reached Street, ind himself as if reaching for his let and then shoved the officer to Stokes \ side, according to Dolice reDorts. stoP *or 1 w " "... and violat Fter running from police past the He arl Bryde Quadrangle to the Blatt one-fifth c P OM The 1982 freshman class has five percent more black students than it did in 1977, reflecting the state's population more accurately. ANOTHER DIFFERENCE between the 1982 class and the freshman class five years ago is the increased number of females. In 1977 males dominated the class. Fifty-two percent of the class was male and 47 percent was female. The 1982 class is 48 percent male and 52 percent female. About two-thirds of the freshman class are enrolled in University 101, Bolin said. Because those who take the class "tend to be better survivors," Bolin said he hopes this freshman class will have fewer dropouts and more 1986 graduates. " 1 f *i I Iglgjggp^ SALE 5ER 20-25 1SSELL HOUSE INt MKttl - 5:oo PM >, WARHOL, L, MONET, & OTHERS [ND LASER PHOTOS ?IMP ahfhina rmmwam union ; 5 charges adviser, said he physicaHy _ vO ind him hiding in the bushes | /\\ e had been asked to help find I to had stopped a man on the \ ent identification card. I J ftp - -s \\C d, the man pushed past the | j \Vj ent's House, Coe said. B / ided to the call shortly after 9 m S FF f aluminum foil that police 11^ lg LSD, according to Danny : law enforcement and safety. I ?the State Law Enforcement g 1 | S % the incident, "it happens a ering around the dorm are Lunch ;; ii:30-; I-Niter i 734 i I 799-' Education Center, he was ? led in bushes on Wheat Ml??II vas charged with failure to | in officer, resisting arrest m ion of the state liquor laws. U i open bottle containing u if a half-pint of liquor. ^ I I Gamecock J Advertising | ' gets results i I I I I Call 777-4249 I1-""""5'" i'L?, BUILD YOUI TODAY. MAI FORTOMOI At Georgia Power Company, we're provid of our customers. Survival and progress in life's endeavors d for growth can expand your own professi< We're constantly looking for ways to impr and cooling systems, electronic load-man rate structures, electric commuter cars. It' The serious problems of energy supply an we can muster. Right now, ana for future who have interest or experience in these Electrical Engineering Power Generation Telecommunications Transmission and Distribution Power Supply Engine Our recruiters would like to meet with ye Georgia Power Company. We will be on) September 30,1982 Please register at your placement office t. Personnel Department Employment Section P.O. 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