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State Appropriates Band Funds There has been much varied comment on the band situ: tion since Sportopics last week. My views on the matt( have been misinterpreted to say the least. I was not tryin to say that we should have a band because Miami had on, Or that the university should have one equal to that of th Hurricane's. Anyone who knows anything at all about U University of Miami knows of the financial aid the state < Florida pours into the various organizations on the Mian campus. We have no horse or dog races to support our athletic or band here at South Carolina. The athletic program is d pendent on the "Gamecock" club more or less. The ban gets what financial aid the state of South Carolina wi appropriate and that is very little. Therefore, the situatio concerning our band here at Carolina is a critical one. Much Talk, Little Done The question arises now, just why won't the state alk larger amounts of funds for the building of our band? It i a much talked about matter and everyone seems concerne< yet, no one does anything about it. Having a representativ band at our state institution would not only be a credit to th university but to the entire state and especially all alumi over the country. Just what would it take to put the type band everyor is clammering for on the field? One of the south's outstan( ing band directors would build a top one here with 30 tuitio scholarships, so the report goes. Some people will gasp at tl thought of such a thing but is this really a terrific amount Is this too much money to put into a band? I should say no Scholarships for Band Members It is a known fact that Miami, Michigan State, UCL) and other leading schools in the country have all band men bers on scholarship. Why can't the state of South Carolir afford such a little amount of thirty tuition scholarshil which would amount to approximately six thousand dollars Is this too much to ask in order to have a marching bar everyone would be proud of? We also need new band uniforms. The ones being wor now are definitely out of date and a band should look good as it sounds. A couple of good trips would tend 1 create much interest also. It would probably cost more to g< the band on its feet the first year than it would the years th: would follow. But it would be worth every minute, day, ay year and every cent that would go into building one as v would like to have it. I am hoping that someone will sot take a hand and get the "ball rolling," and do it now. \\ have been waiting long enough. Tennis, Golf Teams Win Titles Hats off to our tennis and golf teams for their champioi ship form shone in both state tournaments last week. Coar Joe Grugan's charges emerged victorious from the stal tennis tournament in Clinton last Friday and Saturday. The won the South Carolina Inter-Collegiate Invitational Mee upending defending champion College of Charleston. Coach Ernie Lawhorne's golfers copped their first stal golf championship in quite some time. Bob McCart y w; defeated in a sudden playoff for the individual title 1)1 played sterling golf to lead his teammates to the team titl Baskin Ailing Everyone is hoping Coach Baskin will be up and arour today and tomorrow. Our talented track coach inj.iredl h back in a gruelling handball game last week anid it pr1ov& to be more serious than he thought. Our track team, who defending champions, would be at a great dlisadvan1tay without our cunning mentor. Hie proved his calibre as a trac coach last week in the North Carolina meet when he pwlk one of the shrewdest moves of the year to edge t he power'f Tar Heels. Baskin is one of the best. ADPi Wins Volleyball Title Accolades to ADPi Sorority for their spectacular comn back in the girls' intramural volleyball tournament last wee Liz Singletary's lassies were facing humiliating defeat the hands of the Independents, who had beaten them on< previously, but came roaring back to clinch the touirnamer and the championship. Cooley's Record Dives; Lefty Davis ACC Leader Sonny Santoli, speedy North deparitmeunts. Carolina State outfielder, is the Il'eedl anmd Whuitlfey are.~ one-tu' A tlanitic Coast Con ference's~ fou rth in ru n bt.ted in wih 1 iI9 and( I different hatting leader in a mnon th ' itI\l. iiloel Y lIIIU with an average of .412.a lN(Xttc'NrmnNr The New Jersey senior also tops ar la i dI rtlela he ACC in stolen bases with 13.hoeimxwi firea. First baseman Bill Peed of the I h ithimgdpr e loop-leading Wolfpack is tied withLfyI)aiolaeF'ietitI Charles Arnold of Virginia forladr itha'-reo,wt second place in the batting race101 ta ymve't . .Sa with .400 marks. N. C. State's 1)ud-seo(la 0.()hr ()(IlC{' ley Whitley is fourth at .389. h]td o ikiai(fN Wolfpack catcher Eddie West,SttII,Jdi ioeofol the leader Jast week with .429, Crln - n I,i rk dropped to eighth with .376, giving (e,omad,o "ixo i N. C. State four of the top eight gna3Ier, ii aih 3. sluggers in the conference,.fNrh(a'imatp tieu ~~~~~~~~adN. C. State'sasas ete ed ih1 n Normanli Norrli or hae he ea I mot thr ared u daverage, the.2 ad. e ek f 11 S \ MEET THE CHAMPIONS collegiate Invitational Tennis 4 meet which was held in Clinton "loots" Plowden, Bill Heath, D tmade wits ace Sonny Gantt. (Phi Gantt Plays Well e Gameco( Invitatio, n A winning single and doubl e matches and pooling their achieve ment-, for 32 points, the USC ten nis team walked off as champion of the South Carolina Intercol legiate Invitational Tennis Tour nament held at Presbyterian Col lege April 24, 25, and 26. Th College of Charleston placed sec - 011d with 28 points. 1 A State Tennis Tournament hel IS in conjunction with the invit.a ? tional tournament was dominate d by Presbyterian College. The Carc lina racketmen were eliminate early in the playoffs. '11 The tournament winners wer Ls determined by the highest numbe ; of accumulated points for th t three-day tournament period. "The biggest factor in the vi( tory was the winning of the doubl quarterfinals by Heath and Blael e well which gave them a total c 11 five poitits," Coach Joe Gruga e said. Hill Heath and Henry Blackwe won the quarterfinals from Fui man's Haight and Price. Howevei the duo lost in the semifinals. The team of Sony Gantt an h Ernie Whitworth took three doubl nmatches, but they found the Colleg . of Charilest on's Fisher and1( God ' tf (y inisurmtiountabile in the fint I, phy. The Charleston team cap' tre.d the win with t;-2 and 6 2siores. lFishenr antd God frey ha e b.eatten (arolina's Springer an IS Spruoel l arliet in the elimninatiot Gant t played his way itto th sinogle finals, hut, there he met stif resistance in Fisher. Fisher car turedl the game and the single (title from a starting field of 16. in the State TPoutrnament, Gant lost to AlIan Morris otf PC, wvhoi dIt undefteated this yeart. The Davi is CuLip Itam member wotn 6-1 and1( ('-i \ Alt hough G;antt, advancedl in th d AI)Pi Trounces al Independents For Title IThe AIlha ll)elta P i volleyl - tem eeat ed(hl ndpne it t(:un 23t to 17 on A pril 23 to be e comite the girlIs' vol leyball1 chan pions1. The witnnitng team fintishe, lie tournttlet with only one los whlich was1t lihadd thtetm by the It until the last three tmitnutes whoe ihe A 1)Pi's settt over' some ha rt fast serves thtat the idepetndet we re uLIe)111i to cope wit. Thie gatmes, wvhich weure playe lo byloublek elitinatitiott, beg~an Fri 8day, April I3. TIhe first a fternoo rthe A I )Pi's, 1)Z's, K D's, and Indt LI liIeldets defeated the Tirl-DJelt' - ((Continned onm page 7) Suede Jackets Exp)ertly Done DOUGHTY Dry Cleaners Main Branch d1410 Taylor St. ,\ . . . Pictured above are Coach Joe liampions. The Gamecock racketmei on April 24, 25, amd 26. Left to righi el Ilaynes, Henry Blnckwell, Knox She oto by Bob Finley) 'k Racketr nal Meet e elimination games, he did not reach - any final playoffs. The semifinals - involved four PC players, and in s the final game, Morris defeated - Harvey Jackson 6-3, 6-0, and 6-0 - in a best three-out-of-five contest. - RENTALS-SALES -*a FOR] e e 707 Hs COLU e f What young people Young man, handles finamn *4O,OOO,OOO bi e General Electric is miade Up f - 90 product dlepartmnents that a dividual "h)usinesses" - each i own legal, financial, manuft neering, marketing and reset One of the most implortant nesses is the Technical Produt that makes b)roadlcasting an, tions equlip)ment and( semi-con Responsible for managing ti this $40 million b)usiness is R1 Platt's Work Is Important, F In the next ten years, the Tchl tDepartment is exp)ected to r - million mark -muiore than .1 present size. This is a big job). - Platt to keep tabs on everyti cost, and genieral account in k budgets andl measurements, c S lections, and internal aulditin! s 25,000 College Graduates at G1 - Experience gainedl in the Buts ai Course andl as a traveling aud a variety 'of linancial experici of our 25,000) college-gradm lhe was givenl the chance to gr his full pnoteti al. For G;enien lQng believed this: WVheni fresl are given the freedom to ni everybodly b)ieefits - the ii 1 company, thne couintry. Educational RelatioIns, Ceni C'ompany Scewnetady G rga' SotSCrlia Itr e m r e vi t r o u-nth Y t t ( / ,Jim Springer, Ernie Whitworth, rer. Absenm when this picture was rmen Take At PC The tournaments were open to all college tennis teams in the state, but Clemson and The Cita del did not participate. The Pres byterian team did not compete in the invitational tournament. ARGAT I THE SOUTHEAW" dAL WEAR FOR MEN zde S. * >... ss4M MBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA are doing at General E1 ger :es for usmness of more tlban opeCrate as in conducting its cturing, engi reh activitica, of thes~e b)usi ts Department I1 commumica ie finiances of oh)ert 11. Platt. esponsible sachi thme $100( dloub)ling its Xmnd it requires ding from tax, g to paLyrolls, K redits andio col neral Electric iniess Training itor gave Plaitt' ice. Like ech(I ite empIIloyees', ow and1( realize ml lEectric has I young minds(1 aeprogress, m(ividlual, the e'ral Electric New Vnlrk USC Freshmen Gridders To Play Five Games In State The USC freshman football 2.1, and Georgia Tech on Nov. 6. team will play three home games Last season the Biddies, coached next firll, according to a schedule by Weems Baskin, lost only one i. announced this week. of five games, that being to Tech The Biddies will atlso play two by one point. games at neutral sites, meeting Head coach Warren Giese has Wake Forest at Lancaster on Sept. been encouraged by reports he is 27 and North Carolina at Florence receiving on promising high school on Nov. 10. players who plan to attend Caro Gaines in Columbia will include lina, so another strong freshman Duke on Oct. 12, Clemson on Oct. team is in prospect. Are you playing 0 the right Spalding ball? For the low handicapper, Spalding's new high-compression Al I-i4-.: offers Sin iaximum distance. The exclusive l>t'I i11 N* cover withstands scuffing and bruising far longer. $14.75 doz., : f(r 8:.75. The Spalding Kioil.1Ti-:* couples dis tance with superb durability. The tough Co1ver'1 will stand up under surprisingly rough treatment and the ball stays round. whitc and puttable. $11.75 doz., 13 fo 3.7 T'he Spalding oi.ntPiC is a medium pi iced ball with a very tough skin. It c im bincs exept ional wearing qualities with a playability usually associated with higher-priced balls. $11.40 doz., : 1(or 8-.85. Mtany golfers choose the Spalding l(WN( t. 'opularly priced. it offers goWd durability and playability. Like all Spalding balls, it features True ren NCN Sion winding for extra resilience. $9.00 r :'.' doz., :a for $2.25. (;et economy and quality in this golf ball. spalding's viCT( tt* is an "economy" hall with plenty of distance. The extra- j thick cwvr i pronses great durability. 7.X) doz., : lot $1.75. SPALDING i JSJdy li evd2A rsiLh SETS THE PACE IN SPORTS ectr,c ......i.i..n :;he. r of ieutenan. LI.B.). Hi iLT a o ingrduae G.E. 's 4 Sli i ining Cou(l2 rs nth