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Fraternities P acromi tLe campu By FRANCES PADGETT * Time For Another Weekend A weekend has ceased to be carefree and restful as it was in the old days. It used to consist of a comfortable journey to and from the chosen destination. Having a wonderful time with the one and only, and then back to school, living on memories until the next weekend. Now it is a nightmare of "standing room only" on buses ond trains, and then finding that the one and only is in Arizona or somewhere in the South Sea Islands. How times have changed. Alas! Born thirty years too late! * Co-ed Association . entertained with a too Wednesday afternoon. Guests included many Caro lina co-eds and about 75 girls who finished at Columbia high schools lost June. Co-ed officers received. Virginia Fisher and Irving Rion were ably assisted-in serving by Margaret Tucker, Nora Walsh, Jane Specht, Mary Hope Turner, Grace Goyden, and Polly Fillingim. * Fraternity Rushing . is'all over and the shouing has started. The KA's will have a party for their new pledges Saturday night . . . S!gma Nu's had pledge ceremonies Sunday afternoon . . . Pi Kappa Phi's are planning a party for this week. Their pledging ceremonies were held last week . . . ATO's also pledged the boys lost Monday . . . Kappa Sigs had pledging Monday night . . . SAE and Pi KA's have held their ex ercises . . Now that we have the boy,s sewed up, let's go on to . . . * Social Cabinet . gave a dance in the Naval ROTC Armory lost Saturday. Clarence Brozell and his orchestra furnished the music. The dance was given in honor of the V-12 boys. * And Then . . . Hickory, dickory, dock Three mice ran up the clock, The clock struck one The other ,-o sufifie,ire u or in . * Information . . . A new service for students and friends has been organized. An information bureau has been opened in the student union room in Maxcy College under the guiding hand of Betty Crews . . . Speaking about the student union room we must say a word about the grand leather chairs and enormous fen. Try it sometime. * Girls Tennis Classes . . are attracting a lot of attent;on. The classes are being held on the courts over by McBride College. Needless to soy the girls are receiving tennis instructions daily from the male spectators. * * * .We Ran Into . . . Betty Faulkner on the campus lost Friday. Certainly was good to see her. Binky Ellerbe is visiting around here for several days . . . It hds also been reported that a certain young lady has been hearing from Mouse Holsoll. He is stationed at Parris Island . . Dick Cathcart and Jack Shedd are home on furlough. Dick is gracing the Marine barracks and Jack those of the ermy . . Mary Cantey o a visit from Florida. * That's The Way It Goes . . . An old gentleman asked a splendialy attired Negro at a neddina. "Pardon me, suh, is S,ou de groom'-' 'No, suh," rephled the youngj rnan gloomily. ''Ah was ehiminated in the semni- 6nols' * Familiar SCenes And People ... Jane Specht running to the post office between classes to collect her fan mail . . . Dean DePass' Journalism class pondering over the difficulties of low . . . Virginia Cunningham and Earle Stockmon . . . Saturday night rush for dates . . . Joint Friday YW and YM luncheons . . . Electric fans running 24 hours a day . . . The all quiet atmosphere on the campus after 3 P. M. * It Has Been . . . the tradition of this coLnmn, Knce Sarah F-hnn's days as societ'. editor, to end up with the mention of Jul:a Bull's hair. I am hap1 to announce that for the sake of this week's column Juha has cut her hair. * * * * So Long... until next week~ and as one little moron said to his little moron friend as he left . . . Bye cycle. Clarence 9razeft AND HIS Orche&i ra PHONE 2-9331 Columbia, S. C. ledge Navy Entertained By Social Cabinet V-12 students and Naval Pre I''ight cadets were given an oppor 1tunitv to get "in the swing'' of things last Saturday night. Atigust ~, to the tunles of Clarence Brazell and his orchestra. The dance. last ing from 9 'til 12. was held in the Naval Armory and sponsored by the Social Cabinet. Tom Stevenson, member of the Social Cabinet, has announced planis to sponsor a dance for V -12 studets, members of N ROTC. 'rc-Flight cadets and Carolina stu deits once every month. This will provide much needed entertainment on Saturday nights and give new comers to the campus a chance to get acquainted. Poll Shows That Navy Students Prefer Women Anonymous What makes the world go round? Women! is the unanimous answer of a good 99 percent of the Navy students stationed at Carolina. As a restlt of a recent poll, it was foud that 50 percent prefer blondes. -19 percent look first at brunettes, and the other one per cent just looks. They all look at redheads. Remarked one future admiral, "The quantity of beautiful girls on the campus makes studying a joy. Ilowever, I could suggest an im provenent-filling the bleachers with coeds during PTr." A large majority of the cadet, agrecd that girlk wonI greatly re duce the horrors of 'rT. but SOe anlotiner suggestion-organtzmng girls' teams to compete at soccer, baseball, and running the obstacle course. One eager beaver wanted Ileddy T.amarr to help him with his chemistry, but this was regarded as too flagrant a violation of reguula tions. Content with the quantity and quality of Carolina coeds, the cadets had one fault to find.k This was voiced by a pre-flight cadet who ;tated. "IBY the time I get off Sat tirday night, all the girls have dates with lieutenants. I find this com petition a little hard to meet on my present salary." V-12 st%udet:: - have an edge over pre-flight cadets on get ting dates, due to the fact that they have classes with girls. I lowever. the limiting of dating to Saturday night is a dIefinite hinderanuce to ro muance, according to mnemblers of that group.. .\ stalwart engineering st udent said. "'I hav bc eent dating a very attract ive girl of wh lomu I am buecomuing quite fond. I wottld like to go steady' with ther, lbut I cannot ask her to sit at home all week wsaiting for our' Satuurday night sate. In fact, she has emphatically re futsedl to do so." Columbia Office Supply Co. P RINTING Commercial Stationery -Office Equipment 1112 LADY STREET PHONE 5163 Capitol Bowling Palace Gervais at Marion 20 Sparkling New Alleys For your recreation and pleasure Open Daily 4 P. M. Till Midnight Saturdoy and Sunday 1 P. M. Till Midnight Our Luncheonette Where delicious sandwiches and salads, ice cream sundaes, and sodas ore served--pnsn doily at 11 A. M. 103 Ir War Situation Is Boon To Dateless Coed At Carolina BY MARGARET MCLEOD feii-ah. the rare magic of the WOrd" The\ can 1-it 11 to the heights of hlappinevs tor (II(p its to the lowet ebb of despair. And what Chatice (10 w%c statid agailnst a mere 1.400 of them Not sincc De crihler 7. 1!9-11 ha%v there been a many men avallabb at one time. The Carolina rampsis e i rawlimg with thei-everx \ lire we turn %( see white'. khlakie. more u hite and niore khakies. Th.e\ swamp the canteen our clasc. I pIc ost-office. anld actlially sen to 1nw out of the 'u ind( n s of their barracks. A surpl us inl iiidt iry s mI u ts ic to any business uan't ears but a .ur plus of men is the sw\ectest iiusic in the world to every girl's ears. Jus t when we had almont beonme accustomed to movie, with tle atin ily and ttights speIlt iti tle cur rent Cosmopolitan or (;od llouc keepitig. we came to Carolina and to our amazement discovered that lite catn be beautiful after all. \\e live over again that thrill of atisw\ering the phone and wonicring jtu;t which one it will be, instead of the usuial Red Cross meeting. Our pocket books are full once more and n e are able to eat a K.C. 'teak without re gretting with each hite that we didn't ,buy that Bonl Street Pcr futime instead. That faiiliar refrailn of "I haven't got a thing to wear tonight" or "Is it Charlie or Bill wvho likes me in yellow?" echoes down the corridors of Sims lHall. Dreams of little white cottages with red roses on the gate flen% when one by one our prospects dashed off to the r.111 v eplacing these dreamus were visions of cats atnl knitting for the ret of our1, live.. .\ir bases and army camps relieved this fear for a while but it the end, the soldiers either had a wife at home or didn't believe in war mar riages. CANDLE LIGHT "Candlelight," the next play to be offered by the University Players, has been east. Its performance will follow that of "Jasonl," both of which are under the direction of SProf.\I. (. Christopherson. The play is a light comedy in volving the masquerade of a valet as a prince, and a maid as a baroness. To add to the compli cations. there ib a prince disguised as a valet. The cast has been announced as follows: NIarie, Martha llodges: The Barone-s, Julia Bill: Prince Rudolph, Beverly NIeade: Colic. * RECORI Columbia's Most Comp DIXIE RADIl U-NO-WE 1712 Main Street Casual Coat By Lassie Maid F"eed coot of Bc!or rel.c t trim and mot. * CAROLYN AND JEA CAROINA ENGRAVWNG CCO BEVERAGE COMPANY *ROYAL CROWN COLA I' 1211 ASSEMILY STREET "Look For The Dog" 1427 Me S UmI Frosh, Soph YWCA Announce Officers Frehmnani andl sophomiore N'\\TCA ha%e ainoi ced their oftIet, for the semiester. I.cading Ih icr-h MAn N* ;Ir- Zoa \\ade. lr u e t *;Ir,l ti I f iderb irg. \Ithr-l'r< y ent: R,o;abe- At will. Secretar% lilen .1cer. Treairer : and I 'oilY Ii Uingiml. ( 41nsell0 .% Jeailtitt lollo. i, P I'.e-Iident of tile ophoillore group. ()tlher ofli rs are : Anne Roval. \~b e-Pre-i de t: F.thel I.aar. S'ctetar,: and Ju Ia 'llf. T e s rr 'rojects alopted hy the organi /atoms- Includ the(k 11 ah- oi w\ ;Ir stanip-. the ,oplhoinorc. are -elhng thei mli m on Iuesday night In \ade liampton tie frehimen w%III Combine their stalmip sale %Nh Collecting 'ahage. A randlelight Ser%ice is given h the slphiomorc Y every Sunday. iight. A t tle fres,h iman Y meetings, which are held on Tuesday night at f. 15. t he v progra im have bee II presen ted: Ir-. Childs spok-e at the first meeting. representatives of variotuz canipic organizations told alot their activitive; at thc econd, a id Arniand Podic sang at the third. Clarios Organize ForSummerTerm For the Iir-t time in Carolina hiktory, the Clariosophic literary society is organizing for the sun mer term. Under the leadership of Tom Ingram, two meetings have been held. At the first meeting July 27. ini tiation of new members was held. and plan, were made ior the term. At the second meeting Ang:-t the follow%ilng officer wer e filled .pting Niarchant. Vice- l'resident and Secretary: Alfred Grainling. Secretary and Critie. The following are the new mem hers of the organization: W. A. Dinsmoor. D. T. Cottingham. B. M. Cabill. J. Roger Thomas, J. R. Hartley, J. T. Rouiseai. J. M. Miathias. Jr.. and C. R. Sandcr:. Jr. .pting Marchant and William Rn - will serve on the Student board of publication-. Alfred Grailmg hvadk the debating coun ci1. Tomi Ingram w-II represent the socitty on the student council. MiItchell Johnson is sergeant-at arms,. Wally Dinsnoor, reporter, 1.ptng Marchant and Mitchell Iohn-on are ionitors. Clariosophic is open to all male tudent-.. loth civilian and V- I'. Ingzrai aniounced. NIectings are heldi ever v Tuiesda v evening at 7 o'clock on thec third floor of Legare. lete ReCord Deportment D COMPANY -NO-RADIO Phone 22103-04 Sn' NNE BARRIE FASHIONS China Sterling Silver - Watches SYLVAN BROS. JEWELERS & DIAMOND MERCHANTS Gemmine Merchondise Only - N. Plat. N. lmitation C.r. Main & Hampton - Columble, S. C. Record Headquarters RECORD BAR in Street tner R Pledges Include No Students; Last Yea Topping last - ear's reord of 97 new recruit a lina ratrIIiti( ticreased the(r sm1omt0er ion 6 vih tworatmfi'fn a Other tdging wn \\n; : uh ee ej-InI and i 1 ., Kp Sa(h Ig Ih Ii Sig al l Kappa a hid ning dOeai 1.e .el i at h : pl, x 14, and ind Phi tEK ir n )m-be ' n 6 it Rtshing ofr in Fr: uenn. aS Omited tota r : I ni a n urda nights, and Pt Kr-i o picture aoppa In \h(- a t : Alpha lalr h: - 1a lpni,s Do an issell. K in Ii. k i , Arthur Rui oRufe la y tles Pog irs Tho pa. iol;n n I IatrIngton. nid aohn enruo r: .1toa c. Kappa Alphi m JaeI I Du.h gal~n Bie. inh-el Hui,. David erve . R lr. - % a r-d Bm ert ersnight, n J h i li arri gton: . a F hotand John Cono in~wiay. a \Valt \\kC N I N Ila 1. NI a idoro Breeden .\l e.Jr.. Oscar Smith Pari,h. \\illia , I';;tI,. \\ l ;kiam Burton Powir-. raom , Ne'-hit P,l liam. Pag Pendlreton Rohinon. Jr., Alban Edward Samuel. Harvey Wilton Shaw, Jr., and Edward Holmes Stall. Kappa Sigma: Clarence Berry, Bryan Brasington. Arthur Brown. Kenneth Duke-. James Galloway. Allan Fulner. Frank Hitt. Harnid Holley. Rhett Jack-n. Barry King. Palmer McAri 'it A"l ert S. .\Ie Glaun. Hcrbke- \\. 1). R(Obert. 1on. j*r., KeInetI I h i a ;. Robert Shirley, Robert \\. Sistrunk, Al Ward, and john F. \\illiams. Phi Epsilon Pi: Bertram Lester Bronstein and larold Simonis. Phi Kappa Sigma: Jack Kelley Bes,ert, John Arthur Dreher. Stevens Coghurn1 Eager, Eliiah Dwiling Free. Ge Ie Jr-hin11on. Dwinton 'Morgan. >ami B. Moyle, Robert ilghe. C. N.ivlin Steele. Jr., SAFEGUARD YOUR CASH 4 THIS WAY! Take no chances on yourr money' bei into American Express Travelers Ci cash, but refunded in full if lost or Issued in denominations of $10, $S $100. Minimum cost 40c forS$10 o $5 offices, at principal railroad ticker o. AMERICAN TRAVELERS COMMUNITY DRUG STORE 5214 - PHONES - 9498 625 Harden Street TK E EFerI Lshing vy And Civilian -'s Peak Is Passed Willia, Dravton Wilson, and Jack Larue Wright. Phi Sigma Kappa: Lee Brown, larry I.ero\ Copeland, James L., Alexander T. Murphy, [r Dravton Nance, Mavis Polk, anldl Andrew P. Woodhurst. Pi Kappa Alpha: Roy H. Bass, Clande F. Dorris. Charles A. Fi. id. RoHbert W. McWhorter, Eu. gene W. lichel, and Alexander B. Stephenson. Pli Kappa Phi: Heyward Haw kinl,. Kenneth Johnson. George (,rad*, James E. McCullough, Hnimes MNoore. WVarren Stott, Bob Ga\le, Anthony Hopper, Doug Jones. Jack Brehmer. Matthew Sit ton. Nick Constan. Tom Gilmore, and Joe Maraschi. John Bunch and Bill Randall, transferred from Fur man. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Ralph Canine, Earl Ellis, George Giles, Wilton MefKinney, Brian Mono. han, Reginald Rouse, William Russ, Ilal Starnes, Robert Thompson, Richard robias, and Gene Wagnon. Sigma Nu: T. S. Ary, Roy Mor ris Dobbs, Jr., Thomas Martit Edgerton, John Cooper Gill, Jr.s John Evans Hart, William W. Ketchin. Jr.. Charles Wesley Mc Law l horn. James William Vildibill, Jr., Robert Edwin Wilson, Jr., and David Livingston Pierce. Summer German Plans Announced Saturday, 28 has been set as the date of the first summer Gcrman, Jay Hammett. president of the club, announced recently. The dance will be held in the Arnory and will last from 9 till 12. Clarence Brazell and his orchestra will furnish the music. Leading the grand march with their dates will be the officers of the German club: Jay Hammett, President; Sam Beacham, Vice President: Charlie Altman, Secre. tary: Othneil Wienges, Treasurer; Charlie Knowlton, senior leader; an( Robert Watkins, junior leader. ig lost or stolen, change your cash ieques. Spendable everywhere like stolen. 0, $50 and $100. Cost 75t for each 0. For sale at Banks, R ailway Express lices. EXPR ESS | CHEQUES -* CENT RAL DRUG CO. * 5197 - PHONES -5198 1204 Main Street Printing Binding Engraving Lithogrophing ke State Co. Printing Dept. 'PHONE 2-3393