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Hel By TIM BONNER students g< Staff Writer filling O , returns?" As it gets closer to April 15 r 'Vf. the realization sets in that it , J; TRq is the time of year again booPlets c when income taxes are due. r ?rnrY1? With ever-changing tax laws ooom and many forms available ranging from long to short to Several s in-between, even thinking tax help ar about filling out an income campus. A tax return can be mind- nuhlip affni boggling. Since most college IRS, said th students aren't tax experts a network the thought of filing a return "At the Si can be especially discon- building he certing. This leads to the Street we h question "Where can college helps ava Students, J Gamecock classified ads are the most ^ inexpensive wav to I J advertise. I s< Call 777-4249 yc ?f for details. ar $1 tir The GAMECOCK is the studem newspaper of the University of South ^ Carolina and is published lour limes a pp week on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays dnriiio iho (ill semesters and weekly on Wednesdays w during both summer sessions, with the a.L~ exception of university holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the GAMECOCK W are those of the editors and not those of the University of South Carolina. ar Th? I In!.,..I .... w> juuui v rtiiimia is an equal opportunity institution. The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of the GAMECOCK. The Student Media Department is the parent organization of the GAMECOCK. Change of address forms, subscription requests and other correspondence should be sent to the CAMtCOCK, Box 85131, University of ^nnth rjrnlint r?l.. , , S.C. 29208. Subscription rates are $15.00 (or one (1) year, $8.00 per fall or spring semester and $3.00 for both summer sessions. Third tlass postage paid at Columbia, SC. Buaci\ 10% OFF B Expires 2-6-82 ^ , FROM Initially pa Yours | n< B Downtown ^ffjM Next to Moe Leuy'i 'tm ^ p Cures Students ) 10 get help in basement we have a library ut their tax of 90 different publications on taxes that we offer to the at Thomas public. In addition, we >rary said they operate a help center in this tax instruction building open from 8:30 to n file in the 4:3Q. Finally, we keep a it Documents SUpply of booklets and cassette tapes available to ouces of income the main public library." e available near Clark said all IRS services 1 Clark, district are free. He also said the rs officer for the centers deal only with the e IRS has set up 1040and 1040A forms. of help ^enters. ? , rom Thurmond I'or students with more re on Assembly comPlex tax problems, there ave a varietv of is H&R Block on Harden .. ,. Vfroot Thnti ..rill l!dUI6 1H H10 k/t* wt, x will [Jl cpdl C ABSOI ' FREE TA) >LUS WEWI Dund too good to be true? St is true and j >ur state and federal tax returns. Tillma Americans with their tax matters. Tt lother company that specializes in marl 0.00 in cash we will ask you to help us v ne. We will ask you your opinion of j nilar surveys being conducted in shof oney. p arf* thP hpct tav nronarare ir-? Iho ? ? .. .w MVWk f/I V^UI VIO III II IC I lailV. e two and at the right time of year. Thij e have selected several areas for our iswer the following information and re 1) Your full name 2) Your social senuritv niimhor 3) Present address 4) Spouse's social security number. 5) Your filing status: (Check only or 1 1 Single 2 Married filing joint r 3 Married filing separa here 4 Head of household 0 child's name 6) Your phone number 7) Best times to reach you by phone 8) Your occupation . 9) How many children do you have' 10) Send us either the original or a c /ou fail to send the requested informat 3 above you will be contacted by one garding your tax returns. She will then nvenient for you. During this meeting ; Bn ask you several questions relating t y you $10.00 and wedoyourtax return: ie? )te* Your name will not go on any mailir fer. Your tax returns will remain confii It is simple and it is profitable, f* ^ Send all requested information t Act now! The sooner you act Of Tax-Til state and federal returns combined for $15. Charlie Burgess, Supervisor at the Executive Tax Office, said students come in with a variety of problems. "I worked at the Harden Street omce last year, and I saw a considerable number of returns dealing with scholarships, stipends, and the like. Some tax problems were quite complex." The program benefitting students most over the years is the Voluntary Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program mj LUIfcLY C PRE Pi LL PAY just in time. Tillmann & A nn & Associates is a nat lere is one thing that w ket surveys. After we con vith our latest survey. Th several nationally adver >ping malls. It is simple. >n. We are also the best c 5 is your chance to get p. service. We have a larg< 3turn to us: le box) etum (even if only one ha te return. Enter spouse's s A/ith qualifying person). If t 5 > opy of your Wage & Tax $ ion as stated we will not of our area represental i arrange to meet you at she will complete tax ret o our survey. The surve' s. I think you will agree Xt ^g list. We do not sell any dential. 4o one can do a better j o: Tillmann & Associates 1300 Pickens St. i or ouiu: IUO Columbia, South Carolina 2i the faster you get your _ /n / f Tie Ksonjusion c of the IRS. is limited to the 1040 and "The program is designed 1040A forms. to offer free assistance to Tax preparers in the those who can't afford to program are primarily USC have their taxes done for students. Many are memthem. Although we service bers of the Beta Alpha Psi primarily indigents, we professional accounting won't refuse anyone help, fraternity. Any student, Accordingly we see a however, is eligible to hp a number of college students preparer. The fraternity every year," said the Rev. C. conducts the training ? L. McMillian of the USC sessions. This year VITA Office of Minority Affairs. will be in the YMCA building McMillian said the on Sumter Street. The program is a success. "We program will begin the O m in /viim 4 UI - ? ? in uui iimu year now. second week of February Last year alone we served and end on April 10. Hours of more than 500 people." operation will be M-Th 5:30 McMillian said the program -7:30 p.m. r FREE! ? ? ORATION ^ YOU $40.00 ssociates will pay you $10.00 plus do both ional company that has helped thousands e ask of you. Tillmann & Associates has 4 nplete your tax forms and after we pay you e survey only takes 9 or 10 minutes of your tised products. You have probably seen It will save you money and it will pay you at market surveys. We are now combining aid while we do your tax preparation free! e staff and will start work as soon as you c. ? d income) ociai security no. above and full name le or she is your unmarried child, enter Z | | Statement (W-2) for 1981. be able to proceed. As soon as we receive :ives. She will ask you several questions your home or office and at a time that is j urns and aive vnu <fcm on ou?^ J Y <W.WW ill v.. CIO I I. OIIU Will SS I / will only take about 9 or 10 minutes. We lat this service is worth 10 minutes of your thing. There are no hidden aspects to this | lob than Tillmann & Associates. refund. First come, first serve!