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Classified ds :e=mo. M. If bund please call 7"47?, IN=v at Sauh Oft. Desk or put in USC Box 3305. Sarah Mure. 1)ST: Wooden, painted, roemd key chain with two beys. Please retun to Box U-rn. llank you. FOUND: memiastry iiI text and note book can 00 and describe. LAST: Pr. of VWt brown octaonal glases enclosed in a dark brown can. LAst between Harper and LaCoMe. If found please call 8=74. FOUND: Ginrae watch.ORB to iden tify. 457. . LAST: Larg bew. wallet. Cbstain Ds, diver's lense and other very important papers. If Ioend, plese call 78W-125 after 6 OcW.aIafnot Philadelphia call 300. GAMECOCK FANS: Enjoy the game knowing your child is well cared for. Suzy-Q Nursery wil be open during all home games for child care by the hour. Call 254S7 or M-3534 for appointment. UFE INSURANCE? Just $30 per year for $10.000 for level protection. Call or write BILL BROOKS, JR., your representative on campus. P.O. Box 872, Columbia, S.C. 20006. Phone: 254-765. Sort course on Camping. Remember: only you can prevent forest fires by teaching the, correct techniques of camping. (Snokey the Bear would be proud of you.) ONE PUPPY (female) mixed breed,mmostly German shepard--Med. to small size. rryend!Y; loves people. 782-2170 after 5:30 P.M. 'W (Ft SA BI McG< "Senator McGove Where others have where others have Students for McGovei .1 Marine r The Marine officer selections officer will be in room 321 Russell House today through Oct. 1. He will have a HUIE helicopter at Owens Field for an exhibit. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT The Communications Skills Development Center, part of the Counseling Bureau, is offering several non-credit courses in ef fective listening, spelling and reading. - There will be a nominal charge for each course, and they will meet on the following schedule: Ef fective Listening-Tuesday, 12:30 2 30, begins Sept. 28 for two weeks; Effective Reading-Wednesday, 12-30-2:30, begins Sept. 291or six weeks; Effective Spelling Thursday, 12:30-2:30, begins Sept. 30 for six weeks. For further information, call the Counseling Bureau at 777-5223 or visit the bureau on the second floor of the Pendleton Building. SDX SMOKER Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalism society, plans a party Sept. 27 for journalism majors with a 2.0 GPR and 60 hours who are interested in joining. Transportation is available from tNTE] dl or Part time) LE SGIR Apply Downtown tITTO1 wern for Pres: rn represents the best i fought for power, he h been pragmatic,, he has n meeting. Tuesday S Russell House 8:00 p.i Gamnecock - Charge Account -$100. ( 3RITTO2 wwwNews briefs ecruiter hei the Coliseum. For more in formation call 8706 or 3571. ESCORT SERVICE The APO escort service began last night. Girls wishing to use the service should call 3825. OCHS ARCHIVES REP. Dr. Robert D. Ochs, head of the USC History Department, has been named South Carolina's representative on a council created to advise the United States Archives. As South Carolina's represen tative on the council, Ochs will meet with historians from seven other Southeastern states to study programs of the National Archives and of its Federal Record Center located in Atlanta. "We will give advice on how the U.S. 'Archives can make federal records more available to scholars, students and others outside of the government," Ochs said. Millions of federal documents are in existence, he explained, ranging from speeches by the President to last year's federal income tax report. FASHION SHOW Millie Lewis Models fashion show and dance will be held D IS ident ri America. as battled for truth; been prophetic." WVilliam Sloan Coffin Yale University ept. 28, Room 307 n. re today Friday, Oct. 1, at 8:30 p.m. at the Shrine Club on Bush River Road. The band "New Generation" will play. Tickets are $1.75. For more information, call the Millie Lewis School of Modeling. DISPLAY YOUR ART? Students who want to display their art at the S.C. State Fair Fine Arts exhibit should write to the State Fair, Box 393, Columbia, S.C. 29202. The deadline for entries is Oct. 11, but actual works don't have to be in until Oct. 16. PHILOSOPHY TALK Professor LeRoy B. Cebik of the University of Georgia will deliver a paper entitled-"Narratives and Arguments: Divorce and Reconciliation." It will be Wednesday, Sept. 29 at 4 p.m. in room 101 of Hamilton College. Refreshments will be served at 3:45 and discussion will follow the presentation of the paper. "THE SKY AT NIGHT" The Columbia Science Museum Gibbes Planetarium is presenting "The Sky at Night," a topical show concerned with the constellations and other objects visible in the current sky. The admission is $.50 for students and $.75 for adults. The show is offered on Oct. 2 at 1 p.m. Unfair (Continued from Page 3 If this system was introduced, abolishing the repetition of high school liberal arts courses, the B. S. would have more uses than being merely a prerequisite for graduate school. As in some other schools, the M.S. could be skip ped, and the Ph. D. obtained in two-thirds the time now required. JEAN FITZGERALD Zip-Kleen, Inc 1320 Main St. Cleaners and Launderers .This weeks Dry Cleaning Special Mix' 'emup Pants, skirts, slacks, sweaters 3 for $1.69 Regular Service Zip-Kleen, Inc 1320 Main St. Campus Calendar TODAY Film, "Manchurian Candidate," Russell House Theatre, 7 and 9:30 p.m. Singing Group, "Trilogy," Golden Spur, Russell House, 7-11 P.m. Hillelj meeting, Faculty Lounge, Russell House,7:30 p.m. to elect new officers. Kappa Delta Epsilon, meeting, Russell House 323, 5 p.m. VA meeting, Russell House 323, 8:30 p.m. TUES., SEPT. 28 Golden Spur, "Trilogy" and Snuffy Jenkins, Russell House, 7-11 p.m. Der Deutshe Club, meeting, Russell House 310, 8 p.m. Alpha Phi Omega, meeting, Russell House 322, 7:30 p.m. Marine Recruiting, Russell House 321, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. through Oct. 1. St. Thomas More Newman: Foundation, meeting, reception.' for new members, 6 p.m. Film, "Jonas," Russell House Theatre, 7 p.m. Following the film the German Club will meet for coffee. Rap Session, sponsored by Student Government, Horseshoe Lounge and Preston Lounge, 7:30 p.m. Palmetto Report, "The Case for Life," interview with Dr. Charles J. Malony, Rector, Cathedral of Charleston, College of Journalism production, ETV. WED. SEPT.29 Physics Seminar, Dr. Stephen Shafroth, UNC-Chapel Hill, Physical Science Center, 4 p.m. Film, "Far from the Madding Crowd," Russell House Theatre, 7 and 9:30 p.m. WUSC. meeting, Russell House 323, 5 p.m. Afro-American Association, meeting, Russell House 323, 7:30 p.m. Westminster Presbyterian Center, supper-program, 6 p.m. Baptist Student Union, fellowship supper, 6 p.m. Wesley Foundation, supper program, 6:15 p.m. Lutheran Student Center, supper program, 6 p.m. Rap Session, sponsored by Student Government, International House, Pendleton St., 7:30 ODK, meeting, Palmetto Room Russell House, 1 p.m. PE RFECT CHOICE Choose Keepsake with confidence, knowing the engagement diamond is flawless, of fine color and precise cut. OtAMOND fetNGS ROOF JEWELERS 1221 Taylor St. Rosewood Sh. Cnt. Welcomes Student Credit. Watch. & Jewelry eA..r.