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'RUT'OSBORNE Alumni honor Osbourn Rutledge L. Osborne, a member of the USC Board of Trustees since 1947 and board chairman from 1952 to 1970, was honored as 1974 Distinguished Alumnus by the USC Alumni Association during homecoming activities on campus Saturday. Osborne, a 1916 graduate of Carolina, served as chairman of the Board of Trustees longer than any individual in the University's history. He was vice chairman from 1950-52. In 1973 he was honored by the naming of USC's administration building in his honor. Three recipients of Honorary Life Memberships in the University's Alumni Association were also recognized Saturday during the alumni group's annual homecoming luncheon: Mrs. Josephine B. Abney of Greenwood, Flora M. Barringer of Columbia and Weems 0. Baskin Jr. of, Columbia, all active supporters of University endeavors. Distinguished alumnus Osborne is a native of Orangeburg. ONCE IN WE OFFER WATERBI AT GREATLY R We manufacture high quality hotel-motel trade and for the fu From time to time we have fabi completing a run of these waterb We have right now over 50 of t variety of sizes (kings to twins), These frames may be seen at weekday from 9:00 - 5:30 p in.. We suggest you move quickly waterbed. The last time we at sold out in three days. Firm prices will be quoted at tU However, as a guideline we w FRAMES according to fabric frames would be from $250 - $ This is a genuine opportunity to BARGAIN PRICE. At these prices, CASH & CARl Yes, we dehae water mattress Telephone. Carolina Deddin, ~ugh, Many unaware, o Student BY SID GRIFFIN Of The Gamecock staff Some handicapped USC students are eligible for financial help but not aware of it, officials of the South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation Department said last week. "We know that there are students at Carolina eligible for our help financially and in other ways. but we can't seem to reach them to tell them." Dave Lun dgren, a rehabilitation Gener.' Counselor said. Lundgren explained the Vocational Rehabilitation Department as diagnostic ser vices, artificial appliances, counseling and guidance, training and placement. He said thce eligible would have to have a disability preventing employment, and that the individual must show interest in working after the vocational rehabilitational help. Phil Grubbs, also a General Counselor, said "This isn't charity by any means, they owe us by becoming a taxpayer, and we want to see them become hard workers." -He said the person is rehabilitated for himself and that the end goal is finding the person a good job. The South Carolina Vocational Rehabilitation center rehabilitated 11,476 people last year, they said, and of all the money spent on them, they are paying it back to the government through taxes within an average of 3.7 years. South Carolina was the first in the nation for getting the handicapped jobs last year, according to the department's figures. The Department is funded 20 per cent by the state and 80 per cent by the federal government. Lundgren said many students simply need counseling instead of job placement. With these jobs, he said, the handicapped person's income increases an average of 541 A WHILE EDS & ACCESSORIES EDUCED PRICES WATERBED FRAMES for the irniture industry. ics and materials left over after ed frames for our customers. hese frames in stock in a wide md upholstery materials. our factory in White Rock, any ir by appoint.ment on Saturday. if you're in the market for a Ivertised these specials we were ie factory, but not on the~ phone. il be selling these WATERBED rom $90 - $150. Retail on these 500. get a DREAM BED at an absolute FKY ONL Y. es, liners and heinters. 781-1455 way 76, White Rck, S.C. ficials say s eligible I per cent. Grubbs and Lundgren both were enthusiastic about the rehabilitation program at .USC, .claiming it is one of the more progressive as to the disabled. Both were pleased at the declining number of physical barriers to the handicapped at 'SC Lundgren pointed out that University eiployes many 1)AVISON'S Every day's..a Dan Wear them when you uninhibited by clothir Anytime. Not just fc never fade, and it's I out. Fully-fashioned o red, navy, and dk. gre order additional colol Scoopneck, zipperless (A) short-sleeve, 7.75 (C) matching tights, (dept. 6) Hosiery, DE Come in, write, or ci For finant disabled pei-sons at the Russell House, the cafeterias and the Roost in important and skilled jobs. "'Acceptance is the basis for these folks to attend any school," said Lundgren. Students attending the vocational rehabilitation center are all ages and types, including veterans and prisoners from state institutions. Some are on skin day!!! want to feel 19. Anywhere. er dancing ! Danskins" lard to wear them' f nylon in black, 4 en. (We'll be glad to -s or styles for groups.] leotards in s-rn-I & xl. (B) long sleeve, $8 4.25 vison's Street Level ill 779..5700 .1al aid scholarships up to $380 a semester. "More and more training is being done, as we move toward more functional jobs and better mental health for the person," (;rubbs said. Any student in terested in the programs and the scholarships offered by the department should visit the vocational rehabilitation office at 100 Main St.