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Pack to i for UNC (Contimed h'm Page 9) "Our kicking game has been about, the soundest thing we've had." said the former defensive coach on his team's strong points. "We've got to do better than that though. "I am surprised they ran so well at us. We should have contained their rushers better. At times we did; at times we didn't." As Michaels was viewing the action from the sidelines, the quarterback, Pat Korsnick, got a better look at the Carolina defense from his position. "Carolina is a good defensive team," said the junior from Purdue. "When they line up they let you know what they're going to play. They just get down and say, 'Here we are.' " It's (Carolina's formation) nothing different from any other we've seen. Carolina just. plays a regular 5-4 and plays it well. "Our own mistakes beat us though," said Korsnick. "I thought we could win, and we took it to them for a while, but we just didn't follow through." "We liked the field real well," Korsnick said of the Gamecock's artificial surface. "You have to get used to it, though. I kept slipping because my foot would grab so much better than on grass." State hasn't time to regroup forces for a fresh start. Perennial rival North Carolina is next on the agenda. The ArtCarved n( assurance of qi More thari 120 years of expi name Art Carved a hallma beauty. Every ArtCarved essence the product of t Carefully inspected for cot, each diamond is backed by th Guarantee and Permanen1 diamond Love Rings that ex and your insistence on qualit ArtCarved! Let us help you. 10 per cent cash discount regroup "We'll have to come up with an outstanding performance in this game." said Korsnick. "The North Carolina game is always a big game. "We have a young team," said the hopeful quarterback, "'and we made a pretty good comeback last year." S P 0 R T S 'I can m4 (Continued froin Page 9) continuid. "He ran the team real well. It was a fine tribute to a fine boy. He played a fine game. "Glenn is our quarterback. All he needs is seasoning. He has a good arm. He's a real steady performer. It seems that every uality artise has made the irk of quality and liamond ring is in his experience. r, cut and clarity, ie unique ArtCarved t Value Plan. For press your feelings, y, make your choice I in your selection. with student I.D. card. a8,' USC soccer player advanct College. ike it' time he plays, he just gets better." Dietzel was also obviously pleased with the successful run ning attack. "Our game plan was to have an offense. We made up our minds to run the ball, and I'm sure North Carolina State's plan was to stop us. The running of Mimms and Simmons was great. They ran right up behind the blocking of Richie Moye and Darrell Austin. Darrell blocked exceptionally well. He's one fine athlete, and he was blocking his man all by himself. "All week long I heard that our backs didn't have any speed. It was so nice to see Billy Ray with that burst of speed coming out of the backfield.- Our backs ran so much better tonight." And what of Bell's record breaking field goal? "Tommy said, 'I have a good wind behind me. I can make it.' So I told him to go in and kick it." N We want student Highway 3 looting it alon is ball toward goal In narrow 7 CBCII off Car Columbia Bible College built up an early lead over the Carolina soccer club Saturday, then held off a furious rally in the second half to win the game 7-6. 600 fans saw the Bible college lead 4-1 at the end of the first quarter, as the more experienced team appeared determined to make the game a run away over their cross-town rivals. CBC exhibited accurate passing and a ball control offense against a nervous Carolina squad in the early going. The Bible College surprised the Gamecocks with an 8-2-1 offense, striking quickly over the. tense home team, and flooding the down field areas. Once behind, Carolina lost its pre-game jitters and began EW PLACE OPENS! MIOUSE Business aeia Night is Studs discount * Only 10 min. 78 or Off 126 (Exit Ramanda Open Sun-Thur until 12:00 pr SOpen Fri-Sat until 2:00 n 6 loss to Columbia Bible Olds OlIna hacking at CBC's lead. Foli Phillips lead the Gamecocks' comeback by scoring two quick goals after being moved from the goal to a forward line position. The later stages of the game saw the two teams reverse roles as the Bible College made the second half mistakes. Five CBC goals were nullified by off-side penalties. Time ran out on the Carolina soccer squad, however, and their rally fell short in the waning moments of the game. The cross town rivalry, which has contined for several years, has seen CBC take the upper hand. The Bible College has downed Carolina in the last three straight games of the 1970 and 1971 seasons. Next week Carolina travels to Clemson, a 1970 NCAA semi finalist. I I This is why! nt's night. from Campus Inn) n ,~**~ IP e P p u.**utI~