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Yale , neec Yale University has recentl would provide students witt system. Basically, the goal of this Plan," is to enable students ti to financial concern. Under this system, graduat per cent of each $1,000 they do paid back over 15 years. . Obviously, this plan has ma those universitites that are r under the spraling cost of ed whole, are in financial trou realize that most universith tensive program of this type Even the President of Yale lacking in areas. When he ar Brewster said, "Such a schen cure-all for university deficit for other governmental prog This plan is gathering su bodies across. the nation. In a Virginia "Cavalier Daily" revolutionary. If fully imp anyone can go to college witt obstacles could be finally re Undoubtedly, everyone is n would give those who are qui this goal. We are not sure if USC is I support such a program, but vestigate the possibilities Program''. Private By ARTHUR HOPPE Columnist Washington, Sept. 12, 1972 (commanding quack) Waves of B-52s and carrier based bombers hit Communist supply routes today in North Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Burma and Tibet. " have ordered this all-out assault," the President grimly told a national television audience, "in order to protect our troop (com manding quack ) in Vietnam." | Trhe name of our troop in Viet nam is$of course, Private Oliver Drab, :378-18-4454. He has become someting of a cause celebre since the last of his fellow GIs were with drawn six weeks ago. The President justified today's attack by citing his policy declaration of February 17, 1971: "As far as our air power is con cerned, it will be directed against those military activities which I determine are directed against and thereby threaten our remaining forces in South Viet nam." He said recent Communist build ups on the Ho Chi Minh and other trails certainly threatened Priva te. Drab. "I will not hesitate to fully unleash American air power in Asia," said the President firmly, "as long as the safety of one American boy is at stake."4 -At the same time, the con troversy over keeping Private Drab in Vietnam continued to grow. A near riot broke out yesterday at the Washington Monument when peace groups staged a huge rally uindferthb skaan: "Bring Our Boy tudy led ly implemented a plan which\ i a "study now, pay later" program, called "The Yale ) attend Yale without regard es would have to pay back 0.4 ferred. The money would be ny drawbacks, especially for iot wealthy. More and more, ucation, universities, on the ble. With this in mind, we: ?s could not provide an ex admits that the program is inounced the plan, Kingman ie is certainly no panacea or s nor could it be a substitute rams." pport among many student n editorial, the University of said, "The Yale plan is T lemented, the dream that - iout falling prey to financial 3 I Ized." Dt suited for college. But this ilified the chance to achieve n any financial condition to T1 we do ask the school to in- the of Innovating a "Yale fed adol rece defe Drab sS Ola (commanding quack) Home!" statf They were confronted by several cons hundred hard-hat construction here workers carrying placards righ ieclaring: "Support Our Fighting chilk IVan (commanding quack, in -N Vietnam!" thesi In the resulting melee, seven give pacifists were badly bruised and knoc live hard hats severaly dented. dowi Despite public protest, however, t appe#red unlikely that Private D)rab would be withdrawn in the CS roreseeably future. For one thing, ina the Saigon government his 'a inalterably opposed to such a ethat rnove. ec "Words cannot express how what mighly we value the fighting ra lualities of our beloved American.hs illy." Vice President Ky told burn ewsmen while holding his hand th' fI >ver his heart, "and all those big hear eautiful bombers that come with "\ m" ,shou Vor another, with Private Drab see at his post, efforts in Congress to curtail the President's power to W launch ever-expanding air attacks diret in Asia have been stymied -- no Congressman being willing to vote for a measure that might jeopardize a single American life. Meanwhile, a group of 14 A Republican Congressmen, headed by Rep. B.J Broadblnder arrived not in Vietnam to "assess the morale opp md needs of our boy (commanding thos guack) in the front lines." They wrii ,isited Drab in his foxhole 47 miles iorthwest of Saigon. con When it comes to the President's pre withdrawal program," said letti Blroadbinder, clapping the Private you on the shoulder, "vnou are living we'i P~u.4 r N 8EVE ANVD DoN'T 4t C C41t he Gutenberg experiment Vatch the y llAIRRY HOPE not birds, Scri ie South Carolina Society for leased upon him Preservation of the Con- scenities and told rate Flag met today and would be burn( )ted a resolution condemning sometime soon. nt court action concerning "Nauh, y'take I ndants in the Lamar Case. over t' the Unive te resolution, passed by the got no reason t' PCF in its morning meeting at country needs is Mae's House of Blue Lights, them ungrateful !d that "a massive Communist takin' advantage piracy has taken hold of this "Th' Lamar thi state and threatens every We--uh, they wu2 t thinking man woman and will of God. Them I. for the devil. Th Ve just don't like the fact that bunch o'. drug-tWk L three fine gentlemen were anti-God, anti-A n such heavy sentences for . .Our organizal king over a couple of run- best t'git these fii i, slow moving school buses." of the clutches of e executive director of the fara no judge i "CF. Harley L. Scrotum, said this state is headii news conference. that "Jest tis ridin' there ;e they wuz a few nigras on 'ere bus, ain't no call t'git ed. Why, we don't see jes' .them commie liberal pinko ~al nigger-lovin' white trash a cross in their yards an' put T HE GAMECOCI rof Almighty God In their yand exaurn ts. other mail items si Ve don't think that all races scription rates are summer sessions. tid be together. Why, y' never received S39,O00 frc lue jays an' sparras mixin'.'" subscription to thei of the Russell Housi hen a reporter interrupted the 777-4220. Second :tor to say that humans were GAMECOCK Is pu expressed herein c student body or thi Editor-in' Letters . Ass-ciat Editorial Il letters are welcome. Managin 'e realize that our opInion IsAsstn the only one, so those that B,ss s ese what we say wrIte. And Sports I se of you who agree with us Asst. Ss e too. After all, we need the Chief P ipiliments. News II we ask Is, type - Features ferrably 65 space- the Cultural ers and sign your name (If Advertisi want your name withheld Circulatli vIll do so, but we do need a secretari M. SrC44 ING. dck N/S Du44it f M4f EV6/? WG TvAT A4/N/ 7 >tum promptly liberalism a tirade of ob- anyymore him that a cross Crow law d in his yard --This c ideas. Wh hem hippy quars enough...v rsity. They don't them? I riot. What this thing--the a way t' prevent again." Americans from A comn of free speech. If this ng wuz different, followed I inspired by the adults to hippies is agents than for ey nothin' but a coffee hot in', foul smellin' 'The L. merican SOB's. maximum ion is doin' tis while the I ie gentlemen out years. If fascisnm. But so Justice, th willin' to co- cattle pas $250. I tell you, Scroturr 1' for trouble, an' -We gon' in a tide of io MEG ( is published tri-weekly during it the summer semesters with tl periods. Change of address forms iould be sent to Drawer A, USC, 7 per year or $3 per fall and sprir Bulk copies are $6 per 100. Ti m the student activity fund, enti saper. Offices of T HE GAME COi ' on the University campus. Phon class postage paid at Colun blished by the University, of Sc lo not necessarily represent th i staff. e Editor ....,* Assistant... I Editors .. ...... Managing Editor Manager. ditor ... 0r1 Editor.. aotographr . Editors.-.--.--... ..Cha Editor . .., Affairs . .. , M ng' Manager .. in Manager . Osses Ain't nothin' sacred Why, even the old Jim a is illegal. ountry is dyin' of new y th' olds ones was good vhy can't we stay with tell you gentlemen one South is gonna rise ientator had this to say: man's logic is to be hen it is better for 200 attack small children people run an anti-war ise. imar defendants face a of five years in jail, JFO proprietors face six this is South Carolina en let's put it back in the tures where it belongs." i told the commentator, burn a cross in yo yard DCK e fall and spring semesters de exception of University 5, subscription requests and Columbia, S.C. 29208. Sub ig semesters and $1 for both IE GAMECOCK this year tilng full-time students to a K are in Rooms 308 and 310 es are 777-8178, 777-4249 and bia, S.C. Although THE wuth Carolina, the opinions ase of the University, the .Charles Beebe Scott Derks Cheryl Manning .Jim Farrell Alice Potter Lucretia Jones Ute Huckabee Teddy Heffner Doug Williams Parker Renaud rrlie Fellenbaum Chuck Keefer Jerry Calabrese rgaret Swenseid David Lundgren ..Terrn Mol Anne Hightower