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VE K VL. LXV NO. 15 Univer"wity-o South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. OCTOBER 21, 197 Afro gr BY "MOBY" SALAHUDDIN Of The Gamecock staff USC's Afro American Students Asssociation may be violating the membership clause of its University charter and in the process may be in jeopardy of losing its funding for the current year. John Middleton, Afro president, explained the membership of his organization; "If you happen to be of African descent and if you are a student, you are automatically a member." Since the Afro-American Association was chartered as an open organization and, therefore, received the comparatively large sum of $11,700 from the student activities fee, any student can join this organization. Middleton does not think so. "We are really not ready to accept people" other than those of African descent, he said. Dr. Paul P. Fidler, assistant vice president for Student Affairs, said the Afro-American Association was chartered as an open PAUL F. DIETZEL ....athletic department Senate ol BY LEE POWFAL Of The Gamecock staff The student senate overrode a veto by Student Government Association (SGA ) President Leigh Leventis that concerned parts of the recently passed SGA budget. Leventis vetoed parts three and four of the "be enacted that" section of the budget, and ex plained why he did so to the senate at Wednesday's meeting, Part three of the section of the budget required, for several SGA budgetary divisions, that all ap propriations and expenditures of the divisions shall be accorded in oup ma Afro's membership organization and cannot discriminate against any student. He said if the Afro American Association is, indeed, not open to all students, regardless of racial origin, his office "ought to look into it. We-would have to get in touch Profits u4 BY BILL PRATT Of The Gamecock staff Second of a series The more than $14,000 profit ,xpected to be shown by the Athletic Department this year will )e set aside to offset possible ieficits, a university information >fficial said last week. "This amount (the $14,675) has een carried over, as has been the ractice, to offset possible ieficits," Sig Huitt, director of USC information service, repor:ted. According to a copy of the verrides S4 line item format, and each division would have a separate account. This included the Cabinet Budget the section which Leventis vetoed. Leventis said the reason he vetoed this part was not so much that he was against line iteming of appropriations, but that the Cabinet Budget section of part three states the same thing as part two of the. "be enacted that" section. Part two says "That all Cabinet positions must keep an accurate update record of all expenditures." Leventis said he saw no reason why the budget should include both of these statements. be vic policies on student activ with members of that organization." So far members of the Afro American Association have all been blacks. If the Afro Americans refuse entry to any student of non African origin then, according to ed as cor department's estimated budget for the current fiscal year, revenues will exceed expenses by $14,675. "Fifty-thousand dollars of ac cumulated revenues (after ex penses) was transferred last year to the University to help finance the Blossom Street parking garage," Huitt said. Also, he said, past profits from the budget helped pay for the George Terry Spring Sports Center and lighted track. The budget also shows $60,000 in revenues from various in vestments. 'A budge Part four was a recent amend ment to the budget. It states that appropriations approved by the Senate must be approved by the Senate Finance Committee and the SGA Treasurer before being used. Both vetoes were overridden by the senate, 33-6. The vetoes were voted on in a single vote. Leventis said he did not mind the senate overriding his vetoes as much as he was dismayed by the fact that they (the senate) did not vote on them separately. He said he does not think the senate has done all it could to make this year's budget as good as it could be. dating ties bulletin board Paul Simoneau, chairman of the Student Allocations Commission (SAC),. they would not be allowed general funding from the student activities fee. Simoneau said there was "no formal investigation, as far as I Itingency The $60,000 is the direct result of investments made by the State Treasurer, Huitt reported. Funds are invested after advance tickets sales are made. Another aspect of the budget is the distribution of personnel ex penses, which amounts to $696,200. Three hundred and one thousand dollars has been allocated for administration. This figure reflects Athletic Director Paul F. Dietzel's present salary of $40,765 and costs for the general ad ministration of the department. t vetoes Leventis said since fund bills were brought up by the Senate Finance Committee, approved by the senate and then approved by the SGA Treasurer, there is no reason why appropriated funds should have to return to the committee for further approval. *The Powers and Responsibilities Committee recommended several people to be approved by the senate for certain positions in the government. All except one were approved to their appointments. He is Ray Snyder, a former roommate of Leigh Leventis. Continued on Page Three bharter know," into Afro's membership policies, and added that such an investigation would have to originate from Fidler's office. Each semester a student pays $13.50 for Student Activities. The SAC, which consists of twelve student members, an advisor from the Student Affairs Division, and an advisor from the faculty, allocates student money to organizations which would best benefit the most students--and on how wisely each organization has spent previous allocations. There is some evidence that in the past the Afro Americans have not always been judicious in spending money. Simoneau said the Afro American Association spent money not given to it last spring. As Simoneau recalled, the Afro Americans spent $178 on sporting goods. Since they- were not allocated money for this purpose, the SAC refused to pay their bill. "Whoever signed that bill," said Continued on Page 12 fund sports information office, various training rooms and The Gamecock Club, Huitt reported. It is estimated Football per sonnel expenses will amount to $216,500, while basketball ad ministrative costs will run $105,000 this year: The five other "major" sport programs at USC will split a personnel allocation of $73,700, he said. These figures include the salaries of both coaches and staff, such as trainers, equipment men and secretaries, Huitt reported. LEIGH LEVENTIS