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DIG THAT GAMECOCK . . . Fiv a gamecock at the Pink House re part of the city's entertainment fi Sylvia Hanna, Carolyn McClung E by McGrail) COPY AND MAKE-UP . . . Publi is explaining the make-up of his Carolina students listening are (L the extreme right) Nancy Fox. (P1 NROTC Ca( Naval ROTC cadets at the Uni versity were presented with awards and honors at the annual Naval Awards Day May 9. Receiving the professor of naval science awards for acacemic and aptitude proficiency were Elmer W. Beardshall, Jr., freshman; Oliver G. Wood, sophomore; Olin D. Haynes, junior; and Jimmie Lee Martin, senior. Midshipmen Philip M. Moody of Aiken and Walter W. Parker Ill each received two individual awards. Moody won the profes sor of naval science award for outstanding aptitude and the convair award as the outstand ' ing naval student for aviation. Parker won the professor of naval science award for leader ship and the South Carolina So ciety of the Sons of the Ameri can Revolution Award. Other individual awvards were received by Edward C. Prettyman, SA rmedi Forces communications and electronics association award, and Matthews A. Stephenson, the Re serve Officers' association award.1 Team awards were presented as follows: Semper Fidelis Award of Membership, accepted by Hugh M. Lovejoy; Compass and Chart Award of Membership, accepted by John HI. Richardson, Jr., C & C president; NROTC Award to Drum and Bugle Corps, accepted by Robert G. G;rosse, corps com mander; NROTC Award. for unit athletics, accepted by Joe Bernard Dent, Jr., co-captain of the unit basketball team. 1-5 x 7 Silverte 10-Wallet-Size F ONLY Selection < A ppointiment I REMBRANDT P0 1405 Mal in U Carolina Ca Conmbli oAX &y . v ;*f e Carolina journalism students ins staurant near do wntown Myrtle Be or the visiting C arolina group. St ass, herb Bryant, Carol (Chick) ** isher Mark Garner (second from r paper while Editor Larry Boulier eft to right) Lucy Welbourn, Wint< soto by McGrail) lets Receive Also NROTC Award to unit drill team, accepted by Robert W. Withers IV, platoon com mander; NROTC Award to navy rifle team, accepted by Roger E. sKnapper; NROTC Award for proficiency in drill, accepted by Midshipman Withers as squad leader of first squad, third platoon; NROTC Staff Officer's Trophy, accepted by Edward C. Prettyman as com mander of the runner-up pla toon; and the Kiwanis Cup, accepted by George G. B1. G'rif fin, commander of the outstand ing platoon. Receiving sp)ecial team awards was the navy rifle team, which won the Carolinas NROTC chain pionship awvard for rifle competi ion, the William Randolph Hearst National Naval ROTC rifle compe tition championship trop)hy award andl individual Hearst medals. YW-YMCA Holds Elections; Finley Caskey To Lead Becky Finley of Mountville and Tom Caskey of Columbia have been elected presidents of the ris ing sophomore YW-YMCA, re spectively. Other YWCA officers include Anne Valley of Columbia, vice president; Sandra Ussery of Co lumbia, secretary, and Jerry Wil liams of Sullivan's Island, treas urer. Other YMCA officers include John Mann of Alexander City, Ala., vice-president; Bill Berne of Columbia, treasurer; and Bill Jones of Spartanburg, secretary. ne Portrait plus ortraits i Proofs lot Necessary RTRAIT STUDIO n Street he mera Shop pect the humorous headlines and ach. Occasions such as this were udents pictured are, left to right, Voung and Burt Lunan. (Photo ight) of The Myrtle Beach Sun third from right) looks on. The er Kimes, Norman Spell, and (on Accolades Members of the team are Mid shipmen Knapper, David J. Elliott, James W. Foster, Jr., Robert R. Retzlaff, and W. Howard Still well. Presenting trophies at the cere monies were Capt. C. S. Barker, USN, commandant of the NROTC unit; UJniversity Presidlent Donald S. Russell; W. H. Callcott, dlean of the faculty; R. L. Sumwalt, dean of the School of Engineering; Cmndr. W. J. Slone, USN, asso ciate professor of naval science; and C. Wallace Martin of the Co lumbia Kiwanis Club. I A new . m? Journal By Ronald L. Bern Feature Editor Myrtle Beach threw open her municipal portals to 23 USC Journalism students and five fac ulty members and their wives the weekend of May 3. The group at tended a journalism seminar pro moted by Myrtle Beach. The principal factors promoting the trip were the various com munication facets of Myrtle Beach, including the two local newsptpers, the "Sun Fun" Mag azine and Television Guide mag azine, the Myrtle Beach Radio Station, and the public informa tion bureau of the new Myrtle Beach Tactical Command Air Force Base in conjunction with the Myrtle Beach Chamber of Commerce and the municipal gov ernment. The restaurant and hotel own ers cooperated to make the three day seminar perfect from the standpoint of cuisine and hostelry. The group met at the beautiful Pink House, where a delicious lunch was served to initiate the weekend. From the Pink House, the stu dents and faculty members were directed to their hotels. Panel Discussions At 3 p.m. Friday, the journal ism group met for a panel discus sion with representatives from all of the Myrtle Beach informational organs, the president of the Cham ber of Commerce, representatives from the United Press and Asso ciated Press news services, and the Public Informational Officer of the Air Force Base. The group was given a shore dinner Friday night, followed by a moonlight cruise on the yacht, "Ocean Queen." A band provided entertainment for the group on shipboard. The following day, the students and faculty members were taken on a whirlwind tour of the city and the Air Force Base. A trip through both newspaper plants began the tour. Here, edi tors of the papers lectured about newspapering and then answered questions posed by the students. Tour AF Base The tour was completed with an interesting afternoon at the Air You s oI fresh tobacco taste mat modern filtE GET ROYAl .1S S V1: Force Base where Lt. Pinkus Public Information Officer at the base, led the group through va rious parts of the base. The group was given a fire-fighting demon stration by the base fire-fighting detachment, followed by an infor mative and interesting lecture and demonstration on explosives by ar Air Force expert in the field of physics. The maintenance hangar was next invaded by the group, after which several of the students flew simulated F-80 Jet fighters. The officer in charge reported that one coed landed her f:ghter 480 feet below the runway. Not All Work Saturday night, the students .Seen. Ileard. Spoken ON CAMPUS Male menace threutening flabbergasted frienls with a water pistol Sunday morning. " . * Barefoot studcnt in red plaid bathing suit casually conveying his tray from ath letic room in cafeteria. * * Coed cheerleader hastening fomn. ('u rrell bare footed on a rainy Saturday. A piercing alarm clock bell's ringing in Sims; a coed shrilly crying, "Shut up1" * * * I'p town parking meter standing in front of campus police office. Meter had been removed by the police from 1300 block Devine Street where it had apparently been planted by pranksters. Hermuda clad male puffing a cigar to justify. his short pants. "It's to make me look growun-up," he said! Good Jazz . . Good Tmer ... the ( ntt ?L..autru 1330 MAIN ST. moke ref re oking. ..all Think of how a Spri how refreshing all-n cigarettes flows thro with surprise softnes Salern L WELCOME it Myrtl were free to enjoy Myrtle Beach and entertain themselves as they wished. The students and faculty members were presented passes to play carpet golf, bingo, to fish, to attend the stock car races, and to enjoy the amusement rides at the pavilion. Many of the students were seen enjoying music and dancing at some of the lovely resorts such as the Pine Lakes Country Club. Sunday morning, most of the members of the group attended the churches of their choice, to which they were transported by a local taxi concern. The entire group met with many of the town leaders of Myr YOU HAVEN'T TASTED STEAK UNTIL YOU TRY OUR OWN FAMOUS - HICKORY CHARCOAL 0-1 STEA A1so CHOpS. SPAG ashed -wSal rig day refreshes you and you'l ew SALEM cigarettes taste. Th4 ugh SALEM'S pure white filter. s. .. menthol-fresh comfort. SALI m refreshes your Beach tle Beach at 1 p.m. Sunday for lunch at the beautiful Ocean For est Hotel. A sumptuous smorgas bord dinner was served under the supervision of an immense ice gamecock fashioned for the oc casion. After lunch and some post prandial remarks by several of our hosts and George A. Buchan an, dean of the Journalism School, the seminar and the weekend were officially closed. After bidding farewell to many new-found friends, the journalism students and faculty members re luctantly left Myrtle Beach, ap propriately named the Riviera of the South, on their homeward trek back to Columbia and classes. I S~ SMOKED BROILED AKS Focjturn SEAFOOD Hem wvnolda Tobacco Comparny. have a good idea freshest taste in Rich tobacco taste M-youl'll love 'em. taste