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Carolina Student February 12, 1962 The regular meeting of Student Senate was called to order by the President, John Chappell. The chaplain was absent, and Howar< Ilellams opened the meeting with prayer. (OMITT I E0MPORTS: Traffic and Safety Coinittee: Ben Boyd, chairman, announce Lh.I:. t he motion to insi t', shelves in the Men's Lounge in Russel has beei rtfercrd to thi' Student Union Committee. Artists Series: Timk Quinn, chairman, announced that the nex Ai!ists Series presentation would be Wednesday, February 14, a 1: :0u p.mi. in the Ca rol ina Field iiouse. The National Symphon: 1-vnes ra of Washington, D. C., will be featured. The committee in em nibers of Student Senate to the performance. The nex the ANrtists Series Committee was announced for Tuesday It 5:00 p.m. (ConPMnuittee: Berry St. John, chairman, announce< '( it 1 ion Committee sponsored a number of varie< ur 1 the fal! semes!er. The Dance Committee held a mixe r n i (idwnstiri's Russell Ilouse Cafeteria on Septembe S. 1T :in\ well attertded. Expenses totalled $577.45. n -hi daniie, it was decided that the funds available t ':nit'e. -Wme $2.122.78, siould be pooled with th Ie Stut Goe rnment anee Committee and that the tw sonr future dances jointly. T ' l kt h"Is Committee beld a dance on February 10 it 'h ' I lk0o. .\ P)oimi1iately IVighty couples attended; th S , i:met was $:125.50. en he rs' of tlhe Comnuittee, acconpanied by Russell Hous n Ldeen, attended the Region Four conference of th Colh-e V'nions in Charlottesville. Virginia. At thei th1e coMitittee miebers participated in the inter * ~. etnion id eas. I fe n Coiti.tee held a tournament in the Confederate Roor be" 1 1. Twenty coulples participated. Mir. John Meyers o rv ised the plav, and prizes totalling $36.90 wer h WI-liength movies were shown during the fall semester thk-t. fihns. plus the cost of the acconipanying cartoon pr.:eti on ist's fee brings the total cost of the movies t ~ - rthe term. ( of 10.3141 persons attended the Student Union movies thi l'he m' pit las lanned for tihe li ng term include, in additio . A ::lnus-wbfle talent show 2. A b:wling tournanent, 'lTe Y1u1bliention of an attraetive hrochure, wIiich will serve t 4.m e t.h 1acilities of the Russell Ilouse to the student body. 1 C0111i1 in:mtee: Berry St. Jolin leported for Char-lie Brad"lsha%V Th1 b,alalce Iow on hand for futire dances is $1,782.93. The ful r*t'11 of th comnitte is onl file in the Student Senate Office. tt'inunee to establish a coin-operated i1aundry on campus. Chil ' rt requet Ivq ed tihat Mar'ied students inquire as to the needs o :itnal washers and dryers at University Terrace. 01,1) iWSINF.SS: Thrte was none. NEW BUSINESS: .1ilCk Wilson mloved acceptance of the Dalce ('ommittee budge Iteport. The report was accepted unantimlotsly. Tim Qinn1 m Illoved( that half of the profits from the anInuall sprinj ftb lafl g:un' go ti hlIp raise the Illoley that Cat'olina must rais in1d t' e* t noey V'fron the Federal (;ove I'nm tliet t. The schoc ust put up ten pet' cent of the ioney that the Governient. pro I)., i Tomlin hlas askeud for :;tudentst suppot in thi matter l's Ntu. 1:ip; ippointi'd a Colm1ittee to handle this project i;r..1y and menb'r.s of the cominttee ate Dav Scho o l r *01W IN $15.00 School F or '62 Summer JIe 9aI1Q A\ tuVt-sess f'io i.sununer school has been tplannl for the first tim'' "hr O L G t''inig Jhune, 1%.o2, according to t'eitra's office. F"iri session, six weeiks in pe Onyt b-ini'th, wi begint Jutne 11, and Rcistra,ti.n :f'r s5ud ses'siont Io.u! have' Sat rda hi'Isses in\re th t the t ermt byt tall it LiasbeWeek'sbWinner: 1 ! tOpenIOnly to i om" ReistrarLt SIC FLICI tv> "Another Chesterfield? But I just gave you one last week!" 21 GREAT TOBACCOS MAKE 20 WONDE AGED MILD, BLENDED MILD - NOT FILTERED M Council Minul Adam (representing Block C Clut Charles Behling presented the WHEREAS, a .sound knowledl are essential in the education of r( WHEREAS, the University oj its students, its state, and its nat students the right to fully study I WHEREAS, the University at of theological courses, and thus, dents of this essential portion of RESOLVED, that Student Seni the University investigate the expa related courses, and be it furthei RESOLVED, that Student Set this request to the Administration ures to alleviate the situation until Charles Behling, *4rheresa Swin to the committee. They were acc r Senate. There being no further businei ABSENTEES: Jimmy Truesdale, Marty Sheheen, Leah Timberlake, heen, Bob Plunkett. f "Gamnecock" There will be an important meet 3 ing of the "Gamecock" staff today 3 at 2 o'clock in Room 208, Russell House. S * * * I. S. C. The International Students' Club will hold a meeting Tuesday at 7 p.m. in Room 102, Russell House. > * * * Canterbury Club Canterbury Club will meet at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday for supper, worship, and a program. WorkI Day of Prayer The "Y" will sponsor a World Day of Prayer Sunday at 7:00 p.m. in Rutledge Chapel. It is inter t denominational and a Lutheran theological student will speak. Any student who has changed his address since pre-registration is reqluested to report this change to Russell House Information Desk immediatelv. MEAL TICKET F RRA&fUAaftf iTUIDENTS congregate" Carolina Students RCHASE OF 70c .IealI Ticket Plan BARBARA RUNDBAKEN KIN ;RFUL SMOKES!. LOn- Tm:v SA-rISFY ,es ), and Pam Crawford. following resolution: Ce of theology and related affairs sponsible men, and f South Carolina's desire to serve ion, demands that it give interested :heological matters, but present offers only a bare minimum is forced to deprive interested stu their education, therefore, be it ite go on record as requesting that nsion of its theological and theology iate appoint a committee to relay and to investigate temporary meas Administrative action can be taken. k, and Walter Bull were appointed epted by the members of Student is, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Williams Secretary Kerry Wofford, Amelia Sue O'Dell, Tom Cox, Mike Daniel, Mike She Blriefs B. S. U. T h e Baptist Student Union luncheon will be held at 1 p.m. at the B.S.U. Center. Vespers are held at 7 o'clock on Wednesdays. * * * Clariosophic Clariosophic Society will hold i t s regular meeting Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. on the third floor of Legare College. The society will present a Declamation Contest which is open to all members. * * * Volunteers Wanted Volunteers are wanted f o r pioneer psychology experiment. Please submit name, address, and phone number to Box 4034 (USC). DIRECT EN RO LIQUID LR= FUEl M A MAGNETO SA THERE CHALLENC TODW FC VI RTUALI EVEF! TECHNICJ TAL EI AT PRATT WHITNI AERCRAI AN( New midshipmen officers of tt Howatt, battalion commander; Mi Cmdr. Bill Wilkenloh, "B" Compan Naval Offi Midshipman C a p t. Frank Howatt, a senior majoring in naval science, is the new bat talion commander of the Caro lina Naval ROTC unit. Mid. Lt. Cmdr. Clark Fulton is "A" Company commander, and Mid. Lt. Comdr. Bill Wilken loh is "B" Company com mander. Battalion executive officer is Mid. Cmdr. Grayson Goodman and Mid. Lt. John Williams is senior drill team commander. Other officers of "A" com pany are Midshipmen Ens. Leo J. Marsden, 1st platoon com mander; Ens. Allan C. Ander F5 ERGY CONVERSION VA CKET HYDROGEN LCH3 HYRDYAMIUCS Alm"os" every scientically traL opportunities within the broad s i E From the solid foundation of addition to continuing and conc< engines, new and exciting avenu I R space, marine, and industrial po The reach of the future ahea .whitney Aircraft is exploring th dynam,ics . . . thermionlcs and t A I fuel cells and nuclear power. To help move tomorrow closer t andil( scientists. Your degree? Il T : ELECTRICAL U CHEMIC SCHEMISTRY U METALLL NEER ING SCIENCE or APPI The field still broadens. The aind advancement may be here fi FT For further information rega Aircraft, consult your cotleg Engineering Department, F PRATT & MA DMvsion of United Aircraft Corg AUonuacfiouTappliatts Eagst srntlonelnC an oV HORS A WE) e Naval ROTC unit at the Univers 1. Lt. Cmdr. Clark Fulton, "A" C y commander. (USC Photo-McGra icers Ann son, 2nd platoon commander; Ens. Walter C. Lancaster, 3rd platoon commander. "B" company officers are Midshipmen Ens. Ellis Laitala, 1st platoon commander; Ens. Michael Smith, 2nd platoon com mander; and Ens. Tom Kosciw, 3rd platoon commander. Mid. John Shirley is com mander of the freshman drill team. Staff officers of the NROTC unit are Midshipmen IA. Cmdr. Rerry St. John, operations of ficer; Lt. Jimmy Johnson, adju tant; Ens. Kit Tomlin, supply officer; Lt. (ig) Ronald Beers, public information officer; Lt. sed man can find stimulating and re pectrum of Pratt & Whitney Aircraft ac 36 years as a world leadcr in flight prol md research investigations today are :ntrated development effort on air breat: es are being explored in every field of wer applications. :I is indicated by current programs. Pri e fringe areas of technical knowledge it rermo-electric conversions . . . hypersonii D today, we continually seek ambitious:; can be in: MECHANICAL U AEI AL and NUCLEAR ENGINEERIN( IRGY U CERAMICS U MATHEMA' ,lED MECHANICS. challenge grows greater. And a future r you. trding an engineering career at Pr a placement officer or write to Mr. ratt & Whitney Aircraft, East Hart SH IT N EY A IR|tC loration Hartford, Connecticut IPMENT CENTER Palm Beach County, flow GH! ity are, from left, Mid. Capt. Frank impany commander; and Mid. Lt. ii) )unced Gordon Roman, "A" Company executive officer; and Lt. Paul Moeller, "B" Company executive off icer. Canterbury Has Election Walter Bull was recently elected president of Canterbury Club. Other officers chosen include Virginia Fishburne, vice president; Mary Boys, secretary: Pettigrew Hamilton, treasurer; and Eleanor Spruill and John Bryan, C. R. C. repr.-sentatives. do) warding camwr s tivities. ulsion systems, rar ranging. In wig and rocket advanced aero isently, Pratt & magnetohyku. pr.,pullou ... roung engineers CONAUTICAL U PHYSICS rICS U ENOI of recognitioe att & Whitney R~. P. Azinger, ord 8, Conn. IdaQ