Vote j/
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Janet Axson, Baker reiident :"l've
.......... wui v-wiiis a iuiiu time, wc need
more people I ike him involved In Student
Brian Kamlner, Bates resident:"!
believe the most important qualification
for the Treasurer should be honesty, and
I know Curt Loftis hak this quality."
Sandy Karvelai, South Blgd. resident:"Since
the Treasurer has input into the
SgA budget, he can help cut out some of
the wasteful expenditures. If he wllL I
think Curt Loftis Is the type of person
who will hold the line on wasteful
Nanette Plcclrillo, Political Science:"!
like Curt's idea of publishing regular
financial reports In the Gamecock.
This will help the average student keep
up with where the money is going."
Robin Beatty, Psychology, Wade
Hampton: "Curt Loftis is one of the few
persons who would agree to open his
records and his office to public inspection.
I think it's refreshing."
Chrys Jackson, Political Science, Baker
resident:"The other candidates seem to
be the same student government types
wtio have been running the systom tor
years. I'm glad we finally have a new
face who is qualified for SGA Office.
Loftis is definitely the one."
Larry Stephen, Journalism,
Bates: "When you stop to think that each
student pays over $100, Curt's suggestion
to finance some of the organizations
using alternate sources of income makes
a lot of sense."
Brenda Adams, Off Campus Resident:"Too
many student government officials
are only on an ego trip. I think Curt
Lottls is sincere In his efforts to Clean up
student government."
Joey Hazel, Criminal Justlc?:"For
several years, I have seen the student
activity fund being doled out In a
secretive manner, without regard to the
wishes of the students. I really believe
Curt Loftis 'an help stop this."
Diane Oer .d, Psychology ma|or: "I
know Curt Loftis very well and I know he
has the dedication, the ability, and most
of all the honestv to rfo *r? i/^
as Treasurer."
Rod Shealy, Former Chairman, Senate
Finance Commltte?:"Havlng formerly
served as chairman of the Senate
Finance Committee, I know that It takes
a spcclal kind of person to do o good |ob
as Treasurer.,.| also realize that the
wrong person can abuse the power of the
office. I have no doubt that Curt Loftls
will make an excellent choice as
Milllcent Derrick:"! laughed the first |
saw his slogen-'lt's your money I'- but
after I stopped to think about it. It made
a lot of sense...I'm not involved In
wui i sum warn 10
ue represented. I'll definitely vote for
Curt Loftls."
John Hendrix, LB. A. ma|or:"l wish
more people like Curt Loftls would run
for office instead of people who lust want
to get a little publicity."
Linda Wilson Reed, Senior Education
major:"! got to know Curt Loftls pretty
well when we were at the Leadership
Training Conference In Washington,
D.C. Although he is not one of the regular
student government oldtlmers, he
probably has more leadership ability
than all the others put together."
John Rivers, Law Student: "I have been
In student government at Clemson, at
(JSC and now at the USC Law School,
and Iknow the Importance of an honest
and dependable Treasurer. I know of no
person who can match these qualities of
Curt Loftis."
Mark Lewis, Business Administration:"!
think a lot of people
ininn aDoui siuaeni government in terms
of high school. They don't realize that
our student government controlled
almost three quarters of a million
dollars last year, which cornes out of our
fees We need a person with Curt's
honesty and ability as Treasurer."
Terry Murphy, Former SOA
Treasur?r:"Although I am no longer a
student, I did serve as Treasurerin 1974,
and I can say with authority that it
takes a dedicated person to do the job
right. It's not easy and you don't make
any friends, but I believe Curt Loftis has
the Perseverance to be an excellent
It's ye?r nmyl
Paid for by Friends of Curtis M. Loftls, Jr.
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