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SI ZENTNER AND ORCHESTRA NEXT SATURDAY N CNRT UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA CROWING FOR A GREATER CAROLINA VOL. LVI, NO. 10 COLMiiIIA, SOtI'TIl (:AROLINA, DE(:EMIE1 3. 19631 *IFC To Housin By AL DOZIER News Editor The possibility of off-campus housing for USC fraternities is USC Nips Erskine, Scores 66 Coach Frank McGuire's flashy sophomores overcame an early Erskine lead and went on to de feat the Flyiiz Fleet 66-52 in their season opener Wednesday night. S o p I o in o r e Jack Thompson geared the fast breaking Game cock offense with pin-point pass ing, while big 6-9 Al Salvadori supplied two long bombs front his corner position in almost an ex act duplicate of last year's initial game. USC took the lead after a slow start, but with 3:13 left in the first half, Salvadori's jump shot front the :orner put the Birds out in front to sta%. From there the rebounding and inside scoring by Frank Standard pulled US( out to a 10-point lead 41-31. Skip larlicka connected on outside jump shots to lead the second half scoring along with "Sal." Standard hauled in 17 rebounds for the night, while Salvadori and Ilarlicka topped the scores with 18 and 1-1, respectively. Democrat I Group Thuj Fifth )istrict Congressman Tom S. Gettys ()-SC) w%ill address the University Y o u n g )emocrats 'lulIrsday, )ev. 9, in lussell Hlouse, loom 20.5. Gettys, from Rock Hill, was elected to Congress in 1964 to fill the vacanlcy created by the resig nation of Robert W. lieiltpill who became a federal judge. Speaking of the meeting, one of a series of distinguished speak ers sponsored by the Young I)emo crats, Y) President John It. .1us tiev Said. "these open miieetinigs are designed to afford Carolina stu deits an oppoitunity to hear the elec:ed I)mocrats who represent 4)u- state." Four Bills4 By 'Uproari L TIli Student Senate acted on four isues at its weekly mtee.tiing TIhe session, onie of the Senate's busiest thIiis temester, was termed "uproarious"' by seve'ral of its membetI ars. I"irist, thlt ei eate cal ledI for a chanige ini the tdeadlliine for coetds toi sign in fol low inig maj or schoold funict itons. Thle bill enl ledI for ani exteinsioni of 310 mintutes to thet deadlin at'afte r all maj tor Studetnt Uniiion events. Th is wou ttld alevi ate the iiecessi ty of cottds 'i~'eaving eveints litefoirte comple' tiii beca use of the sign-in tdteadline. In a settnd iact tin, thte Stenatt tdtefeated a ittion taIling oni theit Adin iiist rat ion tot gi vt stutden ts in "11"' 1)orim a rebatt tin t hteir roomt fee bectause ir tcoiitdit ioninig ini that tdormi was inoperat ivte dutring thte tarly mionthis of school. Thew bill was reported ount of commnitttet unifatvorably. The ctommiiittete staitetd that inivest igition irevealted a Ilack of fundts in t he p restint budget to c'over sutch a ctmntiigtincy, and1( sucht a rebate woultd incttrease ntext se mtester's roomi ft ' for all stutt'its. (Considterat ion of a itew chetetr Itade r ctonst itut ion was tatbled whten it was tdisctvered that many Senators wtere unaware of the contents of the ntew constitution. A hill was namsed cnmmendingr Survey Move currently under study by a new Inter- Fratrnity C o u n c i ap pointed committee. Those named to the committee by IFC President Mac -Johnston in lude Jim Harber, Donnie Howard, and lim Merritt. The first step in the study, according to Dean of Men IL. E. u g e n e Cooper, is to formulate a questionnaire on the type of housing desired and the methods of financing such hous ing. Fraternity presidents were then instructed to write their nla tional headquarters a b o u t such plans. Dean of Administration Harold Brunton, giving the administra tion's views of the plan, said that USC's long-range p r o g r a m in eludes the possibility of leasing land to fraternities and sororities. When IFC first announced its intentions of studying the idea of fraterfnit ies bu11ilding their own houses, Deal Hrunton said the ad ministration requested a written proposal outlining the frate rn i - ties' approach to the matter and the regulvtions which they would consider reasonable. T'he adm in i st ration spokesman noted that such projects have been worked out through the university 01n several campuses. If plans are formulated and ap proved by the University, it would take from three to five years to obtain land for the project ac cording to Dean Cooper. The idea is not new to the G reeks, as a similar committee was formed last year, but was unable to get any plans underway. 'o Address esday Night HE1. T S. GE'ITYS Gonsidered ous 'Senate Diaii- Witteni arid ( ooperC for the'ir efforts in cion troll inrg sporitanieous pep i-allit's du r rig Clemsorn we'ek. Altough the ret was rio (oppo(sit ion to th lit'lilI, mia ny Sernatour-s ah stai nedl frori v'otinrg. Omicron New Me Omicrtrn lta4 Kappa tappiled 12, rnew studeltnt mnembei(rs, onea faculty rmembelt'r and r one honoratiiti'ry me m-. lit'r 'Tur'sday rnight, Nov'emube r 23. Tain iig occuir'red bet'fore the Stunde'nt. U nionr A rtist Series (Coma Gove'rnor ltobert E. McNair was tappe)td in ab,sentia as the honorrary membler. 'The new faculty mem ber is D)r. Jameits Edwin Whitesell iof the En:glish department. St urdents t appedt' for me'mber ship include: HIOWA RI) G I A Y BitOTH El TON, A ikeni Pi Mu Epsilon; In stitute of Electrical and Electron ics Enrit'rs; haseball team. G.AuiIl lit \\ I. player, am4 loida a.1 I inl Cartlina Staldimil Council k Females' ('heerlead in g Profe ssors. a male "queen" and female football play ers are the features of this after n(on's Garter Bowl game at Caro lina Stadium. The game, sponsored Iy the Pan IHellenie Council, will he played by two teams-Black and Garnet comiprised of sorority girls. Each sorority will send eight girls as members of the iwo teamns. A special half-time show w ill feature a mock military drill team performance and the crowning (if the queen. Each fraternity chose one of its menbers as a queen contestant-the winner to be se lected by a penny-a-vote election. At half-time the contestants will appear in Costumes whih they think are tW a queen. Queen c on t e s t a n t s include: Freddy (Fredricka) George, Alpha Ph i Omega; Ronn 1 ie ( RowenaI Motley, Alpha Tau Omega; Larry f Pansy ) Owens, Chi Psi; Paul (Pauline) Gritsley, Kappa Alpha; Gene (Viola Mae) Todd. Kappa Sigma; Boh ( Bertie ) M1organ, LaImbda Chi; Jose ( olIitk ) Gon zalez; Maxey Brotherhood; David (DeVinle) G rossmanl 1, Phi1 Epsilon Pi; Chuck (Garmen) Tudor, Phi Delta Theta. Other candidates are: Jim (Rtose mary) Bell, Phi Kappa Signia; (Gus (Gertrude) Austell, Pij Kappa Alpha; Jim (Geraldine) Bogart, P'i Kappa Phi; Bud (Biertha) M\ann, Sigma .Alpha Epsilon; John (Magnolia) ('orsine, Sigma ('hi; IDaiid (Moedine Gunch) Mleadows. Sigma No; and 31ike (M,tamie) I lealey, Sigma Phi Epsilon. On the sidelIinues u rginrg forwa rd heir favorite teams will he (apt. Lawrence Clifford, Mirs. P'hyllis le ishel, Dr . D av'id J1ohnson . T. G. L ongwort.h, Student Uniiion IDiree tor IEd Ienrici.kson, l)r .Judith Delta Kaj mbers At J3. (olunihia - Kappa Alpha; Ilelta Sigma P'i; Wig and lohe; Phi Alpha I )elt a; S. ( . Law Rte vijew ; National Mloot ('ou1rt Team;r Intramural Mtoot Cou rt. GPi' 3.67M. "(Christmans on ('am pus" he gins officially Tuesday night with the lighting omf the 25. foot -taill ci ergreen tree in front of lUussell Ilouse. P'resident Thlomas Jones will officiate during the ceremonies which will be followed by a choral program b.3 the U SC Msic epnarte.n omit.,m ievock Staff Photo by vH1tckhlIz) coach (ceinmr) practier for the all gamne. The game11j will bev pla-ed ponsors Football oNer, Asst. Prof. Isaac Levy, new smlan Boh T albert. ) e a n C'harlvs Witten and other Carolina faculty members. lickets for the .1 p.m. game are 50 celts. Student L For Sessic South ('arolina's capitol build ng is under the control of a new gro p--at least temlpor l-1y. The South Carolina State Stu dent Legislature is currently hold ing its fifth annual meeting in ('dulubia with delegates from 13 Colleges and universities in attend anfce. US(I's lill Youngblood is gover 101 for this session; Hob Turner is treasurr 1n ug DL)ent is press secretary. Women Visi Holds .Anni By .INIDA JO M.ANGUM Staff Writer The Board of Women Visitor were en tert a ined byv 21 women1 s t u lent leaders at a luncheon dluring their annual luampus viLit Thrurs day. irs. Arney R. ( hild-, fornmer Idean of women4f at V'S(', addrii ele the bord and1 th-ir ).uetsts I'n hi ory- of tIe Ioa rd of Womn \'i itIr. 11'14n t hir arival at thIe 'n i - versity, thIe boardi~ memrsit. at tendetd ai dr( pit '- rt h Tow'.' ppa Taps Concert 1-:1-: V-:l:NoN F"A IRNA N, (I hunhi Sigmar l'hi 1-:p4silon; see vIser, hotnIr roll ; lHurlinrgton Inir dhust rie-s For,udataan Schobripl. <;P :211. INt; .1lR., West ( tlumbrlia( NR~ treiet, l4utstanrdorg membher; h'ershling HifIts; Professor- of Naval Sciencet A w a rd,l So ns of the Amner-ian Revolut ion Award;R 4-rv- (Of fir s A ward;h fore i gn e x mirrtshipman; l'i Miu I-psi t4n; N IN()T( Schol4arship. (;PR' ;:178. PAl' I. W AltIEN G AlIFINK El., Chaerleston - ecretar.1 and presi dlent of t ircle K ; ice-pjresidenrt (rontinued n Pag n6) Desig OnN Biy GENNY CARRiOLL Staff Writer Preliminary drawings of de igns a nld di.tailed featurs of the proolsed MIemo1rial 1hil will be w it':Lased within the month. Clost ructionl on the (C-liseum is ,lated to begin ]in ab(-ut at year, 1Dean of Administration Ilaold F. irunt,on said this week. Working plans for the building w%ill take about nine months to complete, including conferences with consultants on special light ing, acoustics, etc. Mlanagers of other large instal !atiols aIO.S' S tle co t ry will alsI be consulted in drawing up the final plan. Three months of approvals by fire department, health depart ment and state authorities will follow completion of the basic plans. Once begun, construction will take from a year to a year and a half, the dean said. A general site has been selected for the building. One recent ur han renewal pr4gram appriopria tion of 101. blocks seLs aside four blocks for possible state use and the remainder for the Coliseumi. IIlowever, no dhecision has been reached on the exact location of the building within the six and one-half block area. "'Three architects of the firm of egislators >n At Stat( lIelekate. to the legis:aturi fr.mI the Un ive r-sty are TILorni. 'ompton aln l im Graves to the Senate. Hiouse of iepresintatives delegatcs include Joe Aldermazn, Gigi Helser. Hob lenis, Rtudy Harnes. lietsy Boyle, h. Brown. .1liImilibi lurch, Fran Danie'ls. Sonevy Ih'nny, I.ivroy EbIerc 1it , Rusty Hlerbe, Craig Evans, .iz Parner, Mary Giles and Wal"ter Gott. Others are I)ean Hlall, Suzanne lenderson, Robbie Johnston, Stan tors Board ai Meeting w%hire they met residince coun wt i' n' rei' dence hlls. The' was fo!Ntwedi byv a lenit Tlhmoas F. JIone-s dlisc'u>ed weIAd biy a vi-it to the Sih 'ol me> t Ii-- l bet.Sc gi. n htii'- sff.atirii- tph \Vom nIi -ittladpw. atl la Ai.AenIt-A rmnilien .I'1 is -kkBennett. i-thatbini rof te. bard roui h. an nirs . I ia i-f< ri, dard . Mrta rvE sonA ta Alia. NIr. (orlannai-endrim. Barbara will NIr-. .1 .u (' rein Nm,r I ar-ten No.I ' ine(;rnd ooe, ri. Pats. oigi'. 'I'd K vile .Ir, N Al-j . RIn Sih ellnb rg' r, Wilam len NIis..ln- I. rattrind Ntaphs. loae T . a wy pared 0 iseum ora 'OV in ati n. The ba-ic plan ha., not changed but ha, been tqomew%hat modified. Orientation of the basketball court anid d-tails of the academic areas ha%e hbe en alt e red. "Before we w%tre planning generally; now we are dealing with the specific." Diean Brunton explained. I u i m a gera plan is a p ovi r. a a c !mpletely sr-pia :'* f r f' a cd lic--. c"1m1plete w wn entrance. :i 4 ,: w I,i,I (( t,aI n a new aI fr the Shol of .I-urnal I an I p Iss . v f r the Cillege f S t 'i;- as we I. "%hat %we ha e now is space." the administrator concluded. "We ,fill ha'e to decide how to use that space." 4onmend stration prmncpit-a povrar f CIMIpute'r reiIt.ratie. but that a dlefmiaite de Lin n h matter woi not het aanunad( 2n1: la ter~ thi- mnrth. r:11fry pur)o.. (if the Iew '7710 . Jar-vi - (-d f wr (,I!% fresbrua 115s.-I would he ehm~ii til oonfusin of long n a t *' a - i ro,llnient tine. tu Ie nr i y n(t hiave a choice f r r times under the mputer 1ogrlim. However. 'd nd that :ll rI at ma rT the Ita had h e reao-n for thi> n n>ynIrity rt .s rnn t kl'%l) will feature the Righteous niighut performanmce w ill IbeS $.50) at urdlay night dlansce i. wm,ai-formuatl i'Il lione Info,rm,ation. des.ik next Tiaonuuin Audaitru., is Pre hwol L.yle I.'issf-tt. ('ar?ke1 : a nd W , ,ff hav ben w'ki1r cIns antiv f,r . r in1 1 1) .I 1 7 a rC',, h : d1sign Athinta new stadiiur. 'IlIe nw \leNmorial lall w%as dv ,ign(d to replace the Field 11ouse, built in 1927. Orilmal pa ine'.ud.,-d ;j u. (')('0. -;4juIa r4. u n e fi large audit rimt -arena am : . r o Ioms. 1g q ffices. and S' iE s IJ)a( . The InaIin a rea will feature 8i.0 aeIr flanerlt -e t- and iIw all w a .seating capacity (f 12.,7nn for ha ketball games , 11.25n1 f,or cnet fr stage presen tations, anI a m11axinu1 of 1:I n fwr -peakers Deans Reo IBM Regi ('ompuitl.r ri-gi-trati]n"fal tu den ts n xit Smlestr haz . - prikval. Admini-trative Stirct- said thi week that the An ity Acaden Advisory'% Board. comnposecd ("f thek academic dcan-. had approved 11. Convene i House Juk. 'ai it h. i v h t. I'ano I.enpe - s is, .\lar \-% nn I . In n In g , i 1111 NIc llotigal. Jim \1u1hLban. (ari NIu . gro%v, P'eter P'errill, L.arry klay. Allen iRembert. Irewm Rogers. Stan lushton. Frank -anders. and Jan Smith. ainde hit Ssam . Ken Th . lH Ibi Trner it t-e:rgt I- n 7ha mnan. Jthn W-:r' an ! t -:m ya Shrumcand-.arrlAndr c, - allf , w cn d t . ; Ur t.w. I} n.I Ti lE en I. til ii- s#F 11rothe1rs (abo,44 e) ii lisonn 444 tart I h-c. I I . Admuinione,, Itor thet. I-rtidac pe-r personi pins1 1.1). card. I. he Tlickeat will be %4old cat the. IRm w a . u -..... antib Wil ).. iI a..u .