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Engineering Ball Shown above are the queen candidates and sponsors for the Engin row, left to right: Mrs. Earle Baker, queen candidate; Mary Rae Berry, Breeland, sponsor for Fred Breeland, ASME; and Mrs. James E. Norton Bottom row, left to right: Mrs. V. E. Price, sponsor for V. E. Pr candidate, ASCE; Jeannine Berios, queen candidate; Kathleen Phillips, sl e agon C) eef ... a spoke a week .. . .By TOMMIE HERBERT Now that measles are clearing up, an epidemic of spring fever seems to be running rampant-more housepartying, more lakeside partying, and much, much less studying. Phi Sig's enjoyed the warm night, the full moon (moon, that is) and water at Lake Lelia during their weiner roast. The Phi Sig's well sunburned are those who ventured forth to ED LADD'S cottage at Windy Hill to continue the partying. "LOVIN' LONNIE" CREECH has pinned LOUISE POSTEN of Johnsonville. She is a Chi 0 now at Columbia College. Last week Phi Kappa Sigma's had a fatback fry at Teague's Lake. Tuesday there was a birthday party for ED TEAGUE at Sunview Lake. Happy birthday. This weekend Phi Kap's DON EDNEY, FOOTSEY FIELD, BOB OLIVER, ELMORE CAMERON, AL DUNBAR, W. F. HARDEN, and ROBERT RASHEED had a houseparty at Pawley's Island with Cola. College and Georgetown girls. Sunday some Phi Kap's went to Sunview Lake for swimming, arty, etc. Last weekend WILLIE BRASWELL, BARBARA DOWNS, SARAH BRASWELL, LULA STABLER, and MARY KATE STROUTHER went to Allendale to visit CHARLOTTE MITCHUM. Last Saturday MELVIN YOUNTS, Phi Kappa Sigma, gave DOLLY ISGETT of COLA. COLLEGE a ring. ROY MOODY, Phi Kap, has pinned TOMMIE JUNE FAIREY. BARBARA DRAKE and JIM BENNETT, Phi Kap, were married two weeks ago. Phi Epsilon Nu had a tea on Tuesday at Flinn Hall in honor of the new journalism majors. ATO's had a bang up party at the "Y'' Camp last Thurs day night. Among those present were MARNIE MANNING, Tri-Delt, with WILL MIDDLETON; EVELYN MARSHALL, Tri-Delt, with FRANK FIND; LINDA MAYS with SKIP C RIDDLE; GENNY STEPHENSON, Tri-Delt, with HENRYi HUDSON; and PATSY SAVAGE, ChiO, with RUPPEY DREWS. POLLY MILES and JIM ALEXANDER, HELEN JOHN SON and TUCKER DANA, SOP'HIA MILLING and JOHNNY BARKSDALE, all Tri-Delts or SAE's, and LECK PASCHAL, Tri-Delt, and JOHN MASON, KA alum, are all going to Charleston next Saturday to the wedding of "STINKY" WALKER, Tri-Delt, and PETE -WARDLAW, SAE alum. After the wedding all the Chlumbians down for the wedding are housepartying at Sullivan's. - AN OPEN LETTER - -to Coeds, Men Students, Faculty and Administrative Staff We feel sure that yo ilI investigate our prices and try our p t service -you wili take your laundry and dryenn to UN IVE RSITY LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING SERVICE Next Door to The Canteen SP. S. - For your convenience alU claims are sensled right here on campus. 17. 1 ' eering Ball to be held tonight. Top queen candidate for ASME; Betty sponsor for James Norton, ASCE. ice, AIEE; Barbara Hass, queen jonsor for S. J. McNamara, AICE, Josie President Of Lambda Chi For Next Term T. Chandler Josie of Anderson has been elected to head Lambda Chi Alpha, social fraternity, for the coming term. Gene Floyd of Lake City will serve as vice-presi dent and Bobby Scott of Greenville, secretary. Other officers are: Gene Swann, Georgetown, treasurer; John Jones, Greer, social chairman; J. T. Mauldin, Laurens, ritualist; Bob Langston, Hartsville, rush :hairman; and Billy Richardson, Tonesville, correspondent. Kappa Alpha Adds 11 New Members Here Eleven pledges were recently initiated into Kappa Alpha, social fraternity. They were: Ralph Brad ford, Larry Brown, Bruce Cant well, Jack Dorr, Clise Floyd, Louis Howell, Billy Hay, Jimmy Moore, Bubber Godfrey, Johnny Thorne, and Tucker Lafitte. AKG Point System For '51-'52 Term Is Being Revised Alpha Kappa Gamma is revising its point system for the 1951-52 school year, Irene Krugman, presi dent, has announced. AKG is attempting to distribute the honor points more evenly among the various phases of campus organizations, the presi dent said. Presidents of all woemen's organ. izations will meet in the near fu ture to approve the revised system. Diamond Jim Brady was a big eater. To needle him a friend re marked that he knew someone who could out-eat him any day. " saw that man eat ham," he said, "and he certainly did a fine job." "Yeah," Diamond Jim yawned as he picked his teeth, "How many hams did he eat?" Sign in laundry window: "We do not tear your clothes with ma chinery. We do It carefully by hand." Phone 2-9250 918 MAIN STREET Joe Patrone's Collegiate Inn SpeclaUs inn SPA&ITI * * * Dine and Dance In the "GAMECOCK" ROOM jint Cnqgineering Societc /reentt Semi..Annua/ i?/f The semi-annual engineering ball will be held tonight in the Colum bia Hotel ballroom from 9 till 1, Chris Claussen, president has an nounced. Music will be by The Am bassadors. The joint engineering council, which sponsors the dance, is com posed of representatives from the four engineering societies - the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, The Chemical Engineer ing Society and the Mechanical En gineering Society. Offivers for the organization are: Chris Claussen, president; Bill Wilkinson, secretary; and H. H. McGuire, treasurer. Jackie Caldwell Is DZ President For Next Year Jackie Caldwell of Spartanburg has been elected to head Delta Zeta, social sorority, for the com ing semester, Dottie Martin of Co lumbia was chosen vice-president. Recording secretary is Betty Ruth Crapps of Columbia; correspond ing secretary, Sarah Thevenot, Charleston; treasurer, Ellen Con ner of Charlotte, N. C.; and Betty Parker, Greenville, historian. Pub licity chairman is Kathryn Conway of Miami, Florida. Teacher: "Can you give me a short definition of a polygon?" Algie: "A polygon is a dead parrot." Haynie: "If you don't marry me, I'll take a rope and hang myself in the front yard Ethel Ruth: "Now, Haynie, you know mother doesn't want you hanging around." Chicago College of OPTOMETRY Fully Accredited An Outstanding College in a Splendid Profession Entrance requirewnent thirty semester he-irs of credits in specified courses. Advanced standing granted for ad. ditlonal L. A. credits in specified courses. REGISTRA NOW OPEN Excellent ei facilities. Rec reational d hiettc activities. Dornltortes on mpus. Approved for Veterans. 2311 No. Clark St., Chicago 14, Ill. Perfect for rt kit a springy w Greta Miley Is Speaker At 'Y' Luncheon Today Greta Miley, out-going. president of the YWCA will speak at the Joint YM-YW luncheon today at I p. m. in Flinn Hall, June Bouk FOR THIS PEN YOU DISCARD ALL OTHE RADUATION is your day make it extra wonder hint now for a New Pa "51". This is the world's m wanted pen-favored by lea in every field. The only pen % the Aero-metric Ink Systen brings new writing pleasure. A 14K gold point, tipped % Plathenium, glides satin-sm< ... ink meters out into a per line. The reservoir is Pll-g, (There are no rubber parts! stores more ink visibly. And ing this pen is simplicity it A New Parker "51" will n your graduation the commi ment of new pride, new wri satisfaction. The Parker Company, Janesville, Wiscon U. S. A., and Toronto, Can OTHER NEW PARKER PE FROM $3.00 New Parker "51" $p.elol Octaniu point. Metered ink flow. P11-glass re er'oir. Visible ink storage. 4 colo: Lusstraloy cap. (No FE. ax.) Pa and pencil set, $15.00. Pen, $10.0 Belk's M A and leisure r. Arrow basque s e~ave that "give." with every twist patterns. IN CO'UIIat WI II night, program chairman has an nounced. Fred Sosnowski, out-going presi dent of the YMCA, spoke at last week's luncheon. Surburbanite: "Is this your ball, Jimmy?" Jimmy: "Have you got a broken window?" Surburbanite: "No." Jimmy: "Sure, that's my ball, all right." HINT NOW 6ra Newli I'L L 1 RSK To ful, ker ost Iers vith v,it with oth fect ' ass.. " \.; fill self! iake I1, I IDE ... THIS en SI RY SHEATH 'sin, da, NS WNit/ PLI QLAD U RNO/R (NI RYIaIL PARTS/) w New Poehow "21". Visible Ink supply. r- P11-glass Ink chamber (no rubber). s. Octanlum poin. Fast filer. 4 colors. n Lustraloy cap. (No F.E. tax.) Pen I. and pencil, $8.75. Pen alone, $5.00. m's Store All-Around Sports I Comfortable, Colorf RROW BA SHIRT 1 rsare extra-comfortable . . . abl mnd stechn of r ...dy. Choo. Pi Phi's Monthly Drop"In Sunday Pi Beta Phi will hold Its month. ly Campus-wide drop-in Sunday, May 6, from 8-9 p. m. in the chap. ter room at Sims, Martha Mat. thews, president, has announced. The drop-in is being held in honor of Gym Shelor, "Miss Garnet and Black," for the 1951 yearbook. FOR THE BESTI atJ'to Ief5v t oluyr. i:1 , 1 Ie arker Pen CuL see them at your per dealer's. New Parker "51" matched pen and pencil sets in 8 rich colors. Gold. ridled caps (F.E. tax incl.): sets, $29.75 ip; pens, $19.75 up. L.ustraloy caps no F.L".tax): set, $19.75 ; pen,$13.50, o. MetaI ca.~ (N .E taxi.) Penaa and phemc at5.0u. pen ale s.0 -avoPreimtc e ai app 19.2 5 up Lsrlycp annorb e . oth iat cng . abe it Se - stroeller. 4 cal