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, Direc 'Lion By Cynthia Taylor The Lion in Winter than it got from dire nrnHiiftinn nf (ho nlon , vr. p.MJ . was reduced to a serie Only one scene in the comic to the serious. As muddled. Ridolfo's stag awkward. His actors m Goldman's play.prot England and his wife, h castle on Christmas Ev I struggle to become Hen a spectacle that is bittei Rai Bailie (Henry II made the production wc CUL P R I I E I C# ? m r *i 6 . y *F| G-I CULTUM I hMQH m m^js mi nHTWhTBH iSH tor mudd in Winter is a well-written farcewhich deser uior josepn T. Kidolfo in Town Author James Goldman's crisp, sail s of one liners. production had a smooth transitio for the rest of the play, these trans ?ing for this production was unimagi loved through the scenes like woode >es the love-hate relationship of II bailor of Aquitaine. The play is set e in 1183. Three sons are engaged ry's successor. As Goldman said, 4 r. vengeful, passionate and loving al ) and Hal Brooks (Richard the Li< >rthwhile. Bailie got off to a bad s TURAL SERIES C PRESENTS ! AIMW I ^ruiv? \mu hk a All #a -*' IBra?lb ~H VI I WEEtOPENTTO iNERAL PUBLIC L SERIES CoMMITT fftiTOfwrni I ? first two scenes, but he < B standout in the cast. 11 successfully made the it a Jerry Crouch played i ' Capps portrayed Henry 51UH1MCU rti UUIIU Oil Met) mistress, gave an inter made the mellow prin< The biggest disappoii ved better Bailie as Eleanor. Hei Theatre's Drawl which developed ty dialogue one of the most beautifi turned her into the Wife n from the in her character, itions were Although the costume native and ,>.,,,..^1?ui? i loubcu u uuiciii uccau in soldiers. capes like Batman. W; lenry II of arches that fit the play, at Henry's lightning effects which in a power 'They offer Although the audien II at once." changed them by not whearted) ievelop. The productioi tart in the . . .... . The Lion in Winter w OMMITTEE OF FH LEWIS russell h< DLlfiEWN ?0 fjl p p OF THE ^ c c ^ russell hou WlttM :V1 snded the play with a flourish. Broc [e dominated the stage with his prt lany transitions from sorrow to rage Geoffrey, the middle son, credib 's youngest son, John, with gusto a ge too much. Alice Gettle as Alai esting interpretation of her charact :ess too spirited. ntmont nf thf? nrnHn^Unn t~. ... v . V?1V/ I'M. V/V?V4VblUtl VUillC 11 V r English accent was spiced with i I into a monotone. Eleanor of Aqu il and brilliant women to have lived, of Bath. Bailie needed more variety s were elegantly designed and exec ise the actors were continually using alter O'Rourke designed an elegan I wish I could say the same thing were ordinary at best. ce enjoyed the play, director Rid allowing the serious asnprts of ti n just didn't do justice to the play ill run through Saturday. ?"i? FiresI said, was that the rooi ? ? Although Drayton 1 ^ system failed to work' the sprinkler, he said Xjse ? Beauford attributed The difference betwee (l-.nii : ? -? illCjr OllUUlU Id UUt aiWd Even if the system I significant change in Beauford could not e have prevented. He a the system. ISR-50A ~7~~$6 ,$R-5IA 9 |$R~52 $299,951 , PfVGRMMABU WITH OPTIONAL A? J PRINTER. AVAILABLE SOON JSj ? , ?W. AIL ACCESSORIES A 7. . FULL 11) VR. WARRANTY flBT | 30 ?W REPLACEMENT J ! j | a J * SHIPPED I | NO SALES TAX EOR OUT Of STAT I OffCXS^ M OJKCUO^^.5 II Surveyor* Supply I ' P. 0. EVX 999 104 W. CH APEX, NORTH CAROLINA 27 > (919) 362-7000 gem General W i > I .11 Bsooi. hds recvn ICCOIKH O' .1 I Thu is e) men m.ltif ,inif inon Wt' hn|M* you USC Alumnae | ' >ks was the I m ?sence and 1 ~ST* ly. Craig I Ithough he s, Henry's I The band: er, but she 1 going to I until mem I refuse to f >m Lucille I otherwise, \ Southern I exCeed $1C itaine was | but Bailie I The pub and depth | acquaintet Ientertainrr you like m ; their long jazz fc t series of Thursday about the ar,d the An play withe Wednesda; olfo short- J lie play to I tertainmei I pay for th I oUI 1c* 1 KlKZS^l A must mak n was completely secure v tfall is equipped with a s when the fire started becau I. the heat by-passing the spi ?n "being enginerically co ys the same," he said, had worked, he said, there the fire. stimate how much damage dded he is considering sor rumerits| cncr i SmLhI rncc w HHH f CUSTOMERS 1 HONE o c o n fff | jj j (s-//\!l Company I VSNll AmAM STRICT < kjtt Bg aSgBfetoag *. -Mffy ^ SOLDIER REP4 I he Umvorsit / til South Carolina Campus Bookstore Cordially Invites Nun To An Atitngr.iph Party Honoring FRAI Wil I I AM r WKTMfi On Friday, January 30 19/0 from 3 00 p m to 5 00 /> in At I/nii/nrtif 1/ Hmitn i ??nwr of It^rn^cll .inti < ?>lh|je SIhtK n C Westmoreland, one of South C.iroli illy published 'us fust hook /I Soldier iff .tnrl career s|i.tnnirMj forty years of set mi right from th?* lir>n<) line covering soi lentous happenings ;>t our recent history "II ton us in s.iiiitmg tfus Soulfi C< [)<irticul<irly welcome' . ices From Page 6 s and the promoters are milk the concert-goer bers of the buying public >ay high concert prices. admission prices may ?. lie should become better i with the other forms of lent around campus. If usic, Ramsey Lewis and sand will perform free ninht bin m me tuiiseuiu, nazing Rhythm Aces will >ut charge Tuesday and y nights in the Golden But the choice of ennt and how much one will iose diversions is a persion that each individual e. From Page 1 /hen Tiremen arrived, prinkler system, the ise the heat by-passed 'inklersas a "fluke." rrect and working as ; would have been no ? the snrinklprs miaht I ne rearrangement of fcfjwjjp] RHrKEVl9aMn ORTS WELAND na's most illustrions eports the personal vire to his country ne of the most rtr.i