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Giv( Mary had a little swing, It wasn't hard to find, For everywhere that Mary went The swing was right behind. * * * A true music lover is a man who, when he hears a girl singing in the shower, puts his ear to the key hole. * * * The best -camouflage for knock knees is a low neckline. * * * A pinch of salt is greatly im proved by dropping it into a bottle of beer. -The Tiger * * * Don't worry if your job is small, and your rewards are few; Remember that the mighty cak, was once a nut like you. * * * "I had to change my seat several times at the movies." "Gracious! Did a man get fresh?" "Well, finally." * * * He: "I can't see what keeps a girl from,freezing." She: "'ou're not supposed to." Westminster Elects Semester Officers Officers of the Westminster Fel lowship elected last week are: Bobby Smith, Clover, president, from USC; Charles Clinkscales, Belton, vice president, from USC; Norma McClure, secretary, from Columbia Bible College; a n d Suzanne Rehm, treasurer, from Columbia College. Representatives to Westminster Fellowship Synod group will be: Charles Robinson, Rock Hill, from USC; and Romona Sally, Cameron, from Columbia Collere. Retiring president is French O'Shields from Gaffney. The Westminster group meets in Fellowship Hall at the First Pres byterian Church each Wednesday at 6 p. m. The meeting is open to all students. Phone 2-9250 918 MAIN STREET Joe Patrone's Collegiate Inn Specializing in STEAKS CHICKEN SPAGHETTI * * * Dine and Dance in the "GAMECOCK" ROOM A BIG idof(py A real college SWEATER with a great, big LETTER T HE Cl UP! Tillie: "Do you like boys whc are always trying to kiss you or the other kind?" Blondle: "What other kind?" There was an old fellow named Sidne-y Who drank till he ruined his kidney, But he had a good time of it ... Didney? 0 C S It's tough to find For love or money, A joke that's clean And also funny. * * * It isn't ice that makes people slip -It's what they mix with it. * * * Smile of the month: As careful as a nudist climbing a barbed wire fence. Drama Days To Be At USC In February Drama Days, a project of the southeastern district of Alpha Psi Omega, will be held at the univer sity on February 24-25. At this time members of Alpha Psi, a dramatic fraternity, will come to Columbia and each. group will put on a one-act play. The host school, USC, will put on a three-act play called "Antigone." Jo Ann Delinger will play the leading role, Antigone, and Carl Vines will be the main male char acter, King Creon. Buddy Long, of Greenville, will be Haemon. The part of the nar rator, or chorus, has not been cast. Other persons in the Greek drama include: Jim Reagan, a messenger; Mort Benacke, a cor poral of the guard; Harvey, a pri vate of the guard; Carolyn Dabba, a nurse; Marlene Rast, a page; and Mary Hilliard, Ismene. After the plays a banquet will be given and Alpha Psi Omega will initiate into the organization one student from each school rep resented. Those states included in the southeastern district of Alpha Psi Omega, a national organization, are Alabama, the two Carolinas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Missis sippi, Tennessee and Virginia. In vitations have been extended to about 60 colleges and universities. The Melton Field gate was paid for by the student body. Pent-House Club Formerly PIG TRAIL INN Exellent Food AUl Kinds of Berang.. SPECIAL HATES TO STUDENTS Call For Reservation. 3700 River Drive Phone 3-9102 1lAU boysi LNTEEN Seen A With the powder dry and the lipsti of both teams are discussing the game's ILouise Pressly, Katherine Stone, Ruth son, Annie Davis, Wanda Edwards, Glo Raffield and Maxine Todd. "Hoo-'Ray, we're winning!I" shout jul couragem ent to their dates who are ser "But faithful" was the motto of the dejectedly witnessed another defeat. (UI Town Theater Play Ca To Begin Monday; N~ Tickets Sold Now Tickets go on sale Monday at E 10:00 a.m. at the Town Theater's box office for the political satire, Jel "The Two Blind Mice." vard, Gene Crotty, director at the the 4 Theater, said the box office would Jan be open from 10:00 a. mn. until' 5:00 p. m. on Monday and Tues- Hi day and from 10:00 a. m. until cur- was tain time during the show's run. It socia is scheduled to run from January Cask 23 through January 31. Crotty ad- How vised patrons to buy tickets early. Welch Morrisette, a young Co- poet lunmbia attorney, has replaced Joe art Bishop in the cast of the play be- mani cause of Bishop's being In the hos- retai pital recovering from an appen- ness dectomy. the ____________drix The three radio courses now of- T}1 fered by the English,, department jouri stem from a single trial course in dent radio first given during the Fall Chi semester of 1941. Epsi mate for Shoes buryi that look like new SHOE REPAIRING SERVICE * * * Aeross From CALWEWLS PL -1319 Sum... St. t The Powder Bowl k ready to repair the ravages of the gridiron, these powder gi progress. Tri Delt's are Allene Bland, Mary Jane Hazel, An Stone, Mary Chase, and Nat Hunter. P1 Phi's are Jean And ria Hall, Peggy Hause, Martha Mathews, Sybil Patrick, Barbi silent P1 Phi sponsors as they wave their corsages and yell ambling for another touchdown. Tri Delt sponsors for last Friday's Powder Bowl game as tI1 BC photo by Tom Teal) rolina Review Ena o ru mes Newbury Gt atoa litor-In-ChiefKapDet Esonnti n Newbury, senior from Bre-edctofreniyhaacp N. C., was elected editor ofthedcioclbspiin )arolina Review at a meeting et a anucd 16. arris Graham from Pamplico Isalto ftenwca elected managing editor. As-wilbhedatebgnig te editors named are: Neil Mc-thspigemtr,MsDc ill, article editor; JimmiesadAntialofcrwl le, story editor; Rudy Rivers, ivtdt h ntlain *y editor; Barton McCreavy,stlaon aditor; Bill Davis, circulation ager; Mary Denny, staff sec- Twoteedcinfrtri y, and Herman Eckoff, busi-weearddm brsi manager. The chairman ofKapDetEpioatheS ditorial board is Hubert Hen-tieathCronacpe.T from Myrtle Beach.arEmranHeycolg e new editor is the school of AioaSaeclee salism's representative to stu- SotCalia ficr council, secretary of Sigma Mr en,peiet et and former president of Phima,vc-rsdn;BtyWl lon Nu, journalism fraternity, rcrigsceay lao bruary 20 is the deadline for se,crepnigsceay rial to be printed in the nextBodeKny,tasr. of the Carolina Review, New- Fclyavsr r r.G said. The next issue will beHeotadMsEvQuteb ibuedApil10 o E shlfeducation. o Rela... ave Cok GesNtoa 4 pobto KapjDla Esio, ai ~S AX We g ..~educ..aioa franiy haace COLMBICtAheL educain COM'sPettn Spring R Informati By MARY Staf The 1950 spring semesti p. m. on Wednesday, Febru students, both transfer an advisement and pre-registr All old students have I Spring Term Freshman 'Y' Election Set Officers for the second semest of the Freshman "Y" will elected at the luncheon on Febr ary 6, Bert Wheeler, assistant i rector of the "Y," announced tb week. The four officers must be chos from those who have become hon members during the first seme ter. Following the election,- the < ficers will choose the chairmen the nine committees. These committees, the membe ship, devotional, Newsletter, car work, program, project, publicii social and sports, will lead t various activities of the group. Persons who became honor mei bers include Bard Allison, Ru Barker, Sylvia Berry, Dunc Breckenridge, Madelyn Campb and Anne Carlisle. Others install were Sue Cathcart, Phriness Cc David Creel, Jeanette Dicks< Billy Gause and Annie Gibe Finishing up the list were Euger Holliday, Gertrude Jenkins, Ja Kirk, Libby Lewis, Eugene PayT Woodson Randall and David Sal To become an honor member, person must attend 76 per cent the luncheon meetings, particips in the "Y" program, read thr books from the "Y" bookshelf a bring in a new member. The students do not have to e at the "Y" but may come in til for the program, which begins about 1:30. The luncheon begi at 1 p. m. and ends at 1:50 p. so that the' students can get their classes on time. Each person who becomes honor member receives a blue a silver pin. Law Federation Names M. Smith As New Leader Mortimer Fenton Smith, juni from Orangeburg, was elect president of the Law Federati rsin a run-off election on Fridi er-e Jan. 18. ira Warren P. Justice from Spi tanburg, was elected vice-preside m- and Fred Strickland, Chester, a ey elected secretary-treasurer. Four honor council memb4 - were chosen in the same electi They are: Marvin Poston, sen from Effingham; Bill Seals, Jun from Dillon, and Bill 'Hutchins junior from Columbia. Too many people are like bi nial tons - always popping off at I ted wrong time. for --The Colonel's Clippir ,si be ?AAI.OmEo PROM FINEN LEATI re in ;ies in me mey mnd re: Art ,on, *ys md ace um TAYLORE for I from a plump, utello Luxury In Imather---a b Gaema Au .gistration on Given BLOODWORTH Reporter r will officially begin- at 8:80 arry 1, when new undergraduate A freshmen, will begin testing, ition at Drayton Hall. >een divided into two groups. Group A consists of those who completed tentative pre-registra tion prior to December 8, 1949 for the spring term courses. In Group B are those who did not pre-regis ter and who have no priority. Group A old students will re ceive their registration schedule tickets by mail about January 24, ar 1950. The schedule tickets of these be priority students will permit them to obtain registration materials at scheduled hours beginning Thurs day, February 2. Approximately 150 students will be taken care of every half-hour to do away with mn a standing line. or The, priority tickets have been s. prepared to provide for seniors f- first, then juniors, sophomores, of and advanced freshmen who com pleted pre-registration. Those !r- seniors who completed pre-regis ip tration earliest come before later y, seniors, and so on through the be freshmen. Any old student who properly belongs to this priority n- group but does not receive his th schedule ticket by mail, or who in loses his ticket, shoull report to 3ll the Personnel Bureau for a re qd placement. x, Group B old students will not ob m, tain registration materials until 10:30 a. m., Friqay, February 3, ia at Room 103, LeConte College base ment. They will not be issued tickets in advance. ty. Both new and old graduate stu a dents will obtain registration ma of terials at Room 127, Maxcy Col ,te lege, at any time on Thursday and ee Friday, February 2 and 3. ,d The Registrar's Office antici pates a registration of approxi at mately 3600. ne at Journalism Club ns r. Names Officers Al Munn, Columbia, has been named president of Phi Epsilon d Nu, professional fraternity of the school of Journalism. Other of ficers include Rudy Rivers, Co lumbia, vice-president; May Her bert, Piedmont, secretary; and Tom Price, Charleston, treasurer. These officers will serve for the Spring term. Retiring president is Jem Newbury. ed FOR A CAREER on ABROAD . .. The Anmerican lnstitute for Fereign Trade offers intensive professional education for international business. nt* Princies and Practices of Foreign+ Trade. Export-import procedures, 'a finance. accountieng, marketing, ad ~rs *Ae tdo mn. Latin America and the Far East or * Mediern Languages or spannih, Portuguese, French rn, Applications now being accepted for Feray1950 semeste, AMERICAN INSTITUTE it- FOR FOREIGN TRADE he william L.. Schur:, Acting President Thunderbird Field, Phoenix, Anizona gs I. leavy Dutye e er Burnished Chestnut, 4wark of strength underfoot, i4 M.sit Shop