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7 ?> j . Friday Volume LXX No. 16 University of South Carolina, Columbia. S.C. Oct. 3.19BO Sen? C^.bsnr\tf*r 'c r m ? H %^W By Tammy Kilpatrick Staff Writer The student senate refused Wednesday to allocate money for the student chapter of the NAACP because of the group's connectionwith its politically active national group. The Finance Committee recommended an allocation of $1,903.67 to the first-year organization, but the committee questioned the organization's political ties. The senate is not allowed to fund groups with political connections. Finance Committee Chairperson Dorothy Stefan said the student group is a youth services division of the NAACP, serving as an educational tool for minority students. OLIVIA WHITE, adviser to the Student Organization Licensing Committee, which decides what organizations can be funded, and Sen. Whit Hollis told the committee the NAACP is not considered a political group. ! h ETV employee Terri McDa station from which all mitted. (Photo b y John I ILK W yolitical ties Sen. Eric Miller, vice president of the NAACP chapter said the group is not nnlifinallu mnfiuatnrl hut VI 1 VI V- L4 IIJ lliutl T UVV/Uf ?7U V many senators do not understand the function of the organization. "There were a lot of misguided people here tonight. The opposition was very prepared and very well 'There were a lot o here tonight. The o, prepared and very w just smooth talked a. -Eric Miller, N versed, and they just smooth talked a lot of people," he said. Senators opposing the measure said the student NAACP sends members' dues to the national group. That money might be used for political lobbying, they said. THE SENATORS also said the NAACP chapter would duplicate services provided by the Association of AfroAmerican Students. Student Government Vice President Jeff Floyd said the senate doesn't see the need for another such organization on campus. "I l ia r i * - - i nwpe 11 wasn i ior political or prejudicial reasons," he said. Miller said the NAACP makes many people think of civil rights action. "IT STRIKES fear in their wt ><? < ) ?4Q* 0 yyviyys<y>?> Z9K3BI~ ^ ggnKmgS.-; v.: aWimKl^BMHr 3 1/7/?/ works in the control programming is transfer no//) on't 1 Questioned M hearts," he said. "This is the story of the NAACP fighting adversity. We lost the battle, but the war's not over." The NAACP could file discrimination charges in the USC courts, but Miller said no such action has been nlannod I ? The senate also allocated $1,391.28 to the Society for f misguided people pposition was very ell versed, and they lot of people.' A A CP vice president. O,. K1; ? A A ? : ?:4 ? ? 4: ? i UUIIL /wiminiMi ctuuii, making that group's budget $1,466.28 with a raised revenue of $75. The Finance Committee recommended that the South Carolina Student Senate j' Legislation be allocated F $255, but the senate raised a the allocation to $1,155 to pay s registration fees at the n statewide convention in Columbia. Several senators .q are members of the b organization. J C FLOYD SAID a conflict of tl interest could exist when C senators vote for ap- b propriations to their d organizations, but pointed Sl out that the senator who asked for the additional P money is not a member of fi SCSSL. C The senate went into executive session to discuss cl the appointment of Kurt Calhoun as supreme court tra plan co-o By Tom Coyne Staff Wmer rrancis Marion uoilege wi master's degree in business adn if the college reaches an agre< (JSC to use the university's coui ETV. USC's MBA program pro\ hookups at 1H sites statewide. I campuses and state technical c among those using the program to George Hall, S.C. KTY's colleees and nnivprsitips At Thursday's Commission Education meeting, Williai Francis Marion's vice prt academic affairs, and USC Pro Borkowski reported the progr Educational Television Master < Administration Program. FRANCIS MARION submitted for an MBA program two years i commission vetoed it. It rc the proposal last year and the c recommended that Francis M? out a cooperative program with I "We had an excellent me Krancis Marion. We feel that w< out a satisfactory solutio Borkowski. "We may offer the d may work that they offer the ( we 11 service it. we still have b these and some financial matters "Right now we are just trying feasibility and we plan to make the commission again next mc Fund Finance Committee Ct senate Wednesday, r student chapter. istice. Student Government resident Larry Kellner reppointed Calhoun after the enate refused his recomlendation. Calhoun answered uestions from the senate, ut he was defeated again, u d i r i a 1 rnmmittpp Chairman Peter Shahid said he committee opposed 'alhoun's appointment ecause he did not unerstand the role of a upreme court justice. Kellner said he reapointed Calhoun after the r s t defeat because alhoun's first interview had not shown his true haracter. "I FKKL he'd make a ncis Mar pMBA i: Moran. "We place by Janur 11 offer a ninistration TIIKKK CO! L'mont with to help set up 1 rse through are Jack W Massachusetts 'ides KTV University anc: ;SC branch "These thre olleges are evaluated the , according Borkowski liaison for visited sites a WY? (wnoct :i r on Higher from the consu n Moran, Hall said US 'sident of well and is pop vost Frank past 10 years ess of the have been ma ;>f Business with these "Semester to : changes, but o 'l niv\?\/\cal h w t a troirnl 1 fl t* \tl v/pv/oa 1 IKlkl IW uuvtl 1*1 igo, but the J-submitted KOItKOWSK ommission delivery systei irion work of the best in t ISC. to hookup with eting with This would all* t? can work an hour off to j n," said management ( egree, or it he said. legree and "wemei ina o work out we have found he said. Ix* comfortable to find the 1 to get this of a report to by next mont ?nth," said Borkowski saic I MA A - WmM lairperson Dorothy Stefan adc he senate rejected funding for capable supreme court Barba justice," Kellner said. officio Academics Committee chairr Chairman Donald Hottel possi reported that the College of violati Humanities and Social KK Sciences is discussing en- agree: forcing USC's mandatory gener; attendance rule. The rule treasu states that a student who p<>siti( misses more than 25 percent thecoi of the classes in a course id fails that course. bill th Kellner has signed all bills execul passed by the senate this said. ' session except one that the int \i'/\i 1M rnmA\rn ' K/* Chirinnf TV \/UlU I Vlllt/VC *11*. OIUV4CI11 V UI I 1 I I ] Government treasurer as co- pro m chairman of the Finance trcasi Committee. The bill, which rep re automatically becomes law allocat if not signed by Kellner in six from da vs. made Treasurer body." m ion N yrogram hope to have something n COSH ir>'" nivi * SSI I,T WI S have been hired Will the program The consultants Gov olfe of the l'niversit\ ot OH I Jack Wentworth of Indiana Cotl! 1 George Hall ? I e top-notch business people 1 KTV-MHA program.'' said mWS They talked with students. mini nd looked at the technology : eport with recommendations iltants sometime next week. ("s MBA program is working ular with students. "Over the tlw* many advances in technology de. and we plan to continue improvements." he said AfcfjL* semester the number of sites &?<*#* n the average a student only i miles to view the program Midi : :: 4 k| SAID improvements in the ii can make the program one he country. "We may he able businesses around the state Tod )w them to give an employee e>o down and take a course in >r accounting on a monitor." Low i co-operative spirit and think ; a model both institutions can ; ? with Wo huvo until 1 'ltiii'iri' f the ground, hut I think that ^$0 h everything will lx> set " i XifOW 1 N CP Iresses the the NAACP ra Derrick an ex member instead of coW. .c uuii wcdusi* oj a i b 1 e constitution. 1 ion LLN KH SAID he s with an attorney si's opinion that the irer could hold both >ns without violating institution lid not want to si^n a lat would involve an :ive position. Kellner 'I feel in the loran run egrity of the Kinance lttee has been com ised because a irer the onl> sentative in the ion process elected the entire student ""I"!'1:: N M't'M fe Today. at; use Jim Car ties, ih of the U.S. topic trac < team speak at the ernor's Council Physical Fitness ference at 7 p.n im. <>05 of the iness ad istration build Ril Film ? e Fog'\ another or story bv John v? U?v ? , n??u aiou eted "Hallow* 'Shows at 7 ami p.m., $1.50. light show, $1. i/eather lay; Mostly *y and fair. ts in the 70s, $ in the 50s. -Sun.; Partly ^ warm, r* in me 80s, s in the 50s, - -J