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Vdibb6i '7//Around by Mary Helen Shiiwhan Life is really going to be gay at Carolina from here on in. I just never heard of so many parties and thingA that have been planned for the future by various organizations on campus. I have heard that so many things are being planned that there just arei't enough weekends to take care of It all. It sounds pretty good, hih? Much has been going on this week. . .. The Sigma Nu's said that they had lust about the be.t'st time t'iey ever had at the old square dance and hay ride last week out at Gib son's Pond and that they are planning on another big time this Saturday night with a Gay Nineties Revue at Arsenal 1 Hill. In evidence will be handlebnii. mtaillches, barber shoppe quartets, singing waiters and just all the trimmings, which certainly sounds like fun. . Kappa Sigs had a stag drop in after the basketball garne Wednesday night at Bobby Wicham's house. They're also going to have an informal dance this Saturday night at the Worhen's Club and its kuaranteed to be mucho gay. Lambda Chi's plan a hayride-hamburger party At Mary Anne Clarkson's Saturday night and I just hope that this precipitation doesn't keep up because that would be bad. They are also giving a smoker at the old fraternity room Wednes day night and tonight, the 22nd, they are having their Foun der's day ban<uet at which Bob Smith, alum of Ohio U. will speak. S. C. alums (us Postal, Bill Ward and Lt. Corn. Lev 'ertt are coming down especially for the big occasion. They're having a steak dinner too. Another alum, Bill Brown, is com ing down from the U. of Ga. and will be here this weekend. I want to extend my humble apologies to the Pi Kappa Phi's for getting them mixed up last 'eek. Forgive m'e? In cidentally they are giving ai hayrride Saturday which and I quote "will be a. dilly.". And I just spec it will. Returning transfers are Bill Lubecke from Furman, Johnny Gantt, P. C., Billy Paterson, Wofford, Dave Morris, Gene Jones, John McGowan, Jessie Evans, Glaymon Grimes. Sigma Chi's are giving an informal (lance at Sloan's stu dio Saturday night. They are going to have a floor show and what have you which sounds interesting. The S.A.E.'s gave a party at the Rathskellers Wednesday night . . . with dates. Their party last Saturday night was mighty fine and everybody said they had a heck of a good time . . . perhaps it was phrased a little differently. Anyway, some stayed around the fire (amazing?) and sang songs. 4hers (lid some canoeing and others hiked. At any rate everybody had fun. KA's had a mighty fine time at their dance which they had last week at the Jefferson Hotel. They plan hot dog party at Toot4 Walker's house this Saturday and they must ex pect just scads of people on account of they have hired a moving van for transportation. The German Club is reviving its old tradition, the June Ball this year. I imagine it will be the best ever as they will have to make up for lost time. The sororities have also been swinging out this week.... The A E Phi's were given a banquet by their pledges at the Jefferson Hotel. A large bouquet of carnations was present ed to each of the actives and the dinner, it is reported, was just delicious. Delta Zeta's pledges gave a bridge party for their actives ,Thursday night. Delicious refreshments were served and many hot bridge games were played. Their Province Direc tor, Mrs. R. L. Stiff, will visit March 29th. Dorothy Murphey, alum, v'isited the chapter last Monday. Mficky Edmundls andl Carolyn Hlitt Osborne were visiting the ZTA's last week. Lix Stewart is their representative for the Athletic Association. Delta Tau pledged Anita Fagelson last week. This week will be Heart Week . . . each girl will gift one of her sorority sisters for a week and at the end of the week they will have a pa.jama party at Sims. Kappa Delta had second( degree pledging Thursday, March 14th, for twelve girls. They will have initiation sometime this week. Tri Delts are having a picnic Saturday afternoon for their new initiates who are: Mary Lib) Nanz, Vivian Owens, Sarah "Bull. They will be initiated tonight. The picnic sounds grand . . . it will be at .Jesse Lewis' farm. Alpha Delta Pi is giving a dropsin from 9 until 11 tonight, in honor of the veterans. Ev'eryone in the student bodyi invited. Everybody b)e sure and have a goodl time at all these par ties now. I know I dlon't have to tell you to because you will anyway. See .vou next week. be e Dr. Williams Will Fr+9ide At Discussion 'Do you know the meaning of "googol," the newest word around the mathematics department? C. F. Ramsey explained its definition at the University of south Carolina Mathematics Club meeting held March 19 at 7:30 .P. M. in Sloan College. According to Ramsey, who Is a senior mathematics major, a "googol" (pronounced goo' gull) Is an enormous number, so named by Professor Casner of Columbia Uni versity. For mathematics students desiring a more specific meaning, it Is 10100 or a 1 followed by 100 zeros! The Mathematics Club was organ ized last semester to promote inter est and to study mathematical problems of a more general nature which are not covered in one of the math courses. The members and speakers also attempt to point out how mathematics influences our everyday life and its connection with other courses offered on the campus. The program committee consists of Morita Crymes, W. E. Sellars, H. S. Branch, and Clarence Berry. Varren I. Townsend is treasurer J(hnion to Take Part .n Regionial Sociology Meet Miss Leila Johnson, acting head of the Sociology department at the University of South Carolina, is to be on the program of the South eastern regional meeting of the American Public Welfare Associa ion. At this meeting, which is to be held on April 4-5 here in Columbia, Miss Johnson will lead the discus sion on the need of institutions in the state. Members of the class in child welfare will also be on the panel. Public welfare officials from 11 southeastern states will take part in the discussions. Several repre sentatives from the county welfareI department expect to attend the conference. Administration continued from page one Mrs. Lois R. West, instructor; Frances Sloan. instructor. Physics: J. Hubert Noland, ad junct professor. Several of these professors were o nleave of absence while serving in the armed forces. These are as follows: adjunct professor Alfred G. Smith, Jr.; professor of civil engi nee,ring Reuben C. Johnson; ad juncit professor T. Walter Herbert; associate professor Richard B. Da vis; adjunct professor Archihald R. Lewis; associate professor F. Car lisle Roberts; instructor Frank W. Johnson , and instructor Sterling Du Pre. On Devine St. Everything for Boy al Sweaters, Ski and Hose fc Complete Furnishi clothes (r IL TA GamecocA Honor Boar ihe W1mbers of the University 11ono Rives Kelliy, secetry;. Dick Dusenbi Gordon. Shonaker Qh* Glbson, Marion gatty. Kalcolm, E1a il Iaynes, Nell ington, and Caldwell Weston. Several iVe CrdwI to P Mtto f Grouni By Candy Taylor. aSw The Ground 1log club, an exclu sive University of South Carolina social club, was founded on "Ground Ilog" day, February 2, 1946, by Rob ert Llewellyn Sumwalt, Jr., who is president. Membership is limited to 99; in addition, it also has a number of alumni. As soon as a mass meeting of all hogs is called, the "pig" (pledgesl limitation and other by-laws will be decided upon. When a check is Ilmado. tihere will be about 8 vacalncies for new hogs. tiue to hogs gradualing or leaving school. The officers are Bobby Sum walt. president; Dick Brasing ton, vice president: Nibbie Forbes. secretary: Sidney Jones, treasurer: Chick McDuffie, warden: Gwynne Wilson, siop cop: and Mary King, corresponding so.effney By-laws stand as: 1. Age limit--17-95. 2. On all "Ground Hog" parlies or any official meetings, girls must wear blue hats (subject to be pulled over wearer's face) and boys must wear brown hats. 3. The handshake must ie used when a "Ground Hog" meets a fel low hog. 4. "Dig me later" will be used by "logs" when leaving groups of fel low Ilogs. '5. Membership cards will be pre sented to all Ilogs. "ligs" are ob ligated to know their serial num hers. at Five Points the College d Girl rts, Blouses r the C,irls ngs for the Men 'om tILs d Members r Board are Joe Hammock, chairman; ary, Buddy Riggs, Shelley Wi Ulams, Powell, Itarold 1lewell, Lynn Hook, Mayer, Jimmy Moise, Barbara Bras of the Board are shown above. riase" is I Hog Club 6. New pledges mutist "ClIwl" at the order of an active Ilog. 7. An alumni chapter will be cre ated for all "Ilogs" who graduate and "Ilogs" who transfer to other schools are urged to begin "Ilog Chapters" there. 8. Menhership is limited to 99 Illembers. 9. "flogs" must be w\illinlg to pay smiall (It es bvfols. all pal ties il or der to financo. IhemIl. B.S.U. to Have Youth Week Frm011) March 31-April 5 The Baptist Stud-nt I 'l'l in aI 1ounces a social for Satu dyv, March 31. This will be sponsored by tle B.S.V., Will Frank Steeey ,ocial vice piesident. said. The week Nfaich 31-April 5 will b)e observed as YoIthI V.ek at tie First Baptist chuirch. During tiis xeek st,ldents will take over the ffices and organizations of the hurch. The B.S.IU.'ers w ill journ.-y to "affney April 12. 1:.. and 141 t i t end tile South Ca rohna Spring pe real. Reservations for this mev ng 1111st he mado- imm1odel .I I For CORS~ The Blossom Flor 605 Harden Street FOR REAL Shop THE CA * Br-acelets With Univer * Desk Ligh With Univer Men's Wris $27580 Ic Cochran Map 0a For Spring C Carnival to Be He., Proceeds to go to C Music School Announces Term Plans The Music Departnient of lhe ('niversity of Souti Carolina has innounefed some of its p oposed ar livities for the coming semestoi. Thu'sdaY even in z. Mar h 28 Illigh William)son, Diectlor of Mu si( at tihe University, and Mariga iettv Ri-hails. Prmf-;,or- of Piano at Columbia College. will give a i-onprit of music for two pianos at Lauorens. South Ca olina. The Music and Art Depattments of the W'niversity will boe repre'sent ed by Mme. Goitr-ude Themblev Baker*. pianist, and Edmund Yagh jian, Professor of Fine Arts, at a program given b\ the Music Studv Club of Winnsboro, South Carolina. oil April 6. Thee University Chiorus, (ire(*d by Mrs. Hugh Williamson, with Robert Vandoren. organist, and Polly Browv. pianist. will give a performance March 31, of "The Creation," by Ilaydn. in the 'niver sity Chapel at 4:00 P. M. Ralph Rosier, organist, Louis Fink and Marion Powell, violinists. and Wal ter Krueger, 'cellist. will bi the as sistant artists on tile program, w%hich is simonso)ed by the Colum hia chapter of The Ameiican Guild of Organists. Brasington To Head Sophomore Ylt For Term l l(iik HI'-iliton of Colimila ws el-tpel r-.le nt of tle Sophloim r Y lC' Cmnm ciat a -cl-tit Ile-ling ill F1\111 11:01. Othf-I for this senesr, - aie Martha llull. \ice-piesid ;( LynnIl Ilook, se ce Lairv. rand Lary Pollard. treasur'r. Hari Stationery--Gifh 1310 Main Street AROLINA ENGRAVING CQ Ofr4ss& ^%a /A.&pCn AGES Call Shop st Phone 2-2785 , VALUES At NTEEN. $5.50 sity Seal ters $3.00 sity Seat I Watches S$39.50 Page Three s Plans irnival I in April; hapel Fund Plans for the annual spring car. ntival a re bein- n, aIpvel at th ' Uni vvisity of Somth Carolina by the Boys' i nil d I I Is' I nIdeps rnIl ts, Preslident Charles Cofhlran of Boys' Indrpendents has announced. The Ir nival will br hll during April and procteods will go to the Chapel fund. The show. viir0 is held each y#-ar. atiirts widv-spivad introst. Thei- at sidvshows. a king and queen popularity contiest, jittehug cont-st, and ot1her inierestin g sde line's.. Tll, Bo.vs' Indlepenlents have lachlid this sen tr.r le mbtrship drivv planis. New .nibers will be hoiorfi larulb 2" with a party at S's'jui Nationalr Pronk. The r 'ioup wa.,, o ganized at the UniversitY in 1945 under the leader ship of Tommy Culpepper, who gl aduatrd last semest er. The re cre.,d their official chatiter in Jan ufry of this year. A formal dance. In conjunction with the (irls' Indupwnlents, is be ing planned for May. Although sepat ate organizations, the two usually work together In social fi ct ions. Presidsit Cochran urges all non fraternity men to meet with the group in Legare 101 on Mondays at 7:15 P. M. Officers for this semester are Charles Cochran, Winchester. Va., president: Eugene Stipe, McAlester, Okla.. vice-president; Robert Bates, Midwest City. Okla., treasurer; Join Cochran, Devalur, Ill., secre tary: Hind H 1amr, Tatun, S. C., Soplthiomirc Y Coincil mneets in Flynni lHall oin Wo-dnlrsdIays at 1:00 P. . Fr(shlman offiers fol this semes r at,- Claire Pa le , pi esirient; -1a M.or a. v iNe-presidnet Delores Shillor. serr.-tary; Ernie Moore, ti ewasurr. Fr enman Y meets Mon days at I :(0 P. M. in's --Office Supplies Columbia, S. C. ARE YOUR DOGS SARKINr? "M P"OP RU/N DOWN1 SNOES CAN CAU1SE TOOT ILLS ua4 SHOE REBULDING CAN HELP REMEDY THIS CONDITION Robert's Shoe Repair 1:119' Stumter St. Te'lphone 2-5462 II. S. P'rim.h Owner Agnd Almnnager "We (.an 11ielp Yon Wailk In (on,mforr." Palmetto ROAD TO UTOPIA Bob Hlope ning (Crosbyt ID(rthl Latrnour Carolina SNAFU Five Points Miss Susie Slagle's VEBONICA LAKE MONDAY I Ritz Stars Of The Grand Old Opry On Stage In Person Strand War-On-Wildcats Drive-In M RTHIA O'DRISCOLL ' nJAH BERRY, J.r