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Joining A Conf< Lately the question has risen about the possibility of reentering a conference. Now that Jim Carlen is gone, this one it? : J i^ u r i i. icii -ieicueu luea seeiiib iu ue ui reiieweu mieresi. You don't have to look far to see what conferences are nearby and y.t competitive.These possibilities stand out in my mind: *The Southeastern Conference. USC probably wouldn't be competitive in football with the likes of Georgia, Florida, Lousiana State, or Alabama (at least not for now), however, the Gamecock football team did play three other SEC teams during tneir ltm campaign but losses to Mississippi and Georgia overshadowed a win at Kentucky. In basketball, the SEC doesn't seem much of a threat, yi however Kentucky always seems to put out top quality ball j? clubs. On the other hand Vanderbilt and Mississippi State c* ! 111 j ? i!i.i r t rn/i / accm nive ueccni competition ior uat. ? Another choice which seems obvious is the Sun Belt Con- ^ ference. The only problem here would be football. Only noted e gt for its basketball, no team in the conference has any type of ^ football program. But the likes of Alabama-Birmingham, University of North Carolina at Charlotte and South Florida (All of which have winning basketball programs thus far this c year), make this conference an eye-appealing choice for the basketball team. p With no football, USC could keep its already existant c program and continue with their schedules. 1 Another conference is the Atlantic Coast Conference, of t which the Gamecocks were once members of before drop- t< ping out in 1971. q a No way would the basketball team be competitive until a few years? not with the likes of North Carolina, Virginia, y N.C. State and Wake Forest who always seem to come up a with winner after winner year in and year out. But it wouldn't c be long before Coach Foster's Gamecocks would be com- fi petitive in a strong basketball conference. Remember the job fi Foster did at Duke? But football is another story. Last year USC played every learn excepi xviaryiana ana ueorgia recn. Ana mey Deal every conference team quite handily (except for a loss to g Clemson). In 1980 they played four ACC teams and won three c ill! j STUDENT GOVERN ri BUDbfclb out 1 | January 28,1982 I I at 5:00p.m. in the I office of Student Life ^ west wing J I Russell House IS Discount Movie Tickets S Hi . m I in btudent uovernmeni 01 in Russell House If MWF 12:00-4:00 I TTH 2:00-4:30 F-_ T?l. A T zrencein meivei 4^ ""% If you'vt 13 jump ball < lgjl|| the teams? DAVID TALLE Y Jgf ^ Perhaps Sports Editor toss. This' ^ShBB^ ilimn Ko 11 jump uuii accomplis f the contests (Again a loss to Clemson). baseline s Outside the ACC this year the Gamecocks were 1-5. Last even cau i ear they posted a 5-3 mark outside the conference. This was irgely due to the help of Heisman winner George Rogers and gu^ j :hduling such teams as Cincinnati, Witchita State and the jump ball itadel. This shows that the ACC would pose no problems for le Gamecocks to get adjusted. It makes me wonder why we ver got out to begin with. 1 MCKOtt Oil Another choice is the Southern Conference. With decent ^i nd basketball competition and teams closeby in North omore(J Carolina, South Carolina and Tennesse, there really isn't , iuch reason to go any further. 1 s P. With Reagonomics setting in and gas shortages already jm?868?1?^ resent, it would see practical to the Gamecocks to enter a onference closeby and travel to Maryland, North Carolina, 'ennessee, Alabama oreven Appalachian State rather than o Southern Cal, Notre Dame or Michigan. Sure its nice Luck co d play top-notch quality teams like those listed, but there are had it lasl luality teams in the south too. Georgia, Alabama, Clemson, game situ nd Florida State to name a few. . Let's pi citement Besides,the football team lost to Pittsburgh, Ole Miss, and [awaii and the haskethall tpams lost . nn th#? rnaH to FipPnnl nd Temple this year. It seems logical to me to join a nearby Former onference, save the expensive travel money and use the Betsy ~at unds to build on an already solid athletic foundation for the poa^" ier uture. head coac Barger, game and Since basketball season is well underway, I think now is a ood time to say how stupid and absurd the possesion rule in Barger ollege basketball really is. HighSchc UffCLASSIFIEDS All classified ads must be MOI H q prepaid. Payment must be "I m made with cash, check or money order In the exact FEMAlE R01 _ _ _ , amount. Orders are accepted 112 m?. from c< J IWl I?* l\l 1 ? In Room 323. Russell House JL?1 1 JL during regular university Need female A business hours or via the mail <?epiace Giad ______ * on a Classified Advertising 7500.811 P.i I Mailer only. Deadlines are: 3:00 p.m. Monday for Wednesday's Wan,ed Mal Issue, 3:00 Tuesday for Thur- *225.00 spin ^ sday's issue, 3:00 p.m. wed- 1778 m nesday for Friday's issue and Y-nn n m ThnHfliu Cat Unn. FEMALE TO I? day's Issue. Advertisements CABLE TV- fl may be cancelled before 10:00 $ 150 EVEfl 9 a.m. the day prior to ,PM m publication. Refunds are not given. For more information 3bf HotJM contact student (Media Ad- 43i i befoie a ' vertising, box 85131, USC, Columbia, sc 29208 or call 777? LOST ? > ? 'dT* A A 4m in r. Found! One t U| L/\/VirU5 lNU I It-tS P.E. Cenief. Ci # CoRec Innertube Waterpolo. Entry Deadline: Found! Smal # Thu/s. Jan 21. Cal Intramural Recreational corner of Pick( q Spofts Office for more information 777 5261. n a ? tt FOUND: Pair w Fitness for life. One on One Basketball, Bowling. qj^jk 1 Wrestling Entries Available. Intramural O Recreational Sports. 777 5261. lost Teddy # information c? _ Intramural Basketball Officials Clinics Thus. 'I J |? Jan. 21 at 6:30pm. . Old PERSt ? HOMt COMING COMMISSION - photo octets fllCC ,#kW1"""" mW"nfl - Any sting p A University Ore Mardi Gras coming to USC Feb.6, costumes and at 77/ 2033. ? dancing info, call 7 0092. Sponsored by _____ , USC Student Go*. 1; !i 19 HELP WANTED ^ EXPERIENCED PHOTOGRAPHERS are needed to work on the Garnet & Black. I( mtarejted, phone ? 777 4170 and leave your name and number of 0 come by Room 313 of the RusseX House You | ? must furniih camera 1* S ~?! WAN1E0; Altracliv* Femala with good ftgur? for I ' I I "Buonygrtm" dettveftoi Ptrt ttma. RiferetKes | irr Fii^nrp ? ; noticed (and undoubtedly you have) there's no jxcept at the beginning of the game. From then on, ilternate possessions. they got rid of it because of the unfairness of the w?a? <x cimiiuuu uuiupicuui wuen suuieune iusi a "You didn't throw it up in the middle." But what cpect from referees after running up ad down the >top two or three times. some don't throw them straight, but I think it's an hment to see straight after a few baseline to prints let alone throw a ball straight. They can't ime outs! 11 don't see the reason for the elimination of the That was one of the most exciting parts. the jump ball out of basketball is like taking the t 11 4-1 rr 1 -r i 1 * . t ui lwiuau, me iaceuii uui 01 nucKey. imagine no ckoffs. The thrill of running a kickoff back is gone, uick goals after a faceoff. I can't imagine it. of the game. An exciting part. A fair part. The i rule seems unfair. "You get the ball this time and e ball next time is nice, but it's not very commes into play. It could end up coming down to who rather than who is the better athlete in a critical ation. it it back in? for the fairness and for the ex USC basketball guard for the Lady Gamecocks, gar, has joined the team as an assistant to head ry Kelly. Barger was chosen by Kelly who became h after Pam Parsons left. a player from 1974-1978 averaged 8.9 points per also collected 7.5 rebounds as a senior. was an assistant coach in basketball at Lexington K)l. WENDY ETHEL'S SALOON OPE* til 4 AM. A CP *lN?j ATTENTION!!! PHOTOJOURNALISM ' J " STUDENTS AND PHOTOGRAPY BUFFS - ! )MATE WANTED- Furnished Apt. ^odalith Ortho fiW in reusabfe 35mm cassettes. 0 impus 137.50 mo 254 8589. 20 frames $2.00, 36 frames $3.00. 100 ft. rolls a of Tr? * $16.00, plus x and panatomicx $14.00. ) roommate. Have nice house with 798-7726. student preferred. Amy- 8 5 771 ^ n 2520927, e roommate to share 2 bdr. Apt. J IjCD . 5 minutes from campus. 796 ^ ' SHARE 3 BR. HOUSE- PHONE ; [({&& EC. ROOM, W4D, MORE! RENT j 1A\J 7^ B# YTHING. 738 9520 AFTER 6:00 lor rent. $350.00/mnth CaM 799 AND FOUND H rojs tUvm Pen with initials near the Bdfe' I, txown, feniBle, sheggy dog ?t the of inen'i (jUsses, blKk framej. 4lh ' ieu Bold pin. iUwwd $50.00. Fw B? 3NALS J Gamecock il^l ?.lMl..M.M?MN classifieds bring ULi tostra should contact Mr. JeuefMn ' FCSllltS ! |m| 37a3uat^rUndercrad^ It w ; A i. j Students |C; Earn I to 2 credits llj, participating in health IK education'telephone survey. 1C Training provided. Ik Za\\ 777-7096 between 9:00 a.m. IK and 4:00 ^.m^by Jan. 22,1982.