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VU K VOL. LXV. NO. 14 University.of South Carolina, Columbia, S.C. OCTOBER 17, 17 - V.P. for instruction Adminis Dr. William H. Wesson Jr. has been named acting vice president for instruction at the University of South Carolina. Wesson, a USC econ6mics professor since 1960 and associate vice president for instruction since August, fills the post vacant since the Oct. 4 death of John R. Welsh. The vice president of in struction has the ad ministrative responsibility for 10 colleges at the University as WILLIAM H. WESSON well as for the Graduate School and the Law Center. A search a A little help Kay Scott, needs a boost to help hang one of the many pieces of art at the Crucible's Arts Festival in the Humanities pool Tuesday. Along with art work, photography, entertainment and crafts were all displayed in an attempt to raise a little revenue for USC's financially troubled literary magazine. Staff Photo by Steve V'alk. named trative po process to . fill the position permanently will be initiated in the near future, according to USC President William H. Patterson. Assisting Wesson will be Dr. Alfred G. Smith serving as acting associate vice president for instruction. Smith has been on the USC economics faculty since 1938 and is a former head of the economics department. Wesson holds degrees from North Carolina State, Johns Hopkins and Duke University. He is a former engineer with GOP cai visits USI BY FRANK DeLOACHE of The Gamecock staff "Reform, reform, reform are the three words that summarize my campaigning," said state Sen. Jim Edwards, the first formidable contender for Republican governor in recent memory. "y've beeh tignting the establish ment for 10 years," the oral surgeon from Charleston said. "I've fought lawyer-legislators practicing before boards they appoint, and croneism and the lack of a General Accounting Office." Edwards stopped to talk before meeting students at Russell House . His campaign, previously given poor odds, received a big boost when Charles "Pug" Ravenel, the Democrat gubernatorial candidate was declared ineligible to run by the state supreme court. "I'm confidently scared. There's trouble on the other side and an over abundance of establishmentarians who are choking reform," he said with a smile. "We've got to do away with all the conflicts of interest that run the legislature." Restoration of confidence in government and inflation are the two encompassing issues, but educatio reform, better health care and reouction of crime are the changes that can solve the problems, Edwards said. "South Carolina has the highest teacher turnover in the nation," he said. "We've got to give more attention to the primary and secondary school systems. First, we've got to raise teacher's alaries, becnause techers are the sts filled Westinghouse Electric Corp. and has taught at the University of Chattanooga, Louisiana State University and at Duke. He received USC's Russsell Award for Distinguished Teaching in 1967. Smith, who holds bachelor's, master's and Ph.D. degrees from Columbia University, was a Fulbright Professor at the Bologna, Italy Center of Johns Hopkins University in 1963-64. He is listed in "Who's ALFRED G. SMITH Who in America." rididate Edwards C, discusses issues 4onter of the whole process. "We need special classes for bright students, those interested in fine arts, career development and The method of certifying those with learning disabilities." teachers needs -xamination, said Edwards said. 'Otherwise Edwards. "Techniques of teaching students get bored and problems are stressed too much. They've got start. Let's teach discipline the to know what they're teaching." first couple of years so it will stick lie wants order restored to the with through the years. classroom so teachers can con- "We need para-professionals in centrate on teaching instead of the classroom to take care of disciplini -g. He proposes reducing record keeping, and the ad class sizes to no more than 20 ministration should help with students. There was a slight discipline problems," he said. decrease in first graders, and "We need to require productivity Edwards said "now is the time to on the part of the student. keep same dollar expenditure while increasing the qality.ned ae SGA celebrates closinged with Green Street party BY MERRY BATEMAN Johnny Elliot, SGA ad ministrative aide."As an open Since 1940, the closing of thoroughfare, the street can Green Street has been the only provide an abundance of dream of many student cars and exhaust fumes." grot nw it it L tmprary rets eaion it is posornga sret prt to br wiul e ofserssoW cnt wltc celebrte theclosin,serv berugh the separty Thepurposeofthe stet bcasro ito stae arerty Gree Steetto how an rcor theion," anhe ad actiitis tat cn bco- mbndstadton shouldn hlp f ith "Wih GeenStret losd, "We ise povrqidire bndutvy so mny ltenaties re or the surtnd of a patyd. arould incrastuns the ursuey usin thestret,"accrdin toContinued on Page 3