University of South Carolina Libraries
* Campus Brief: The second annual USC Caldwell's novel about Southern Studies film series sharecropping family faci begins Jan. 21 with a eviction during the gr< showing of "Long Hot depression. It will be Summer," based on stories troduced by William Pr by William Faulkner. Fox. Stars are Gene Tierr and Dana Andrews. T Titled "Focus South *82," film is in black and white the Southern Studies film lasts 84 minutes. 9 series has added two features this year. Short The final showing of \ Movietonews film clips spring series will be "All 1 about historical Southern King's Men" on Feb. 18. S fevents will be shown before Alex Sanders will introdi each movie. Also, each this adaptation .of Rob movie will be preceded by a Penn Warren's Pulit; brief introduction. "Long Prize-winning novel abou Hot Summer" will be in- powerful governor. "All i troduced by Dr. John Scott King's Men" is a trip Wilson, an associate Academy Award winn professor i?i the USC history and it stars Broder ^ department. Crawford and Merce< ? McCambridge. It is in bli "Long Hot Summer" and white and it lasts focuses on the turbulent minutes. relationships of a wealthy southern familv anH ifc All shnwintfs pipp at 7 n reaction when a handsome at Gambrell Hall, room 1 drifter enters their lives. The The films are free to award-winning cast includes public, and there are Paul Newman, Joanne reserve seats. Woodward, Orson Welles and Lee Remick. The film is in color and lasts about two hours. The Alpha Xi Chaptei Sigma Theta Tau, w The second showing will be national honor society "Tobacco Road" on Feb. 4. nursing, announ "Tobacco Road" is the membership opportunity screen version of Erskine qualified candidates. AN EVENING WITH CHUCK IVBANGIONE 41 ^ AND CHUCK EV5ANGSGNE 'TTTT QUARTET gg TOWNSHIP AUDITORIUM H WED., JANUARY 21 - 8:00 P.M. H i $9.50,8.50 ||R On Sale at: Township Boxoffice, Taylor St. Pharmacy. Parkland Pharmacy, Musiciand (Columbia Mall). ^ Williams Music (Orangeburg). Seaco Music (Sumter) t j f Kings Productions Auditions University of South Carolina Russell House Ballroom ; Mon., Feb. 1; 3-6 p.m. Carowlnds Midway Music Hall Sun., Jan. 31; 12-4 p.m. a , Productions feature professionally designed scenery, costumes, stag and choreoaraphy in fullv equipped theatres and outdoor stage: Singers Dancers Instrumentalists Technicians Variety Performers $ 180-2 50/week One round top air fare will be pax) to hired performers traveling over 250 miles to the park Contact Live Shows. Carowmds. Box 240516. Charlotte. NC 28224 or Kings Productions. Entertainment Dept. 1932 Highland Ave. Cincinnati. OH 4*>; &/'L . mmm. \jr mmm u Copyright 1981.Kings Productions S Nurses with a minimum of The fellowship is open to becalle< a baccalaureate degree who women younger than 35 not be have demonstrated marked years old who are of post- Intervie achievement in the field of doctoral status or of com- in late A a nursing may be considered parable academic standing. theRho< np fnr inpmhprchin Th#? fpllnw u/ill Ko rwiuirwl tn ?o "... ?V.VMU..VU w ?at undertake research in an in- For further information area compatible with studies nr I ice and application forms, at Oxford, and she also may P^ovl?e ley contact Marcia Gardner, be asked to teach. l S his Room 141, College of Nur- availabl . It sing, University of South Applications accompanied compan Carolina, Columbia, S.C. by a statement of family. 29208. Application deadline qualification, an outline of the is January 31,1982. proposed research and aw tra the three academic references reimbui en. a ill, j ? . . , should be sent to: The and end ice wL n ? ,v!i ^ Principal, St. Hilda's ert J! ,, ,, ^>'1 be available at college, Oxford, OX4 1DY, For jer ft IWd 's college Oxford byjaBn/3i. Katheri t University, for a two-year J Scholar I d ii . i - n..ut:^uAj i i_ the perioq oeginning uci. l, imbz. ruunsiieu materials may 777-406I pie er, ick ies ? Get 2i nev the no . slant on i the ' of ces for "The Texas Instruments new TI-40 and TI-55 have angled displays for easy-to-see-answer ^ The slanted display makes these calculators mo: easier to use at arm's length-and that's just the con ' beginning. The economical TI-40, with built-in Sou i functions like trig, stat, logs, roots, \ reciprocals and more, will help you | through math and science courses- : especially since it comes with the Ill informative book, Understanding || i for later but should I :ii i _ n__ _rr :n i suuimueu lniuaiiy. incw oiiicers win ue ws will be conducted elected and several impril at the expense of portant issues discussed at ies Trust. the first 1982 general meeting of the USC Black I and lodging will be Alumni Caucus Jan. 30 at 2 d, except during R'm* in USC Alumni is. A house will be ie for a fellow ac- Rowing the meeting a ied by husband or f00! . hour will be held There is a stipend, featuring ^ht hor d oeures ^ and drinks. All black USC vel exoenses will be alumni are invited to attend. sed atThe teeTnniM Also> 200 block seats for sed at tne beginning the East Tennessee uiicuuic. basketball game that r ? evening in, Carolina information, call Coliseu^ dave been ine Mi e' reserved for members of the ship Coordinator, caucug rr V nath. -11 calculators s." re interested in the TI-55-II, which les with the Calculator Decision-Making ircebook. The TI-55-II features 56-step I wograi imability, multiple memories, scientific and statistical operations, k conversion factors and much more-a total of 112 functions. j A VI Avf vnw^Alxr /? ?! tiv vv 1 rui cau ciucity jjuwchui taim culator, at an excellent price. Both calculators have LCD W displays, long battery life and fit right in your pocket. :W TWO and TI-55-II calculators. Two new slants on math f from Texas Instruments. j~\c Look for them wherever \j]rJ calculators are sold. Texas Instruments IN C ORPOR AT E D A: y A f !'10 JF 81 TVxas Instruments Incorporated