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C2e 'agon' ee . a spoke a week . By BUZZ BUSBEE CRUISING AROUND ON THE OCEAN BLUE last weel end were Sigma Nu's and dates Bayard Pickett and Kathe rine Stone; Paul Field and Harriett Harvin; and Fran Owen and Sophia Milling on Frank's "fancy" boat. WITH OUR SPELL OF SPRING WEATHER COMES TH] USUAL ROMANTIC ACTIVITY. Ruth Stone, Tri Delt, i wearing the Phi Delta Phi pin of Ralph Bailey. Budd Sheorn, SAE, recently gave "Tootsie" Smith, of Union, diamond. Julie Simpson, Tri Delt alum, is engaged to Harol Graham. Jane Lever, Pi Phi, is pinned to Louise Reame Kappa Sigma. DANCING AWAY THEIR WORRIES BEFORE EXAM! will be Lucie Whitescarver, Tri Delt, who is going to th Kappa Alpha Old South ball at Vanderbilt; and France Collier, KD, who is to attend the Phi Delta Theta fraternit: dance at the University of Georgia. NEW PLEDGE TRAINER FOR PHI BETA PHI is Greti Miley. Don't be too hard on them, Greta. They're young yet AT PAWLEY'S ISLAND recently, along with othei "housepartying" fraternity brothers were KA's and datek Al Cox and Dolores Meyer, Dupre Lyles and Patsy Epes, and Louis Howe and Jackie Phillipps. How was the water there people ? MORE SIDELINES ON LOVE FROM THE PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITY. John Ward recently gave Christine Wallace his fraternity pin. Pledge Chris Hitopoles gave Sara Branon a diamond. They will become "Mr. and Mrs.' in June. KAPPA ALP HA'S NEW INITIATES are Bill Boyleston Al and Floyd Spence, and Bobby Lee Richardson, and San Ray. THE CAYCE WOMAN'S CLUB was the scene of the Sigma Nu party Saturday night. It seems that the pledges were being "genial "host to the active chapter. JOE PEARCE OF GREENVILLE was elected as presideni of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon pledge class recently. Other offi. cers are Ed Montieth of Columbia, vice president; Billy Thompson of Columbia, secretary; and John Bankhead of Tampa, Florida, treasurer. THREE NEW SIGMA CHI PLEDGES ARE Don Cox, Dave Haviland, and George Hallman. PHI SIGMA KAPPA'S pledge officers for the spring se mester are: President, Phil Sawyer; Vice President, Gar) Witherspoon; Treasurer, Tommy Thornley ; and Secretary Bob Knox. OBSERVED AT POWDER BOWL DROP IN-several co eds' dates huddled in a corner muttering because they hadn'1 laid eyes on the luscious misses since they walked in. .. Tri Delt's vowing, "Just wait 'til next year." . . . Some uni, formed personage asking, "Is this all the Chi 0 room?".. Most of the Tri Delts and Pi Phi's' managing to look vera appealing and feminine in spite of their costumes. .. . Some body remarking, "This is the first time I've ever eaten an3 lemon punch." It wasn't. It was lemonade. MAC WINTER'S PLACE WILL BE THE LOCALE 01 THE KA PARTY Saturday night. It's another one of thos4 "The Pledges Give The Actives" things. OUT OF TOWN SPONSORS FOR THE POWDER BOWI were Bill Black of Washington, D). C., for Ginger Dolan Tommy Grant of Furman for Betty Fra.zer; and Bill Renfrov of Jacksonville, Florida, for Betty Cameron. SPEAKING OF THE POWDER BOWL the Pi Phi's an< dates were honored with a steak supper after their triumph ant game at the Collegiate Inn. LAMBDA CHI'S partied at the Columbia Women's Clul Saturday night. For once, they were without Luciu Weathersby. Through the grape vine, we heard that Luciui fouled up on a -piano player. Too bad, boys. WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE? It's to be a valentin party for the Phi Kappa Sigma's. We presume it will be 0o or around Valentine Day, although the source of our new forgot to say. BARBARA RAFFIELD) went to CLEMSON Monday night It says here, though, that she only went to hear Arthu Rubenstein. What would the boys in the cadet uniform, think of that? SO LONG!i AND GOOD LUCK ON ALL EXAMS. (Please somebody. hope me good luck, too.) ss is en etrdi h aet a mr X,N Dp For spriengs TeMisRut Caru ynb ube , T of Colmbd was elected president of Chi Omej sorority Monday night. Cornelia Burnett, Columbia, we named vice president; "Ish" Thon as, Beaufort, secretary; and Jeas ette Beisley, Columbia, treasure: Martha Helen Sawyer, Columbi will serve as pledge mistress, an Barbara Fowler, Columbia, chapti correspondent. The new officers were Installe Monday night, and will serve Unt the beginning of the 1951 sprin semester Retiring officers are Ann Moow president; Betty Mood, vice pres dent; Ellen Schofield, treasurei and Mabel Pace, secretary,. Housing Director Has Suggestions To CIr TroiUbe Madison...W..-.P.) hosn-tteUnvriyoji csinwsstrtdb otni Fohr stiret of thMUiesut Hos bing feuredu h describdt stdenrtion. facuey aresAn Raswi dfslamdeat and har adetia Forwn Srcomm end rmns wra ectd prside ore ChOusi sorort undrgrduate nht. om Cn orea uruat, olmbia. name Icue presidt sic inspe will serv apoedg houses 1a Barar Ftuywler polubia,ie forado: mioryspontuto opoi the saeginn fo th15 smena semesne p4esWdort Bet aMpoan vice pem dent; housing Sformied raaue anudentbel Parc,ulary toe teaching d rect pon Has Sugesti th posblt To anCtku avte roblees stadio, adprIvatefund tti houin availabe rUniversity ousIn reor odm ndswihe Arnct to cntine Atrough 198Farom Thedirctr o te UForsAl Tuen anKcly housndy asf fro adqaCandieas mad Tt folowig rcom eation idents Decorate Winc Morse's advanced course in interior de Furniture Store window this- week. T ind Faye Covington. The living room ar urnishings. (USC Photo by Manning Sigma Chis Pick Eppes President For Next Term k, Frank Eppes of Greenville, was n named president of Sigma Chi fra ternity last week. Bob Thoren, Elgin, Ill., is vice president. Bill Lattimore, Hemingway, will serve as secretary; Bill Brown, - treasurer; Dick Marelli, Rockford, r. Ill., pledge master; and Jem New O bury, Brevard, N. C., Interfra d ternity Council representative. . Dick Polen, Crafton, Pa., is thel :new historian; John Edens, Colum bia, social chairman; "Shine" Jones, d derby chairman; Bill Jordan, Greer, il tribune; Al Munn, Columbia, as sociate editor; and Louis Hunt, Hampton, Va., kustos. Retiring officers are Rober I, Thoren, president; Ed Williams, i- vice president; Jem Newbury, sec retary; and Bill Brown, treasurer. Bankhead Chosen WUSC Head Man For Spring Term By BILL STUBLEN mk John Bankhead, a junior from i- Tampa, Fla., has been elected sta g. tion manager at WUSC for the d spring term. I-; In other elections, Tom Smith of d Savannah, Ga., was chosen to head t.he announcers and Bill Hay of y Florence, was re-elected chief en io gineer. Shirley Royse of Dearborn, ir Mich., is the new secretary for the LB campus outlet. "Students at the University of is South Carolina are getting a week g ly lesson in bebop from WUSC io deejay, Tom Smith. Smith has an ,hour 10o n g bop-beamer every 3- Wednesday night over the Colum bia, S. C., outlet." - This is the recognition given an Ie nouncer Smith in the January 7 id edition of Billboard magazine. The plug appeared in the "Vox Jox" in,- column, a feature devoted to dise, toe jockeys throughout the country. Ah A new studio console has been t- purchased for the station, E. R. Wever, faculty advisor, announced ~a this week. The console will not be ml, installed until a later tiate, as nt WUSC has hopes for new studios g. in the future. as Florist Shop Uin versity Campus Apartment Building S FLORAL DECORATIONS I Occasions -- Delivery Service , YERRY idig As Tobacco Company BAIE ONLY iaecos -Sundries Lincoln stree low '~ 4 .. .... oration prepared the display whicl hey are shown above preparing th Id dining room, which are combine( Elarris) S. Stevens Leads Coed Association For Semester' Sally Stevens, Columbia, wa elected president of Coed Associs tion last week. Sarah Karesh, Columbia, wa chosen vice president; Barbar Fowler, Columbia, secretary; Hele Cullum, Columbia, treasurer; Jun Marshall, Anderson, represents tive; and Martha Helen Sawyei Columbia, program chairman. The new officers will be inst4lle the first week of next semestei The organization meets every othe Wednesday. Retiring officers are Bernic Cooper, president; Eleanor TeyE oier, vice president; Sarah Kares) secretary; and Sally Stevenj treasurer. Baptist Students Will Serve. Coffee For Exam Week The Baptist Student Union wi present a coffee hour each da during exam week, from 10 to 1 a. in., at the BSU service cente: 1618 Pendleton street, Bill Huck< by, president, announced today. All students are invited to dro in during the hour break in exami The BSU will also present a hot party on February 3 at 7:30. A Baptist students pre invited, an will meet at the BSU center. Engineering Groul Picks Wolfe Head Russell Wolfe, Charleston, WI elected spring term president< the Chemical Engineering sociel last week. William Baxley, Hartsville, wi named vice president; Jimni Cagle, Gaffney, secretary; ar Bill Burrell, Spartanburg, treal urer. GR A YSON'S Your Head quartera For Campus Priced to meet your Campue Budget Suits from $39.50 Sport Coats from $18.50 Slacks from $9.50 Shoes from $7.95 Jackets from $6.95 Sweaters from $5.95 SHIRTS Whites and Pastels $2.95 & $3.95 Sport Shirts from $3.95 GR A YSON'S 13471 MAIN YWCA Will I Hour Nightly The YWCA will sponsor It through Friday of exam wei Flinn Hall, Norma Bergman, announced today. The Sophomore Y will hold day night, January 23, from USC Players Cry, Laygh Off Stage The University P ayers have pro vided a great many laughs along with fine dramatics for the stu dents of Carolina during their long history here. But incidents hap pening backstage are often even more funny or tragic than what takes place on the stage. Last spring, for instance, when "Gaslight" was presented, the lead ing man asked the leading lady, "What did you do with the picture that belongs on that wall?" Imagine how Russell E. Green, the director, who was sitting in ht the audience watching his play go e off like clockwork, felt when he I, suddenly realized the picture was still on the wall. He went tearing backstage to provide the leading lady with a spare picture to take back on stage with her. The play "Scarecrow" provided laughs for the audience and enter tainment for the cast when the starecrow made an appearance on stage at the wrong time. Back a stage, all felt like throwing up hands and screaming when the pumpkin, serving as the scare crow's head fell off and rolled around the stage as if it were try a ing to make the most of a difficult situation. On opening night and before every production, varying degrees of stage fright is prevalent. Many of the cast can be found behind the scenes ready to go on but with a severe case of Jitters. r The Players also uphold the "show must go on" tradition. Bar e bara Cloyd proved to be a real trouper by appearing on the stage just a week after her father's death. And Jimmy Howle was dis charged from the infirmary the day of production to do a fine job in an iniportant role. Working among a group like the University Players gives com panionship and close friendship which is hard to equal. y 1e "Even I AR ROW UNDERWEAR e HANDK Have Coffee - Next Week 3 regular coffee hour Monday hk, from 9:30 until 10:80, in planning committee member, its canteen, as usual, on Mon 8 to 10. Girls living, in Wade Hampton and Sims dormitories may attend until 10 p. m., Mrs. Arney Childs, dean of women, announced. Fresh man girls may attend in a group. It's an informal get-together, given by the Y during exam week each year. All students are urged to attend, to relax after arduous examination work-out. Seniors, Juniors Lead In Recent Basketball Race The senior girls were victorious in a basketball tournament spon sored by the Women's Athletic As sociation before Christmas. The junior class placed second and the freshmen third. The play-offs were held in the gym from 7-9 p. m. Each team played two games to determine the winner. The seniors won over the juniors 29-7, and the freshmen 28-5. The sophomores had to for- ' feit both games for lack of players. Eleanor Hull, representative from WAA, was in charge of the tournament. Referees were Mrs. Verna Farr and Mrs. Verdanna Craig. The line-ups of the classes were: Seniors: Jean Buist, captain; Jo Anne Dellinger, Helen Shealy, Lou Oswald, Mary Summersett, Margie Teague, and Shera Lee Ellison. Juniors: Cassandra Manda and Dolly Steinberg, co-captains; Jane Bailey, Ann Lurey, Jean Clair Tay lor, Dot Wilson, Sevena Molair, Betty Jo Elliot, and Mary John son. Sophomores: *Joyce Kimbrell, captain; Norma Bergman; Pat Bird, Janet Ervin, Kathleen Phil lips, Mrs. Cecilia Irvin. Freshmen: Janet Karr, captain; Pat Waring, Laura Meree, Mary Hydrick, Olivia Henderson, Bar. bara Fullerton. TODAY'S MEMO ONE-DAY DRY CLEANING ALL WORK GUARANTEED ARROW CLEANERS 1209 Gervals Phone 6471 look ood A e PERFECT FITTING ARROW COLLARS * MITOGA-SNAPID TO FIT SITTER * FINE, LONG WEARING FABRICS' e*SUTTONS THAT .STAY PUTI e*SANFORIZED -WON'T SHRINK OVER 1% $3.65 . SHIRTS & TIES RCHINsa * SPORTS SHIRTS