University of South Carolina Libraries
Big E Men's Glee Club To Give Eight Spring Concerts Group Has Givem Two Concerts; Tour Will Start Next Tuesday The Men's Glee Club of the Uni versity will give eight concerts in the next two weeks, it was an nounced yesterday by Fred Schiff ley, President of the Club. Two appearances have already been made this week, one at Columbia College of Tuesday night and one at a banquet for members of the South Carolina General Assembly. The next scheduled appearance will be made at the First Presby terian Church next Sunday morn ing, March 17. The Club will also sing at the evening services of the First Baptist Church on the same day. On next Tuesday the club will take to the road and give a concert in Bamberg; the following day it will appear in Allendale, Vednes day, March 20. During the holidays a more ex tended tour will be made, including visits to Greenville, Clemson, and Limestone College on the 25th and 26th of March. Other appearances may also be made on this trip. These concerts climax a year of intensive work in preparation. How ever, the club has from time to time sung several times in shorter programs. On two occasions it has been presented in chapel, and twice it has sung in Columbia churches. The Columbia College perform ance Tuesday evening was the first full-length concert to be given. On the program with the club were: the University Quartet, consisting of Eddie Williams, Ralph Beck ham, Robert Barr, and R. G. Scar borough; also Gus Williamson, Violinist, and David Parker, Pianist. Of the 435 departments of engi neering in U. S. colleges, 75 per cent do not require theses for bach elor degrees. F A SE R "AFTER THE GA] VAR GR STEAKS - FI Home Mad Martha Wash Phone 2-2321 3roadc Dr. Shedd Lectures To University Groups And Chapel Assembly YMCA Sponsors Visit Of Famous Educator And Religious Worker Dr. Clarence Shedd, director of Religious E.ducation at Yale Uni versity, delivered a series of lec tures on the campus Wednesday and Thursday. Speaking un(ler the sponsorship of the Young Men's Christian As sociation, Doctor Shedd arrived in Columbia onl Wednesday. His first speech was to the Presbyterian stu dent group of the University at six o'clock the evening of his ar rival. Seven o'clock Wednesday night the Yale educator spoke to the YMCA in Flinn Hall. The high spot of Doctor Shedd's visit to Carolina was his chapel ad (ress yesterday. The speakers many years of successful work in religious fields was evidenced by the helpful contents of his address to tihe stu(lent body. Large Number of Lost Articles In Post Office Mrs. Nannie T. Moon, postmis tress at the University of South Carolina, reports the following mis placed articles turned in at the post office this week; two pairs glasses, two combs, one pair ladies' gloves, one pair men's gloves, two scarfs, and one fountain pen. These articles may be regained by the owners on identification. If not called for, they will be returned to their finders. Mrs. Moon says several articles which have never been called for may be had by the persons who turned them in. Henhouse Guest Room Receives Spring Ware The guest room in Sims Col lege, University of Sou,th Carolina, has ben dressed up for its future guests-sheets. towels, blankets, spreads and drapes for tle windows have been added. Any girl can re serve the guest room for her mother or friends by seeing Mrs. Graham, matron at Sims. There is only the charge for laundry for tile new guest room. CROWING FOR COMMUNITY DRUG 5 POINTS ST [N-CURB VICE WVE MEET ME AT" SIT IL L LIED CHICKEN e Ice Cream ington Candies 2706 Main St. tF F S.C. Chemi-stryA \S. For the past five years, an anonym olina Section of the American Chen membership in the parent organizati student making the highest grade or five winners of this award are pictur Theodore B. Johnson, University of Marvin D. Armstrong, University of Atherton M. Whaley, University of Frank S. Fawcett, Furman University, University of South Carolina, winne: DON'T MISS IT! Tyrone Henry Nancy POWER - FONDA - KELLY - in - "JESSE JAMES" Now MONDAY - TUESDAY the annals of human ferocity!' _ Basil RATHBONE MONDAY and TUESDAY MMEY .Vin .,lU A. MKMB0 Late Show SAT. NIGHT 10:45 Also Starting MONDAY! - 4 i eatur Award Winners )us donor, through the South Car ical Society, has given a student on to the South Carolina college a competitive examination. The !d above. They are, left to right, South Carolina, winner in 1935; South Carolina, winner in 1936; South Carolina, winner in 1937; winner in 1938; and Gus A. Ropp, in 1939. BUSINESS IS ESSENTIAL TO EVE COLLEGE MEB DAY, NIGHT, AND DRAUGHON'S BU 1218 Sumter Street FRANK W. LYKES. PRESIDENT MRS. D. T. FAULKENSER Call 8187 and "I DO V Do Your DmRY 1LIEANING ED 1101 Laundry and 1017-19 Ge -c Patronize The Branc ARR?Oil Sanforis es D Chinese Discs Bring Musical 'Confuciusion' Oriental Discords Drive Carnegie Set Listeners To Cover What Confucius really said in that song that is sweeping the country was recently brought to light when Wade Atkinson, Uni versity Student, donated some authentic Chinese recordings to the collection of the Carnegie Music Set. The unfortunate part of it is, the titles to the records are in Chinese, and the words to the songs are in Chinese; so the stu dents that have run across them in the music room have had no little difficulty in finding out just what Confucius did say, after all. Whatever it was, the music to which the words have been set is a bit wierd to say the least. For Chinese music is based on a dif ferent scale from occidental mu sic, and it all sounds like a horri ble mess of dischords to anyone who is not used to it. And another difficulty is that no one seems to be able to stand it long enough to get used to it. But the wailing of the oriental soprano goes on, as students con tinue to discover the records and have a try at them. Another gift has been received by the Music Set recently, in the form of a collection of rare American folk songs and a few World War ballads. TRAINING WONE, PARTWULARLY r AND WOMEN SPECIAL CLASSES SINESS COLLEGE Telephone 5951 WM. LYKES. JR.. VIcE.PRESIDENT RY. 1eCfRTARY-TRASURKR IET ED DO IT!" 'HATI and LAUNDRY Of Course I! [MNSOX Dry Cleaning rvais Street h Office Nearest You SPRUCE UP FOR SPRING T FH E campus will Isoon bc alive with bourgeoning buds, green grass and spring splen dor. Don't mar the land scape with 1939 left overs ..,. get some new Arrow shirts, ties, hand kerchiefs and under-. wear. They'll lift your spirits to a new high. New patterns, new col lars, new colors, new life. See the special Easter Arolyn $2 shirt and $1 tie feature today. (Your dealer has it!) 'SH-IRfTS ed-Shrunk ebate Gall, Searson, Fc Duke First On N Half of the University debat debating trip yesterday which debate with Columbia Univers York. FOARD, BAKER The four members making the t John Foard, and Dave Baker. The team meets in order Duke, U Pennsylvania, \Vest Point, New Y< versity. All debates will be on the neutra hate with Columbia which is on the Youth Congress is a failure and sh Dave Baker will represent the Univt All the members making this trip this will probably be the last debate unless the recent faculty ruling is statement made by Searson, "We ir last chance, to officially represent t We will try not to lose a single' del The debate team's Southern trip the debaters arriving in New Orlean were Tom McCutcheon, Sid Duncan They had a successful tour and o Southern, Tulane and L. S. U. Sixty per cent of Columbia Uni versity's graduates continue their studies in the university's advanced schools. 'rAIr 10 ~t NVZRGYi *THE CORSET SHOP 1229-A Hampton Street invites you to visit them when in need of brassieres, pantie girdles, and girdles Swing into Easter in fashions. It's an Ameri of spirited American fai some military . . . othe today at HALTIWA turned out for Easter. Tour ard, Baker Meet eutrality Query ing team left on. its Northern will culminate in a broadcast ity over Station WQXR, New ,SEARSON, GALL rip are Larry Gall, Louis Searion, niversity of Richmond, Georgetown, )rk University, and Columbia Uni lity query except the broadcast de topic, Resolved: That the National oul(l be abolished. Larry Gall and trsity in this debate. are law students except Foard, and trip participated in by law students, rescinded. All three concur in the itend to make the most of this, our he University in forensic activities. iate." was held the first part of February s for the Mardi Gras. On this trip , W. P. Baldwin, and Frank Jordan. n it debated Emory, Birmingham Northwestern University has a special foundation for the financing of efforts to promote international peace. bys9a*uAL~ (Saster uInIay $1.98 For the fashion walk I Fash ioned from imported 'Swiss -organdy, frilled with imported Vol lace. Fine stitching, pearl bUttons. 32 to 38. White only. *Reg. U. S. Pat. Off. IfoAn these glorious new American can Easter and we've a world hions for your selection... rs delightfully feminine. Shop GER'S and yovr'll be smartly lumbia's Largest Exclusive Women's Apparel Store