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I Decision From page 14 ? me run-otts. Therefore, many incidences of voter fraud might ? have occurred in a five-minute ? period sanctioned by the election commission chairman. However, no discrepancy occurred between the numh#?re of votes cast and the number of signatures on the sign-up sheets, so it was assumed that no illegal voting took place while polls were unattended. But at least five other alleged incidences were just listed that do violate election procedure. The 1977 SG elections results were tainted by complaints of voter fraud in the run-offs?. It is hoped that next year's SG EXECUTH BARBER - PROFESSION A !? AND HAI Kft-J 798Tnpfi-Nft* CLOSED - APPOINTMENTS Boardwalk Plaza Bush River Road and 1-26 Iy tr?* ^ W Dui Sou S^GSttf V M a tJu* ? 1 I1 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: Toy lor Street Ph Record Bar No.' Dutch Square Columbia, S.C. ! and that's the way it it ? Yes, opsmw, r'u aoept m CHARGES.... HELLO? UJHY HELLO, MAt MMcHArtr. Good ID HEM /vfM You, rvo. WHAT CAM ? U} FOR YOU? MW, elections will be handled more efficiently and watched more carefully than this year's process. Otherwise, who knows what violations scheming students will come up with to top this year's alleged infractions, knowing that the HE FORUM | SERVICES L HAIRCUTTING BOTTLING 3694 8s30-6t00 P.M. MONDAY DD n ?M \ i i\jurihJXJXIliU -? | A ~ W M ring the 1977 th Carolina aflo^Qoses ^3? vith Special Guest Performarti [ay 7 8:00 P.M."rl rt*~> f-fi? r* /? n o 11 tJtUU n Orangeburg ormocy p 29210 of course r'm wwfcsFD, asnw. I C4/v 8s?m &6MTY w me c/r/tf CF PrffS'DfWr'. IK//U Ftf/7ffiiur ufmoU) yovrt surtax, y wad/VMS //OA&tf , $CS/omS77C 5/VfctWKS, WD /MMCM /?wr. I <rM A/?&ar//9/E ft fe/tc&l*. &vr //twaffStf S?77iSAf?/i/r &//?/ z%r /9CC. U^/U PfSSau/fa fSC&rrf yfrvtf school 7WOM'(fc9% f* K 77/f rff'flS P- / \* 7/?/3&wr/ovs integrity of the elections probably won't be seriously questioned next vear pithor CR&DF is no joke a+nrl s\r\4 U\J OUUUClit To the Editor: In this highly competitive society, we the consumers and little people are constantly victimized by large, impersonal corporations that rob the land and the people of many natural benefits. A very astounding and overt betrayal nf hnmon ? ?>? * ?1 1 * V* nuiiiuii i ignia wdS I1UICU iasi week in The Gamecock about Wheeler Hill and the surrounding area, all purchased by the Carolina Research and Development I ce noil ium Acfv. Tickets available % 'oil $5.00 Plun 5f)oenh? Mhige fk Ilnmllimj to: | MARK IV POBOI 674 914 4|4f OfiAHofvmm C ?dl?i O//? 7~ C/?A/ OA/tr <f?T 77/? JZZ3 /f T terf&e SOMtTT////* //?*? /?r SrfAS d?/V&VT? 7 /W. /nrfftw/i*rt f tiwrfrj /f/irttJV5& p/tr/.'f IS?f...Yt>v& <Vor .??F?ffl/AS6- 7D p/tr7" I Foundation. There could hardly be a bigger joke! The Carolina Research and Development Foundation is nothing more than four of USC's top notch administrative uamecocKs and six other very affluent members of Columbia's uppercrust. To understand the betrayal, a briefing in local history is needed. In 1965, when the nonprofit corporation, CR&DF, was founded, all property southeast of Blossom and Sumter Streets within a seven or eight block square radius was occupied by a thriving and - 1 ucavu; pupuiaiea Diack community, which included Booker T. Washington High School. Through the years 1965 and 1977, the CR&DF and the university, not only managed to disintegrate the populus of the community by 75 per cent, but they also bought the school, B.T.W. and a church, Antioch Baptist Church. ^T^would appear that the large, black community known I I HH < m i 1 1 Bur i oavr ?!/&? ohjv A MM TAP? XZcOfUm /wr/io/if ' UJfiKH !T,HCM1 YOofi KEEL roKCfl C \ /s stmvno tc /HZa shouj' . ..M rzu as Wheeler Hill was once a threat to the University because of its hnoo . _ - UICXL.IV populus. Now that an entire culture has been demolished, what does the university plan to do with the property? Absolutely nothing! As reported in last week's Gamecock, the corporation, CR&DF, which is composed of President William H. Patterson and friends, has been asked by some other friends, (The board of trustees of USC), to stop buying property because the university will not need any more property for five to ten years. - It would appear that some apologies are in order from those responsible for buying the neighborhood that was Wheeler Hill and destroying a major institution in American * msiory, Antioch Baptist Church. " Tom Broadwater II Media Arts & Philosophy Student mnTTTB