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State Ton Intramural Action Fighting for the rebound are members of quintets from Zone 11 and Zone 2 in intramural play last week. Zone 2 won the battle, 35-33. (Photo by Nye) Dit CamIpue a - ju (Author of "Rally Round The Flag, oys'', " The Man !l Loves of Dobie Gillis et.) THE MANY LOVES OF .THORWALD DOCKSTADER When Thorwald Dockstader-sophonore, epicure, and sport s man-first took up smoking, he did not simply choose tle first brand of cigarettes that came to hand. lie did what. any sophomore, epicure, and sportsman would do: lie s:apled se eral brands until he found the very best-a mild, rich, flavorful smoke-an endless source of comfort and satisfact ion ----:k sgm,oke that never palled, never failed to please-a smoke that age could not wither nor custom stale-a filter cigarette with an unfiltered taste-Marlboro, of course! Similarly, when Thorwald took up girls, he d(id not, simply select the first one who came along. He sampled. First lie dated an English literature major named Elizabeth Barrett Schwartz, a wisp of a girl with large, luminous eyes and a soul that shimmered with a pale, unearthly heauty. Trippingly, trippingly,she walked with Thorwald upon the beach and st, with him behind a windward dune and listenedl to a conch shell and sighed sweetly and took out a little gold pencil and a litt le morocco notebook and wrote a little p)oem: I will lie upon the shore, I will be a dreamer, I will feel thec sea once more, Pounding on my femur. Thorwald's second date was with a physical education miajor named Peaches Glendower, a broth of a girl with a ready smnile and a size 18 neck. She took Thorwald dlown to the cinder track where they did 100 laps to open the pores. Then they played four games of squash, six sets of tennis, 36 holes of golf, nine S innings of one o'cat, six chukkers of lacrosse, and a mile and a quarter of leapfrog. Then they went ten rounds with eight ounce gloves and had heaping bowls of whey and exchanged a firm handshake and went home to their respective whirlpool baths. Thorwald's final date was with a golden-haired, creamy browed, green-eyed, red-lipped, full-calved girl nanmed Totsi Sigafoos. Totsi was not majoring in anything. As she often said, "Gee whillikers, what's college for anyhow-to fill your head full of icky old facts, or to discover the shining essence that is YOU?" Totai started the evening with Thorwald at a luxurious restaurant where she consumed her own weight in Cornish rock hen. From there they went to a (deluxe movie palace where Totsi had popcorn with butter. Then she had a bag of chocolate covered raisins-also with butter. Then they went to a costly ballroom and did the Twist till (lawn, tippling the band every eight bars. Then they went to a Chinese restaurant where Totsi, unable to translate the menu, solved her prob)lem by ordering one of everything. Then Thorwald to)ok her to the women's dorm, boosted her in the windhow, andl went downtown to wait for the emp)loyment office to open. While waiting, Thorwald thought over all of his girls and came to a sensible (decision. "I think,'' he said1 to himmself, ''that I will stick with Marlboros. I am not rich enough for girls." @~ 1962 Max Shuiman Marlboro, however, ia rich enough for anybody. It lake. mighty good nmakin's to give you unfitered taste in a filter cigarette. That'. the flavor you get in the famous Marlboro recip, from Richmond, Virginia. You get a lot to like. ght, Then Top Teams Win As Threats Seen Pre-season choices Sigma Nu, Zone 6, and KA lived up to expectations, but threats from the ranks began to emerge in teams from SPE, Kappa Sig, Zone 9, Lambda Chi and ATO in the first week of Intramural basketball play. SN-49 PHI KAP-43 Sigma Nu duplicated their feat of last year by knocking off Phi Kap, 49-43, in their first game. Center Jimmy John son led the winners with 24 points, while Dave Adam got 17 for Phi Kap. A last second layup by Ed Thomas netted, Zone 2 a 35-33 heart stopper over Zone 11. Thomas' 15, topped Zone 2, while Ben Feming was high for the losers with 10. ATO's high scoring Bob Norton was limited to 13 points against Chi Psi, but the Taus came away with a 44-25 de cision. Dennie Davis was high for the vanquished with 10. The one-two punch of Ron McCall and Fred Eaddy with 12 points apiece propelled Zone 10 to a 55-47 triumph over Zone 8. Richard Mathews' 19 points for 8 were to no avail. KAPPA SIG-47 SIGMA CHI-37 Big John Godbold pumped in 19 markers to lead Kappa Sig to a 47-37 win over Sigma Chi. Davis garnered 17 for Sigma Chi. With center Bob Drost covered inside, SPE went John Dalisa for 18 points and toppled SAE, 51-45. J. Thomas' got 12 for the SAE's. Twenty-four points by Phi Ep's Leroy Cohen wasn't enough against well-balanced H{A, who won easily, 69-39.' Ruff's 17, Bowie's 16, and Haynie's 15 topped the KA total. In the second game of the night, Lambda Chi received a forfeit from Phi Sig. ZONE 6-71 ZONE 1-49 Defending campus champion Zone 6 had some early trouble against Zone 1, but ran up a 71-49 win with second halt spurt. George Williams' 19 and Robert Spear's 17 was high for the winners and losers respectively. Zone 5 outran Zone 7, 56-35, with Mike Kirkpatrick's 20 points providing the momentum. Steve Cox and Pete DiVenere were high for Zone 7 with eight apiece. In the first Field House action of the year, the Bob Drost-led SPE's notched a 47-38 pounding of Phi Kap. Drost, 19, and Dave Adam, 15, were high point men. Lambda Chi, after one forfeit win, made it's debut a success: by (lumping Chi Psi, 45-29. Nash got 12 for Lambda Chi, while Dennis Davis' 15 was high for the losers. Phi Ep won its first contest of the year, by the forfeiture' route, as Phi Sig was ruled ineligible for intramurals. SAE won over Sigma Chi, 47-27, with Thomas' 12 points leading the way. Davis got nine for Sigma Chi. ZONE 9-73 ZONE 4-50 Zone 10 squeezed by Zone 12, 42-40, with Dan O'Dell leading with 12. Sayetta was high with 10 for the defeated. Zone 9 blasted out a high-scoring 73-50 decision over Zone 4 with speedster Buddy Haley hitting for 21. Dan Reeves' 17 points led Zone 4. 00 SUPER SMOOTH SH AVE New "wetter-than-water" action melts beard's tough ness-In seconds. Remarkable new "wetter-than-water" action gives Old Spice Super Smooth Shave its scientific approximation to the feather-touch feel and the efliciency of barber shop shaves. Melts your beard's toughness like hot towels and massage-in seconds. Shaves that are so comfortable you barely feet the blade, A unique combination of anti-evaporation agents makes Super Smooth Shave stay moist and firm. No re-lathering, no dry spots. Richer and creamier..,.gives you the most satisfying shave..,.fastest, cleanest-and most. comfortable. Regular or mentholated, 1.00. INC "I tell you. Frank. I didi't fud cowk Mad CrOnin . he .crital., w mid-court gmne of "zumarbleg." The14,% Sphere wichich turuIed lop,ifded for th1 takiung a 78-74 win. Coaching Stafj Future Gamec Before a football team can be iolded new Prospects must be scouted, their records filed, and then1 the final signing of a con tract has to be accomplished. Out standing players are like escaped colivicts, in a sense-every one is trying to catch them. Five men on the football coach ihg staff have been assigned the duty of covering certain areas in an attempt to muster together the finest players in the eastern part of U. S. Coach Ralph Floyd de votes his time to the northern section of the East Coast (N. Y., N. J., Conn., and Va.) and the area south of Columbia, S. C. Coaches Rill England, Hank Bar los. and Clyde Biggers center The signing of grant-in-aids announced: E) Name Ileig Butch Williams 6-0 Sam Franklin, Jr. 6-4 Leroy Barley 6-1 Jon Linder 6-1 INTERII Heath Ferguson III 6-2 Causey %L.son 6-2 Mac Carrett 6-0 Charles Evans 6-3 Dick Christopher 6-1 Bobby Nort heute 6-2 Bobby Collins 6-3 Walter Caldwell 6-3 Ross Reeves 6-3 Bill Neighbors 6..2 Ken Wood - Hen Bonmner 6...1 HBern)ar d WVielgulinisk i 63-3 Georg(e Hess 6-1 P~aul AleNeal 6-1 IIilly- Gonsnell62 Johnnaay Girigsbay 1 Ronnie- I.iLab Jeff' Jowers ;1 Peter Franidanm 51 l )avid Trubyv -l Jim Rice 51 John Lee 2 Gene Williams 31 Carl Epps ( Curtis Lindler 51 B lake Pray ter Robert Thompk ins - AntoPawlwski6-2 5-1 * MUGS * PENNAN * JEWELR BOO0 THE UNI0 For 7 hnIso ,ae" , (4m 44 ith Wake F Fre,t Frank ( hi..tie in are reall. afer a t leher atid rnilh Hiri ii the %eed"I( half. the Deriae-m Summons ock Hopefuls ron 1'enn"sYlvanlia and Nort ' 'arolina. with England responsi ,(w the north western section < S. C. : a r,os, northern, aroun Rik i]; and Biggers in the Pied mnit area around Myrtle Beacl Coach Elmer Harbour concentrate on the teams in Virginia Scouting of potential players be gills as early as their freshma year in high school. Recommend: tions are received from high scho< cmaches, alumnii, ad( even froi piyers already playing colleg ba 1l. Signing college grant-in-aic begins December 12. arid as a ACC Conference rule, no play( ean chang his selection afte February 1. by the following players has bee 4DS ht Weight Home TOwn 196 au Claire, S. 210 Ilackshrv. S1 190 Ga"T"It'. ( 210 i LINEMEN 2-10 Norcross, G, 220 1-till. 8.( 225 Six Nil. S. 187 Great Falls, S. 220 lrr',. 200 Frrc.S 220 Aeeil,S 230 hndPt.S 230 Mret.G 220Agut.( 220 lei e .!,S 220 igpr.Ta 220arre.. 210 Ne A!at,I 180 ~ ei~V 180 tit.(, -'HACK 2004M(eurc,S 180 :nLr.. 185 YeL 190 W:ulreg,N 180 rC 170 3at 215 W, g(! ~ 183 Hme Tfown 200 (Blaksurg. (. 182 Gaffney. ~. ( 215 Nerks, N. Estill,SH. F rec,. S NDSHOOvLe S Ownedna OpeatedS. by rita.G ERITAO SUTH G Birds Four Team Battle At Charlotte N, .;te i pack T wn! be out t;,Iak a n a jpoor performiance W wern-- dumi p-d 82-7f, h li:. N. C i -v r ~vast!,nyoe .ae V. I 1 ttemIpt tI avenig I t2- 5 t( ( sion li. kinIg adIIiistered bY t he Galmcocks in Columbia. (:1.1.1SO.N TOO( The Tigers of Clemson will also be ivlv:d in the four tleam affair, h .wg tt lakhee- tonight and cin exchanging opponents with d C for a Saturday night bout i.h 1 State. Caroli!a's oppnlent3. State's Wolf,pak.k tolnight are attracting ,Ittelll:on as perhaps thu most im )Vcd team in the Conference. With the return of the previousiY .nIe:gibleKen, the elabor Last-:Vp offens:v... patterns aVt, iti:y beComeC potent. n Rohloff has teante with quick r i. i'.Iwdnver Ji Speaks to give r -hI Wt*pack over 30 points per far firl the hackeourt. Also MUch in vvidience at this spot will n - ; 1)i Wherry, whose start:ing .ob ws taken over by Rohloff. Thc 'ik i not exactlyv weak Ip flr'n either. In John Pluner. - , and Ru'M -\ar- ,, \ho got n [ up wt I' of IoImts wn n IIP-ee TO(11Gl /.()\lI : vmL depth and cv.c! more tyk o the Stat. squad are pho:no'ri Pete Ake! and: \ h i p\ n'l re u nd e. :: "Wu1ea:ik -Il o .ints isl .-UeT:o has been at, ruh ,'nec d!eens(. N C 'ar-1jina is jiust the~ op rom State~ i n momenlt um. the ACC at the first of the PcUTIlT it til: f I T e :Sn trength of the Tar n : ntheir pilaymnaking duo tI\ lHrownT and:. I>on Walsh u.a dem:ily two-hanud set I. h 1 of the 0.1 school, is lea.jog ret o the pair, but set up I.fs raks with thiri bahinIg .~ ieI udr bot.:h boa rds is . 3. .lid by t-S Jimr Donohiue and ( .Jim Iludock, w"ho killed the Ga'ni - .cocks earlier this season! ''.i :U ' 0-io.lm gamme, along with r3-6 1 oph Brya . 1es lweeney. ATIONERY VEAT SHIRTS CKETS UPPLIES CAROLINA