The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, November 12, 1965, Page Page Six, Image 6
Card Play
Carolina's Student Bar Associa
tion Auxiliary, composed of wives
of USC law students, will sponsor
its annual bridge benefit Wednes
day from 8-11 p.m. in the Russell
House Confederate Room.
Approximately 35 door prizes
will be distributed. Participants
may also take home favors which
the law wives are furnishing for
the affair.
Home-made cakes will be raffled
off at a dime a chance.
Free refreshments will be served.
Admission is 50 cents. Participants
are asked to bring their own cards.
The benefit is the only fund
raising project sponsored by the
auxiliary to obtain funds for a
scholarship given to a USC law
President of the organization is
Mrs. John Wilson. Mrs. Richard
Hopson and Mrs. Michael Britt are
co-chairmen for the benefit.
Old Grades
Allow Rings
For Seniors
A recent interpretation of the
rule for probation students with
93 senester hours earned permits
them to claim the advantages of
the six-point grading system in
being certified as eligible to pur
chase a senior ring, the Office of
Admissions and Registration an
nounced this week.
However, such students must
have been registered in the Uni
versity prior to the Fall 1964 se
Senators Convene
But Pass No Bills
Student Senate in a short meet
ing Wedtnesday heard three bills
introduced by Freshman Class Sen.
Rusty Ellerbe.
The three which were sent to
committees for further study in
cluded: a request that women's
curfew hours he extended on spe
cial weekends; a request that
residents of H1 dormitory be re
funded money paid for air-con
ditioning; and a request that the
two cafeterias in Russell House
give free second helpings to stu
dents on the board plan.
...when you let Cliff's Notes
be your guide. Cliff's Notes
explain most of Shakespeare's
plays including Antony and Ceo
patra. For each play Cliff's Notes
gives you an expert
scene summary and character
analysis, In minutes, your under.
standing will In.
crease. Cliff's ___ *m* ,
Notes cover cIIamIA
more than 125
major plays and
novels. Use
them to earn
better grades in
all your litera.
ture courses
125 Titles In all-among
them these favorites:
Hamlet * Macbeth * Scarlet L.otter * Tale
of Two Cities * Moby Dick e Return of the
Native e The Odyssey e JulIus Caear.
Crime and Punishment * The Iiad a Great
Eztpectations e Huckleberry FInn e King
Henry IV Part I e Wuthering HeIghts e King
Lee * Pride and PrejudIce e Lord Jim.e
Othell e Qullver's Travels e Lard of
$1 at your bookseller
lina student to fly a plane solo t
Flight Indoctrination Progrant. Pi
Parks, program coordinator and M
White, a setior from Savannah, C
participating in FIP which familiai
Business Frat,
18 Men For F
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
>usiness fraternity, has pledged 18
nen from the College of Business
Wiministration for the fall se
Officers are James Kendall,
)resident; Bill Pollack, secretary;
mnd Arthur Rankin, treasurer.
. he y.o
Meetthe evo oye
100% stretch. Up and do
take on all sizes 10 to 15 a
28 clean-white-sock colors,
the wherewithall. Whatevi
white-sock is all yours foi
ITE, above center, is the first Caro
is semester in the Naval ROT:'s
etured with him is LCDR W. W.
iss Frances Miller flight instructor.
a., is one of 15 NIl: students
izes midshipmen with basic flying
Prnity Pledges
all1 Semester
Other pledges are: Ray Abdalla,
Arfan Ayass, David Bernthal, Da
vid Bird, Ed Bond, Howard Brooks,
Wayne Bussey, Dean Cleaveland,
Frank Free, Joe Harrison, Graham
lill. Don Rusiing, Cecil Thomas,
Tommy Watts and Barry Whaley.
x C
ing bucks of A
an-white-sock a
w Adler calls I
ew of 65% lambswool plus 359%
An. This way and that. That's
nd last far longer and fit far be
Clean-white-sock ? The now not
er, get Adlatstic ait stores where e
just one young b)uck and a que
Available At
Here Ai
A FORUM on Chinese-American
Affairs will be presented Thurs
day afternoon at the Jefferson
Hotel, sponsored by the Columbia
Forum on World Affairs. Profs.
Donald Weatherbee, Robert W.
Foster, Urban Whitaker and Ray
mond A. Moore, Jr., will partici
pate. Student participation is in
MONEY has been found in the
student game room on the second
floor of Russell House. Any student
who has lost money there should
contact Ed Hendrickson, director of
the Student Union.
* * *
W U S C, the student - operated
radio station, will meet today at 5
p.m. in Room 205 Russell House.
Anyone interested in joining the
staff is welcome.
* * *
Default and Development" will be
given by Dr. W. E. Schmidt, Nov. 19
at 3:15 p.m. Dr. Schmidt is chair
man of the department of economics
at George Washington University.
* * *
will be given Sunday afternoon at
4 p.m. in the Columbia Museum of
Art. This is the second concert of
~n the
I.dias tic
nylon with spandex foi'
idlastic with the give to
tter. Size up Adlastic in
ion with it even without
id There
the season presented by the depart
ment of music at the University.
* * *
CRUCIBLE staff meeting will be
held Monday at 8 p.m. in Room 102
Russell House. Interested students
are invited to join the staff for the
meeting. Deadline for the fall issue
Blood Drive
Net Released
By Chairmen
Inter-Fraternity Council has an
nounced that Phi Delta Theta,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Delta Zeta,
and Naval ROTC won the blood
drive wards.
Phi Delta Theta and Lambda
Chi Alpha led the fraternity com
petition with 100 per cent donation
in the Red Cross Blood Drive Nov.
Delta Zeta topped sorority dona
tions and NROTC led other canpu
organizations with 62 per cent.
The most
walked about
slacks on
Campus are
slacks with
Great Hubbard styling with
the lasting neatness and
care-free comfort of "Da
cron", in these slacks of
55% Dacron* polyester, 45%
worsted wool. Styled in tra
ditional Classic and Gay
Blade plain front models,
in all the favorite colors, at
better stores everywhere.
Also available in blends of
70% Orlon* acrylic, 30%
worsted wool, or "Dacron"
with "Orion".
*du Pont Reg. T. M.
is Nov. 15.
USC AUXILIARY will meet to
day at 10 a.m. in the Faculty
Use All of Sur
Open Your Charge A
0 1 hour or 1 day
* Specialisto In dry
0 24-hour co-op lau
9 Hand finished shi
0 Thrifty latudry &
* 30 days to pay
(By the author c
The second gravest problem
today is inferiority feelings.
of course, the recent out bre
house canaries.) Let us today
riority feelings and their
Psychologists divide inferic
pal categories:
1. Physical inferiority.
2. Mental inferiority.
3. Financial inferiority.
(A few say there is also a fc
inferiority-a feeling that oth
but I believe this is common
the Great Lakes area.)
Let us start with the feelin
haps the easiest to understar
to feel inferior to the brawny f
ful homecoming queen. But v%
people, neither brawny nor b
marks in the world. Look at
Look at Caesar. Look at Lassi
What I mean is you can't
package by looking at the ou
you can. Take Personna Stai
ple. Just one glance at that jo
so bright and pert, so neat but
has to contain blades of abso
"...w'hen il
came to lying
granny knots."
right! Personna gives you so r
a math major to count them. 2
smoother, comfortabler, kind
Personna comes both in Dou
And as if this weren't enough,
a chance to grab a fistful of $l(
The Personna Stainless Steel
ning, and you're all eligible i
Personna dealer today to get
But I digress. Lot us turn n
mental inferiority. A lot of pt
than other people. This is not
that there are different kinds
stance, the classic case of the S
Sturbridge, students at a pr<
(Dartmouth). It was always a
more intelligent just because h<
about the arts, the sciences, thi
ties, and like that. Sturbridge,
times smarter than Claude wi
knots. But no matter; everybt
Sturbridge," as they called hir
Claude," as they called him. 13
out to be the smart one when t
and ran away? You guessed it
We arrive now at the final ci
One way to deal with this con,
come. You can, for example, 1
pose for a life class, if your colk
But a better way to handle
cept it philosophically. Look o.
True, others may have more
look at all the things you have
instance, and hunger cramps.
Always remember, (lear frie
grace. It is an error, but it is no
Rich or poor, you can all affora
aon na*' Stalnless Steel ilale
shaavln g comfort, Burma Shai
any othier tl,a nd wi. -al
Lounge of Russell House. Mrs.
Arney Robinson Childs, who was
dean of women at the University,
1935-57, will be guest speaker.
Serving The Gamecocks
in Their Own Backyard
shine's Services
ccount Now At SUNSHINE
nervice (by request)
leaning leathers & suedes
dry cleaning servicee
f "Rally Round the Flag, Boysl",
Dobic Gillis," ctc.)
confronting college students
The first gravest problem is,
ak of moult among sorority
'look into the causes of infe
ble cures.
rity feelings into three princi
urth category: ichthyological
er people have prettier fish
only along the coasts and in
g of physical inferiority, per
d. Naturally we are inclined
ootball captain or the beauti
,e should not. Look at all the
autiful, who have made their
Napoleon. Look at Socrates.
always tell what's inside a
tside. (Sometimes, of course,
riless Steel Blades, for exam
lly blue and white package
not gaudy-and you know it
lute perfection. And you are
any shaves per blade it takes
Lnd they are luxury shaves
er to the kisser. Moreover, J)
>le Edge and Injector style.
Personna is now offering you
0 bills from a $100,000 bowl!
Sweepstakes is off and run
o enter. Visit your friendly
details and an entry blank.)
aw to the second category
ople think they are dumber
so. It must be remembered
af intelligence. Take, for in
igafoos brothers, Claude and
>minent Western university
ssumed that Claude was the
knew more than Stur bridge
social sciences, the humani
on the other hand, was ten
eon it came to tying granny
'dy looked down on "Stupid
ri, andl looked up to "Clever
ut who (10 you think turned
heir granny almost got loose
-good old Stupid Sturbridge.
tegory, financial inferiority.
lition is to increase your in
>ecome a fence, Or you can
ge is well heated.
Financial inferiority is to ac
i the bright sideO of poverty.
money than you have, but
that they don't-debts, for
aids, that poverty is no dis
* e Nio. aw shulman
luxury sha ring- wilth Per
and Fe~rnon na's partner In
'' eI It soaks rings around
iblo In renular or menthl.