University of South Carolina Libraries
1af U. U. "We had to double our origi Flash just sigied a scholar Commuti Difficult There's nothing like campus life, especially if you don't live on campuls. This is the grass - is-greener philosophy of hunIdreds of Carolina day students who e o ni ni u t e to classes. They are the kids with street addresses instead of campus box numbers, those with homes instead of residence halls. )riving to school, especially for an 8 a.m. class, is unpleasant, to say the least. There are speed limits, school zones, idiotic drivers, and traffic lights to contend with on the way. Once in the vicinity of Carolina's 22-square-block canipus, the day student faces the crisis of thc day - where to park. Freshman con muters try all the campus parking lots and free spaces within sight of their first class; veterans start looking at least four blocks further away. In parking, distance is no object, even at 7:52 a.m. The average day student learns in the first week of classes to sprint from McMaster p a r k i n g lot to the Engineering luilding or from Assembly Street to fourth floor, Barnwell, in record time. l[e has to. A fler be is on campus, the day student app)lears to be a typical collegian. Ie can yawn a couple of times, and peopile assume he was up late studying insteadl of baby sitting withI a kid brother. Some (lay studlents say they (lol 't feel a part of college life, whb le thers bielonig to clubs, Greek or g aizaitions, pulhiations S t f f PETE TUCKER (Bus. Admin.) of the '62 Bethlehem "Loop" Course enjoys selling steel products in our Cleveland District, lie's typical of young men on the move at Bethlehem Steel. Seniors and graduate students in engineering and nion-technical curricula will soon be initerviewed for the 1966 llethilehem Loop Course. We offer splendid enreer oportunities in steel p)lnt operatLions, research, salesq, mining, accounting, and( other activities. F"or dletailedl information, piek up a copy of our booklet, "Careers with Bethlehem Steel and the Loopl Course," at your An Equal Opportunity Employeivr in the laIns for Pro s Pn>-gra~m BETH LEHEM STELI nal offer, Mr. President; but, Jhip) Witha P'. U. University! ng Poses Problems and other campus activities. Living with parents doesn't have to ruin ain entire life, you know. It even has its advantages. At least there are no letters to write home. LYON TRAV "W[Ihere Was It You4 " COMI.ETE TI " No SERVICE Phone 254-4428 Across Front Iorseshoe if it's new . . . it's at on main e Richland Mal (0n,1 li Cocktales -1 Student They say gluttony is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Maybe since the Ft. Motte oys Ler roast was sponsored by a 2hurch, all our sins will be for riven. Seen slurping down oysters ind shrimp and whatever spirj Lual assistance was needed were: Dean Hall, Celeste Barclay, Dick Sloan, Ann Miller, Ben Moise, Llla Hoefer, and Chip Cothran. To add a Biblical quote-"There was gathered together a great as 4emblage, and some knew not why they were there." Bill Davies wants to take this 4pace to tell the editor of The Gamiecock that the paint on the windows of the law school is on the SCREENS, and that he will be glad to give her all the paint re mover and toothbrushes she needs if she will come clean them. Good slports, those Citadel men! If someday you hear someone talking about Mr. Justice Justice, you'll know it's probably John .justice, the junior from Great Falls who rode on the South Caro lina float in the inaugural parade last year. (.John is president of the Young Democrats, and does a better imitation of Yancey McLeod than the original.) A boy living off campus tells us that his father came walking in his Apartment at 9 a.m. Sunday to find boys and bottles scattered all over the floor. Wading through EL SERVICE i attled To Go?" AVEL SERVICE I LARGE 911 Sumter Street ,Vcar Federal Building a coat to be seen in .. . The LADY POOLE MAI NCOAT, by I,OTDO11FOG The classic look of London Fog's Lady Poole resembles his but it's all hers. Water repellent Calibre Clotho in Natural, Canary, Black or Artistic Mist. Sizes 4 to 20, Petite, Regular and Tall. 37.50 Coat 2nd Floor ichlanfd Mall We4 Inv1ite~ You Herry's on Main ly Lide And L Ward the sleeping bodies, he finally found his son in one of the bed rooms. Dick rolled over, sat up, and groaned, "What are you doing in Columbia?" "What I want to know," his father said, "is what are you do ing in Columbia?" Did you see the boy with the broken arm giving blood? We've heard of twisting arms before, but really! Hate to think about some of the alcohol content in some of those bottles of blood-not to men tion the ones that had a head on them. With the dreaded approach of mid-terms Greeks on the Carolina campus began a campaign of frantic studying-and frantic re laxing. CIII OMEGA Chi Omega sorority announced officers of this fall's pledge class. They are as follows: president, Mary Morgan; vice-president, San dra McCutchen; secretary, Ellen flocutt; treasurer, Kathy Alexan der; and social chairman, Ellen Thurmond. For a Unique Try The j CAMPUS DE 729 MAIl PIZZA'S Small Medium Lar( (with all the ti BREAKFAS TRY OUR EGG Call AL 6-9255 On Main Street Across Fror Open 6 a.m.-1 a.m. Mon.-F With this GT&E prc Small boys have an when it comes to corr with non-humans. G( phone & Electronics concession to outside i In all other areas a cation we have an edg< ing, teleprinting, tel telewriting and data ti And, of course, radio, and military electroni no ioAinyior.t san eroy Off Mid The pledges will hold a big-little sister retreat at the R. G. Bell camp on Dec. G. CHI PSI Chi Psi held activation ceremon ies last Saturday night for five new full-fledged brothers: Rick Amme, Andre Brown, Bill De l1ruhl, Earl Lovelace, and Steve O'Donell. DELTA ZETA Delta Zeta has announced plans for this semester's formal dance to be held Nov. 27 at the Colum bia Hotel. Music will be provided by Marty Rose." The DZ Dream Girl and DZ Man of the Year will be an nounced at the dance. KAPPA ALPHA K A's and their dates journeyed to High Hampton Inn in Cashiers, N. C. last weekend for a couple of days of peace and quiet. KAPPA SIGMA The Kappa Sigs partied at Heise's Pond, Saturday, Nov. 6, after the annual pledge-active football game. Actives won the game by a 25-6 score. PHI KAPPA SIGMA The Phi Kaps hosted a party at Taste Treat 1ll New LICATESSEN I STREET immings) T SPECIAL S & WAFFLES For Carry-Outs , The Engineering Building i. 5 p.m.-12 Sundays one exception ~vides total coi edge on us Our 30Tdephon< municating panies serve ar neral Tele- Most of the equ makes this ponents are m. 3xperts. Automatic Electi f communi- tric and Sylvania . 'Thephon- GT&E's family c emetering, With so much ansmission. TV, stereo S8. INERAL TELE] IS. Generallienhon Onerainnag Co m2 33..... . Tru lia... .-Term Barkoot's Pond Saturday night. Music was provided by Martha and the Vandellas, Al Hirt, the Righteous Brothers, Mel Carter, STOP AT THE ".SIA The BRICK Best Hambur We Appreciate 1311 Pendleton Street Petey CotF Top Ten All-I to his S CAROLINA-CLEA Playboy Magazine - d to the tremendous respor to our Carolina-Clems Playmate Promotion, h selected Columbia, S. The All-American City, an All-American Playmc Promotion in our stc Wed., Thurs., Fri. and Sc Nov. 17-20th, Miss Lou Young, All-Time Read< Choice Top Ten Playma (Check your Dec. 1964 i complete resume of our PLAN TO COME TO WED., THURS., FRI. ai Petey Cot 1224 Wash Columb (Formerly L nmunmcations Operating Corn- GT&E, it i: ~as in 33 states. have becoir pment and comn- most corpo mfufactured by We're in 'ic, Lenkurt Elec- know still: i, all members of ties in tots fcompanies. we've preps revolving around that you < Placement General Te 730 Third1 10017. ?HlONE & ELE( Worries the Temptations, the Four Sea sons, Steve Ladd's mother, and Happy Stella Kowalski and her Schottische Five. CK" FOR A "SNACK" SHACK ger in Town! Your Patronage Open 'Til 7:00 iran brings 'ime Playmate tore for ASON Week-end ue ise on as C., -or ite >re It., ira LAURA YOU NG Top Ten Playmate Al TIME te. ssue or visit our store for playmate.) OUR PLAYBOY PARTY id SAT. (Nov. 17-20th) hran's Ltd. ington Street ia. S. C. indsey's. Ld.) small wonder that we econe of America's fore rations. Lrested in having you nore about our activi Li communications. So red a booklet on GT&E an obtain from your Director, or by writing lephone & Electronics, Lvenue, New York, N.Y. TRONICS