The gamecock. (Columbia, S.C.) 1908-2006, May 04, 1951, Page Page Six, Image 6
RALPH GREGORY, Sports Editor
Frank Wright Fred McAllister
Jame. B. S1mw.
The Gamecocks seek their sixth win of the baseball cam
paign today against the invading Wolfpack from North Caro
lina State. Tomorrow North Carolina comes to town for
another single game.
The way the Birds have been playing of late they could
very easily win at least one, or possibly both of the games
despite the high ranking that the two Tar Heel nines hold.
The Birds have won the last four in a row and have mixed
some old fashioned slugging with more than adequate pitch
ing to make themselves a threat to any ball club.
Grady Faircloth twirled a four-hit shutout at The Citadel
in the first game of a doubleheader last Saturday and won
2-0. In the nightcap Country Camp coasted along behind his
mates' 16-hit barrage on four Bulldog pitchers and won 7-4.
He gave up only 8 hits with only two earned runs.
Top flight pitching again saved the day against the David
son nine as Bill Camp and Grady Faircloth combined to save
the game for Otis Rawls. Camp came on in the fifth and was
relieved by Faircloth in the eighth with one out. Faircloth got
the next five men in order to protect the slim one-run lead.
Today the Birds face two of the better teams in the South
ern Conference when they take on the North Carolina nines.
State is third in the conference and North Carolina is fourth.
State is the only team in the conference to beat the Tigers of
Just Checkin .. .
Fred Duckett unleashed a powerful bat against The
Citadel with three hits in the second game of the doublehead
er. He was injured and didn't catch the opener. In the second
inning he led off with a tremendous home run over the left
field fence. Later on he smashed a double to left and followed
with a long single down line. He drove the left fielder to the
fence for another long drive in the fourth inning. In all he had
seven total bases and three RBIs for the game ... Walt Shea
also flexed his muscles in the first inning when he hit a 400
foot home run to right scoring two men in front of him. He
later got another RBI to total four for the day . . . Billy Ste
phens had four for six for the day with a double included. HE
drove in one run in the opener and four in the nightcap . .
Grady Faircloth allowed only six men to get on base during
his blanking of the Cadets. IIe fanned twelve, walked one and
hit one man. He gave up only four hits ... Johnny Stokes had
four for five in the second game and scored three times,
Against Davidson Johnny had one hit and was out on anothei
close play. He played a sparkling game afield to prevent the
Wildcats from scoring in the latter stages of the game. Twice
he went over to seond base to throw out runners on clos
plays at first and gathered in two sharp smashes in the ninti
inning . .. Walt Shea also stopped a sharp ground ball in the
eighth with the bases loaded and forced the base runner at
the plate . . . Grady Faircloth blames himself for several of
his losses. Not because of his pitching but because of his hit
ting. Last year Orady hit .370 but so far this year is way
below .200. He says with a couple of hits at the right tin3e h(
could have won at least two of his ball games .. . George Dial
captain of the Gamecock golf team, was recently winner o1
the Forest Lake country club tournament. George has losi
but one collegiate match this year although he was tied by
State Champ Billy Delk of Clemson . .. Yesterday the state
tennis tourney got under way at Presbyterian College. The
USC team was entered but as this paper went to press nc
results were available. George Clauson was the leading nel
man for the Birds during the regular season. He won 1C
matches and lost only two during the year. Clauson, also
forward on the basektball team plays in the number four po.
sition . . . PC is the favorite since they are dlefendling champs
They have beaten the Gamecocks twice this year- . . . Dwant
Morrison, basketball star and a member of the golf team
recently received a writeup in Biff Bennett's column appear.
ing in the May issue of Sport magazine. Dwane's father was
once a pitcher in the National League.
Going Somewhere?.
pf Travel Refreshed
* - "'*ee*** ** ' '.n '- .-*e se I'LU08 T A X
1015 Main Streei
Base hal
The Bir
Centerfielder Bobby Roger
ting average over the week's
Birds in most of the batting
scored, hits, stolen bases and
Billy Stephens made the bigg
phens and Walt Shea are tied f
Grady Faircloth went 11 1
to drop his earned run average
each won two games.
The complete averages thr,
Player AB R H
Rogers 68 14 24
Stephens 56 10 17
Rawls 16 4 4
King 29 2 7
Stokes 64 12 15
Wells 51 8 11
Stephenson 38 7 8
Duckett 35 4 7
Shea 68 6 12
Jones 41 8 7
Allen 35 5 6
Smith 25 0 4
Faircloth 24 2 3
Camp 20 3 2
Others 10 3 1
Totals 580 87 128
Pitcher G II' It H Eli
Faircloth 9 63 2/3 33 6,
Camp 11 .14 1/3 43 54
Rawls 9 32 30 3E
Others 3 7 2/3 16 12
Totals 17 147 2/3 112 164
End Softb
In play in Independent League
No. 1, Tenement 24% defeated the
American Society of Civil En
gineers by an overwhelming score
of 14 to 4, on the 26th of April.
In Independent League No. 2:
Preston Third East defeated
NROTC by a score of 9 to 6; on
April 25, Tenement 10 forfeited a
game to Preston First West; and
on April 30, Tenement 9 was de
feated by Tenements 2 & 3, 10 to 8.
In Fraternity League No. 1: Pi
Kappa Alpha came out on the big
end of a 9 to 0 score over Phi Ep
silon Pi on the 23rd of April;
Kappa Sigma beat Kappa Alpha 4
to 3; Lambda Chi defeated Alpha
Tan Omega 16 to 4; Pi Kappa
Alpha defeated Kappa Sigma 12
to 6 ; and Lambda Chi was h)eatenl
by Phi Epsilon Pi, 5 to 4.
In Fraternity League No. 2: Phli
Kappa Sigma lost to Sigma Alpha
Epsilon, 7 to 6; Phi Kappa Sigma
was beaten b)y Pi Kappa Phi, 12
to 8; Sigma Alpha Epsilon 9 to
Phi Kappa Sigma 3 ; Sigma Chi
beat Sigma Nu. 10 to 1; nnd Sigma
Chii lost to P'i Kappa Phi, 4 to 1.
Many games have had to be re
scheduled in the Intramural
Leagues. The following is the new
schedule of gamnes yet to be
In F"raterniit y League No. 1
Aph T111 Iau Omiega will mecet Kaplpa
Alpha on the 7th of May.
In Fraternity League No. 2 Phi
Sigma Kappa vs. Sigma Nu, May
7; Sigma Clhi will meet Phi Kappa
Sigma, May 8; Phi Kappa Sigma
p)lays Sigma Nu, May 9; and Phi
Kappa Sigma finishes the season
against Phi Sigma Kappa, May 10.
She: "'You reminad me of the
lHe: " Wild, romanitie, and rest
less ?"
She: "No, you just make me
"Now, Miss," said the dentist of
the movie ushiere'tte, "whIiclh tooth
is it that is giving you trouble?
"Second from left in the bal
cony," was the reply.
for Shoes
that look like new
Shoe Ace s ets
Leather d
Across Fra
1*319 SumerSt. _
lers Pla'
do meter
s lost four points from his bat
play but continues to lead the
departments. He leads in runs
botal bases. Johnny Stokes and
est jumps in percentage. Ste
or the RBI crown with 16 each.
nnings without allowing a run
to 2.95. He and Bill Camp have
)ugh May 2:
2b 3b Hr. Sb Sac. RBI Pct. TB
3 0 0 7 1 3 .353 27 1
4 1 0 2 1 16 .304 23
0 0 1 0 0 3 .250 7
0 0 0 0 0 3 .241 7
1 0 0 4 0 3 .234 16t
1 0 0 3 0 5 .216 12 i
0 0 0 2 1 6 .211 8
1 0 1 0 0 3 .200 12
2 0 1 2 0 16 .177 17
0 0 1 1 0 5 .171 10
1 1 0 0 0 1 .171 9;
0 1 0 0 0 1 .160 6:
0 0 ( 0 3 0 .125 3
0 0 0 0 0 2 .100 2
0 0 0 1 0 0 .100 1
14 3 4 22 6 68 .221 160
21 37 25 2 2 2 4 .333 2.95
24 31 22 2 3 2 5 .286 4.91
18 19 26 3 4 1 3 .250 5.07
11 4 8 1 00 0 .000
75 91 81 9 9 5 12 .294 4.56
L Leagues
all Season
In Independent League No. 1
only two games have been resched
uled. These are American Society
of Civil Engineers vs. Pharmacy
on May 7.
Three games had to be resched
uled in Independent League No. 2.
These were Tenement 9 vs. NROTC
on May 8; NROTC vs. Tenement 2
& 3 to be played on May 9; and
Tenement 9 vs. Tenement 10 on
the 9th of May.
-TIAher ~ U a
Bob DUrha state Coll
Two (
Last week's Sportsquis was an
wered by only two people, Werner
Strauss and Louis Dedren. Strauss
von two tickets to the Carolina
rheatre. His winning answers
were: 1) The pitcher to appear in
nost World Series - Waite Hoyt
>f the New York Yankees. 2) Last
Aitcher to win three games in one
series - Harry Brecheen of the
3t. Louis Cardinals. 3) The pitcher
>ff whom Babe Ruth hit his called
ihot home run - Charley Root of
;he 1932 Chicago Cubs.
J. G. Osteen and John Logothetis
)oth had answers but each one
nissed the first question.
This week's Sportsquiz again has
hree questions, all concerning base
)all. 1) You probably remember
Floyd Bevens' performance in the
[947 Series when he went 8 2/3
nnings without allowing a hit. Do
rou remember the pitcher who won
he game for the Dodgers when
.avagetto doubled off the wall?
!) What two players won the Most
Valuable Player award for two
'ears in succession? Both played
n the American league. 3) How
nany world's championships have
he New York Yankees won?
To collect the two tickets given
)y the Sportsquiz send your an
;wers to the above questions to
rhe Gamecock Sports Editor. Re
nember the first correct answer
Mother: "When that boy threw
;tones at you, why didn't you tell
ne, instead of throwing back at
im ?"
Son: "Tell you? Why you
ouldn't hit the broad side of a
For Rent$/ 3
Men' lothlng, Shoes,
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1330 M n Phone 24223
'ames A
Birds Seek Sixt
Against N. C. S
The Gamecock baseball team,
sporting a four-game winning
streak, will meet North, Carolina
State today in search of its sixth
win of the year. Tomorrow the
University of North Carolina will
be here for a single game. Grady
Faircloth is expected to pitch to
day for the Birds with Bill Camp
set to hurl tomorrow.
The Gamecocks swept a double
header last weekend from The
Citadel by the scores of 2-0 and
17-3. Last Tuesday they edged
Davidson on the Davidson field,
The wins over Citadel combined
the two essentials of a winning
baseball team, good hitting and
pitching, to gain the third and
fourth wins of the season. The
team pounded out 20 hits in the two
games, 16 in the seven-inning
Grady Faircloth won his second
game of the year in the nine-inning
opener and also twirled his second
whitewash job. His other win was
over Furman in the opening game
of the season by the identical 2-0
Twenty-eight total bases in the
second game were enough to win
as Bill Camp scattered eight hits
effectively in coasting to his sec
ond win of the year. Included in
It's Just . . .
Two Blocks
Why run all over town fo
Sunshine's 1415 Gervaie
short blocks from the I
Sunshine and be sure I
Ask for Sunshine's fam a
on drycleaning, shirts pi
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Fine tobacco-and only fine
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How about startin' with a ca
i.e ll t
t Home
Ii Win Of Year
tate, Tar Heels
the hits were home runs by Fred
Duckett and Walt Shea.
The win over Davidson featurMd
effective pitching to hold the Wild.
cats at bay. The Birds could man.
age only eight hits but three Gane.
cock pitchers held the Davidson
team to seven, well scattered.
N. C. State sports one of the bet
ter teams in the southern division
of the conference as they are in
third place behind Duke and Clem.
son. The Wolfpack has been the
only team to beat Clemson in con.
ference play, turning the trick by
a 7-5 score.
North Carolina also has a
powerhouse in the conference. They
are in fourth place hard on the
heels of the third place Wolfpack.
Game time today is 3:30 and for
the Tar Heel game is 2:30.
To Sunshine!
r laundry and drycleaning?
Street Plant is just TWO
J.S.C. Campus! Send it to
a One-Day Quality Service
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S0 a.m., out by 5:30 p.m.,
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