Sigma Nu brothers and their
-holidays at Pawley's partying.
(Sweetbriar), Jim Emory (All
Lewis and Jane McGowan, ar
Young were among those soakin
(Sigma Nu) spent. his Easter he
Also at Pawley's for the holi
Lewis, Suzanne Widenhouse ar
Cannon (Bryn Mawr) and Jim
Kappa Sigs and their dates >
of Palms for a part of their hol
Wood, Vernon Scott and Sallie
Carroll, and Clarence Easterling
Sigma Chis
At the Sigma Chi party TI
were Warren Scoville and Nan
Dot Warner, Joe Padgett and (
Mackey and Nancy Early (Colh
and Lona Beckham.
Sigma Phi Epsilon brothers j
party last Saturday at Gibson's
able and Elizabeth Nelson, Mike
McCallum and Frances Bell, Hi
Wigfield and Anna Chaplin, L
Net Prettyman and Betty Ann ]
Craft (alums).
John Turner and Phyllis Gai
and M. C. Kelly, Robert Coward
son and Ann Bartell, John Rey (
Fulmer and Marsha Nolin, Wa:
Hal Tyler and Susan Norman
and dates at the frat's bermuda
at the Syrian-Lebanon Club.
SAE's an
At the Tryon-Blockhouse B
SAE's and dates-Bill Cain ani
Elise Verner, Roy Smarr and
At a party for Amy Edmun
given at Louise Withers' home
Pinckney and Eleanor Cain, Jay
Weston (alum) and Jerry Cun:
Jane Edmunds.
Maxine Revelise (alum) ws
Delta Tau.
Recent pinnings include those
to Clare Vestal (ZTA), Henry P:
Spradley, Ronald Hendrix (Laml
John Brantley (Lambda Chi Alpf
Hagins (Sigma Chi) to Betty St
Rings E:
David Saussy (Sigma Nu)
engaged. Also engaged are Arn<
The newly weds include Jame
and Leila Barr Sullivan (Alph
April 18 at the Rutledge Chape
munds who were married April
Shaw who were married April 2
Nearly Fre
Communism is a decayed thing
that takes over the mind of a man,
takes over his country ar." finally
his way of life. And for a man
and country that allows this to
happen, James A. Michener says:
"There can only be one outcome:
terror and the loss of every free
The Pulitzer Prize winner Mich
ener (for "Tales of the South Pa
cific," 1947) has taken a small
footbridge, shaky and far from
sturdy, that crosses the Einser
Canal in Hungary and he cap
tures the truth and hope this
bridge meant to thousands upon
thousands of Hungarian refugees
"The Bridge At Andau" is a
stirring hymn to a people's belief
in a single-minded cause. Miche
ner begins his account of the Hun
garian revolt in the late days of
October, 1956. The first character
you meet is an 18-year-old factory
worker who, of a suddenness be
yound belief, finds himself riding
on the first crest of the revolt
that rocked the world.
Entre Intellectuals
In every war or in every talk
of war there are the intellectuals.
They fight wars in their minds
and on paper for a starry-eyed
dream of peace and freedom.
Every country has known this
person, this special breed who
lives and dies in the search for
concord among men's souls.
Hungary had its own special
breed of intellectuals. They were
young student minds who had been
forced and fed on Communistic
doctrine until there was nothing
but a redi haze for them to see
It was as if they all looked
clearly and sharply that period
late in 1956, because the writers
and philosophers formulated and
planted the seed of the revolution.
The radical students somehow
found the courage and began the
actual fight for freedom. The
yonme boys and girls, who were
dates spent part of their Easter
Sammy Layton and Teddy Hill
im) and Ann Thomas, Sinclair
d Dick Stanland and Suzanne
g up the sunshine. Tom Caskey
)lidays in New York.
3 Island
days were Mr. and Mrs. Crosby
d Lewis Truesdale, and Lydia
athered at the "Seaside" on Isle
idays-John Altman and Loretta
ohnston, John Duffy and Nancy
and Jeanne Lewis.
At Sunview
iursday night at Sunview Lake
cy Pendarvis, King Holmes and
,ecille Baldwin (Winthrop), Bob
imbia College), and Lee Maupin
mnd dates had a swim and dance
Pond. Seen there were Lenwood
Lacey and Janet Caldwell, Bill
igh Yoho and Jean Heape, Fred
irry Broyles and Karol Kreger,
Elolliday, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
la Party
'rett (Columbia College), Mickey
and Barbara Suttle, Dave Simp
alum) and Marilyn Stacy, George
ne Rush and Faye Hinson, and
were among those Lambda Chi's
shorts party Saturday, April 13,
d Friends
aces Saturday, April 13, were
Janie Haynie, Joe Johnson and
Gain Glenn, and Jim and Lucy
da and Buddy Bramlett recently
were SAE's and dates-Francis
Verner and Jeanie Weston, Bill
ningham, and "Hog" Hines and
s a recent visitor with Sigma
Df John Butler (Pi Kappa Alpha)
rice (Pi Kappa Alpha) to Pudgie
>da Chi Alpha) to Liz McKibben,
a) to Shirley Carter, and Johnny
eele (Randolph-Macon).
and Kay Lide recently became
>ld Markley and Julia Ann Dent.
s Harold Stuckey (Kappa Sigma)
a Delta Pi) who were married
1, Doran Bramlett and Amy Ed
25th, and Paul Lamb and Esther
e --'Bridge.
mere children with immature bod
ies but with hearts filled with a
purpose that made the strongest
man hold his head in shame;
these youths who threw themselves
on communist tanks dlest roying
their own life and the enemy's
But they gave birth to a hope
that will live forever in the minds
of people the world over-there is
alwvays a chance of life andl free
dom if only there is a wvill.
A Tale of Compasision
Michener tells this heroic story
with compassion, for he was
there. Hie was at the destined
bridge and he saw the beauty and
love of a people fighting against
the jackal of the wvorld's govern
men t-comminu nism.
He was there in Hungary when
the Russian carnage mounted and
the suffering was a thing un
pleasant, but still, a people re
jected the lies and demands of the
World Automobile
fup of New Engln,
Individual Pot of 1
(;oldenu Brown, 4
Steamed Brown Breadi
Baked Indian Pud
Hot Coffee, Tren
Jut Two Minute. From the Campus
Brn. Yo... Dn... - Op.n TI Fi
Phi Ep
Carolii Students
To Sing In Lyric
Thea tre Operetta
Four members of the Univer
:ity chorus wvill sing in the Co
lumbia Lyrie Tleatre's presenta
tion of "Die Fledermus" tonight
and tomorrow night.
"Die Fledermaus" is a light
iearted operet ta by Johann
Strauss. P'oductions are set for
3 p.m. in Dreher IIigh School Au
'Tenor Frank Bradley, president
if the Carolina chotrus, will have
me of the major singing roles in
.he operetta as Alfred. Other stu
lents who will portray guests at
i party inc!lde Tot makemore,
Joanna Walker anii \lary Ilam
The :,2-picce orchestra, undler
the baton of Toni Itiilippo, will
as o include ITtiversity students.
A speciatl stidnt.t. rate for the
production s ha een set, at 50
cents per ticket.
4t Andau'
evil thait tima.uim in llgs to
tOncte you be'.4 ini t bok is
loall fthteigos 1inoary thina
Ittehohl., y tnu ey tan anger,
irat, lie. onons.Wt
s nhatet he.< an respc
aiSit los an frepec f tie free
thir \l la ilie and ifin wayO
have heled that de rfy the Rus-t
ciIlt chic te for i-'eedomlie ti
A''hi .iicner saty: "There' was
Aisncibtirea, thtidgeh
n ldr mAgnclf,yn f a
:anIreahII tha ch.c o h ih
>i frelm, (he iiulsneryread
ubisherd bllam o m os, e
York.iil -4sb r ab r
6AMo niew llo 10.uiS.lru
oluia, S.~c l)C.I'rWe
Friday, May 3
1 p.m. - Junior-Senior "Y"
Luncheon, Faculty Dining Room,
Russell House.
7:30 p.m.-Wesley Foundation,
Recreation and Fellowship, Wes
ley House.
Saturday, May 4
7:30 p.m.-BSU Drop-in, BSU
Student Center.
Sunday, May 5
5:30-6 p.m. - Canterbury sup
per, Trinity Episcopal Church.
6-8 p.m.-Canterbury meeting,
Trinity Episcopal Church.
7 p.m. - Wesley Foundation,
Wesley House.
Monday, May 6
1 p.m.-Sophomore "Y" Lunch
con, Assembly Room, Russell
Wednesday, May 8
1 p.m.-"Y" Officers' Lunch
eon, Faculty Dining Room, Russell
1111 L.ady StrhetV r
Phone 4-4492''
Girl To Highi
Alpha ThetL chapter of Phi Ep
silon Pi social fraternity will hold
a formal dance tonight commem
orating the 29th anniversary of
the founding of the University
The dance will be at the
Women's Club from 9 p.m. to 1
A drop-in will be given before
the dance at the home of Miriam
Karesh, who is chapter sweet
heart.. Highlighting the dance will
be the announcement of the chap,
ter's contestant for the Phi Ep
silon Pi Dream Girl contest.
The present chapter Dream Girl
is Wendy Barshay of Summer
ville, who placed third in the na
tional contest last year. The 1955
International Dream Girl was
Sharon Mendelsohn Toporek, local
The recipient of the Lourie
Novit Award for the Outstanding
Prater -in the chapter will be an
PHI EP DATES . . . Sponsors f(
social fraternity for the annual
left: Mrs. Juliani Toporck for
Hirshman for Mac Rivkin, vice
Carl Freedman, recording scecrcta
bara Bank for Teddy Rabin, treas
Klassman, pledgemaster; and 11
social chairman.
6 p.m.-Westminster Fellowship,
Fellowship Hall, First Presbjter
ian Church.
6:30 p.m.-Canterbury Club, 832
Barnwell St.
7 p.m.-Baptist Student Union
vespers, BSU Student Center.
7 p.m.-Lutheran Student As
sociation, Russell House.
7 p.m. - Newman club, up
perclassmen, Newman House, 1610
Green Street.
7:30 p.m. - Hillel Foundation,
Russell House.
Thursday, lay 9
1 p.n.-Freshman "Y" Lunch
eon, Faculty Dining Room, Rus
sell House.
7 p.m. - Newman Club, fresh
men, Newman House, 1610 Green
7:30 p.m. - Inter-varsity Fel
lowship, social activity and fel
lowship, Russell House.
Featuring g
Led For 9 P. M.
tt Of Dream
right Dance
nounced during the dance, as will
lie the officer1s for naext year.
The local chapter was founded
April 28, 1928, and since then has
been active in various University
activities. Phi Ep sponsors the pie
throwing contest each May Day,
and contributes the proceeds to
Alpha Theta chapter has also
won national Phi Epsilon Pi
awards, including the Activities
Cup in 1953, the outstanding un
dergraduate award in 1954, and
other scholarship trophies.
Present chapter dfficers are Ju
lian Toporek, superior; Mac Riv
kin, vice superior; Carl Freedman,
recording secretary; Teddy Rabin,
treasurer; Marshall lleiden, cor
responding secretary; Norman
Karshmer, house manager; Barry
Klassman,; Steve
launrind, alumni secretary ; Mar
vin \alberg, historian; Donald
Katz, chaplain; nad lerb Novit,
>r the officers of Phi Epsiloen Pi
pring dance are, first row, from
Julian Toporek, superior: Juid"
superior; and Bele Lavisky for
ry. Seoel row, from left: liar
urer; Luibah Freedman for Barry
arbara Dreifu" for Ion Katz.
11~ flimmiIh wth
onI I4Ij4Muhuhmia
(Author of "Barefoot Boy With Check," etc.)
Today, as everyone knows, is the forty-sixth anni
versary of the foundling of CraInsmire CoIIleg' folr Women
which, as everyone knows, w:Is the first I'rogressive
Education college inl the IUnited States.
Well do I recollect the tizzy iii the ac"ademic world
w'hein G;rsansnire first opened its portals! What a I buzz
there was, what a brouhalia in fa'ullty 'mmIoiilien oimsi,
what a rattling of teacups, when )r. Agne' ''hudd Siga
foos, first, president of (Gransmi ire. lifted her shaggy head
and announced defiantly, ''This here is no t ui, bl
fashioned college. This here, by gum, is I'rogressive
Education. We will teach the st uden'ut, not. Ilie 'course.
'There will be no marks, no exains, no r('(11'eirements. We
will break the iron mold of orthoidoxy, hey."
Well sir, forward-looking inidells all over ithe con yt y
cast off their fetters and came rushing io New ll: it1p,,hire
to enroll at (;ransmire. Hiere t hey iii id free(Ici:. They
broadenied their vistas. Tlhey leingtlhenied their hiorizonas.
Tlhaey unstopped their bott ledI personualtit's. Thley rocamed
the campus in toigas, leading c elo ts ccn leashes.
And, (if coturseQ, they smoked Phlilipi Mlor.ris. ( I say
''of course.'' Why (do 1 say ''of coulirsc''"?* I :4ay ('c couse''
because it is a matter oft cour isc ht :myncie ini se-areh
of freedom shiotil(l nat tall 1 uicn [I l'hjjjli M'\s, (.
Philip Morris is a natuoral smoc kc', with no fc ilter' to get
in the way oif its I t'e to(cl)((' taiste.)
But all was not Philip Ma'nris andc em'cclct. There was
work and study ft -- nout in i' c!cdinhar I,>1e5. f'oir li're
wer'e noi ttiormial ('hasses. lI 't mI iii m. u a broad
appi'oneh to enalarging each'l girl's picc i ic..
Tlake, tor examiple, the cou0 hs c .411 '\S. ( 1:tsie
Maot'r Skills.. l;.31.S. was ci dcc ci ) lyn
lloWili, .I'. (S ttailinag I' l aticd \\ ' il c () -
the' 5 itudent hiad mai:stered'( l,.l). aiil he lwa' s taught
t' \\'. hit 1not.just to W. any' cobi u i She
was tauight 1o \\. wit1Ia pajsi', digct, ca l fii
cit e :t seclse ofl bha itae ji i tI'gr,Ii'tciI ir '(l(a
Iy walIking wit11 at siitrase i e:ichI: h 1|. ( ()iie gil ]ar'y
1llen'a I)cc'riinichit, golt s4o goidc act it h I cay she is bell
c'aptailii at the I )i nlkler.- I 'a.a l{<i ci inc .\ l ia 'c'tt
When t' girils hil w alking~ 1 mb.ri I lirc hcc't s, t hey
Welt' alhl wedl 144 li da ce. ..g;t jii14 c i i a i ,,si cc leI
ii hey were sialply tichl toc fling I hctccseh,t abou ct ini any
11n1 thieailiimpulses djetat ii, aicc Ii', c'c . i ii ii' it w%a5
uite' ana imprle.('sive sight Icc set' I cicg 141 11 g Ilt(
thale nood4cs w\ith thcir tcig'its tiyiiiy, I Seiver:t | ilc' icii
ft' ,. S. l-ccirestry Servi'e.
There' was ls a loIt of fingea tacnt ing aid gourd
ritthng tand scu14lin ae wit hi ccat hancigrs anad all lile t hat,
and soonct thle iretsh winil of1 I >rogrtsi v im camen whist Iinta
out ofit (;aist1ni1(' tc bihcw the, .icciu . c c li<t'illtrly
oil' c'uriicula i'veriywhieret, ain todcay, t huanks to Ite pi<i
If yoc ar lit't'cr in N4'w, llamaclire. lit sure toi visit
th rani'-uije campusi. It lS how a tanner'iy.
Mtcc Shlccanu, i957
Arud be' sure tos light as I'hiip Mocrris uchen, uc ;rhansren
o'r un where,, el for that II0ll4'r ,her'unwg'~ lhilip1 .'4rriA is
ahEnn4l'c i natuurall y ' pefect e111 m141pani1 44on mi, Ming i ua la