Right c
is miss
Motorists driving in tJ
campus should read the la
any crosswalk at any time I
The Right of Way mean
wheels, that a person wa!
strips of white paint (you v,
didn't you?) has priority
along the street and seeing
let them go by.
No ifs, ands, or buts.
fortunately, it works in the<
Try crossing Sumter S i
Towers dorms and its a vn
quicK or tne aeaa. you an
only don't stop ? they d
That section of the strec
ahead, wonder how many i
for all the time I've been n<
student, old lady, professoi
riding who-cares-for-anyor
Students are just as r
sometning nappens to pc
Suddenly they become po\
they were walking and jus
are barreling down on now
Even worse than Sum
crossing at Assembly Stre<
there is an island in the nn
ever be able to get to their <
traffic literally whizzes up
the opposite direction it tr
petition when it passes the
Street. The on1" way to croi
at the downsuurs plaza, t
importantly, create a falsi
it. Even then the chances c
having to actually run are i
The problem is not just
but all around the campus
northern California, wher
flabbergasted at the al
pedestrians. California ha
not an iota stricter, but the
Right now several thin]
should be writing tickets f
crosswalks to run for it,
drive carefully or slow
pedestrian traffic.
Second, there are aire
Assembly and Devine strc
reach the Coliseum. Why
and regular pedestrian tn
Why aren't those lights m
like they have in many citi<
A small box with a but
sidewalk. When someone v
the button and it changes tl
can cross. Its simple, its ea
All of these things can j
important is when you c
crossing the street ? stop?
two or three tons of metal
thin layer of skin.
If people expect drivers
? ii. n
die in iiit; uuaawdih, 11
pedestrians not to be in 1
variation of Russian roult
fair game.
All it takes is one person
hopefully, others will also
has the right of way ? alw?
A little courtesy can go j
it a much pleasanter place
. Newsroom 7 77 7 181
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| Stephen Rid. fell f
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I C ' i !)<:(. k ? rlnonal Page E
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Mike Chibbaio Spofts E
Michelle Burrhette Assi Sport
Sole reproduction rights granto
contained heiein may not he reprod
Opinions expressed in the Game
unsigned, of the editorial p<i{|0 editc
r!?? Gamecock welcomes letters
typewritten. tnplo spaced on a 65 s
tetters should be no longer than 2
newsworthy swb|nct no longer than
signed with thfl writer's correct n<i
standing or (acuity position and r
Wilm s nat' may b?* withheld o
wa'i.-n'.t I
'csriv 'lie iii.m !<> edit ro!
i' i vi! [he ri )ht to rejet t any Colum
tiMn'ss letter'i and ( oli/mns to E
' . iiiir? r 1,1 S <. S9208
)f way
le streets surrounding the USC
w. It states that any pedestrian in
has the right of way.
is, for all morons behind steering
Iking in the^treet between those
'ondered what they were there for,
to that space. Anv cars comins
a person there has got to stop and
The cars have got to stop. Un
Dry only.
treet at the crosswalk near the
rid illustration of the phrase ? the
i either one or the other. Cars nol
lon't slow down, they don't ever
it seems to attract only full speec
students I can scare, lets make uf
cciiiy i un uvcr, su many punus pel
r, and burn rubber high-living low
ie-else drivers.
nuch to blame as non-students
>ople who get behind the wheel
ver mad, forget the moments age
t as vulnerable as the person the>
ter Street is the double edged
et to get to the Coliseum. (Luckil)
liddle of the road or no one would
classes or a basketball game). The
the hilUfrom BlossomStreet and ir
ies to qualify for a downhill com
j light on top of the hill at Greene
ss the road safely is to have a drinfc
o get your courage up and, more
2 sense of immunity, and to go foi
if making across the street withoul
on Sumter and Assembly streets
area. A recent visitor to USC froir
e generally the cars do stop, was
ititude motorists have towardj
s the same law as South Carolina
difference is that it works.
gs can be done. First, the police
or drivers who force people in th<
and tickets for drivers who don'i
down through areas of heavj
ady stoplights at the corner o!
jets where students try to cross t(
aren't they working? Not enough
affic, the police no doubt will say
ade to work on a demand system
es across the country.
ton is mounted on a pole on the
vants to cross the street they press
he light from green to red and thej
isy and its safe.
and should be done. But the mosl
lrive your car and see someone
and let them go on first. You've gol
protecting you, all they've got is s
to run them over even when the)
len they will. If drivers expecl
he street except when playing s
itte, then they will consider thenr
to start the process and gradually
begin thinking that the pedestriar
a long way in this world, and mak<
to be.
:oundod 1 908
Aoverttsincj: 777 4?49
Production 7 '
<iitor Richard Meyers Asst
Chief John Parnell Graph. .<
unui v.yiincift invert Wiro tditor
ditor Jeanne- Ralston features Editor
iditor Jean '>tchell oess Manager
ditor Jerry Brewer . teral Manager
ditor Anthony Gray Adveipsing Manager
ditor William Tinsley Pioduction Manager
sEd. Mark Ethridge Jr Adviser
d to ihe Associated Press All other material
uced without the permission of the editor
cock are those, if signed, of the writer. and. it
& Columns
and columns. All letters and columns must be
pace line
100 words and columns should be limited to one
'out typed pages Letters and columns must bo
ime, telephone number, mailing address, class
naior Pseudonyms are unacceptable but the
n letters, upon request, if the circumstances
umns and leif'is 'nr si. ti e an.I siv'r i"d vve
it for v mason
ilHod.il f.<Jitoi liaii'ecoi k Di.mvi'i A USC.
; ^ V( &
, To the Editor:
i The editorial on
> Supreme Court's refusa
5 hear the case concert
federal funding of abort
was disturbing. You s
; ported the federal fun(
; with three main argumer
Al. _ i - A
f mai 11 is our resj
sibility to help them
) that it is to our benefi
i pay for them
i *that it is their righl
have an abortion.
Starting from the botU
> you say "you can not
' terfere with another's ri
to decide for or against
t abortion for themselves.
I alcn foal tKof tmn tvinn nnt
uaov ILVI UiUl J UU 11 Idjr 1 IWi
I Trash,
| To the Ei.
i It has bt ,me apparen
! ^ ^ * u ~ * -J..-: - - a
nit* iu<ti uuriiig i
academic year it is
creasingly difficult to obi
a copy of the Gamecock.
r _ A. 1 *
i am a siuueni who ma
every attempt to keep
formed about issues ;
events on and off campu
find it virtually impossibl
do this without being abl<
get a copy of the Gamecc
L \
Letters to tf
able to coerce money from fulfill
the me thru taxes to pay for amou
1 to their abortions. spenc
ling You say "they can not and given
ions should not be expected to famil
sup- pay," so why should I, who annu;
iing worked for my money, be twice
its: expected to pay. Wh
You go on to say it is to our high ]
x)n- benefit to fund the abortions peopl
since we don't need an un- that t
wanted child on our welfare spec
A. A _ TA U 1 * 1
i to xuna. ii wuuiu ue more aci- aoori
vantageous to us, since you medi<
are talking in purely end
t to economic terms, to bure
eliminate the welfare roles minis
3m, and invest the money in progr
in- business, giving jobs for the stayir
ght poor. Wh}
an Oh, but you say we have a direct
" I "responsibility" to help the you tl
t be poor. I sav we have alreadv caDab
, trash even
HHHL: trash a
s are Gamec
which is in mv exnterlerfc** 1 i hrfit n??i
t to unobtaiitalbe' toward Me ?rt<5' Itucfen
his of the day . My work schedule spoken
in- does not permit me to attend pressei
:ain classes until late afternoon lack o
on Mondays and Wed- your n
kes nesdays. Therefore, it would many
in- be my assumption that 1 greatlj
and would be able to find at least masse
s. I one copy for myself. It is
e to 1 am not asking in this Game<
p to letter for a private sub- cataly:
)ck, scription to the Gamecock news i
& AT rut I
of row
pon You
le editor
ed this burden. If the they ne
nt of money HEW tax lev
Is on welfare were much, g
10 me zd minion poor, a be done
y of four would have an them t
*1 income of $14,000, percent
the level of poverty. so they
y don't they enjoy this fortable
evel of living? Because by us.
e like the editor insist It ma
he money should go for short ru
ial purposes like favor
ions, food stamps, financia
u/nlforn oi n Vaii
U1V4, T? V-I1UI V/, UIV-. I uu guvn III!
up with big it's rouj
aucracies ad- that is
tering thousands of should
ams and poor people subsidie
ig poor. when 25
i not give the money your inc
ly to the poor? Don't think yoi
link they are the most
le of deciding what
really tired of hearing excuses
garage sanitation problems. I
workers save the rainy days to
but it has been a long dry spell in n
most people, beer cans, empty cc
nnoy me ? but I can take that. It
and unidentifiable things that ;
of the stairwells that bother me!
pile stayed in the same place last j
*d away. How much do we have to
ndleton Street garage is spotless
and administrators parking in I
. It smacks to me of pure disorimi:
same service that Pendleton Stree
inswer to this dilemna is that we !
irbage to school and work with us
>f the place. May this would Doi
that I don't think anyone of real in
(Name *
ther are P0v^ral other affect th<
ts to wnom 1 have at the
. Thev too havo pv
i concern over the operate \
f available copies of of total rc
ewspaper. 1, as well as
other students, would cri
' appreciate a larger (Editor
irculation. Gamecot
my opinion that the numerou:
ock should act as a the distri
>t of information of are doing
is well as events that thesituat
I Rope,
^ Johnson^
ed? If their income
el is less than so
ive them money and
with it. Don't give
oo much, say 60
of the poverty level,
don't get too combeing
taken care of
y seem cruel in the
n but you do on one a
by making them
Uy dependent on the
lent. If you thinks
*h going to a school
half as cheap as it
be because of tax
s, try to get ahead
percent, or more, of
r\rr\c? rtA?ic f a v ac 1
U1I1V gVA^O IV lOACa. 1
ur tune will change.
Pat Fray
ph ysics grad
about the Blossom
am told that the
work on Blossom
lore than one way.
ntainers and paper
's the piles of feces,
are lying in every
fear until it literally
take? I am told that
? maybe we need
the Blossom Street
nation that we den t
t ear app cptc
should all bring our
? it can't hurt the
nt out the problem
nportance ever sees
vithheld by request)
J life of the student
University. That
cannot properly
vithout the benefits
Lisa J a rin
initial justice senior
's Note: Th<>
has received
s complaints atx>ut
but ion problem. We
I / \ tin V ? a > 4 fr . . yJ _ .
, uui ut:si u? i cineuy