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New biliUcov By DUNCAN MANSFIELD Gnamecock Staff Writer A bill to prohibit "special seating and ticket distribution" to members of the Student Government. Association '(SGA) for athletic events is now being considered by the SGA Judiciary Committee. SGA Sen. Michael Corl6y, author of the bill, said "SGA members should not' receive any special privileges that or dinary students do not receive. We (the SGA Senate) are no better than anyone else." Corley favors a ticket policy for the SGA similar to that of other USC stude'nt organizations. SGA members now receive tickets for block seats at Williams-Brice Stadium near the 35-yard line. All .other student organizations are seated around the 15-yard line. According to Roger K. Booco, student ticket manager, the 80 to 120 SGA tickets distributed for each game, are "not all that great. They (the tickets) are not as desirable as they could be." Booco said the SGA seats are located directly behind the seats reserved for the USC band, which hinders the vision of the SGA spectators. P.0. Sex 4618 .C Women's Educational S mon-pr4fit agency di * Free Pregancy * Pr*eMs Pregma * Free Aberlem a * C6Ntraceptve C 0 Family PIanni It yea're a womns and we We e*' F e$a l Servik soe= m Wise cares. 11e numbe R':* >, ,.Bef.nwih i's. rsi - e New v.ou can ge't this re's Supe'l 'Ibe. big .andwic'.h Iltha's 1 biq 2e aing nowq i. * At Arby, I 200 Arby'sS Now thru 0 litt1222 Chat id end selec Last year the SGA reserved seats were in sections between the 50 to 40-yard line. USC football coach Jim Carlen proposed during the summer that the SGA seats should be moved to their present location. Carlen also agreed to a proposal from SGA President Steve Hill to reduce the number of "complimentary seats" given to the SGA president from 10 to 4 seats. The SGA president's seats are located on the 50-yard line. The seats are used to pay back SGA debts, according to Corley. Burger King, the hamburger chain,. has been given the "complimentary tickets" for the up-coming Clemson game because it is a full-scholarship donor and a sponsor of Carolina Cares. Hill said he has not personally used these tickets this year. Booco said, he thought the SGA "used their tickets as an.incentive to get better officers" The SGA Constitution does not specify a salary, compensation or stipend should be given to its officers, according to Corley. "As it stands right now, the tickets are a special privilege of the SGA," Corley said. Aeros 'eiw 9W froin Parkla bsm .SC. Shoppi avices is a Cente Rt offe: Testing ey c.umsdbmg sterrabs Free dr: with M i dseistamee can for a to talk AMh studen rto cais 7mas=- only m the Arbi Super etL4 p)Iiled bhil I 4)1 dI )IldtO. difl( a glvdt lt $1 15 dcluetL for Arb'$s So try Arby s 'i on heef~LV And ge't if - uper 't. 25th t SGA footba Sadsbury's bill states its purpose is to create "A greater feeling of closeness among an organization (SGA senate) fraught with discord. The SGA members are enthusiastic, if not overly so in their support of the USC football team. (And that) Senate committee meetings, difficult to arrange because of complex class schedules, can be conducted at halftime." According to Corley, the committee studying his proposal has not met since he presented the bill two weeks ago. Willis Walker, committee chairman, was unavailable for comment. Corley expects the bill to die in com mittee. He said he felt the only chance the bill would have of passing the senate would come from student support. "But it is hard to get somebody (the studentry) to com plain about something that is not going to effect them," he said. Corley said he originally expected 20 to 30 calls from students about the bill. The SGA office has yet to receive any word from students about corley's bill. nox Driv nd Hwy. 215, M to airp Open 24 hours ink howl eal of 1.1 ts at regis Bicycle 746 Hard WE FEATU steak < % fried c a seafoot spaghe homerr Only 0ri Banqu - V - ll s eats "Senators can miss committee meetings and still pick up tickets," Corley said. Although he said this should be a requirement at ticket pick up Corley said he would not re-enter his bill with this stipulation if it is defeated in its original form. Response to the ticket bill has been 'negative" in the Senate, according to Corley. Hill said he did know of at least two or three senators who favor Corley's - Prposal. John Hopkins, an SGA senator, said Corley was "bitching about a good thing" referring to the present SGA seating arrangements. "There is no justification for his (Corley's bill. We (SGA senators) are not getting a dime for our work," Hopkins said. Hopkins said he will typically spend 40 to 60 hours per week working on SGA projects. 04- A Sa%W luSadsbury presented a bill in reaction to the Corley proposal which would not change the present SGA seating and ticket distribution method. e 21 LEVI'S ort AMERICA'S FINEST JEANS SINCE 1850 RIELL68 TTOt OR STRAI HT LEG -BLUE DENIM OR CORDUROY MO LEVY'S ng and D. 1RITC1ES BREW CORNER LADY ter AND ASSEMBLY ST. E E RA.L E/GH QYCL,ES AT! Center of Columbia en Street (at Green) 799-3382 Shan.' RE: linners from $1.29 dicken tti w/meatsauce lade pies & dressings 3 minutes from USC Knox Abbott Dr. et Facilities Available Call 796--7887.