The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, December 01, 1977, Page Page 6, Image 6
50 traffic appeal
received by USC |
Gamecock Staff Writer
Approximately 50 traffic and parking appeals are
presented to the University Parking Appellate Court
each week, said Danny Baker, director of parking
and vehicle registration.
The amount of aDDeals is usuallv greater durine the
first weeks of school because new students have not
had time to familiarize themselves with university
parking regulations, he said.
"From January 1977 to June 30, 1977, 1,254 traffic
and narkinp anneals were nresenteH tn the nnnellnto
court," he said. "I would say the whole campus
population is involved.
THE REASONS for most appeals are varied, he
said. The biggest problem during the beginning of the
year is,unregistered vehicles. A ticket for failing to
register a vehicle may be appealed within 72 hours
after the date of issue, Baker said. In most cases, if
the student registers his car the fine will be dropped
providing it is the first violation. ,
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cases per week
parking court
Annthf?r rrtrrtmnti uinlatinn ic narlrina ma(ai<
w?* waawA waaaaaavas AVIMVAVII IU JAIllUIIg 11IVIVI "
violations. Baker said students often leave their cars |
at metered spaces after time has expired because of
sickness or car trouble. Baker said cases such as
these should be brought before the appellate court for '
consideration. I
BAKER SAID the process of appealing a vehicle
violation is relatively simple. When a person receives
a ticket he feels is unjustified, he must fill out an
appeals form. This form is then presented to the
appellate court for their decision. The court, which
consists of one student, one faculty member and one
staff member, will then review the case and mail
their decision to the viblator. The appellate court
mppts nnr>p a wppIt
Faculty and students should familiarize them- I
selves with regulations to avoid ticketing , Baker j
said. Certain restrictions are made on separate j
parking areas and these should be understood. ]
"We do everything we can to help solve the problem
about parking," he said.' 'If students have questions |
we are available."
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