The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, May 08, 1964, Image 1
MAY QUEEN: Eyes folloi E
her throne as the USC Queen of
were held immediately after the
Three Stud<
Three journalism majors werc
honored Tuesday afternoon as re
cipients of top awards from tw<
national journalism societies.
These students, chosen on the
basis of scholarship, character
and service were Margaret Byrd
William Savage, Jr. and Willian
Margaret Byrd, who receive<
the Theta Sigma Pi award, is a
member of Chi Omega Sorority
Euphrosynean Literary Society
Press Club, Carolina Religious
Council and the Dean's List. She
has served as campus and copy
editor of The Gamecock anc
treasurer of Alpha Order.
The Sigma Delta Chi Awarc
for the outstanding male grad.
uate in journalism was presented
to William Savage who has beer
editor of The Crucible and vice
president of Sigma Delta Chi
The 1964 edition of the
Garnet and Black will be dis
tributed Wednesday, May 13
in the Russell House.
The committee to coordinate
the 1964 SC Model Security Coun
cil has been announced by Wil
( liam F. Medlin, chairman for Col
legiate Council for the United Na
tions at USC.
On the committee are Medlin
chairman; Brad Poston, vice
chairman; Asgar Kachwalla, sec.
retary-treasurer; and Ruth Hien.
The mock Security Council ses
sion, at which students from
South Carolina colleges come to.
gether to debate key issues be
fore the UN, is sponsored an
nually by the International Rela
tions Club, which holds the USC
affiliation with CCUN. Dr. Johri
B. McConaughy and Dr. I. Wil
liam Zartman are faculty advisors
to the group.
In a meeting Monday, the com
mittee set October 23-25 as the
elates for the seminar, in con
junction with United Nations
D)ay, October 24. U. S. Ambassa
(her to the United 'Nations, Adlai
Stephenson, will be invited to de
liver the keynote address.
The society news department
of The Gasmecock issues the
following corrections. A I p h a
Delta Pi came in second in the
girls' tricycle race, not Zeta
Tau Alpha. Also, Chi Psi fra
ternity came int first in last
year's "Little 500" race, not
Phi Delta Theta.
'anrcock Stall Photo by Roberixon
laine Oulz% as sie proce4ed% to mount
May t) reignt over festivifies which
presentation of ODK Awards.
Ents Receivf
Savage is also advertising ma
ager and columnist for The Gam
cock, a member of Wesley Fou
dation and the R.E. Week pu
licity committee, and chairman
the W. C. MacReady Society. I
has had poems published
Motive and the Princeton Sen
nary Bulletin.
William Collins received t
Sigma Delta Chi Distinguish
Member Award for his "outstan
ing service as secretary of Sigri
Delta Chi." Collins has work
for the Greenwood-Index Journ
and has been editor and co-ordin
tor for eight magazines of Wil
Publishing Company, includii
the N. C. and S. C. Football A
nuals. He has served as a pal
in the House of Representitiv
for four years.
USC Students
i Accept Prize
At Conventioi
Two USC students have wo
the 1964 award of the S. C. Ps
chological Assn. for a "superio
paper written by an undergra
unte, the association's top awn
for students.
Julie L. Derrick and Rebai
Hlutto, students in the Universi
D)epartment of Psychology, earni
the award with their paper, "Tl
Tendency to Guess and its Rel
tions to Achievement, Acaden
Aptitude and Response Sets."
Dr'. M. K. Walsh, head of tl
University's psychology depar
ment, acceptedi the award at tl
S. C. Psychological Assn.'s mee
ing at the USC Aiken Coun
Center. The awvard is present<
annually to the best undergra
uate paper read before the a
sociation's spring convention.
Both Miss D)errick and Mi
Hutto are students of D)r. Ja<
Hand, associate professor of ps
chology at the University.
Nat. Defense Loai
A pplication Due
National Defense Student Loa1
are available for the summer se
sion at the University of Soul
Carolina and the final date fI
filing applications is May 18.
Any full - time student at il
University who is working t
ward a degree may apply for
National Defense Student Loa
A loan may amount to as mu<
as $1,000 for an academic yea
Applications are available fro
the director of student aid in tI
Office of the Dean of Student
telenhone 765-.129.
b- den-st Thomans F. Jones (tiecond I
of highest honor. Receivinig the aw
Ie me honior ini 1937 while a US
in designlationl a% anl outstand(inig S
Blue Key L.eader.-hip Award, anl
ed Carolill
b- The critics of campus soc
fraternities may not have notic(
e- but fraternity men are buildii
sa new image of public and coi
e s!gmunity service which is in sha
contrast to their historical rep
tation for frivolity.
For example, this year's annu
collection drive for the Americ
Red Cross Blood Center in C
lumbia took place at USC 1.9
week under sponsorship of Intc
fraternity Council, the organiz
tion largely responsibly for co
ducting joint fraternity progran
n And Interfraternity Coune
Y- made known through a spokesm;
frtate"riteroni,o this cramp
d- are actively participating in ni
rd merous projects for the bette
ment of the community and t
v. advancement of the society
t-. News Editor
LyAlpha Order has elected 19
-officers following a year's wo
atoward the estab)lishment of M(
tar Board on this campus.
sSis Mullis will serve a secol
ktermi as president of the grou
Y- Also elected were Roberta Meart
vice presideCnt; Connie Wall, se
retary; andl Betty Kennedy, trea
urer. Glenn Millsap will be soi
fest chairman, Barbara Seigli
loan fund chairman; Martha Se
ville, projects chairman; ai
as l)onna Russell, historian.
Alpha Order, formerly Alpi
>r Kappa Gamma, withdrew fro
the nationally affiliated womer
e honorary organization this ye,
a- for the purpose of re-instatir
a itself as a petitioning group f,
n. Mortar Board.
USC had been one of the foun
era of AKG, begun on campus
e1928. The group feel somethii
a, more national in acope will mei
mnre to t. wrnmen and ad nra
ds Da
an ding
DAY: Pictured at the annnal ODK A%
'rom left) are recipients of the Algerno
Lrd %ere Charles E. Sinons, niwly appoi
. seniior; Belle lo4we, who alo received
ensior; and Tt<id Wilsot, winner of th<
d outstanding senior de%ignation.
ia Fraterni
rig Accomp
ial a whole."
d, One of the ways the council
rig encourages fraternities to par
n- ticipate in service activities is by
rp presenting an annual award to
u- the outstanding fraternity in com
munity service, won this year by
al Sigma Phi Epsilon.
En The council lists these as "a few
0- of the projects" undertaken by
st USC fraternities as evidence of
r- their increased emphasis upon
a- public service:
n- -Christmas party for under
Is. privileged children.
ii - Annual Easter egg hunt for
us --Selling tickets for the Au
urora Club of the Blind andl for
*r- Sertoma Club.
he - Collection of more than
as 3,500 books for the library of the
e Order I
tige to the University, the men
have Blue Key and ODK.
Upon inquiry early in the fall,
rk A KG had received information
r- that the Unive'rsity was eligible
to sponsor a chapter of Mortar
'id Hoard. The primary requisites for
p. affiliation are neeredlitation with
, the American Association of
c- D)eans of Women of the school,
s. that it have at least 50 women
ig' graduates, and that it have tapped
-r, only se*niors.
in The seven-page petition, sent
inMarch 15, was a comprehensive
rep)ort on everything from the
-a number of Ph.D. professors at the
mn University, to ita program for
swomen studlents through the next
ar five years.
gAlpha Order has received ac
oknowledgment that the petition
has been received, and evidently
d- will be reviewed at a later date
in with other petitions. USC will
gprob)ably be notified of acceptance
mn or refusal some time during the
a- I smerlnnt.
rusmccock Nta// Photo by Robertson
arl. Day fetivities with USC: Presi.
I Sidney Sulis Award, Caroliiia'..
nmtd federal judge, who r-cei%ed the
the Kappa Delta Epsiloni Award and
Carolina (Camununity Award, the
ties List
State Penitentiary.
- Participation in the city-wi
Cancer Crusade march.
- Participation in the city-wid
Easter Seal drive.
- Initiating the Glenn Milhot
Memorial Fund and collectin
money to support it.
- Development of picnic area
for patients at the State Ho!
- Arranging for r e m e d i a
classes in the Spanish languag
for students needing help.
Interfraternity Council reporte<
"This is not by any means a com
plete list of activities and ser
ices being carried( oan by the fri
ternities, but it does present th
fact that fraternities (10 concer
themselves with activities othe
than the social aspects of life.
Liects U
Alpha Order, a petitioning group
(left ko ight) Roberta Meaea,
B,ay. E,....dy, tm....; ..nd 4
Vities I
Bnts, F
Howe, Wilso
4 For Service
News Staff
The Carolina Community gat
faculty, students, and organizat
pa's annual Awards Day Tuesd
USC's highest honor, the
Award for service to others, w
Howe and Todd Wilson by Ui
F. Jones.
Also a recipient was Charle
pointed federal judge. Honored
state, and University, he receive
a senior at USC.
Miss Howe also received the
and designation as an outstand
Ted Ledeen a
Named To Fill
Advisory Post h
Assistant Managing Editor
A new foreign student advisor
who will keep up with immigra
tion regulations and be responsi
We for foreign student speakers
for various groups has been se
Ted Ledeen, director of student
aid, will fill the position presently
- occupied by R. H. Wienefeld, dean
of the graduate school. All of the
admissions work will still be done
by the registrar's office and aca
demic advising will be done hY
the respective (leans of the de
The foreign student advisor is
a part of a program working
under the National Association
for Foreign S t u d e n t Affairs
l (NAFSA). To the new foreign It
student advisor, the NAFSA Field
Service Program offers: (1) pro
fessional training programs in
the form of workshops or semi
nars, and (2) in-service training
grants which provide the oppor
tunity to observe programs at
other institutions.
On May 15 NAFSA will spon
I sor such a workshop at USC. The
e workshop, which will be from 10 A
to - p.m. in Room 101 of the A
I. Russell louse, is for student ad
visors from state - supported in
st itut ions in South Carolina. Lu
-cien W. Ilope. .1 r.. Foreign Stu
e dent Advisor at G;eorgia Tech and 1
n regional coo rd inat or for foreign I
r st udent advisors,. will be in charge N
"of the workshop.
a ~ C
To Others
hered together to honor her
ions at Omicron Delta Kap
Ay afternoon on the Horse
Algernon Sidney Sullivan
s presented to seniors Belle
iversity President Thomas
E. Simons, the newly ap
for service to his country,
d the same honor in 1937 as
Kappa D)elta Epsilon Award
ing senior.
The Carolina Community Award,
.e Blue Key Leadership Award,
ld outstanding senior designa
L)n also went to Wilson.
Dean George A. Buchanan of
e School of Journalism was
mored with the dedication of the
164 Garnet and Black. The new
iss Garnet and Black, Ruth
enderson, was also announced.
Acknowledging the fact that
1thing can function without
he school administration. fra
ernities recognized Dean of
Iven L. Eugene Cooper as Fac
alty Man of the Year. Greeks
ilso honored Gean Martin as
Fraternity Man of the Year and
sigma Nu as having the high
e,st average g.p.r.
Zeta Tau Alpha sorority earned
ie Pi Kappa Alpha Sorority of
e Year Award.
Filling in for his father. former
risketball coach Dwayne Morri
n. young Mickey Morrison ac
'pted the Kappa Sigma Kappa
istinguished Service Award.
Honored with three awards was
oberta Meares. She received the
axmilliam LaBorde Memorial
.holarship, the George A. Wau
kope Award in English, and the
ii Beta Kappa freshman award.
AFROT'"s brother and sister
organizations. Arnold Air So
iety and Angel Flight, selected
utstanding members. Receiv
ng the nods were Billy East
nd Joan Bennett.
Chi Omega's Millie Zimmerman
ward went to Mary Anne Cole
an. The organization's service
kard was received by Sandy
MIarga ret Troublefield was the
cipient oif D)elta Zeta's Nell
.rry Miller Award,.and Ann Wil
ims received Dbelta Delta Delta's
argaret Ashe Scholarship.
Foreign language awards were
follows: the 11onor D)iploma
the. Spanish Culture Institute
Madrid to Mary Lesley Seals;
e West German Federal Repub
A wardl to William Jackson: the
rst Hampton Award in Romance
inguages to Ann Adele Arney;
id the French Government Cer
ricates of Exc'ellence to Sarah
authen and Marsha Woolen.
The Euphrosynean Literary
inciety Poetry Award was won
ay ()rin Anderson. The Hlypa
ian Literary Society O)utstand
ng Senior Award went to D)e
ores Abdalla. (Chi Psi Awards
were' received by Robert Blenis
nd Charles Flynn.
The College of Engineering an
>unced several awards: A. S.
E., Jlohn Talbot; A. I. Ch. E.,
arold Edwards; A. S. M. E., Eu
'ne Besancon; I. E. E. E., Charles
hea. Th(e Machinery's Achieve
('nt Award went to Ronald Hol
rnd. Tau Beta Pi's scholastic
.vard was won by Leslie Court
'y and its leadership award by
ernon Hill.
Copping music awards were
ancy Hall and Gloria Trouble
eld. Ned Self, Terry Lucansky,
odd Wilson, and Keith Elliot
mok Blue Key Awards. Nancy
all was honored as the outstand
g band member, and Robert
axwell and Frank Pape won
appa Sigma Kappa band schol
D)ebating awards were pre
(Coutimed om pa=e S)