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*~ Jim Haney Sports Editor RALEIGH---Bobby and Butch weren't interested in seeing the N.C. State-USC game Wednesday night. They must have been the only people on the State campus who weren't. State students Bobby and Butch put their sign up outside the student snack bar near Reynolds Coliseum. "Two tickets to the USC game free in return for standing in line overnight and getting Duke game tickets for them," the sign read. The rest of the State campus was one big "you bet your life I'm going to the game." And they did go to the game, about 12,400 of them, complete with bold red "Pack Power" signs and well rested vocal chords. They shook tired old William Neal Reynolds Coliseum all the way to its 1949 foundations. WOLFPACK COUNTRY A banner in the stands informed the crowd that they were in Wolfpack Country. There was never any doubt about that. Wolfpack Country was set to feast on Gamecock, Wednesday night. They weren't only set on it, they were starved for it. When the game was over, the only Gamecocks left to feast on were the rubber chickehs the cheerleaders had been slinging around by the necks all night. It must have been a tremendous letdown for the Wolf pack folks who come from a land where "Hi-Ho Silver" is a Bill Gerringer Chevrolet advertisement on WKIX in Raleigh, and Frank McGuire is the man who led rival UNC to a national championship and then lost his way and came to South Carolina. GAMECOCK ESCAPE Somehow the Gamecocks escaped the den of screaming maniacs that inhabited Reynolds Coliseum Wednesday night. Their escape was largely engineered by John Roche, whose performance could only suffer from any attempt to describe it. The rest of the Gamecocks managed to ignore the blood thirsty shrieks too. Down in the friendly confines of the locker room after the game, Bobby Cremins stopped praising Roche and the rest of his teammates long enough to explain that Coach Frank McGuire had them prepared to play under such adverse conditions. "He told me once 'be nervous, but don't be afraid'," Cremins said, "and I didn't want to let him down." Cremins missed a free throw on a one-and-one situation late in the game, much to the delight of the Wolfpack faith ful. ''1 knew they (the fans) thought I'd choked," Cremins said, "'and I just wanted to get-back out there and show them I didn't. I didn't want to let Coach McGuire down," he repeated. As it turned out, Cremisn didn't let McGuire down. He returned to the foul line twice, and both times hit both shots of one-and-one attempts to keep the Gamecocks ahead and help deny the Wolfpack their Gamecock feast. A ton of newsprint will be exhausted glorifying the Gamecocks and their escape from Reynolds Coliseum Wednesday night. They deserve at least a ton. ?~."A WIFE SWAPPING -CeMagazine } SHOWS1:00 -3:00 5:00 -7:00 -9 PM GREGORY PECKON " THE STALKING MOON' Als NortE for Si By JIM HANEY Sports Editor With three stops left along the road toward becoming the third team in Atlantic Coast Conference history to go through the regular season undefeated, the Gamecocks will play the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill tomorrow night. Riker rc Tom Riker pulls down a reb State players. Maryland 0d in Indoor By JOHN LEWIS Sports Writer The track team winds up the 1970 indoor season with the 17th annual ACC Indoor Games Feb. 28. Perennial champion Maryland should again dominate the meet with North Carolina, Duke and South Carolina fighting for the next three places. The Flea MarketI Mlonday through Friday 12:00 to05:00 p.m. Typing--Various papers, theses. dissertations. Electric typewriter. 15 years experience Call Mrs. Stokes. Day or night 782-0347. Prompt service Typing-Theses, dissertations, papers. IReasonable prices Prompt service. Doris Holmes 782-1296. New York to L.ondon- Summer vacation trips-Rlound trip $169. Now filling-Small dteposit and payments-Send for free d1etails Student Globe Rtoamers. Box 6575. Ho(llywood. Florida. 33021. Wade. Thanks for sharing you with me All my love. Mae West II Coca-Cola ICompany.e 38241 L Car( Late-co The Tar Heels beat Maryland, 90-83, Wednesday night while the Gamecocks were thirty miles away in Raleigh, beating N. C. State, 71-69. The Gamecocks can clinch their first regular season ACC title with a win over the Tar Heels. Their nearest competitor is State, which has already lost three ames. The bounds - Tom Norman Dund among a host of envious favored Games Carolina's new track coach, John West, is optimistic about bettering last year's fourth-place finish. Coach West admits, however, that he's pointing to the outdoor season. "We should be much stronger outdoors and are really looking forward to the opening meet of the year with Yale -- March 18," Coach West said. There were some bright spots in the 1970 indoor season which may give a glimpse of things to come in the outdoor season. Some of the outstanding per formances by trackmen include: 6.3 in the 60-yard dash by Jimmy Small, 7.4 in the 60-yard hurdles by Billy Nova, 2:14.6 in the 1000-yard run by Bob Kaczka (U.S.C.'s lone winner in last year's meet and the record holder in that event.) Also 4:18.4 in the one mile by Algie Simms, 9:27 in the two mile by Jack Miller, 14.6" in the pole vault by Jim Scott, 6'4" in the high .iump by both Tony Callander and Mike Haggar and a 3:23.6 per formance in the one mile relay by Sam Gibson, Keith Eidson, Kac zka, and Bob Howe. NEED; MIXERIs ORt NOTE,I; (lUl ('OKE MAN ON He is a senior majoring in marketing. His main responsibility is to you the men and women of Carolina; his purpose to make the 69-70 year at Carolina a bit more refreshing to you. He is as sisting all campus organ- ' Izations in making aarrange nINnts for C('A ('OlA bottle refItshments and coke on tap at drop-ins and social gatherings on and around campus. Contact him at least two days before your organization desires any of our coke product.. For furure coke services Dave may be j reached a t 252-7369 or 256-0389.' Bottling 'f Columabia Main )lrna I r 1quer Gamecocks have only to win one of their last three games to clinch the title. John Roche scored 38 points against State to lead Carolina past the Wolfpack. He also tied the ACC record for most consecutive free throws (41), but record-breaking number 42 refused to fall. Roche dominated State during the opening minutes of the game, hitting five of his first six shots and 10 of 18 during the first half. Tom Riker turned in a 17-point performance to become the Gamecocks' second leading scorer. Paul Coder and Ed Left wich led the State scoring with 17 and 16 points. Carolina led throughout after taking a 10-8 lead, but the Wolfpack was closing fast near the end of the game. Down by six with less than a minute to play, the Pack got two baskets from Van Williford and a tap-in by Coder against a basket Biddies after 94 RALEIGH -- South Carolina's Biddies absorbed their third loss of the season Wednesday night, as State Freshman Bill Benson tossed in 26 points to lead the Wolflets to a 94-77 win. The Frosh will play the Citadel Bullpups tomorrow night at the Citadel. Their record is now 11-3. The Biddies beat the Bullpups, 101 77, in the first game between the two teams. Against State, the Biddies took a 61-45 beating in the rebounding department as the taller Wolflets continually denied them second and third shots at the basket, and it proved to be the difference. Shooting percentages were nearly the same - 39.7 for State and 34.5 for the Biddies. Kevin Joyce scored 32 points for the Biddies, and Danny Traylor contributed 18, but the Wolf lets had five men in double figures and a sixth man with nine points. Carolina jumped off to an early lead in the first half, but lost the lead, 34-33, with 2:45 left before intermission. The half ended with the Biddies behind by five, 40-35. Joyce cut the lead to three, 54-51, as he hit a free throw midway in the second half, but Traylor had just picked up his fourth foul and was on the bench. With the 7-0 roadblock out of their way, the Wolflets began working the ball inside to Rick Holdt and Mike Gillespie to stretch the lead to eight, 65-53, before Coach Donnie Walsh could get Traylor back into the line-up. Traylor fouled out with 7:07 left in the game and Jackie Brown was ejected along with State's Gillespie a few minutes later, following a brief flair of tempers. When Brown left, the score was 79-70 in favor of State. The remainder of the game was a parade to the foul line since The Biddies were forced to foul in hopes the Wolf lets would miss from the foul line. Jones goes South President and Mrs. Thomas F. Jones are expected to leave today for a trip to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jones will attend a meeting of the Council on Higher Education in the American Republica and help plan higher educational programs. Jones attended the meeting last year in Peru also and is expected to return on March 2. NOW AT: 3: ~ -53 7: 30 -9:3 From Sweden... the classic female concept iext h IngU inside by Riker and the lead dropped to two points, 71-69. A desperation shot by Coder was close enough to 'scare the Gamecocks, but not close enough to send the game into overtime. Tomorrow night the Gamecocks will play a Tar Heel team they beat, 65-52, in Columbia when VNC Head Coach Dean Smith attempted to use a slow-down offense to nullify the USC height advantage. After the loss, Smith said he regretted using the slow-down so it is unlikely that he will use similar tactics in Chapel Hill tomorrow. Since the game in Columbia, North Carolina has lost sophomore Bill Chamberlain, who has calcium deposits in his leg and is out in definitely. Chamberlain's injury is but one of many the Tar Heels have been plagued with this season. Lee Dedmon missed several games with an ankle injury, and sophomores Steve Previs and play Bul -7 7 loss The Wolflets didn't miss many. They hit both shots on one-and-one situations six times in nine tries. Only once did they miss the first shot and that was with the score 92 77. Casey Manning was the Biddies number three scorer with nine Ready t< Tom Owens blocks out St Anheuser and waits for a chani he got against the Wolfpack. Baseball t< Baseball Coach Bobby R ich intrasquad game for Saturda During the past two weeks ti conditioning anid concentratii fielding drills. Commenting on a possible< baseball, Richardson said, ''TI to change is by having more winning more games.'' ''I saw Pat Watson play foott hustle and team spir it,'' R ichal him to come out for the base Richardson said that althoug college baseball he has a background and should be an a In addition to the regul Gamecocks will participatei tennial Tournament. The regu against Furman at Furman. urdle SC Dennis Wuycik have slight cases of mononucleosis. The only Tar Heel starter who hasn't had injury trouble is All America Charles Scott. Scott has been extremely healthy all season and is leading the Atlantic Coast Conference with a 27-point scoring average. Scott has carried the Tar Heels on his back for much of the season, and Coach Smith has been able to retain enough team morale to get the Tar Heels a 17-5 record. Scott had been on a relentless rampage toward ACC Player of the Year honors until Roche's 38-point performance against the Wolf pack. The battle between the two may largely determine the out come of the balloting. The five Tar Heel losses have come at the hands of USC, Wake Forest, Georgia Tech, nentucky. Wake has beaten the Tar Heels twice. ipups to State points. Jimmy Powell had eight, Jackie Brown had four and Pat Duffie had six. Holdt contributed 19 points to the State effort. Gillespie was next with 16, Bob Heuts scored 14, Jerry Beyer scored 10 and Dick Curran rounded out the scoring with nine -- Tom Normam pounce ate's Paul Coder and Rick ce tograb one of13 rebounds sam debut ardson has planned his first y. e team has been working on ig on batting practice and4 :hange in the image of USC ie only way we are planning hustle on the field and by >all and admired him for his ~dson continued, ''so I asked ball team.'' h Watson hadn't played any very good high school sset to the team. ar season schedule, the n the Ft. Jackson Tricen lar season begins March 17