The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, January 21, 1982, Page Page 5, Image 5
Boycott Th(
I think it's time someone stood up and said, "Hey, I'm not
going to DUt UD with this anv lonaor I'm not onintr ont fKo*
_ j o ? ~ ""v b"'"h v,c?v iuc*i
slop from the Gamecock Snack Bar ever again!''
Like many students on this campus, I purchased food
coupons from the Russell House Dining Services this
semester. However, due to my fluctuating schedule, I did not
always find it possible to eat in one of the various cafeterias.
W Naturally, since the Gamecock Snack Barwas open when the
cafeterias were closed I ate there quite frequently.
T H-. T 1
* van nvucoiiy say k nave never Deen saustied with either
the service or the food.
I purchased nearly everything on their menu during the
course of this semester and something was invariably cold or
sloppily prepared. Take the famous "chicken special" for
example. This sandwich is prepared in advance and tossed
into a microwave for a few seconds when you order it. By the
time your waitress remembers your order, asks you three
f i mno tirViof tf/\n 4- ? 1 1 ' 1
vi.uM ?Yuai yvju uavi lu luiiiK, several omer orders and
prepares them first them proceeds to bag your order this
^ sandwich is ice cold. I would venture to say I have eaten my
weight in chicken sandwiches ? three-quarters of which I
have taken back to be "re-heated." Fries also are kept
beyond their proper expiration time and served greasy and
I understand that the Gamecock Snack Bar is usually
crowded with customers (who, like I did, go there between
classes or when the cafeterias are closed). This is no excuse
Test Doesn't
I am writing to you about the English Writing Proficiency
Test. I feel that this test is not a fair representation and
evaluation of a student's writing capabilities. I feel that there
? L .....
aic ucuu auu inure accurate means 3V3U3D16 to use in
judging a student's "proficiency".
. According to the student handbook (Freshman Guide)
every student must take this test " . . .to insure that the level
of composition instruction a student receives is appropriate
to his actual writing ability." (1981 The Students Guide to
Freshman English, pg. 2) I feel that this test is not fair
A evaluation for a number of reasons. For example, I know of
many students, myself included, who found themselves in
trouble when given the test simply because of the topics
available to base the essay on, they were completely unfamiliar
to me. I also feel that thp tim** limit cot
? Illv uw V/11 CIIV/ tCOl
should be extended about fifteen minutes. For a lot of
students, there is no time for revision and editing at all. This
time limit may also cause some students to feel rushed and
therefore not do as good a job as they might possibly do under
different circumstances. Another problem is knowing where
to draw the line between English 101 and English 102
? C n
for poor service and cold food. I am an employee at Hardee's
on Main Street and I am proud to say that we serve hot fresh ?
food with fast friendly service yet we are just as busy during
the day as the Gamecock. We throw away f ries once they are
ten minutes old. We throw away sandwiches when thev are
iwenty minutes old. We smile at you and bid you a nice day.
We may lose some money throwing away food when it gets uesp
old but we feel it is worth it to maintain our standard of Sltua "
quality service. volved,
I have, in the past, taken food back (in the Gamecock) PUD11C
directly to the supervisor on duty. This has not affected any 1X110181
improvement. If complaints do not achieve results maybe jn?ntn
boycotting will. Perhaps if students ate somewhere else !s.c.a
those in charge of the Gamecock Snack Bar would sit up and JP1"1811
take notice. inpd,r^
I ask you ? is it worth standing in line for fifteen minutes to Preaicl
i weive coia musny tood? I submit that for less than that UIJder 1
amount of time one could go to Hardee's and receive piping- W"en
hot fresh food and speedy service. shown
To those in charge of the Gamecock SnackBar: Until you ? , '
set expiration times on food and train your cashiers (there JJead
are a few to which this does not apply) to be swift and nave ?
courteous, I ancl many others will refuse to frequent your commi
establishment. emen
My advice to students? Hurry on down to Hardee's!! closes
ana na
English Major ~
Ik M 01 If nothing
Measure Skills saS^.r
off Belt
students. If two nearly identical papers were turned in, it is paint p
conceivable that one would would be graded English 101 level littered
QHH fhn nfliAK 1 AO ?f * ' * ~
U??U UIV UVI1CI x^ngiisii L\jt ucvzause ui a anierence 01 aoout two lor CAI
misspelled words or one misplaced coma. somebc
I believe that the students place, or level, may be better
represented if other factors are taken into consideration. The ? ., '
first, and most important, is looking at the students
high school records,taking into consideration such things as horren|
class placement, grade averages, and final grades in the
students last year of English. Another factor that may be
taken into consideration is the students SAT s^nroc fm- i?.
?? *"* "" charge
stance, the English raw score and percentile ranking. These woul5 (
tests were made for the purpose of representing particualr money
English skills and it seems ridiculous that these are not used stu(jent
in the students evaluations (placement). se IT
rThn fof
I believe that if these factors are taken into consideration, .
it will definitely give a better picture of the students ability ^CC*ef>u,
to write. It should also provide the people grading the test the ?
missing factor for deciding whether he should forget about c a ?
uwi missing comma or that spelling error, go ahead and give ?? H
the paper an English 201 level, saving some students a lot of . ff
time and money. DAVID
of news
ill a'rplani
IB ' A W TM nouncin
If w\ //(? . 'II tar''y t>i
11 **&y4h* 1" rz
' ^SSK&U VWKM positive
T%/t *r>ir
ifjii ?AI>? JL Ajn i iLi
' :^Jj| , ... .
ite what rumors persist about the Pam Parsons
>n, it seems to me that there is a deeoer situation in
: the question of how this falling out affects the
5 interpretation of whether women can be adators.
It's stiil tough enough these days to convince
at women can be effective leaders. Just take a look at
mpus and see how many women are in key adative
positions: you can count the number with the
of one hand To hear the weather forecasters
it, you'd think South Carolina would have been buried
n snow until the spring thaw. This state surely panics
aced with the prospect of a little snow and ice, as
by Gov. Riley calling the national guard on
Bob Marcum as new AD and Richard Bell as
>otball coach are two of the best choices that could
een made. Kudos to each member of the search
ttee that had the good sense to select these gen4
r. T 11 ? "
iino la wucii 1 can Mnan minKing: me university
Russell House because of the snow all day Wednesday
If the day Thursday because the employees inside
> get home before bad weather conditions become
But for the next week, the sidewalk in front of the
% is a hazard for anyone walking on the thick ice and
is done about it. Would have served USC right to have
te slip and sue the idiots who could care less about
I didn't realize until last month how bad some
; conditions really are. Woodland Terrace Apartments
line look like a bad section of the South Bronx. With
seling off the sides of the apartments and the streets
with debris, pictures of the place could serve as ads
IE. No wonder USC is trying to unload it Will
iHv tf?IJ mo Ulhu \AA noo.r>?> ? " 1 "
?J ??..J uji vp-nuu IICVC1 CVCI 1 UI1S smooiniy r
igure by now that the system could be improved but
*r after semester, it's wait, wait, wait Crazy
on South Main has got to be the champion of boy;irl
(or vice-versa) bars. Now if they'd just burn their
lous record selection and replace it with real music,
eally pack the crowds in ..Looks like Gov. Riley
deal with university presidents on this student surHe
said he'd endorse it if the university presidents
|uit their heavy lobbying in the legislature for more
Great to know that nobody's looking out for
is that Ronald Reagan is wearing out his welcome.
:ade that so many of us were willing to believe and
in the beginning is starting to crumble. I guess it was
it we were all so tired of incompetence that we exi
it for worthless novelty Remember all the
int<; ahnut fhp ^amnnc nnli/>o? r'on'f cow fKof i'??
nything negative about them for a long time. Silently
ictively, they are doing a good job. Lt. Carl Stokes is
nany who can take a deserved bow There's an
; debate in the field of journalism between the quality
papers as compared with radio and television news,
watched the local television news in Columbia, I can
ly say that instead of doing what they do now (which
ng), they should have a speed reader read aloud The
>rk Times for 30 minutes. Any television news station
votes one-third of the program to weather reports
nsDana. weainer can oe reported in two minutes, so
le large all-color weather maps. Geeeez It was
me to see the Clemson Tigers win the national
onship but they won every single game and beat
<a, so number one is well-deserved. Reading national
s of the Orange Bowl victory, one has to count up the
of excuses sportswriters are making for the Tigers to
est college team in the nation. I don't know what I'll
ead another story on how the victory or the season or
1 1 r At " ? " * *
re lauueu uecause 01 me aiiegea recruiting violations.
>orts, Sports Illustrated, and others are being unonal
to report one side of the story when the other
lemson) can't comment until the investigation is
I had to wince when I read System Vice President
al Affairs Pete Denton's Dec. 15 letter announcing the
Clirphnrcp tA ctliHontc anH noronlc
?U uvuuviiw UI1U pui V1ILO. l-'J VCU Willi LUC
ial increase, some programs and activities will have
stponed and others curtailed," he wrote. "Please let
ss that this will in no way affect the high quality of
jn that is increasingly the hallmark of the University
i Carolina." Nice try, Pete, but that's like riding in an
; when all the engines have failed and the pilot ang,
"the plane is going down and will crash momenjt
in no wav affect the continued snfetv nf anv nf thn
ers." '
CATEGORY: To interim head women's basketball
'erry Kelly for dealing with a difficult situation in a
CATEGORY: To Dick Wertz , head of housing, for
I til talk with 9 ronnrfor mtin omif^wrl
, ...... ~. vfuiiivvvvn l V|Wl IV1 VT1IU VVUllCU UUl"
office for information on the University Inn. Come
we weren't out to break a scandal, we only wanted a
ormation. And I don't know of any university official
ts his secretary speak for hirn.
1,1 1 ir'-iiiriiiTrrrrnrr "v;;^