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Dear Dr. Schoenfeld, Have you heard of the $ but can't understant it. The price In my area for depending on quality. Tha you fixed every six hours, ANSWER: Heroin is cut m user. A $300 a day habit woulc addicts can afford to pay th But it's not unusual for ar marketable goods in order habit. Dear Dr. Schoenfeld, I am a 26 year old man sterile. I do visit my per physical exams but each tir conscious to ask him for tha where someone like m( professionally performed? ANSWER: Why not ask yo nearest medical school to r examine a sample of your determine the number of sF are normally shaped and i Wear dark glasses and fi it'll make you feel better. Dear Dr. Schoenfeld, One maior cause of chro cleanliness hang-up of usin or soaps containing hexi scrub the female genitalL I, too, was guilty of this w until my friendly GYN mar marvelous bug killers also control the yeast: voila! In other words, girls, don smidgen of natural scent of body with all the deodora crying out loud use baby or hoo-hoo. I am an R.N. who has told they find that in a week~ exists. Dear Dr. Schoenfeld, A last word on yeast inf time talking about cottoi Phisohex! ' Used regularly, this has for me for a year and a half other month for a decade again, the direct result of al So I can only conclude else - a yeast infection is na down. ANSWER: I Can only conc respond to positive sugge I've got the Itch myself - appear for the next four wee Dr. Schoenfeld welcomei 300 a day heroin habit? I have a ballon of smack is about $15, t fix lasts about six hours, so if it would total about $50 a day. ). H.S. iny times before it reaches the I be unlikely only because few at much a day for their smack. addict to steal $300 a day in to support a sixty dollar a day and I wish to find out if I am sonal physician regularly for ne I find myself to shy and self t sort of test. Is there any place can go and have this test S.T. ur local medical association or efer you to a urologist. He will semen under a microscope to oerm present and whether they active. 31se mustache if you think that nic yeast infections is the ultra g Phisohex (hexacholoophene) ichlorophene to scrupulously Ith resultant itch and irritation pointed out the obvious - these do in the good bacteria which the itch! 't be quite so fanatical about a female. Scrub the rest of your ntt soaps you want to, but for some other mild soap for your quite a few girls about this and r less the problem no longer actions. You are wasting your i underwear. The answer is prevented any yeast Infections -- and I used to get them every .Actually, I recently got one 1 increased sex life. hat If you've tried everything lure's way of telling you to slow N.C. lude that yeast Infections often stions. to travel - so this column won't ks. See you next month E. S. your letters. Write to him at RV NDSE Dr. &nan, USC' psych lose to wakin lingly paral my arms etely stiff. in white my over awak, I perielet never unifor month Korea myself with U white trifying remem "A wake sensati the bed. It is s - can will myself around the room. There is also a magnitic force which is pulling me back to the bed. I realize that it's a pleasant, transistory experience, and that I either have to wake up or go back into a dream state." There are many cases of people who have had similar floating experiences: of a "second" body rising from their natural, sleeping body and travelling around the house. In most cases the "magnetic force" is a cord at tached to both bodies, which changes in diameter depending on elasticility. The maximum stretched distance is from 14 to 16 feet; and if one goes beyond that, the cord snaps and one cannot return to his sleeping body. Dr. Drennan stresses that one should not be afraid of his dreams: they are temporary and reflect "psychological factors" one ex periences everyday: " Remember that you're in a regressed, associated state; there are times when you're aware you're dreaming, that you're the producer of the dream, although you can't control everything. The things you've experienced in a day or week - the aperceptive mass you already have, create the plot of the dream. Like the things you go through or worry about show up indirectly. If you're really sen B0YCO1T THE CAMPUS SHOP GR AB BAGS. , Shoes to $25.00 . Dresses to $38.00 e trula's: 3501 N. Main st. ve an to S day Sot' c a sk ucino ee~r g c0 n res a k Dre therJo S s ai v d e n XUsc~ theirU WUSC is airing a new series, Captain Russell House, beginning this week. It is run Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:25 a.m. every other hour. Modeled after the WCOS "Turkeyman" series, the station describes its hero as "faster than the USC bus service, more I powerful than a Slater roach and able to leap in a single bound." I The idea was originated by John Gunter, a WUSC disc jockey, and Harry Schroeder, the stations news director. The two minute segments are taped with the help of other staff members. $10.' A gold and black three dimensi Carolina aeal mounted on a 9% X brass plate which may be engrave or A twelve inch diameter gold an, which bear. an 11 inch likeness of c Send a check or money order fo postage and handling to: St. Laurent E i 18 H eathwo Charleston,. - Please allow two weeks for dei We can mamufacture cuetom p occasioni. Wrtie for our wAole-a, i41P ~ sm". to dream Dre at drea a juscal hey are (ex He a'4 ogi m; you y D ore ed om ural und and tate ers. laims I Ts eirdo The first "episode" involved Zaptain Russell House origin amid iatural phenomena which included 1 12 planet alignment with the gold )all on top of the Ma'xcy Monument ind a star in the east hovering over tussell House. The creators of the series hope to ake a critical approach to the )roblems of the student union uilding and the university. "We've got great ideas about Nhat to do, but the problem is getting started," explained aunter. "The first two-minute egment took five and a half hours o tape --- that's a long time." >nal 7 inch University of South 11 X % inch walnut plaque. A d is included with each plague. ri black three dimensiohal seal lighting gamecock r purchase price plus $1.50 jbr tterprises id Drive 9.C. 29407 ivery. aques for any organization or brochure o enal..