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Officii Wood! For Ck By STEVE DANIEL Carolina Research and Development Foundation, an organization that buys and sells property for USC, is seeking to sell Woodland Terrace Apartments, but not ~ c?:i:* 1 uiit.ii a iiuuauig iduniy t'lysei to the university is found, according to the foundation's executive director, Chris Vlahoplus Jr. Vlahoplus, who also serves as USC's senior vice president for administration, said, "We're moving cautiously until we can accommodate roughly the same number of students we've got living there now." Vlahoplus said a recent nrnnprtv va annraicol J V|#V? ?J V t4 |yp> M ikJUl J which created speculation of aa impending sale, was prompted by the apartment complex's location off Rosewood Drive. "It's quite a distance from the rest of the campus, a good 20 minute ride. We're seeking something closer, not only in terms of distance, but for security reasons as well. rTRY \A/n n-?. L?? v i^ai The Jt'weiry 2909 Plait Sprin <i III b V ' M \ twuir Ih4ii |uv? J USC Sumrr "Get that ne\ wit W J ONLY$139 i ml-4 features ioc I and rewind, auto Sk95B matched ! deluxe 20 watt, wire mesh grilles. i r-k... ? r* ? ? ?: ? ? Krurebsiuna by Bob Master Charege; AUtO SOU 1127 B.Ave., west ( L_ _ lis May HW and Tei F9CI rut "But the critical point to be made here is that the foundation, when it comes to facilitating the university, is not going to do anything that's not good for the students," he said. unin a nousing alternative can be found for students, no other steps will be taken toward the sale, he said. ''We've sought no buyers or had no advertisements made. The appraisal at this time was just for our own information." Bernard Daetwyler, USC senior vice president for business and foundation secretary-treasurer, said some decision on the property might be made at the foundation's board meeting August 3, but Vlahoplus was hesitant to set a date for a final decision. Legal Affairs Representative Paul Ward said the university has a long-term property lease on Woodland Terrace dating back to 1965. "If the property was to change hands, the new owner in the acquisition IT!!! P e You! j'j $ -198 11 Warehouse 1 g. Rd. V\ ( oU ! Ion -s<ii ! | noflj#-! |k'\SVt\ Wort * J ler Special v car feeling" h ^ SANYO i FTC-4 I .95 installed I king fast forward j eject. i| i speaKers are full range, with I installation Drakos and Visa accepted inds, Etc. :olumbia; 796-1584 Sell race :ility would be subject to all existing leases on the property," he said. D ~ ~ 1 1 n -r ndvuaci v^arr oi Residential Life Services said she had heard rumors of the Woodland Terrace sale but had received no official word. She expressed some concern as to whether "the panic button" might be pushed by Woodland terrace residents it some official word were not announced soon. Woodland Terrace Apartments has 140 multidwelling units and 35 singledwelling units that are leased on a school term basis. Carr said there are more than 100 students on a waiting list for the apartments. CAROLINA CLII Free Pregnancy Testing Abortion Counseling and Servit Pregnancy can be detected be1 Birth Control Counseling and Pi Pap Test and other Female Prol 2009 Hampton Si Call Collect ? 8 ,.^oh amnion > ??. t V.i Wl % I j|^\ V4 ct Rouna V2 ct Hound 1 ct Hound >4 ctOval ,.i i 1*2 ci 1 ctOval >/4 ct Marquis ?2 ct Marquis 1 ct Marquis f A * ? W LI?W^/\1.I, I WWlNtU DOWN NEXT TO PEI^ OPEN DAIl 'MBHOnHMBB HHHBH df WOOOLA m t% A i Carolina Research and Apartments. *9(3636X3636XX96X36KX363C36X? r\ if* nil JriJI?n?ir ( I umamsmons j i i < rmoe umes | M I | laity Diana | WOMEN'S VIIC ces ore missina period ills ij blems Columbia, S.C. I 03-256 0128 | Waiie 1 * # h a rings. SAVE $ ' UP TO 50% NOW $299.95 $188 $499.95 $349 $1495.00 $999 $795.00 $549 | $1195.00 $795 I $3495.00 $2495 1 1795.00 1 $1185.00 $795 .... $3495.00 $2495 ' 0 /. //tf < /<' I ) AND OPERATED TOWN I 4NEYS 765-2:345 n LY 9:30-6:(X) V ND TERRACE Dpyplnnmpnt Fn.m^itinn m:??/ c^ll \A//->r>r4l.-inH T^j^tLO ft. _ Let Ilinrs/Gamecock [ Igrarcy rrYTDoKinli - ^ t I HAIR STYLING Quality Service Si Reasonable Prices 541 Santoc Avonuo/l*'ivo Points/25#W)4H) ? s < "IF YOU KEEP ME FROM BEING EATEN JYOU MAY WIN (<* I $?.ooo im V I I * ? 9 ? PUTT-PUTT" GOLF * GAMES1 " $10,000 PAC-MAN TOURNAMENT 532 St. Andrews Road m { 1108 Knox Abbott Drive 'j (PUTT-PUT?) n/v i rm?tic /\ Local Tournaments Sun. July 26th Sun. Aug. 2nd J , sun. Aug. 9th ?i ? ? I 2 FREE ! ? ELECTONIC gj t~ GAME TOKENS Z* I 5| WITH THIS |S* ' Jg COUPON ?S