University of South Carolina Libraries
- IHBilB James W. Jackson, direct news film library (left), and L Libraries Kenneth E. Toomb To publicize col Moviel in nrnt AAA piV/1 By Leroy Williams Staff Writer Twentieth Century-Fox is pr movie about its donation of the M film collection to USC earlier this The movie's purpose is to public of "the magnitude of the importance to the university," i Jackson, directorof USC newsfili Veteran newscaster Lowell T narrate the promotional movie, shot at three locations, Jackson s THE MOVIE will include appc guests who narrate film footaj President Gerald Ford will cc politics, Olypmic swimmer Bust< sports, and actor Dick Vay Dyke USC President James Holdermi r? f , r snooting victim improves The condition of one victim of the Sept. 20 shooting at Woodland Terrace Apartments has improved. A Richland Memorial Hospital spokeswoman said Steven Coleman, 31, is now listed in serious condition. He was listed in critical condition after the shooting and was transferred out of the hospital's intensive care unit Sept. 26. Coleman was shot in the abdomen with a .357 Magnum. The other victim, 22-year-old Althea W. Coleman, no relation, was hit in the hand by the same bullet, allegedly fired by her estranged husband while the three were in her apartment. She was released from Richland Memorial Sept. 25. The woman's husband, Jerod C. Coleman, 24, was arrested and charged with two counts of assault and battery with intent to kill. The GAMECOCK is the student newspaper of the University of South Carolina and is published three times a week on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays during the fall and spring semesters and once weekly on Wednesdays during both summer sessions wiui ine exception or university holidays and examination periods. Opinions expressed in the GAMECOCK are those of the editors and not those of the University of South Carolina. The University of South Carolina is an equal opportunity institution. The Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher of the GAMECOCK The Student Media Office is the parent organization of the GAMECOCK Change of address forms, sub scription requests and other GAMECOCK. Bo* 85131. Russoll House. University of South Carolina . Columbia. S C 29208 Subscription rates are $5 60 per semester and $2 or the summer sessions Third class postage paid at Columbia. S C BMHHflBai JlH?^s?I^SP^ii^S??9?Sll '-'-^?^^^^^MKM^Brjg7gj*fjP*^jgMUMM?-y?^jsS^^^; :;: IB ~ ||u* illiiii^B 5 :.V ': l?li :'f;-V0 7-' ''.'""' iT*.. H * Hll or of the the first shipment director of films. s examine lection's imnortai M :onews s notional be featured. Fox will pay the oducing a Jackson did not esti ovietonews a typical buc year. ^ production is about \ iiuurin me probably last 45 mi gift and its version is being cons said James Ti libraries. The movie is sche homas will the end of October,; which was to USC by the end of aid. ON SEPT. 25, a ;arances by scenes of the site ol *e. Former center near the Con miment on center is approved 1 er Crabb on it will house the film on comedy. Cooper Library ant an will also plex were also filrne I Ii ivui Not only are w? woi Systems that will re standards, we're off* professional recognil competition. At Vitrc represents a significc Depending on your ir systems engineering, shipboard combai application of adv L ? I iufjpuii ui uumpiex 5' h j career that has implic As one of the nation'* ! j we can offer the nev p;:j includes tuition reim Bovf' ?H^^nHn|Hv Hr'i ITInfljf Bl 11?? 1 of the Mn win tnnf* ws: AnH thf of supp hugs th nee ti1 Down l . bounce i pamper LOiL O and rus Mall. film's production cost. imate that cost, but he Iget for this type of ^150,000. The movie will nutes, but a 30-minute idered, Jackson said. duled for completion at and should be presented the year, he said. jd Fox film crew filmed M f the proposed fine arts PSl garee River. If the arts by the S.C. Legislature, . i collection. The Thomas i the Humanities comd. Degree Into A R< rking on complex Naval Weapc ^/olutionize current state-of-the>ring opportunities for growth a ion that put us way ahead of < ?. almost every project we take 3nt oart of a maior national issi iterests, you could be involved in t integration, and analysis of the ffc \ system development, or t anced computer technology /stems engineering programs. It' :ations well beyond the acaderr ; leading systems engineering firr k/ graduate a career package th bursement, group insurance, p< | In th renortf rection Securil I year. I future. s and Trot together i going is great in this sc le leather. It wears a pa ie foot...and perky lace inder: a cushioned crep along with every step, inq comfort, count a Tr t leather, 41.00. Down -vv fA Er nn 5! gpl sal World U Dns vacations, refi art the opportun nd significant Ion 3ur located "at 1 on Washington, [ je. advantages o Vitro positior ~T technical abi ? about ready fc ' / problem-solvir if3 ours. We'll be c uonraa, colic ns. (800) 638-290 icit Office for deta 3id e Sept. 24 news analysis, t Ki that George Key, head c y, would resign from his f Cey said he has no intentic The Gamecock regrets the e ters )ft, unlined casual ddled collar that s for laces for perfect^ e solo and heel V/jt For real foot- Yn\ otters. In tan suede w town and Columbia * igineei qmpirt rivi IVVj id Phy; djors... aborortory - V rement programs, a ver\ ity to become involve< g-term programs. You'll he pulse/' in suburbar >C.( within easy reach f th? nntion'<: nnriitnl is require problem-sc lity and engineering ci f a real world applicatior ig skills, let's talk about toi n campus October 3, or jge Relations Coordinc 1, ext. 4050. Check with ils. mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmt&mmm he Gamecock incorrectly >f USC Public Safety and >osition at the end of the >n of retiring in the near irror. ^ I 1 ring, er Math eif*c Vtth Vitro! > good salary, and J immediately in also enjoy being i Maryland, near of many cultural Ivers who have reanviTy. it you re i of you r c lassroom morrow: yours and contact Maureen 3tor, Toll Free at i your Placement