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i J Routh Enjoys Role a By KELLY HEMRICK Staff Writer Better know to most Carolina Students as "Cocky," the USC mascot is in reality John Routh, a journalism senior. Routh, a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and chairman of the 1982 Great USC Superdance for Muscular Dystrophy, is a Columbia native. He has been a Gamecock fan all of his life and sees Cocky as being the epitome of the Carolina fan. f T Routh became involved in cheerleading when, he tried out for Big Spur, the original mascot, during 1980. The tryouts were judged by the University Cheerleading Association, and included dancing fo the Carolina fight song. Routh was chosen and served as co-mascot with Bob Lane during the 1980-81 season. The idea for Cocky came from former Administrative Assistant Linda Singer, who created the name "Cocky" with Cheerleading Adviser David Ervin. The new mascot was introduced to Carolina fans at the 1980 Homecoming game against Duke. Public reaction was, at first, negative because Cocky was seen partly as an imitative version of Big Spur and partly because the new mascot was presented as I ) comical, unlike the former mascot which had a serious side. Cocky appeared again during the women's basketball season, this time with the addition of eyelashes, makeup and rOCOOGCOOOCOCCCOCOSOSOOOOCOOCOOCOOOM 1 BAHAMAS Snrinn Rrpalc Trin | $639.00 Mar. 14-19 8 ft INCLUDED TOUR FEATURES: 8 ' V * Round-Trip Air Fare Columbia to Nassau included! A o * Five nights accommodations at South Ocean Beach x i k Hotel included! o I v (per person double occupancy) K I ^ o * TwoMeals Daily included! \j x * All Hotel Taxes and Gratuities, plus transfers to and K ^ from Hotel included! ? X * Diving and Equipment - Two dives a day. tanks, air. O Q backpack, weights, belt, boat, and guide included! ^ x For further information contact David Goldfield at o 0 736-1530 or Danielle Travels at 787-6555. X 8 NON DIVER'S PACKAGE 8 O ONLY $506.00 \ X ^oooooooooocooococcccooooocccoocooooock r ? \ \ m. jpspiyipwii IMA.VDUNI l*XWSr(m>?AllONAW)\\All [mYPRODUClOBHWSNI A i dragons aymmi k rmac nktoi ( aim in aaw rauii mcharifia i [XK'UIM I 'RCJDUCIRIOaARDWIVOCII WRII!!N Ift' HA! [VvRViCX)()&MAllH[In RC raMCirpWMAIlHWROlililNS-FWWISION" DDt^yJ1,^0!' Rf AD I IK [WLANI # |PG| PAflEMTAl GUCWC* SUGGEST 0<<53)>J [some MATCRUL MAY NOT M SOfMBtf fOA rtWOHfMj Thurs., Fri. 2:30, 7, 9:30 - $ I Sat 7 9-30- $ I SO V ?? % * I J "V w T w is Carolina Mascot AKT a new name-4 'Superchick.'' HRHHr Cocky became widely accepted during the 1980-81 baseball ^ season. The Gamecock mascot was invited to the college 4 M baseball playoffs by Coach June Raines after appearing at ^BgR 0{Zs most of the home baseball cames. This was the first time that Hilt # a mascot had been asked to the playoffs, which required \1 permission from National Collegiate Athletic Association Director Jerry Miles. When the USC baseball team advanced K iPJpv to the College World Series in Omaha, Cocky went with them, Hk P^Hij another first. Permission was again required from Miles, ' ^ and Cocky was the only mascot in attendance. ESPN, the cable network's sports station, covered the College World Series, and provided publicity for the university by interviewing Cocky. Big Spur was retired, and Cocky, who Routh thinks resembles The San Diego chicken, reienpd supreme during the 1980-81 season. Routh said his scariest moment came during a home football game against Pacific. Cocky was standing on the edge of the upper deck balcony when he was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of children. In an attempt to get to Cocky, the kids nearly pushed Routh off the edge. Wmm Tryouts for the new Cocky will be held in late March or early April. Routh said he would like to have some input into HI the choice of the new mascot. Routh would like to have try-outs conducted at a home Cocky, th baseball game, with each person trying out between innings. journalisr IHl _ International ; | III House of Pancakes 11 111 ihouseb vi ifancakesj sn JJ1 I H I 'All You Can Eat" I . . .. IS equality 4-IOpm Nightly [ j r n j i Spaghetti $ Meat Sauce | ;>41 ^ w/Garlic Bread offer expires | | with coupon- A| QQ ,,31/82 g ^4467 Devine 1031 AssemblyJ| I i. = BIGGEST SUB'S SIS- BEER 30< PITCHEF jfg^ FREE DRAFT w/AM BjjLg| 100 EACH 1 $1.19 FOR PI" I n\A/PQT RPPR PR | LU1IL.U I UUIUI I 1 II k 6 PACKS We Serve Brea Startin Mm jmmmmMwmmm I FRFF fWMXX) R0BBIN5 PNCXJXJCI ION ? fAKfilC Iff Al IX NORM I gfg \f\ ^m^-iwxxicfOKvtiAi twwcxx.) m H HOOK A !W\AV XJNI1X11M H , ri.r .^.:~l _ AMV Rl I tiptj M ' "?-? .00, $1.50' ' ' Sal tMli M SSH Hi m PISMfe m wmm t ?<? Staff Photo by IMVID GRIMIEY e USC mascot, is John Routh, a n senior. jmbttiym \L HAIR STYLING Service &> Reasonable Prices mtoe Avenue/I ive Points/S^MMli) SUB WORLD J, AUKUSS \l UNIVERSITY CENTER 3PENING* IN SOUTHEAST ) ALWAYS IS $1.85 IY SUB OR BURGER rHEREAFTER IR ITHER w/FOOD ilCES ON CAMPUS OR CASES | kfast and Biscuits j gat 7:00 [ I I : FRIES i fITH I RGER SUB | an wssbssb ragsssi rrffiiiaygii JBi 11 H BHBBB m mBSBBm BBBB9 HI 1