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PORTER LOFTIN reen St Party a fesi BY MICKEY TRIMARCHI Of The Gamecock staff The closing of Green Street on a 45 day trial period has left many USC students in favor of having it permanently closed. "I think it's great," said fresh man Christi Loftin. "I didn't like being nearly killed by the cars always flying through. It was a real hassle to cross the street. I hope it s closed permanently." Rosemary Joseph, a sophomore, said, "I'm glad Green Street is closed, and I hope it stays closed. It gives the school a more campus atmosphere and does away with the usual traffic problems. I would also like to see more student ac tivities like the Street Party." Senior Matt Thompson said, "It suits me just fine, although I was never worried about getting run over. Since the students make the most use out of Green Street, it should stay closed." Patty Wand, a freshman, said "It's alright, except for the traffic noise on Green and Pickens, by the Womens Quad. I do prefer it closed because it's easier to cross the street. Now students can have something else to do instead of congrugating in Russell House. There were a few students who felt Green Street should be reopened. Among those was junior Hope English. "I like it the way it was. Everything looks so dry, especially with the construction. The street belongs to the city and people need it to get to work. It shouldn't be closed just for our convenience." Sophomore Wendy Stoudmayer felt the same way. "I don't like it. The street looks so empty and closing it took away so many parking spaces. I never really had a problem crossing the street though." Sophomore Claire Melnyk said, "It is ridiculous that they closed Green. There's such an in convenience to drivers now. I would like it reopened."' John Cantey, a freshman, "didn't care one way or another." "I don't see any benefit because the traffic didn't bother me. Although, if they have more ac tivities planned for students, I THOMPSON reet ive affair as stude think it should be closed." "We ought to get 500 students with pick axes and rip up Green Street and put in grass and trees," said sophomore Steve Cuihane. Freshman Tim Guthrie felt the same way. "I like it closed. It brings the campus together. Now you can sit, talk, play frisbee and just have a good time. It's sort of like a pavemented Horseshoe. It makes the campus more like a community." William Norton, a junior, said, "I like it very much now that Green Street is closed. They ought fi.ll in the street to make it look better. Somebody should set up a con cession stand and have more ac tivities like the Street Party too. The only problem noW' is the bicycles. You have to watch out for them. I'd rather worry about bicycles than cars, though." Senior Alex Salley said, "I like it better this way. It brings the campus together. They should make a mall with trees out of the street now. I hope it stays ne JOHNSON uits celebrate the ion R OA D :OSE D manently closed. The SGA street party was a good idea. Hope they have more of them." Cathy Slovic, a freshman, is in favor of closing Green Street permanently. "It gives more of a campus atmosphere to the school, although it is an inconvenience to drivers. Now, too many cars come down Pickens and it's noisy by the dorms." Sophomore Dennis Rowe said "I think it's great that they closed G;reen Street because it was a big hassle to cross. They should close the street semi-permanently, like close it during school hours and open it up in the evenings and on weekends." Carnell Foskey, a freshman said "it was a great idea to close Green." "You don't have to worry about cars, especially going to an 8 a.m. class still half asleep. There should be more concerts and some fairs now that it is closed." Freshman Rick .James said, "I SAIIEY g-awaited closing likeit hisway.It ive th sie "I thints waIt thatve gt canhe eld consed. Notrees noin traffic problems for the student to worry about. I hope it stays per manently closed. There should be weekend parties like the one last Friday." Ronald Lee Porter, a freshman said, "I think it's OK. There's a lot more freedom for students and you don't have to fight traffic to get to class now. I hope it can stay that way. As far as activities go, there can be different social gatherings now, like things put on by different clubs and such." A random sampling of USC students showed 44 in favor of permanently closing Green Street and six opposed.