University of South Carolina Libraries
tutural 'Center Planned For USC Counseling Course A course entitled "Adlerian Approaches to Counseling and Classroom Management"will be offered in Charleston this fail the University of South Carolina Department of Graduate Regional Studies. Designed for school counselors, teachers, admirlistrators and psychologists, the course will be held Friday evenings and Saturday for four weekends during the fall semester in the College of Chrleston's Maybank Hall. Offered on a pass-fail basis, the course carries three hours of graduate credit. Teaching the classes will -be Dr. Francis' X. Walton, associate director of the USC Counseling Bureau and a member of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Adlerian Psychology. Registration for thecourse will be Monday, Sept. 10, from 4-6 p.m. in the Charleston County 'School District Administration Building, 1170 Jenkins Ave.., North Charleston. I21 / . PAINLESS EAR PIERCING WITH PURCHASE OF I4K T GOLD EARRINGS. We will pierce your ears and you will get a pair of 14 kt Gold P Earrings, all for $10. CALL 254-5377 FOR APPOINTMENT 1423 Main St. Downtown Cqlumbia. C&S Bank Bui . 1201 Kno) USC'8 PLANS for a cultura arts center, ultimately to be large than Washington's Kennedy Art Center, were approved by the Stat Budget and Control Board. -The University was authorize to spend $1.3 million to buy land for the center which will als( be used in cooperation with the S.C Educational Television Network Pictured as covering a four block area, the center will includf an auditorium, theatre, parkinj garage, expanded classrooms an( studios for the humanities as wel as ETV headquarters. Althougl the entire complex will probab3 take the remainder of the centur3 C Bani ~here the a in Colaun rhe Citizens and Southern National Ba Member F.D.I.C. ding - 1206 Washington'Street . 2111 [ Abbott Drive . 1303 Park Street e Ric) otch Road . 1425 Bluff Road a 2465 Ai I to complete the first building, the r auditorium, is hoped to be com 3 pleted by 1976. THE CENTER IS PLANNED for location in a block which in I cludes the state library building. The area is' across Senate Street ) from the Columbia Museum of Art. According to Harold Brunton, Vice-president for business affairs, - "This is the rhost exciting project a which the University of South i Carolina has been involved in 1 several years." I According to a report last year, the number of majors in cultural arts programs grew from 156 in 1967 to 737 in 1972, an increase of 0 riwn is b.ia nk of South Carolina levine Street - 330 Bush River Road 1land Mall - 2363 Taylor Street - igusa Road . 903 Leesburg Road 172 per cent. This number is ex )ected to increase in coming years, iaid Brunton. Brunton also received approval to spend $3.7 million in collected parking fees for a parking garage covering a full block adjacent to the Cultural Center. This garage is to accomodate nersons at tending the institution to add third-year courses to its curriculum. In other action, the Board authorized the purchase of 40 vehicles at a total cost of $140,000 for the motor pool.