MP9 YOL. LXI - No. 50 University of South Carolina, Columbia, S. C. 29208 Wednesday, Feray1,17 March for The By ('IIUCK KEEFER 'StafT Writer During a one and a half hour long and slightly condused meeting yesterday, the USC Student Mobilization Committee voted to sponsor a candlelight march from the Russell House to the State Capitol and then to the Draft Board to protest the recent allied in cursion into Laos. The march is scheduled to start Thursday at 6 p.m. If the march takes place as proposed, USC students will begin the march at the Russell House and will ren dezvous with other people from the Columbia area on the grounds of the State House. A statement condemning the war in Southeast Asia in general and the allied incursion into Laos in particular and urging immediate withdrawal of all US troops in Southeast Asia will be read from the steps of the State House. The united group of protestors will then form a candlelight procession from the State House to the Draft Board on Gervais St. A coffin representing the war dead will be carried to the Draft Board. The SMC. in response to com ments by some students present, also voted to establish an official policy for conduct on this and other marches. bArt comn takes ano By MICHAE "There's some question of v Charles Witten, vice-president want to create a stink for i Chaplin, Westminister Fellow: "They can take the painting: away the problem." --Arlette complaints and queries direc Witten and Bob Alexander, deai resulted in a meeting of the Uni The comments concerned rawing exhibition of a studer ssell House. Her show inclu themes as well as more conv< ''He should have considered the soldiers obscene, not the other Hamlet who mentioned sorn of the University chaplins saic if they had seen it.'' ''By and better stuff at the State Fair. Hamlet, who mentioned son called ursday The first rule of conduct, agreei on unanimously, is that jill mar ches will be nonviolent. Othe rules pertaining to the marcl include the restriction of voca activities to the specific subjec under protest, a total restriction o chants for this march in particulai and a restriction of the contents o signs displayed during the marc to the subject being protested. Signs must also correspond to the content of the statement made b3 SMC. These rules were proposed after several students argued that many people who are opposed to the war refused to join marches because they feel they are being manipulated when the contents of signs and chants are not limited to a protest of the war. More than 120 people filled room 107 of Currell College at the 5:30 start of the mecting, but the number dwindled to less than 50 by the time the rules for conduct during the march were finally settled at 7:15. Discussion revolved around the question of what, if any, response should be made to a request issued Sunday by the National Student Association (NSA) for a nation wide student strike to protest the allied incursion into Laos. Suggestions for action included 0 1ittee ther look :L BALL vhether it's art or not." -- of student affairs. "I don't inybody." --Jerry Hamet, ship. ; down, but that won't take Goldstein, artist. Several led through the offices of i of student activities, have on Art Committee. a current painting and it, Arlette Goldstein in the des nudes and drug related intional works. i picture of the Vietnamese works,'' she commented. le of the works at a meeting I he ''just brought it up to ask large, I just think I've seen le of the works at a meeting n age S) SMC votes to mal bulding. the sponsoring of a rally , or a teach-in, the circulation of a petition against the war and in cursion into Laos and the taking of a straw poll to determine student opinion in relation to the war. Suggestions for action included the sponsoring of a rally, or a teach-in the circulation of a petition against the war and in cursion into Laos and the taking of r t r p p I f -- Ben Baggett Motorcycles park here I. ch from Russell IJ a straw pool to determine student o Dpinion in relation to the war. 0 T he NSA call for a student strike Nas rejected because many ;tudents didn't think an effective I ;trike could be organized. The a ;uggestion that SMC hold a rally' h vas dropped because some s tudents feared a possible con- v rontation situation could arise. S Rita Fellers, acting as chairman : Faculty reconsiders Grade ( By CHARiLS FELI.ERBAUM Staf 1Writer A special faculty meeting has e >een called to reconsider the grade T hanges passed by the Faculty s enate in mid-January. The meeting is the result of a etition filed by at least 10 faculty- c rembers. Senate by-laws provide bat a special session of the eneral faculty may be called to di econsider senate actions if 10 Y iembers petition for such a st leeting. c Robert B. Patterson, history ac rofessor who initiated the etition, refused to comment on ie action. st John Kimmey of the Englishn epartment, a signer of the th etition said he wants to retain the D" grade for the benefit of fresh- pr< ian English students. po, A resolution will be introduced in 'Ji e Student Senate today ex- ofl essing the Senate's support of pet le original grade change est: opOSal. Sigi --Tony (beung ouse to Capitol U the meeting, dismissed the idea U calling a student strike as being out of the question." The candlelight procession inally agreed upon is to be part of continuing educational campaign y SMC to mobilize as many USC tudents as possible for a nation iide march on Washington and an Francisco scheduled for April 4 to protest the war. shange he resolution also suggests that ich faculty member "set aside a w minutes of class time on ursday, February 11, in order to .mple student opinion on the iject." It urges the faculty to seriously >nsider the students' opinion. 'We want students to expect to scuss this in class," said Jim arborough, a senator and a udent member of the faculty mmittee on petitions and' ~ademic standing. 'It's very important for each Ldent to speak with each faculty ember he comes in contact about e~ matter," he added. Jetitions are being distributed to )vide evidence of student sup It for the grade change proposal. m Lengel, student governnient icial who originated the itions, said he conservatively mates the present number of natures at i,500.