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Fraternity seesaws for charity By Forrest Brown Staff Writer A seesaw-a-thon sponsored by Alpha Tau Omega fraternity should raise about $1,500 for the American Cancer Society before the project ends today at noon, according to a fraternity spokesman. Members of Alpha Tau Omega have been seesawing on the Russell House patio since noon Monday, working toward a goal of raising $300 more than last year's total, said Mitch Hendrick, cochairman of the project. Each member of the iratermty is required to ride the seesaw for at least one hour during the event, Hendrick said. Pledges must ride for two or three hours during the night, and the fraternity's little sisters also have taken turns on the seesaw, he said. PREVIOUS seesaw-athons have been held on the Statehouse grounds, but the event has been more sue cessful since its move to the Russell House, Hendrick said. Musicians < national h< By Wesley Tucker Staff Writer A national honorary band fraternity has nominated its USC chapter as one of the top ten in the nation, according tn Qtoiro Uonflriv W I^rt.v T v liVUUi IA, pi ^OIUCIU of the fraternity's Southeastern district. Hendrix, past president of USC's chapter, said he was notified Monday the National Council of Kappa Kappa Psi has named the Zeta Chi chapter one of the country's best. "This is something the fraternity has strived for since its inception in 1974," Hendrix said. "1 think it's a credit to all the brothers and the entire music and bands departments that it is now a reality." i in'/ v_n/\r i i'/iv, which aids university bands in almost every operational aspect, will attend the national convention this summer at the University of Cincinnati. The national council will judge the top ten nominees' performances and award them in order of achievement. "The chapter has been one of the most active in District 8, comprising the Southeastern United States," H* ndrix said. "Last year we hosted the District 8 conventioi , which was lauded as >ne of the most The GAMICOCK is the student newspaper of the University of South Carolina and is published three times a week on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays during (he fall and spring semesters and once weekly on Wednesdays during both summer sessions with the exception of university holidays and examination periods Opinions expressed in the GAMECOCK are those of the editors and not those of the University of South Carolina The University of South Carolina is an equal opportunity institution The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of the GAMECOCK The Student Media Office is the parent organization of the GAMECOCK Change of address forms, sub scription requests and other correspondence should be sont to the GAMECOCK. Box 85131. Russol! House. University of South Carolina Columbia, S.C 29208 Subscription rates are $5.50 per semester and $2 for the summer sessions Third class postage paid at Columbia, S C. *fBB? v >^?H Jag^- rf^B l?H99nan&^S9K llpfe^S "C^x^N to raise money for the A Calvert) e am |7 onor \ successful in district and I national history. j "This past spring break I we traveled to Florida and I brought home two out of | three awards in competition, | for which 22 chapters are in | contention to receive," L II J : J I1C1IU1 1A SellU. I p? s <4=== / KII KIL / member Ricky McDowell and eesawed yesterday on the Rusi merican Cancer Society. (Phc > Beside McDonald's BAR-B-Q PORK SANDW SERVED WITH SLAW & PICI ON WARM BUN WITH COUPON 99 Good today Only 4/8/1 2009( WEDNESDAY P iND WE'RE GOI] W ri J >TT.I9 WITH THE PI YOUGE STROH'S D HAPPY H( A LER WHi LEI WFT, FRIDAY AND J Fa 3 alarms 1x1 ' whilestuc j I Alarm * discovere SfSsJW s particulai Sfe? JL v , ^Rvi 1 until the a iSplS? ^ ,^3g\I "After j ^|fg|f^?jScfl building. r?:-^'Irly "jjB dramatics tfrBr" <$*mgSjL J?SB said. stude between,' M pc nffij Tj?7 Mgj The fine the offei University amMMI evicted fr< Joe, a U ggP^ | student wl r "There ? 4 and every wild storii gtory^ j cr ran down I CHRIS, he too was fraternity little "I went w/l House patio Thursday, )to by Cylinda m*r m red box ai caught my ICH ! <LES I Cal1 0 I Annlira | Tl C| Limit< | Sam Dai | Sta o* I Instructor j l_ Greene Street sTIGHT IS STROi NG TO STROH, ITH THE IWH/ ^ICE OF ADMIS :t free, cold raft from 8dur from 10-1 nd the A.LES all ALS( SATURDAY NIC ilse fire st city r reason is that people hi i some students just "lik VRGE number of false f ous in the event of a rea * pulling false alarms ar i lives and the safety ne fire alarms were i a two-week period. Th lents sleep." boxes are repaired a d, Beauford said. If th< r dorm, the entire dorn larm can be repaired, h several false alarms, sti A delay of the ev, ally increases the chai NTS caught pulling fin ' Beauford said. The of! >lice and the university. ; for pulling an alarm i nder could be charge / punishment could re ?m his dorm or expelled SC freshman, who aske 10 pulled a fire alarm ar was a party going on i body on the hall was dr es of things they had d eated one," Joe said. 44 l,he stairs " another freshman who drinking the nieht hp ni W O I? to Dundee's at the beg " Chris said. "I left aro to smoke a joint with s< ound our fire alarm, ai r eye. The hall was so qu 1981 Gamecock T< May 4-Augt $40.00 per S< 0% discount to Faculty, r write USC Tennis 01 tion Forms: 777-3829, 77' sd to 24 players per ses iiel Tennis Center (next ff: Director, Ron Smarr (Hea< s: Bill Kreml, Chuck Hodg Anrl Rnh Hotrlrh 1 I H TIME \PARTY % 1 v MMBW HBMHf 1 SION 10. .2 NIGHT LO: 3 APPEAR] >HTS. calls s18,000 ave had too much to drink." ;e to see the fire trucks roll." ire reports on campus could 1 fire, Beauford said, e messing with the snfptv of of others," Beauford said, disabled because of false lis presents a grave danger s soon as the damage is e damage is extensive in a i is put under a fire watch e said. udents tend not to leave the acuation of the building ice of greater injury," he e alarms are "few and far le .we is punishable by both is *i00, Beauford said, and id with a misdemeanor, suit in an offender being from school, he said. d not to be identified, is one id never got caught. _ i ? - ? a ?i ii utDurue tasi i\ovemDer, unk. People were swapping one. When I didn't have a I pulled the fire alarm and pulled a false alarm, said illed an alarm. jinning of happy hour on a >und 10:30 or 11 and went to ame friends. We got a new id when we were leaving it iet I just had to pull it." enni^zii^ ist 13 ession Staff & Students) I Ffice for Brochure and 7-3831. sion. All clinics held at j to Roost). J Tennis Coach, USC) ;in, Dru Kefalos, I ==Ti 3 3 i\T I LNVjr. [NG